Oatmeal Finds An Outdoorsy Family | Pit Bulls and Parolees | Animal Planet

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we're meeting with a couple that came all the way from California hello look look at this horrible weather it's all right hi nice to meet you Alison Alison Brent Brent I'm Tia come on in nice to meet you my name is Brent wienstein I'm here with my girlfriend Ally uh we're from Southern California and we're really excited to meet some dogs so you kind of travel yeah I'm a big rock climber so we've been traveling around and kind of rock climbing and trim trees for a living so so you like being up yeah yeah I like being up off the ground wow and just really enjoy being outside as much as possible you know we mostly Boulder so we're not going hundreds of feet up the rock yeah there's a lot of hanging out on the ground okay okay so a dog can do that so dog like brings you to a lot of beautiful places as well then you travel around to different states and stuff yeah okay with cor I think we hit 28 States so your you your other dog went with you yo yeah definitely she was amazing she was a pit bull yeah she was a pit bull okay Cory and I she was with me for 5 and a half years and we went absolutely everywhere together we went climbing we went to the stores and went and say to people's houses no matter where we were California Colorado Washington just all over she didn't want to be anywhere else but by my side she was just the sweetest she loved dogs she loved kids and just brought smiles to everybody's face you had it for 5 and a half years mhm and how long ago was that um she passed away just a couple months back Cory got sick sick and really like just seemed like she had a little cold or something and she didn't get any better after a couple of days and then she was having problems breathing so I took her in and they just couldn't figure out what was wrong with her they just tried everything they could but she just was getting worse she was just she was hurting a lot she still had a lot of energy and was being as sweet as ever so it was really hard to put her down but it was the right thing to do for her it was the hardest Choice he ever had to make that was his best friend so the autopsy showed just an extremely fast uh progression of cancer oh my God I hate to se wow yeah it was really tough I miss having my my best friend around you know but we had a good life no doubt about it so then obviously you need another dog that's going to fit your lifestyle out in the open and wanting to do fun stuff and being around a lot of people I didn't know when I would ever be ready but I kind of just woke up one day and just wanted to get a dog it was really kind of that simple so I'm going to get Ivy she's a little pit mix that this very sweet little boy found her on the corner and he said it was obviously very sick she ended up she was dying of parbo and so um you we got her all fixed up and um she's still here she's very outgoing she's always up for a challenge you know she wants to get out there and see the world and I think with the rock climbing that BR now I do I think that Ivy would really enjoy that hi she's very sweet yeah come here okay there now I'm happy good girl her little face her little push in face she's a cute dog I love Ivy I thought she was beautiful oh my God look at her butt oh my God look at this she jumped right out of my lap and clearly was just so excited to get some love in what do you think Ivy you're Bunny look at her she's just trying to squish in your lap no she was a small size which we liked and she also liked to give lots of kisses and seemed really you know curious about everything oh thank you thank you though I don't think there seems to be any problem with interaction going on right now what's not to love about IV she shows herself very well she really pours it on when she meets new people okay nice meeting you Ivy bye again we want to give Brent and Ally um you know more dogs to consider just in case so we decided to bring out black a she say come on hi she in case she didn't figure it out my name is black oh thank you hi and you know what she's just another one of those dogs that's just I can't say enough great things about her she's just such a nice dog don't mind don't mind if I do hi hello oh hi she actually was found by one of our workers along with her brother on his way to the hardware store a that's the name Black and Decker yeah she's super sweet she is black was super sweet she seemed like she would make an awesome dog just the sweetest of girls she oh my God I'm trying to pour it on I'm trying to show you Brent and Ally you know they love black to say bye but I do have one more dog that I would like for them to meet an oatmeal oatmeal was brought to us bad condition just you know really really really really thin and they were just so emaciated thankfully our V was able to save oatmeal she's still the same sweet puppy she was when we got her you know dropped it gorgeous very sweet just very playful very rambunctious just a a great temperament loves everything she meets loves everybody she meets got to pour it on oh my God come here all right I'm G to stay out of this one I'm doneo oh my goodness that's good girl I think she likes you yes that's a good girl she was beautiful she was super sweet after she jumped up on the couch it was like pretty obvious that she was down with us and she was okay with with being around us what you think I think she make a great like a traveling dog you know she just like everything's like really fun and new to her you know a your spot her spots are to die for know so cute she's gorgeous all her coloring in her spots and she's like a little baby cow cow dog she's so pretty yeah she's super pretty watching Brent and Allie's reaction with oatmeal you know they just gush they were gushing so I'm taking um I'm taking this that this is a a yes I think so yeah it was pretty obvious that she was everything that they were expecting I guess we'll we'll start to proceed [Music] awesome hi I'm r i I'm Brent today is a huge day I mean since cor passed away it's been hard not having that companionship and so I'm excited to kind of have that again how you guys good how are you doing tired long drive we've been anxiously waiting we tried to spend 5 days in the desert to distract ourselves but even the Rocks were colored like oatmeal so we're ready for her to come today this is so peaceful yeah it's really nice back here the backyard is beautiful there was grass there's plenty of room for her to run around and play the fence was great it was all concrete I'm assuming cuz I heard you into rock climbing and yeah yeah all you have to do is put a latch on it saying you guys have plenty of them the side Gates need to be clipped cuz the dogs can jump on that so I just told them to put a carabiner on it and it' be fine that was the easiest fence I think I've ever had to look at the Ard and the home look absolutely great so now all I have to do is get oatmeal and make sure that she's happy you it [Music] hi she's so good I love this dog a lot she's so great it was amazing when she came through the gate she was more beautiful than I remembered her here we go we yeah yeah I'm so excited for her as soon as she got there she seemed to make herself right at home [Music] just her grin goes from ear to ear and she looks like a silly Dr Seuss character come on yes we have the rock climbing shoes that we got I want so we got to check them out I want to see Brent showed me these rock climbing shoes he got for oatmeal I had no idea that those even existed for dogs so obviously I needed to see a demonstration these are so silly I they I'm sure they actually really do help though when you guys if it's like really hot and stuff I think oatmeal is so easygoing she didn't seem to mind at all good job okay you ready see him can you come here look come on oh my God watching her walk it was the greatest thing ever she'll get comfortable eventually come here you are so cute she's pretty good at like flicking them off oatmeal pretty much has the personality of them the three of them fit very well together
Channel: Animal Planet
Views: 80,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal planet, animal planet us, animal planet full episodes, gator boys, crikey it's the irwins, my cat from hell, too cute
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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