Oathsworn | *SPOILER* Boss Fight Playthrough | With Mike

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[Music] hey everybody this is mike with the one stop co-op shop and i'm going to show you a game i've been so excited for this is oh sworn the narrative campaign boss battling game one of my uh top picks from last year when i previewed it and i got a review copy recently i think it's delivering in the uk and should be delivering in the u.s soon what i'm going to show you in this video is one of the boss battles in the game not the first one because i want to get to something a bit more interesting this is one of the first five but i'm not going to spoil which one it is and i'm not going to show you the campaign kind of narrative choice based side of the game because i don't want to have any spoilers but again this is one of the first five bosses so you would fight this person eventually in the early part of the campaign so earth sworn is mostly a boss battler where you're facing against one main enemy although there are scenarios where you play against multiple enemies or like enemies with minions and you're moving around on a hex base board they sent me the extra terrain packs that's where these uh nice plastic terrain pieces come in in the regular game they would just be tiles and then the boss if you get the standy version of the game would just be a big giant standee and then our four miniatures over here are our heroes we'll meet them in a second and heroes come in two kinds they can either be full heroes with decks of cards and kind of this cool cool down mechanic battle flow they call it which i'll get to soon in this case i'm using a single full hero the cur kind of like a backstabbing rogue character but you always have to have a full complement of four heroes and you can fill in any number of those heroes with what are called companions uh what you see here is everything i need for all three other companions so they're not too tough to run they're like a little bit simpler than maybe a hero in descent uh legends of the dark would be to play whereas the main heroes i would compare to a bit more in the level of something like gloomhaven maybe not quite that complex but kind of close to it you've also got components for the boss in this case we are fighting a seder and they have a little board with their individual dice these are their hit points dice to fully defeat the boss you have to remove every single die a ticket down from six to zero they have special rules in this case the seder transfixes us with hallucinations and messes us up they also have their defense stats their attack stats and then you can always see the top most card of their activation deck i'm just keeping it over here so you can see at any given time what they're going to do in the next round now speaking of rounds let's go through these steps of around so the first step of a round is the refresh phase you skip that in the first round but basically our full heroes will be using these animus tokens or gems or whatever uh you spend them to move you spend them to play your ability cards and then at the beginning of the round in each refresh phase you gain as much animus back as your regen stat to give you more stuff to use additionally your cards will be battle flowing around your player board and at the beginning of each turn you get to take back all the ones in the zero flow position back into your hand so basically they slowly kind of in a cool down mechanic work around your board until they come down here and you get them back now for companions it's a lot simpler they only have two animus gens basically representing the two actions they can take each turn you get both of those back each turn and then additionally uh each of them has two different abilities actually haven't selected the right abilities here yet they can use on their turn you mark those with cubes when they're used and those cubes come off so they're available again at the beginning of each turn after the refresh phase you complete a series of player turns on each turn a character can move and use one ability card but players are allowed to skip their turn and then like come back in later they can just move they can just use an ability so in a way it's really free form you could technically have the same player go like three times in a row if it was important but they do just have kind of that basic structure of each of you taking one turn to keep things moving with multiple players now the most important part of a player's turn are the ability cards each ability card will have the animus it costs in the upper left that means how many gems you move over into your unavailable area and then they'll have the battle flow kind of cool down position it goes into in the upper right so the higher the number the longer it'll be before you get that ability card back then they have the options for the actions you can use for the cards separated by horizontal lines some of them only have a single option like the throwing daggers here but the backstab has like two options a lot of these are attacks because you need to play cards to attack there's no like inherent attack mechanic for full characters some of them also have this hand icon that means they're an interrupt generally a defensive ability either for you or another player and additionally all the cards have values at the bottom here although that's a zero which can be used when you're getting attacked you basically put the card up in the correct spot on your uh battle flow area to temporarily add that amount of defense to your defense value defense value being right here above this blue shield and that's determined by your armor and shields and such like for example my kerr is currently using a rat fur tunic which gives him two shields total i want you to sell as an item by the way they also have the little cool down battle flow icons basically you can put them in the indicated spot for some kind of bonus it doesn't change the fact that they still add to your defense or in the case of weapons that they add these might tokens they'll let you uh roll better dice or draw better cards the game lets you choose to either roll dice or draw cards or a mix of both for each time you attack characters can additionally have injuries just the kerr has one he's got a broken arm these you have to play at the beanie of your turn and they do like nasty things but then they go into the exact same battle flow and how battleflow works is you put cards there and whenever you play a card to an area that already has at least one card all the other cards that are there flow one into the next lower spot there are also abilities that can just flow things for you and again whenever they get flowed from one to zero at the end of that turn you're going to get or sorry the beginning of the next turn you're going to get that card back into your hand and again you can also move for each gem you spend or for the companions to spend one of their two actions to move a set amount but full characters for each gem they can move one hex you can't move into where obstacles are you can't move into other characters friendly or enemies you gotta walk around each other but besides that uh your options are pretty open alright there are more details with like how you attack the enemy and whenever you break one of their dice take away all of the health on it they get a free activation uh they'll like level up and do stronger stage cards stronger attacks as they go the seder himself has hallucination cards but you'll see all that in play let's just get right into it and kill all right so you can see the bottom of the seder's base uh at the north there i've got my ranger a range character who is very hurt because you do get uh hurt and also get bonuses based on the choices you make and how you do in the uh story based mode before you get to the boss so she got her butt kicked she's very squishy right now we got to make sure she doesn't die i've got my ursus warbear here he's still got full life my warden who's uh kind of like a tank the irs tends to do a lot of damage but he's also kind of tanky my warden over here is a bit of a tank and a protector he's got five life left and then my kerr my only full character again kind of like a backstabbing rogue he's got a full life left as well and you always want to see what the bus is going to do stream of dark light the seder raises its staff and the man bound there screams a stream of dark light vomits forth from his mouth toward you yeah i don't know if you saw the miniature i'll probably have a close-up of it in the beginning of this video so you might have already seen it but he's got like a dude like trapped to his staff it's kind of freaky so uh you do everything on the card so transfix is his special ability basically he uh adds a hallucination to the oath sworn hero that has the fewest hallucination cards and it gets resolved immediately forcing you to do some kind of nasty thing um if everyone has the same number of hallucination cards as is the case right now then he does it to the osun that is furthest away then he's going to target the ostrom with the least number of hallucinations in the case of ties select the closest so here it'll be any of the ones except for the furthest away oh sworn and then he's going to do a range six attack this icon means he's attacking the sword one this claw means that it's a keyed to one of his body parts and if we destroy the die on that body part for the claw i'm guessing it's probably one of his side attacks then he'll deal less damage and he has chain range too this is a more advanced ability you don't see this on the first boss basically means if other targets like think of chain lightning if other targets are within range two of the initial targets they'll get hit too but the attack gets weaker each time so we're just going to try to stay more than two spaces away from each other and it doesn't only target oh sworn an ally so if there were like other minions maybe he's gonna summon minions later it wouldn't affect them and then he moves three southwest a lot of the boss cards will just like have the move a specific way in this case that means he's just going to kind of move down here and he'll just smash trees that he ends his move on so we'll have the west kind of cleared out but it also helps him know that he's going in that direction so since we probably can't actually reach him this turn for an attack we might want to go closer to where he's going to be so again we can kind of go in whatever order we like and the companions have most of the same stuff i do they've got mite cubes so the warden can use a yellow dye or card instead of white which is like the basic color if he wants too many attacks um he's got five health left he's got six defense very high um the companions have higher defense because they can't boost it with cards like you can and then these are combat tokens we earned a ton of these during the story mode beforehand so i'll explain how they work as we go also companions have items just like i do except whereas our items are go on cooldown their items are single use so he can use this falchion to boost his defense uh once per the battle and there are three options are to move a set amount um all of us can only move for my three companions they can do a regular melee attack or for my uh ranger and attack with her bow at range four or they can perform one of their two special abilities they have an archetype card here you can choose which side you want to use before each battle gives you access to two abilities and this is how companions are one of the ways companions level up as you go through the campaign they unlock new and more powerful archetype cards so the warden my tank who's going first he's got taunt after a stage card is drawn or before an enemy moves force one enemy within rain six to focus on you rather than their current target the stage card plays out as though you are the target for any one effect on the card uh so he can force himself to be the one who gets targeted and this symbol again the hand means it's an interrupt so it's a defensive ability and the little x through animals means it doesn't cost him any animus usually to perform a special ability they have to use one of their two actions the taunt is kind of like a free bonus he gets each turn he can also do the chain drag he moves two then selects an adjacent character and draws two yellow cards or again rolls to yellow dice knock back the character in any direction a number of hex is equal to the result of the highest card and knockback just means move them after the target stops place yourself in any hex adjacent to the target you can also knock them like into terrain and trees and stuff to do extra damage so that's fun but for now he's just gonna i think probably walk eight right and i want him or the ursus to be the one getting hit so i guess one of them wants to be close but uh one two three four oh you know he's actually uh close enough to maybe hit the guy this turn because he has both of these tokens here for player characters this combat token lets you get two animus backs you can do more actions and this card lets you battle flow the battleflow token means you pick one spot around your player board and flow every single card there one space but for the companions both of these tokens either let them move two spaces or do an attack although they don't get any bonuses if they miss the attacks you usually want to do weaker attacks with that you can also use these to reshuffle your mite deck but i'm just going to use dice for everybody that's just how i roll so we won't worry about that use but that does mean the warden could use one of those to move two extra spaces and then do an attack on the guy or heck he could use his a chain drag to move too and then throw the guy maybe like into one of the trees or something that seems kind of fun right so he's using a crystal to perform a special ability says move two select jason character draw two yellow i'm going to roll them and then they go back the distance of the higher die so i guess we'll go one two and here the dice every die has two blank faces it's going to be important we get to actual combat rolls in a second there's more of a special ability uh but the better number oh there we go so uh we are throwing him three but for large bosses they move half the value rounded up so he's only gonna move two hexes i guess i'll have him go like one two get a little closer to all our friends then i said i can move to any adjacent hex so let's put me right behind the guy right this is important by the way because the tie breaker for enemies when they're trying to do basically anything is the north most hex and then the west most hex so uh having the warden up there my guy with the best defense means that it's very likely the seder will attack him he's clearly not going to be within uh two hexes of anybody else since he just kind of teleported around the guy so he should be fairly safe for that chain attack that's about to happen all right next i think i'll do our ursus warbear he can move four attack he's got this hal bird that gives him ooh actually there's supposed to be a red instead of a yellow so we can use a slightly better die for one of his attack dice when he attacks and he has iron high he makes an attack and if the target takes any damage he gains a free defense token that's pretty awesome or better if he's moved two or less this round he attacks with plus two damage and knockback three that's awesome but for now i'm pretty sure all he can do is just run up actually you know what i'm 99 sure that's not true because he has the same tokens as the other people so let's go one two three four yeah and then he's uh only one away from the boss so he'll be able to use a token to move up so we're gonna do one of his actions for now to do on my archer to get a shot on this guy that shouldn't be too tough for her to do she'll take an action to move four get next to a tree her two special abilities are tree run if you're adjacent to an obstacle place yourself in an empty hex that is adjacent to an obstacle within range seven so she can for one of her actions kind of like teleport almost seven or ricochets and attack it targets an additional enemy within range four that one's gonna be useless unless uh some minions show up or something but she will go and take a regular short bow attack she has range four and this guy's one two three four away and the only obstacles like the trees and walls block line of sight so there's no worries there so let's show how attacks work for the heroes she's got the bow which is giving her a yellow might die what that means is she can start out with a yellow dye better than the white dice but then for any check you can add as many white dice as you want but you don't want to add this many because if you get two or more blanks the entire attack misses now that's not too bad because you do get back any tokens you spent on the attack and you also get a bonus token for missing it's your determination showing up but generally speaking you want to try to do like usually i find three or four dice attacks unless i'm spending reroll tokens to make sure it hits or sort of the sweet spot and these ones with like kind of laurels or like little symbols around them are crits they let you roll another die of the same color except you never suffer from a blank there you just remove it if you roll that so they never hurt you but let's go for an attack of four see how she does oh pretty good pretty darn good so she's got a crit white oh my gosh do crits critics and yes indeed they do uh this is pretty awesome okay well that one doesn't matter so she did two four six eight eleven damage pretty absurd now first we have to figure out where the guy has been hit so you've got this arrow in the front of his spot and uh like the three hexes in front of that are sort of like his front facing and then the three hexes on both of these sides or his side facing the three x's in the back so you've got what is that 12 hexes around the guy in general so here this is very clearly in his front arcs we're hitting his front to die now damage works for heroes and enemies is the defense value becomes a divider and you divide and drop any remainder so here we did 11 damage so three divides into 11 three times it's uh basically the nine part of it and then the extra two thirds after dividing by three is lost so we're doing three damage but not quite four one more hit would have done four so we tick this die down to its three face his front oh that has a little mouth icon for when he does those kind of attacks it'll weaken him once he loses that his uh face is half dead when we kill that he gets a free activation in addition to his activation that's going to happen after we've all gone but we don't have to worry about that yet all right now my bear has still got an action we're gonna use uh this two animus token to move him up to two spaces and then he's going to activate his batter a bill that's right he can't batter because he's moved more than two this round so he'll do his iron height attack to gain a defense instead so first you can move up to two and actually i often don't like to destroy body parts too quickly because when you start destroying a lot of dice and the boss automatically accelerates to better stage cards that are more damaging so i like to get like a whole bunch of his body parts down to low health although it is good to finish them off so that you uh aren't suffering the extra damage from them so i'm not sure what the right answer is yeah he moved to with his free token now he's going to attack he's got a red dye the second best guy goes up to four uh with his halberd and what the heck we're feeling lucky and he's got a lot of rerolls let's go oof okay so um right now i'm only doing four which only hurt the guy once so i could use some rerolls here he's got quite a lot this since i'm doing the iron height ability i'll get a defense if i reroll and hit so sure i'm going to use one of these redraw slash reroll tokens i'm calling it reroll since i have dice and we roll one of the whites because i need to have no okay uh he's got three more of them so what the hey we'll use another one uh that's a second uh re-roll okay there we go oh and we got extra six we'll actually do two damage with the guys three defense now again the nice thing with the game is let's say i had missed on that second re-roll any re-roll tokens or these uh what are called empowerment tokens which let you raise up your dice by three levels so you could like make one white dye become a black dye that's three levels up or make three white dice become yellow dice one level up each um if you use any of these or any world tokens then you still end up missing you get a free combat token of your choice and you get all of these back so you don't get punished if you go like really crazy for a hit and still end up missing you just get all the stuff you spent back yes i'm hitting his left flank and again that was six damage this is down to four and then his iron height ability says he gets a shield if you did at least one damage uh shields can be used after the enemy attack is resolved to uh add to your own defense like his five would become six or seven to make the division work out better for you all right so heck yeah last person is my cur and simply put he is far as heck away how far is he one two three four five why'd i put him so far away one two three four five six seven eight uh well let's move him six one two three four five six uh nobody's within two hexes of each other at least right now the hallucination could change that all right so there we go that is six oh you know what i forgot injuries like his broken arm have to be played at the start of the turn if you're in your hand and it says put all your weapon cards on cooldown and it goes to the three spot that means his shiv and his incisor these are bonus weapons he got these give him bonuses when he rolls a critical on an enemy but they're both hanging out doing nothing right now you know what the heck i'm going to spend uh one gem to play my basic zero battle flow cards this will come back at the start of next turn and i can pick one of the three options i'm gonna spend the one gem to battleflow one card and then shank goes there we'll come back i'm gonna battle flow the shiv to one and now uh next time if i play a card into the one spot both those will come back and i'll have my weapons back pretty quickly so the broken arm isn't hurting me too much but that's my curse whole turn you didn't really get into much ditty all right so now we get into the stage effect in the end this guy's going to transfix which means we're drawing a hallucination card for the oswald that has the fewest or the one that is the furthest away and yeah my cur is uh four away i thought it'd be fun for me to be the one hallucinating let's see what it says piggyback remember how fun piggybacks are why do you not do this anymore do not spend animals on this action the closest friendly character to you must spend two gems if possible uh one gem of their companion or ally they then suffer knockback two in a random direction then place yourself in the closest empty hex to them okay so i'm uh who is it yeah i'm jumping on the the uh archer's back she doesn't have any animus to spend so that part doesn't hurt her but she gets knocked back in a random direction which is not great because if she gets pushed into the wall or pushed into the tree or pushed into the seder all of that would be bad for her health and she already has the least life so we're hoping for like directly north and northeast those would all be fine um and northwest no so she gets slammed in this tree takes one automatic damage brings her down to two now don't worry if she dies i get an ally to use instead of her but you don't want that to happen because that's how you get the injury cards and then what happened i get on the closest uh empty hex i think i have to pick the northwesternmost one if it's tied so it wasn't that fun and now the kerr has a piggyback car doesn't do anything else except mark that he has one hallucination card which means that he will not be the priority for hallucinating next time okay then for the attack part within range six he's targeting the oh sworn with the fewest hallucination which is any of the other three and yeah the warden and the bear are the closest they're both at range one and then he's going to prefer the warden because he is uh from further north so he'll suffer the attack and then it would chain to the next person in range two which is going to be nobody and then the seder will move three southwest so the seder attacks pretty viciously a black two red and two yellow the game very clearly encourages you to use the cards for enemies because it keeps them the luck more kind of standardized but i don't want to because i don't want to shuffle them over and over again so i'm just going to use dice for the enemies too and if they get really bad a good look that's just how it goes so the warden has five life and six defense if he was a character he could play one of his cards to increase his defense but he just has that high value of six he does have a shield token and his falchion can also let him add one shield after an attack but those happen after we see how he does and i don't think there are any other interrupts that are going to help us here so yeah because like his taunt clearly won't help since he's already the target so let's let the dice go how they may uh the enemies do not re-roll crits they're just high values they don't get any other bonus they also don't miss for two blanks they just kind of count things up that doesn't look too terrible ooh that was actually really lucky 7 10 11 with his six defense that's only one damage one more again to that 12 would have made it two although of course then he could have used his sword or his shield to block and then the guy's moving three southwest um so you started with the south most west one he's going one two three so that's where he's going to end up with that southwest thing any obstacles he walks on duties get destroyed doesn't get hurt by that he only gets hurt by knockback and obstacles so he's gonna be here and he faces the last hex he moved to whereas if he ended with an attack he would face his target as much as he could so he's kind of left his side and rear open let's take advantage of that we need to see the next card hurling crushing claw closes around you and you're thrown bodily to the air that sounds terrible so he'll make somebody hallucinate he'll move five to one of us attack us after the attack knock us back for in a random direction which will not collide with a seder and then move three northwest so he's really gonna like run to the corner and by the way he stops using these level one cards and moves down to the top for level two cards once he's lost two body parts or once he's gone through all five cards and he moves on to his stage three strongest cards once he's lost four out of six body parts uh so we'll try to avoid that for a little while but we're in the refresh phase all of my people get their health back and lord we need to keep that ranger from getting hit if we can and as for me i've got six of my gems coming back so i actually still have one out and i get my basic little shank card here since it's in the zero spot and i think i want to stab this guy in the back which would mean i'd have to be if that's the front that's the rear so it would have to be here so one two that gets me close enough i could technically target his left flank or his rear from here when it's equal you can choose and then i'm going to use uh there's a typical rogue thing to do right back stab cost me four animus and it's gonna go into my one spot oh which will bring back both of my knives so there we go it's four gems and i could choose to do a basic attack that's boring or if targeting enemies rear i am plus five damage to my attack so plus five to whatever i roll and i gain a lethality token each of the full characters have special abilities the curse says lethality you gain tokens from abilities before any attack you can spend one to five tokens to gain plus one all the way to plus 10 empowerment so like your uh dice can become way way more powerful but yeah we're backstabbing the united run out back yet i gotta wait until the start of my next turn but my knives still give me two yellow dice i can use and i have four rerolls like a billion rerolls here so okay i'll add two white dice and then my plus i mean should i do that i'm really just kind of taking a risk you know what with plus five damage two yellows and a white is fine oh my god i gotta re-roll because i don't wanna not get the plus five damage so we'll spend one of my four rerolls clearly on the yellow there we go so that's four plus five nine we're doing three damage who's back and i get one of these fun lethality tokens for later all right so boop there we go and let's see my bear is not hurt so if i can get him over to here a little bit more northern than my kerr then uh he'll throw the bear instead of the curl though having the curl right here means that the bear might get thrown into the cur by the knockback that part would not be great but i still like that so we'll use one gem to move the bear here also although i don't really want to hit him in the back and finish off a body part but i guess if i got him i gotta that's one of the bear's actions he has moved uh more than three or sorry more than two so for his second action he'll just do a basic iron height attack to try to do a little bit of damage and get another defense i'd kind of like to not quite finish off the guy's rear so let's uh see oh that's not that's not good didn't want to crit so much oh there we go uh i mean that was a terrible roll but it worked out well remember the blanks from crits don't make me miss but i did only do seven damage which is still enough for the bear to get uh shield but it means we've got the rear down to a single life not quite enough to break it yet again we want to break it at some point but it doesn't have to be now and my hundreds is kind of just right here she can do two attacks let's definitely do that just the basic ones and for now she's going to do the rear left flank um because that's has six life whereas this has four she doesn't have a ton of rerolls so she'll just go for some like basic attacks try to do like a damage or two maybe that's one damage she'll keep it and then her second action oh my gosh what is up with this craziness here dude uh i don't want this i don't want this um okay four six eight eleven so that was one damage with the first attack and then not quite for three more so she did four damage total yipes he hypes yipes we are smacking this guy around oh he's going to get a billion uh quick turns in a row later okay then finally the warden he can't really fit in he can do one action to move four and then he could use one of his tokens sure we'll do this although it seems like a terrible idea to follow like a line here but we'll use one of his uh tokens to move two or one in this case oh wait that's the place that has two life left ah maybe he won't he's just token yet he could do his chain drag again and throw the guy's uh right flank into the tree sure he'll do that for a second action so we can move over to two he'll go there all right and then let's see if he go that is nothing he did not get any knockback at all i can still place himself anywhere adjacent to the target um his left side is not nearly as hurt so he'll go here he doesn't want to be one higher because then he'd be equally north with the bear and then i'd be the westernmost that would get targeted and he has less life than the bear so we'll go right there so we're finished up for round two now the seder is going to hurl somebody but first he's gonna transfix the ranger all the rest of us are range one and i'm not eligible because i already have one hallucination so she's gonna hallucinate what fun are you doing you believe you can fly you believe you can touch the sky that's not that's not a song reference you want to make anymore is it you jump around flapping your arms you flap your way over to the nearest piece of terrain to get you started do not spend animus on this action move to the closest obstacle climb it and throw yourself off place yourself in a hex that is two hexes in a random direction from the northernmost hex of the obstacle lose one heart as you hit the ground if you're an obvious set for no hit points aren't i navi sadly no that's another character crud is she gonna really be down to one life ah all right so the nearest obstacle oh it's just she's jumping off of that and she's jumping two in a random direction okay straight north so she just hit the ground there really she got hurt just from jumping off a little wall well not much we can do about it one damage that could have been a lot worse but now comes the hurl so you would move five toward his target no need uh he's targeting the bear because he's the northernmost he's doing an attack and then after the attack he's gonna knock him back four in a random direction he won't collide with the satan then he's gonna run that way all right the barry's got five defense and a lot of defense tokens if you need some which he very well might oh my god or it's the worst role ever so that's six if you spend two defense tokens he would take no damage um because he would go up to seven defense but he can tank one he's still got full health otherwise of course now he's going forward a random direction so he's probably gonna get hurt more oh straight north well it's actually very nice of him because you do not suffer knockback damage from just going to the edge so he just stops right there oh now this guy's moving three northwest which would be one two and then if they reach the edge of the board they just kind of ricochet back the way they were going so he's gonna be like that and he was advancing in yeah that direction so there we go actually still very close to all of us that's great maybe it's not too bad to have uh fewer trees around so that my archer does not want to jump out of them all right we get all of our gems back except for the cur he's still down one and we get our weapons the shiv when you critical during an attack that hits you get the battle flow one card just move it once around and with this one you critical turning attack that hits draw a red instead of the normal critical so even if i created with a white i could choose to use a red by putting this on the one cooldown so you know nothing amazing and also items do not have a battle flow icon you see a little x there so they won't push ability cards back only ability cards push things around but uh yeah not too bad what's our next card a backhand he's gonna transfix somebody a huge club hand backhand you through the air move five to a target hit him with knockback three and then move three straight north i think yeah okay so that flank is where his hand is maybe i do just want to kill that this turn because every attack i think like almost every attack he's done has been with that same claw icon if you kill it they lose their best die so he would be rolling two reds and a yellow and no black that's huge well hey the kerr is happy to oblige he's uh literally right there by the flank and yeah that's actually the front flank so he'll go one there cos one and i think i'll start with a good old-fashioned shank since it'll come right back that's just uh three gems so i still got three left for another attack and i do the two yellows from my knives i could upgrade that sure let's show you how this works so i can do up to three upgrades of my dice so let's say with all my re-rolls i was gonna do that to begin with so i could upgrade let's say two of the three upgrades move one of the whites to red and sure i'll make one of the yellows into a red for the third upgrade all right here we go hitting the flank oh lordy lordy that was terrible see let's use one re-roll to reroll a red all right now i won't roll the other one but let's go ahead and see what this red does as oh that sucks that was the crit it's about six it's only two damage but i'll take it so that's this one right here i forgot about my cards it was a red crits i don't want to use the incisor because that would just turn a red into a red but i can use the shiv to battle flow one card which could like get my backstab back sure because i think i want to use nightshade next now this is a three which unfortunately is gonna battleflow the uh broken arm around but only works from targeting is flank a rear i'm on the flank i get a free 3m power to also gain a another lethality token to use later and if it caused him to draw a reaction car which means if i do four damage to fully break that part all attacks from that enemy during their reaction draw one less mite card so i can like have him not roll his black die oh and actually he'll have just had the thing broken so he won't roll a red die either so i mean if i can get this to be a big attack that'd be awesome so what the hey let's empower it twice so we'll say we're starting with this we've got six empowerment three from the token three from the card and i think i did my math right here the yellows became blacks for two each and the white became a red for two and we're leaving one white guy come on don't miss this time okay crud okay i'll use one of my two rerolls on the black die four damage is not looking super likely right now okay how much is that that's seven that's nine that's three damage darn it there's pretty much no way that i can get all right well i'm not gonna get the bonus of finishing off the part that's okay so yeah i just got it down to one a little bit of a bummer everything is hurt now except for his slightly more rear part there which ooh yes the uh ranger is perfectly in line to shoot let's have her attack twice hey what the hey she'll be a little bit greedier this time in fact you know i feel like she should use some of her tokens in case she dies this turn so sure here she'll go ahead and upgrade once well you know let's get crazy upgrade twice and she'll balance things a bit more so she's got six upgrades she's only got a single re-roll so hopefully she does well oh there we go all right uh that's just nine damage straight up so that brings us down to three now she's gonna attack again but this time it's weak as she can because uh whichever oats foreign actually destroys a body part is one that is automatically targeted by the card so you know you don't want that to be when you only have one life left five uh so she's just shy of doing a second damage but hey it's still pretty good hit all righty see we gotta start blowing up some stuff i mean he's getting close to being dumb there's only five cards of each stage so it won't hurt that much to blow up two things and go to the stage shoe cards so i think first i want uh the barry still got the best defense although i have more life i'm thinking maybe the bear runs up and smacks him uh for the first action to take out his weapon because if the bear gets to right here then he can pick to not attack his front but to attack his side so let's do that so that's one action for the bear to get there although if i only move two to get to his front i could batter him but that's okay we'll go and use his iron hide ability where if he does at least one damage for a second action he will get a shield i mean all he needs is three damage so i think this is enough right oh might not be um the crit oh okay so yeah he'll use uh a free roll on the red seems a little silly but oh come on he's got one re-roll left fine now again i could choose a stop get all my rerolls back and also get a bonus token okay there we go that's enough to finish it off so the bear breaks the guy's flank which means all attack abilities for him that have the claw icon will now lose his best die or card so black in this case but he immediately resolves the backhand against the bear at least the target party against the bear the transfix i believe still uh goes against whoever he would normally target and then he'll have a new card after the warden and the kerr and them all finish their turn up so it's transfixing he wanted the person without hallucinations they would already have one then he wants the furthest away both these guys are already one away so it's gonna be the bear who's hallucinating i don't know if that's great it's so beautiful how could you want to attack something so beautiful so majestic so perfect uh keep this card until the end of the round phase of the next round oh um any attacks you make against the seder will miss on only one blank instead of two at the end of the round of the next round so the bear's turn is finished right now but the entire next turn he's gonna miss on one miss instead of two ouch and he still thinks the seder is beautiful even as the seder smacks him upon the face uh so he's going to target him it does have a claw so the seder's not gonna roll the black die then he's gonna knock him back three not a random direction just directly away this time and then move three north the knockback parts luckily nothing in the bear's way in the direction he'll be going so we won't take any extra damage our bear's got five defense five life four defense tokens if you need some that's an eight so we'd have to spend all four tokens to sprint one damage now let's go down to four life then the seder says bye bye and the bear goes straight back then the seder moves one oh actually one two three bounces back and whenever a boss move on to heroes or enemies like this they just move straight away that's not a knock back unless the like movement says it is so uh he just ends up right there facing south and what's his uh oh it's the stream of dark light again so oh crud the chain attack i think we're actually all far away enough from each other right now so we could definitely break some more stuff so the warden can actually only attack the thing that's already broken when that happens you can choose which of the closest hexes you actually target so if you attack the flank he could hit him in the front with three life or the flank here with two the front actually has a bonus attack with teeth so i guess he'll do that so yeah his first attack will just be a basic uh regular attack since he can just kind of wail in the guy let's do a very basic attack here okay that's one damage so there's two left on the front and do i want him to attack it again and break it we'll do his weak attack again and he'll probably just injure it again oh or do nothing hey i'll take it because now i get a free token of my choice now let's give him a re-roll yeah the seder is looking very weak but again he's going to get an activation every time we kill one of these but only his uh right left left flank left flank has more than two life left now we get to his turn or he's going to transfix somebody again i believe yeah only the warden the tank doesn't have one so he'll take it and then he's going to attack i think me unless the warden moves more north but right now he won't chain into anybody and then he'll run southeast all right warden they're out to get me they always wanted me dead or are you dead and they're going to make sure of it unless you get them first do not spend animals oh god target the closest o sword you must move into range with your weapon and attack them using four might cards using your might and white cards as needed the stack will not miss or critical the victim may play a defense card as usual after this you can act as usual you cannot use interrupts to help the victim this attack no this is bad because now we're both going to get chain attacked oh god oh my gosh i'm saying oh my gosh because um yeah one two three he has to go right here that's the closest oh sworn ooh but actually if the seder attacks the curve first no then it'll chain into him then chain into her but i think yes yes if um he uses his taunt ability he'll be the first one to get attacked and then it'll chain into the cur i believe and then it won't chain into her so we can prevent her from dying if we do that by the way he's attacking me with these yeah the kurd not the strongest defender he's only got two but two defense two defense i can play one of these who three from the smoke bomb and also my rat fur tunic has an ability to put in cool down three if it says after damage is drawn against you reduce that damage by two and i want to save a smoke bomb for when the boss attacks me in a second let's do something more basic and use throwing daggers add two to my defense so it's four instead of two still pretty terrible warden i'm your buddy don't kill me uh oh okay so it's no crits and no misses so that's actually only one damage because uh five divided by four so i'm down to five okay and then again he wants to target the one with the least hallucinations or the closest which would be the ker but uh the warden for none of his crystals is going to taunt so that it's him instead which again i believe means he'll get hit and then occur this is a claw attack so the black dye is gone now i'm gonna use a smoke bomb to raise my defense to five so it's a single roll but uh the lowest dive that is not a blank is taken away for each additional target so the curl will get a little bit less damage than the warden who has a six defense so that's seven against the warden and then six against the curse that's gonna be one damage to each of them although they might as well use the rat for tunic to reduce it to only four damage against the curve which means his defense got boosted to five he'll take no damage the warden however is down to three life then he moves three southeast that's right in the direction he is so one two three so she'll get pushed to here he'll get pushed to here and he is right in the muck and his next hero is gonna be a her which is his last level one card so even if i destroy a second body part right here usually you get rid of all the level ones and just have level twos on top of the deck because he goes level one level two level three but he will suffer no extra effects from hurting him except that we get hurled and i'm getting some of my stuff back and my backstabbing shank i'm definitely running out of cards could get my twos like to battle flow like with my battleflow token and then play a one and get all of them back and external that would also give me my broken arm again let's see bear has less life maybe better defense so let's have him go one two three four right to the front i guess then for a second action he can attack with his iron hide to gain some more defense you guys got two life left so what the hey bear will use a plus three empowerment oh crap that's right he misses on a single miss and he has no rerolls left uh maybe i should okay well we'll see how we go he'll uh do this he'll upgrade with the three empowerment his white to a black and then oh he oh but he didn't do he did do enough yes the guy had two life left on the front haha perfection bear even though you love the seder you still hit him okay so now this hitter's gonna hurl him oh before he transfixes somebody oh and crud it's me because we're all within range one and we all have one card what am i doing the walls are closing in are these trees moving they're definitely moving and moving toward you you must get away from them before they get you move as close as possible to the center hex of the board spending animus as usual once you're as close as possible to the center hex gain a i think it's like an immobilized token yep it means i can't move until the end of the next osforn turn i have to move toward the center where is the center oh i think it's that skull so what is that one two three i just wasted four animus that's a bummer okay and then he's hurling the bear it is a claw attack so we'll lose the black dye and then it's four in a random direction one can align with him then he goes northeast all right come on bear tank it tank it that was pretty good six you know what the hey the bear will go ahead and use two defense race defense to seven so he does not get hurt but he's still getting thrown four straight north yay nobody's there to be bothered okay this guy's moving north east one two three oh gosh he's just like presenting his back to the rogue huh can i resist that well a good way to see is what he's gonna do gore hate filled eyes around on you as do two deadly horns transfix oh this is nice it's a bite attack which is what we just damaged with his head oh and then charge through draw once and apply the full damage to all targets so let's see first we return to face me and you prefer the slightly more western look which would be that way and then you would charge straight through which actually missed everybody who just hit me i can i can handle that i can handle that oh wait that's assuming that i actually have a card that can attack with two oh i know i'll use my two animus to get to back let's see i can attack his right side with two life or is back with one life i've got four i guess i'll do the shank for three save one i've got nothing except lethality if i want to do two damage two lethal let me empower twice i only have one re-roll so i'm just going to change both these into reds and roll with it all right come on i need a six six damage oh that's a lot i could use my incisor to turn that white crit into a red but i've already done more than enough damage it doesn't matter so yup yup that flank is gone and he is goring my face after he transfixes transfix is definitely the warden since these three each have one card and he's the furthest away dancing marionette that doesn't sound good your body moves to the seder silent two and you try to resist but it's hard enough to dance draw a black and attempt to move the number of hexes equal to the number shown in a random direction spending animus as normal companions spend animus if they have to move whatever the distance if you run out of animus during this move place the highest cooldown card in your hand on cooldown this triggers battlefield okay so he's just gonna move that's not too bad clearly not as bad as attacking a friend so he moves three that'll use up one of his two actions for the turn oh which direction uh north so i guess he's definitely not gonna help us with the seder okay now this guy is gonna gore my face so he turns and again the tie breaker is going to be which is more northern or more west so he's going to face this side since straight down or southwest would both work and then charge 3 means he's going to basically charge through these three spaces for four so one two three four and for this defense i'm gonna use dodge instead of playing a defense card so i gained two shields i'll have four defense but then i guess the amount of damage the enemy will draw or roll in this case if i'm within one of the correct answer i ignore all the damage that'll be amazing and this by the way is a two so it battle flows all of those i think i'll probably use my little battleflow token before the turn is done to get all this stuff back if i'm alive that is alright so for defense what's the average for these dice so the reds are average three and the yellows average like a bit more than two but then you also have the blanks so that's like 10 ish let's be pessimistic and say 10 and not go lower like assume they won't roll any blanks no darn it darn it darn it darn it oh this is bad that is 12 damage so with my defense of four that'll hit me for three damage if i raise my defense to five though only hit me for two damage i don't have to use my other defense so let's do that um i already use my rat for a tunic so i'm down to three life i don't want my guy to get injured again i'd really rather somebody else get injured this time all right only three dice left and he's got another dark light explosion oh my gosh explosion transfix attack knockback 2 area of effect attack targets all adjacent enemies oof okay then he moves 3 south well this is great to know it's coming because if we all move so we're not adjacent then yeah we don't get hit at all that's amazing so you still got actions okay the warden's off in no man's land um the archer can attack twice still but she would probably break a card so if she moves like one two three four that puts her in the seder's left front which is where she can attack and then for her second action she'll attack there's four life there so i'm not gonna be worried about her uh killing the guy in fact you know what the hey she's got uh two tokens oh that's right you can use these to move to or just to do an attack the key thing with the attacks from these for the companions is that you don't get your tokens back if you miss you don't uh get a free token for missing so she wants to do weaker attacks but she could do two free attacks plus her regular attack all right so let's try to get that four damage down to almost nothing so this is her first free attack remember on a miss she just gets nothing or she just didn't do enough damage okay second free attack with the token oh that's a lot that's four five eight so two damage there's two left so there's both the token ones here's her second actual regular attack um okay so [Music] that didn't do anything either she could reroll to get it down to one life or whatever tattoo life i'm fine with that and finally the warden does not want to move next to the guy he's about to move south so let's go one two three four let's get the warden closer with his second action and i believe the bear is the farthest away for the hallucination this time shared hallucination misery loves company all o sword and suffer knock back to in a random direction what ah crud alright so warden south west that's fine he's not hurt oh god please don't walk next to him and get blown up archer south east ah she smashes into the wall and kills herself no so um at the start of the next turn we'll spawn in an ally again she's not dead but she's gonna get an injury which is unfortunate okay how about the bear i don't mind if you move closer there we go southwest i'll take that and then i guess this ignores if that's right my little unable to move thing went away at the end of my turn don't run into that tree south straight into the tree take a damage down to two life during these hallucinations all right and then uh we do this all adjacent enemies which doesn't do anything finally he moves three smashing this wall to pieces uh one two three so he's like just literally in the corner all right his new card is mind break it knows you are at least affected by its strange powers pointing toward you feel it reach into your mind and attempt to snap your will oh my gosh all sworn dramas have one hallucination card oh my gosh and then he attacks with a bite which won't do as much damage then he moves southwest wow because at this point i just basically have to hit him three times um but you know i'm gonna get hit a lot for doing so we know we don't mind dying ally number one yay the archer lives again except not really so they can spawn in on any uh hex side we'll just have him be right here and i guess right here to get that damaged one so yeah it's almost impossible for a character to be eliminated i've got like these regular man at arms i'm gonna use one of them because you can get them back and also if they die it's not that big of a deal because allies can die permanently i have some like named allies that might actually matter if i have them later in the story so he's got a bit you seek yellow die he's got three defense he's got six life he has two actions just like a companion you can move four you can attack yeah nothing too special so let's attack once see what happens and then we can attack again he's got two life where i'm hitting him that didn't cut it uh so i guess he'll get a reroll in case he misses embarrassingly again well you know what no he'll get it empowered for three empowerment oh there we go that's way more than enough which means he will get targeted and then since we have four damage things we are going to move on to the stage three worst cards all right so mind break uh all sworn draw hallucinations not the uh little man-at-arms guy at least and we all have two so we'll start with the bear what does he do recurring nightmare keep this card for the rest of the encounter oh this is a companion shuffle this into the deck and draw another one because it would be like a messing up card in my hand okay mind war it's eyes fell on you you feel the shape of the mania you clutch it with your mind and fight it with all your strength okay do a basic check so basic checks just mean you're using white dice or cards if you succeed you gain a defense if you fail lose one heart that's not too bad all right so six is pretty tough we'll try four and see if we get lucky oh we might get a reroll from that correct wow we got six bear's mind is stronger he actually got a bonus from the boss for that that was great okay next is me i'm not looking forward to this is under my skin something long and wriggling is moving beneath your skin get it out get it out do not spin animus attack yourself using four mite cards oh i have to use my two daggers attack cannot miss or critical yeah so it's the same thing oh lord i only have two life left uh what's the best blind is two more defense backstab is two more defense all right let's do backstab and get all these things into the zero space i don't know if it'll matter because it's only four defense i think i might potentially die here okay seven with four defense only one so i am still alive wow that doesn't seem like it'll last long finally the ward and they are everywhere do not spend animus move to the closest obstacle place your highest cooldown card if your companion lose one combat token of your choice okay so that's not too terrible so he just moves over here for free and then i'll get rid of actually the free moving one would let him attack twice uh his defense i don't think he needs one defense let's not forget all that was from the amanda arms attacking now he's going to get bitten and then the guy's going to move three southwest so he turns to say hello this guy's only got three defense and no way to increase it um whoa whoa one damage man at arms go you he's moving three south to west which means he would actually go there and then like bounce back to [Music] there all right so remaining level two cards go and we get a level three on top wave of dark light transfix move five towards the center of the board attack in a wave if no one can be hit by the wave move forward southwest basically he shoots in a three hex wave from the center of the board everyone that he can hit i think i'm on the center right yeah so if he went right there i would get pushed i think straight north he would get pushed there so pretty good chance he could hit like both the bear and the warden oh although if the warden's the one who attacks him i think he'll only hit one of us and then the bear should be right next to him to finish him off see up we're doing it we're doing it warden's gonna move one and then attack and uh one two three four it doesn't much matter i mean he kind of does he's gonna be attacking in the back where he needs to do one damage the barrel need to do two well the bear is not charmed anymore so that shouldn't be too hard so what the hey warden you're doing three uh boosts and still go away anyway how about just three black dice that sound good everybody what what what okay he's got two re-rolls let's go ahead and use them because we'll get them all back if this still misses um there we go pulled it out used every token he has basically alright so the seder has one die left now he's doing his wave of dark light and since we're all tied he's going to hallucinate the where bear primal rage do not spend animus on this action you snap move into a range and attack the closest character darn it oh he's definitely going to kill me um i'm using five cards including your mic this attack cannot miss or credit yeah yeah yeah all right jeez so i didn't think i'd be injured by the way or bear but apparently that's how it goes it's so best i've got is blind to giving me a four defense but i don't think the bear is going to do less than what what [Laughter] i'm still alive somehow the bear he still recognized me some way his mind is too powerful oh he only moves five towards the end of the board he's definitely gonna blast them both okay so let's see one two three four five yeah that would get him right to it so we'll smash the tree he'll push me to there and he's right here and he's absolutely going to go wave us both and unfortunately the wardens card says it has to be a target and the wave doesn't include a target it's just hitting as many people as possible so i don't think that it's eligible this time i have literally no defense cards for the curse so he just has two defense the bear should be fine though he's got like a billion things okay eight so i am knocked out but the bear what the heck let's show off four defense raises them to nine no damage he's still at four should have had him attack more but now the guy's sitting right next to him let's go bear kid of choice you gotta do two damage oh and for a second attack he'll do batter if the guy's not dead plus two damage and knock back three here's his first attack we'll keep it simple oh my god bear or you just destroy him and i don't believe he gets a final action he is just gone but ouch my ranger was injured and my car was injured again and i'm gonna stop there not show you again any of the spoilers with like the items we get or anything but hey just for fun let's see what does the ranger get puncture wound now for companions it's just automatic damage they take at the beginning of the encounter but let's see if i switch her back to being a full character you can do that anytime you want switching back and forth that hole was not there before so it's a three ability if you do not have a three ability card in your hand lose one heart oh it just forces you to like kind of keep three ability cards that's annoying and then oh my current detached retina thankfully god so fit the gracie with a spare so if you do not have two two ability cards in your hand place a random ability card in your hand on cooldown and this triggers battle flow when you play this oh so that's actually not that bad because i do start with two two ability cards at the start of the battle so when i first played it's not going to do anything but in the heat of battle if it battle flows back around and it's all in the same spot as the the broken arm then i could get messed up when it comes back into my hand but that was oh sworn the seder one of the first five bosses look at this guy man uh he goes down and we're gonna stop there i'm sure uh barontor colin they're getting this one too they'll probably do some like more campaign play but i just want to show you like a spoiler free or you know mostly spoiler free except for the boss look at the combat uh i'll have my review again once i've played through more of the campaign probably next week but thanks for watching everybody good gaming and i'll see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 10,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, oathsworn, solo, play, playthrough, kdm, kingdom death, deepwood
Id: NukIHx_qIpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 25sec (3445 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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