O’Block J Hood On Patoon Getting Killed: I Think They Used Exploding Tips; It Was Almost Me

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so again I'm saying Oogie get um I'm at Oogie's help I'm I'm I'm gonna run down to tell his people that he got shot and so I'm running down to tell Oogie people that he got shot and something out of the corner of my I just like see somebody kind of like laying towards like the bushes and so like luckily I see it because I was running so fast I got wheels so I'm running so fast and then I just see that and then I I I'm kind of scared but like I just like hold up if that's somebody laying in the ground that's another that's another one of the guys potentially dead and this will be platoon so I run over there like pretty much because and then I saw the building that he came out of and I'm like his girl is in that building and how they kill him you could tell like well we already know that the building that they was trying to get into was right next to the building he was coming out of and he was only coming out of it probably because like any shots go on on the Block nine times out of ten it was only this hour doing we ain't have situations where the Ops come on the Block and they sending shots and anything like that and so man seeing tune like that man saying and like you know I think they hit him with like exploding tips so whereas as soon as you it hit you you know and and that was like a a grave sight you know and um where were you at when platoon was shot oh when he was shot I think I heard of like man because I like I told you so much stuff had happened right and so it'd be so hard to really think about all of it when I'm thinking about Oogie but I heard a few more shots go off before I ran downstairs to a Oogie there was a few more shots that went off but it was kind of like in a distance and that's why I tell you like I have so many emotions bottled up there it's like [ __ ] I'm the only one out there running around I'm trying to go help folks and these [ __ ] could have still got up with me because they still was on a block like but I was man again like [ __ ] I wasn't thinking about it I'm trying to help my friend period I'm trying to get to his people in them so that they could know that he is shot in it and I didn't know what kind of that grave danger he was in but I saw uh platoon man right there brains just he got killed right in front of his girlfriend house man right in front of his girlfriend house man and um yeah it was just uh uh uh uh a lot of emotions going through my head but yeah and that was the last day that I saw Fredo Fredo was literally he came on the Block you know if some after somebody died Fredo was on a block man and I just remember walking around him on the Block man just crying talking to him like fool like you know really I was sad at the fact that platoon died and how he was acting when oh got killed and now he dead and then you know me seeing his brains and I was you know a little bit of happy because Oogie was still alive and you know that was you know my everyday friend who I would hang with man so I had a lot of emotions going on who I was standing with I should have been in the house after that [ __ ] they should have made me go in the house but you know we was Blockheads man I think it's gonna take us off the block he's on the Block man every day all day [ __ ] crying to get outside what but yeah that was one of the worst days of my life man to see brains like that this ain't no movie this ain't no movie this real life to see a homie like you and then I couldn't even see where he got shot at you know like because Oogie has so much blood I'm like bro where is you even shot at he ain't even know man he's bleeding from his ear to his mouth from his hands so and he had his hands over there so it was so much blood coming out to seeing the um and me and platoon we we had like the same color-ish jacket where it was like dark like a dark blue and like a dark uh gray uh stripe hoodie and then like the lady that I was living with um she thought that that that it was me and I'm in my head like it's crazy that you even thought that it was me because the situation that had happened damn near like I would have gotten at least shot at them at the least I would have been shot and if it was two of us right there I'm just banking on that today would have probably finished both of us off doing that is too sending the twice the amount of shots because it's two people but yeah man crazy situation man crazy situation did that change you at all hell yeah it changed what I wanted to do with my life I started to look at how they was going out and it wasn't making me no monster it wasn't making me remind you man I came in through death my dad died and I was born that seven months I seen my granny get killed at a young age I seen this these type of things I was used to but I was you know man from these these streams of situations I'm like man I thought about my nephew and my niece and I'm like I can't I can't die to the streets I can't die in the streets and um I I need a way out seeing all this stuff I'm like man I gotta and and there was no way out other than the seeking the truth the God of this world the guy who created all of us who many people we feel shame to talk about them because it's not a popular thing to do but [ __ ] I'm never let nobody make me feel shameful for the one who set me free of my past life and who gave me my new life and he want to do the same with with everybody no matter what you look like because this is just a costume to the spirit that you hold that is his your spirit is has no face this is a costume but uh anyway man yeah it for sure uh I started to really think about where I was going to be at and not only that but like how I wanted to be how that I wanted to be remembered that I wanted to be remembered being killed in the street by uh uh a brother who don't know who he really is because that's why we're killing each other we don't know who we are and if we knew who we were it'd be no way that the that they would uh you know we would be allowed to be tricked as how we being tricked not actually killing each other running each other down in the streets gunning each other down over blocks over gangs that none of us created over these things that we get no monetary act it's literally no substance to the things that we kill each other over we kill each other over words over hate that is embedded and rooted and and things that again it's no substance and we just fight in a war with really no no cause to fighting and the only cause that that [ __ ] Gonna say is is that oh they killed our homies are they killing us and they killed us so that's why we go and we kill them and it's just like it's a never-ended cycle like Von said that you're gonna damn sure you're gonna damn that need all the players to be going for the game to end but it's sad that we look at it like that that talks about a strong delusion that is the strong delusion that the most high said he will send upon those who don't believe the the love of the truth which is the Bible what's up this is Cam Capone we got more content like this coming soon so hit that like button subscribe and stay locked in to cam Capone news
Channel: Cam Capone News
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Keywords: camcaponenews, interview, cam capone, cam capone news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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