Nutrition (Nutritional Guidelines, Eating Disorders) | Health 7 | Quarter 2 - Lessons 1-8 | MAPEH 7

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] in this lesson you will be able to learn how to make decisions in the choice of food to eat during adolescence stage we will also identify the right food during the adolescence and discuss the different eating disorder characteristics signs and symptoms [Music] [Applause] [Music] table of contents nutrition during adolescence nutritional guidelines nutritional problems of adolescence eating disorders question time [Music] nutrition during adolescence our health is our main personal responsibility that includes choosing the right food which usually affect us physically and behaviorally remember you are what you eat why do we need to eat all living things need food in order to survive grow and develop thus it is important for us to eat a variety of foods to stay strong and healthy our body uses the food that we eat to perform different important functions supply of energy needed to perform daily work proper growth and repair of muscles and other organs in our body regulation of chemical processes protection against dangerous diseases [Music] health terms nutrition is the science that deals with the process of taking in food and using it for growth metabolism and repair nutritionist is a person who advises others on matters about food and nutrition and their impacts on health nutrients are chemical compounds in food which are essential to life and health providing us with energy building blocks for repair and growth and substances necessary to regulate chemical processes [Music] types of nutrition macronutrients micronutrients [Music] macronutrients are the nutrients needed by the body in larger amount because they provide the body with energy it is also called as an energy providing nutrient there are three broad classes of macronutrient carbohydrates proteins and fats [Applause] carbohydrates are the starches and sugar that mainly provides the body with energy there are two kinds of carbohydrates the first one is simple carbohydrates it gives the body an energy very quickly this can be found in fruits sugar and milk [Music] the second kind is complex carbohydrates [Music] complex carbohydrates are found in starchy foods such as cereals pasta bread beans potatoes grains and other starchy vegetables unlike simple carbohydrates starchy food must be broken down into sugar before our body can use them it provides our body with constant supply of energy [Music] proteins are needed for the growth building repairing and maintaining our body cells and tissues particularly the muscles especially during childhood and adolescence stage cheese eggs fish meat milk peas and beans as well as nuts are rich in proteins it is the most important building blocks of our body proteins are made up of amino acids of the 22 amino acids the body can only make 14. the other 8 8 must come from food coming from animal sources which contains all 8 essential amino acid [Music] fats are sources of energy and are also essential for body functions it supports the absorption of vitamins and minerals cushions body organs promotes growth and insulate the body as the temperature changes there are two types of fats the first one is saturated fats these are fats found in meats and other dairy product they tend to become solid in room temperature too much saturated fats can produce high level of cholesterol and can increase the risk of heart disease the second type is unsaturated fats these are found mainly in fatty fish such as mackerel and salmon vegetable oils such as sunflower olive oil corn or canola and avocado oil unlike the saturated fats unsaturated fats are liquid at a room temperature consuming unsaturated fats rather than saturated fats are the recommendation of the experts [Music] [Applause] [Music] micronutrients micronutrients includes vitamins and minerals these nutrients are needed by the body in smaller amounts for healthy growth and development it also enables many chemical reactions to occur in the body there are three types of micronutrients namely vitamins minerals and water vitamins are substances needed in small quantities that help regulate body functions it also helps the body to process other nutrients and fight infections vitamins are grouped into two first is water soluble water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin c and many b vitamins cannot be stored in the body so it must be included in one's daily diet the second is fat soluble fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins a d e and k on the other hand can be stored in the body until needed and don't have to be eaten daily since vitamins cannot be made in the body they must be provided by the diet fresh fruits and vegetables whole grain breads and cereal products and fortified milk are rich sources of vitamins [Music] minerals are elements needed in small quantities for sturdy bones and teeth healthy blood and regulation of daily elimination potassium calcium magnesium iron zinc and iodine are some of the nutrients needed by our bodies [Music] water is the most common and most important nutrients which makes up about 70 of our body water is needed for waste removal breaking down of food regulating body temperature cushions the joints and spinal cord [Music] [Music] [Applause] what is a balanced diet balanced diet is choosing a variety of healthy and nutritious food from all the food groups needed by the body in the food guide pyramid a good dietary guideline has three important elements food guide pyramid food plates and real food [Music] food guide pyramid is a pyramid-shaped diagram that was developed by the us department of agriculture usda it provides framework representing a set of dietary guidelines or recommended number of serving from each group of food the food guide pyramid emphasizes the importance of eating a balanced diet it will guide you on how many servings from each food group is recommended daily depending on the age sex size and activity level it also shows the combination of all our meals that must be consumed not just for a day but for every day there are six group of foods in the food guide pyramid each group of food has its own sizes of serving depending on the age and activity level of an individual serving size is the amount of food or drink that is generally served in guiding you to measure the amount of nutrients you must take the serving sizes are the recommended servings of the food and nutrition research institute fnri for the filipino children aged 13 to 19 years old food plate the plate features four sections vegetables fruits grains and protein plus a side order of dairy in blue the big message is that fruits and vegetables take up half the plate grains and protein take up about one quarter of the plate the divided plate also helps keep portion sizes in check [Music] real food good nutrition affects not just the health but also the well-being of an individual and one must be knowledgeable and aware about the amount of food he or she should eat these are the sample one day food menu or ping gong pinoy [Music] [Applause] nutritional guidelines for filipinos ngf eat a variety of foods every day to get the nutrients needed by the body eat more vegetables and fruits to get the essential vitamins minerals and fiber for regulation of body processes consume fish lean meat poultry egg dried beans or nuts daily for growth and repair of body tissues consume milk milk products and other calcium-rich foods such as small fish and shellfish every day for healthy bones and teeth limit intake of salty fried fatty and sugar-rich foods to prevent cardiovascular diseases attain normal body weight through proper diet and moderate physical activity to maintain good health and help prevent obesity [Music] [Music] nutritional problems of adolescence malnutrition under nutrition over nutrition micronutrient deficiency [Applause] malnutrition is a disordered nutritional imbalance due to lack or excessive amount of nutrients in the food it affects both the physiological physical and emotional well-being of an individual malnutrition can lead to short and long-term health problems slow recovery from wounds and illnesses higher risk of infection difficulty focusing on work or school delay in growth and development poor nutrition in adulthood malnutrition affects one in three people all over the world and it comes in different shapes and sizes [Music] undernutrition is a condition wherein a person does not eat or take the daily needed nutrients and nutritional requirements leading to diseases and deficiencies an undernourished person may lack with vitamins minerals and other essential substances needed by the body to function and prone to diseases such as rickets anemia cold cough and fever [Music] why are adolescents undernourished poor food choices because of media and peers poor eating habits skipping breakfast too conscious on the amount and kinds of food they eat poverty lower intake of food rich in iron and vitamin c eating disorder over nutrition happens when a person eats and gets nutritional requirements beyond the needed and ideal amount as well as eating too much of wrong food over-nourished people become obese and overweight and more prone to diseases like diabetes arthritis hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases [Music] causes of over nutrition [Music] [Applause] disorders due to malnutrition beriberi ricketts scurvy paleogram merasmus anemia kwashiorkor obesity or overweight [Applause] [Music] micronutrient deficiency are diseases caused by deficiency of vitamins or minerals in the diet and can cause several diseases micronutrients are nutrients needed by the body in smaller amount and can be found in foods rich in vitamins and minerals [Music] common micronutrient deficiency vitamin a deficiency vad iron deficiency anemia iodine deficiency diseases idd [Music] eating disorders adolescents tends to eat less because of their fear of becoming fat at this stage some of them becomes too conscious about their weight body figure and appearance due to their desire to lose weight they developed eating disorder there are three three kinds of eating disorders anorexia nervosa simply known as anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by self-imposed starvation that leads to excessive weight loss it is an extreme fear of becoming stout and distorted view of body size and shape bulimia nervosa bulimia nervosa commonly called bulimia is a serious potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by an episode of binging and purging binge eating disorder binge eating is characterized by compulsive eating person with binge eating disorder frequently stuff oneself with food and eats too much this disorder may be an indicator that the person uses food to cope up with depression and strong emotions instead of expressing it a person with an eating disorder may have started out just eating smaller or larger amounts of food than usual and are usually secretive about their eating purging or lack of eating eating disorders are a serious but treatable psychological condition that causes unhealthy eating habit which can affect people of all gender ages religions and races people with eating disorders might be obsessed with foods body weight or body shape eating disorders can cause serious health problem that can lead to sickness or may even result in death if left untreated early detection of signs of eating disorder and seeking treatment will prevent the disorder from progressing [Music] [Applause] [Music] time type your answers on the comment box below [Music] what happens to our bodies if we do not eat nutritious meals give three reasons [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Mary Grace Lastra
Views: 30,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mary grace lastra, mary, grace, lastra, teacher, education, mapeh, manila, vivavideo, zepeto, bitmoji, canva, canvaph, canva for education, filipino, learning, online class, virtual classroom, educational tutorial, deped, nutrition response testing, nutrition facts, eating disorders, nutritional guidelines for adolescent, food plate, food pyramid for kids, pinggang pinoy drawing, pinggang pinoy breakfast lunch dinner, malnutrition symptoms, micronutrients, micronutrients explained, macronutrients
Id: WoWH8T_lUzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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