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because listen i've tried them all keto cabbage soup diet military diet only drinking water lemonade cleanse all of it uh it's crystal i am a registered er nurse self-taught chef foodie and today we'll be talking about how i lost 40 pounds in two months without working out just a disclaimer what works for me may not work for you all i all i'm doing is just sharing with y'all what i did and hoping that you can learn something from this video so here's what i did to lose 40 pounds number one i understood my body got in tune with what works for me being 230 pounds took a toll on me i did not have any energy it was messing with my mental health i also was not regular in the bathroom i know that there's tmi but i'm gonna tell you why that matters um and i realized that it was a common factor as to why all the dairy that i was consuming was causing me to stay constipated um my food wasn't digesting quick enough like i said i was not going to the bathroom every day now i am we're regular so number one would be listen to your body so number two at the beginning of my weight loss journey i downloaded my fitness pal my fitness pal contributed a lot to my weight loss journey so most of y'all may have tried my fitness pal before it's a free app it helps you document what you're eating and let me tell you why that's important we go through our whole day and you can just be eating unconsciously so when you download that app you it gives you a visualization of what you're putting in your body it's counting your calories for you so you can as you add this and add that in you can see like whoa i need to slow down and if you don't have nothing tracking that you'll have nothing keeping you accountable you don't have anything just letting you know like uh you're doing the most slow it down so in the beginning i wasn't on any particular diet i just downloaded that app i put in my current weight what i would like to be and it told me hey you need to consume 1500 calories a day to be this weight by in four weeks in five weeks whatever it's gonna let you know so i was like okay so i was still pretty much eating whatever i wanted documenting my calories trying to stay up under that calorie limit because number one just just from the get-go when you put yourself in a calorie restriction you're gonna lose weight so i will be going to chick-fil-a that's gonna be my example for the day i'll go to chick-fil-a put that sandwich in then i realize okay that took up 700 calories now i got like this many calories left over so then as as i went on and was trying to figure out what works for me i started thinking to myself dang if i eat this i'm only gonna have 200 calories left over so then i wanted to put in items that i knew where i could eat more so when i realized that i was planning more vegetables and healthier things i was like okay i'm kind of digging this i'm liking this i can actually eat more when i'm eating foods that are better for me so that was me just documenting everything that i was eating was not on any type of workout plan no diet plan or anything so as i was learning and trying different recipes and following people like tabitha brown monique getting more inspired um the chic natural i have a whole list of people that that um got me on such a health care number three using the fitness pal and then one day i was just like you know what i'm gonna challenge myself i'm gonna go a month i'm not gonna eat meat i'm not gonna eat dairy no ice cream i'm just gonna see see how it makes me feel so i went a whole month no meat no cheese no ice cream none of it and it changed the game i was putting my stuff into my fitness pal staying under my calories i even had to make myself eat more i was like dang i just had this veggie bowl i just had this veggie wrap i just had this shake and i'm still under my couch like i'm getting to eat more so then i started getting excited i started trying different things jackfruit nachos i started trying um making chicken salad out of chickpeas making my own veggie burgers from home i started making my own tacos it was fun it wasn't what i was used to back in the day when i didn't educate myself i would literally sit up here with a caesar salad nothing but lettuce tomato in the croutons and the cheese and sit and drink some water and be miserable until i realize it's so much that i can eat did that and not only did i start seeing results my midsection started slimming down i could see it in my face i started feeling better i started getting energy i also started seeing it within my body like i started pooping more i know that that's tmi but when i switched to stop eating so much meat and dairy i became more regular and when i remember when i said you need to listen to your body my body was not okay with me my body did not like the way i was treating it we was not going to the bathroom every day we was going but we wasn't going every day okay hey y'all um it is december 31st so it is new year's eve and i am feeling horrible horrible um my body is fed up my stomach is like super bloated i'm gonna show y'all it is it's out there i have really been cutting up like with the eating like the holidays i have taken eating to another level i have been eating things from in and out burger sushi um hot wings french fries [Music] steak um retail tacos um fried fish spaghetti like just like a lot of stuff um christmas food thanksgiving food um it was just a it was just ridiculous last night my body let me know that this is not that and that is not this i slept terrible like i was tossing and turning all night and if you're not going every day it's something that needs to change i don't know if is you need to drink more water i don't know if you need to slow down on a cheese i don't know what it is but my body became happy with me we was going to the bathroom so think about this when you're going to the bathroom you flushing all that stuff out what's gonna happen you're gonna lose inches you're gonna lose weight so so far we got listening to your body we got my fitness pal we tracking our calories we stand up under a certain calorie count number three we win meatless dairy free number four so after i got those down packed as you can see i kind of like just added things on step by step instead of just having this massive restriction like you can't do this you can't do this you start real smart i work my way up so number four i start intermittent fasting intimate intermittent fasting is nothing new a lot of people know it's basically the popular times the intermittent fast is usually 11 or 7 or 12 to 8. so i started doing that i was like okay i just took the meat away i didn't took the dairy away now i'm gonna start like cutting off the times that i eat woke up in the morning i was really kind of doing like eleven or seven twelve eight just something you don't have to be strict just you just need to eat between an eight-hour window and after that cut it off because i realized when i would sit up and i would be snacking on chips cookies whatever whatever it was maybe even just a meal and then go to bed i would wake up nauseous i was waking wake up feeling sick and just like having acid reflux and i didn't like feeling that way anymore goes back to number one listen to your body that ain't working so when i started my intermittent fasting i realized i wake up and i'll start having energy i woke up and i wasn't burping i wasn't having indigestion also it gave my body from eight o'clock to 11 o'clock it gave my body time to break down everything that i was putting in my body everything that i was putting in my body i started going to the bathroom regular and during that time that is your food is actually giving a chance to digest and your body is detoxing guess what you losing weight and you ain't doing nothing but going to sleep and just waiting to eat and the thing about intermittent fasting if you're not a person that can wait to 11 o'clock to eat you can have breakfast i know some people start eating between ten and six the goal is to stay between an eight hour period your body needs time to process everything you put in it number five with my meals and having my fitness pal i started portion control so i won't have to restrict myself from things that i like we're gonna we're gonna do this we're gonna do this right we're not gonna load up our plate and just stuff ourselves we're gonna have control and i know a lot of people don't want to hear this but discipline is definitely needed and then your body started to adjust my appetite went from um the size of a hungry man hungry man hungry man so now i can eat something and i'm totally fine like it's not me starving myself or nothing but my appetite has changed but you have to train your body you have to take it step by step and you want to know what else as you portion control the reason why that is the main factor is i know so many diets call for you not to have bread cause for you not to have any of your favorite foods you can't even have a cookie just to restrict you're just too restricted on diets and diets should not be that for one we don't even we're not even going on no diets we're just changing our outlook and we're going on a healthy lifestyle journey so when i'm posting my recipe and talking about the things that i'm eating i'm eating nachos i'm eating bread bread bread you want to know how many times i have told myself okay this month i'm not eating bread chips candy cookies this this this then other that's depressing that is really depressing you you ain't gonna stick to that your lifestyle change should not feel like that you should be able to enjoy bread you're not gonna go the rest of your life not eating bread so you need to eat bread that's where my fitness pal come in you document that bread okay with my calories i've got left i only have one more slice of bread today but you able to eat your bread it's a balance when you learn portion control and it's a balance that's all it is eat your bread i ain't saying just go and and for your all your calories you just sit up there and just have a whole basket of rolls but you shouldn't restrict yourself if you want that cookie put it in put it document that stay up under your calories document that have that cookie it should be enjoyable that's why all of my meals that i'm cooking is something that i know that i would want to eat whether i was on a 30 day vegan challenge or not if your food and the things that you're putting in your body are not enjoyable you it won't last it won't last and i had to realize that number six limiting sugar it's not the bread cyst it's the sugar sugar messes with the body in so many ways it messes with your energy levels it means it adds extra fat around the midsection um it's addicting cut down on your sugar i'm not saying go go without it at all because sugar is in everything sugars and bread sugar is in meat sugar is in a lot of meals drinks beverages limiting my sugar i just switched up what i would grab on the shelf when i go grocery shopping so number one the best thing that you can drink is water i drunk water all the time because this is the way i thought about it i have 1500 calories that i can eat i'm going to eat my calories and not drink them i'm gonna get this meal and i'm gonna drink water with it that way i won't be spending 200 of my calories just on a sprite so water number one thing you get boiled with water sometimes come on let's just be real so the next thing that i would do not this particular flavor because i think this is the flavor i didn't like but this is just an example i brought some things just to show you guys these sparkling ice they have this at kroger costco different walgreens you can find these pretty much everywhere zero sugar so when you have that little craving and you need that fizz get something zero sugar better help you not gain extra weight to help you not use those calories also another thing that i was doing that i needed to stop and when i started limiting my sugar i would go to places like starbucks and i love the what is it called the caramel frappuccino and i will always get like extra caramel on it with the whipped cream so now i would still go to starbucks but then i started looking up like zero sugar drinks and started ordering that then as i started getting a little bit healthier and more into my journey and researching and doing things like that i was like okay i started cooking more at home so in turn i started making my own stuff at home made my own coffee drinks so i knew exactly what was going into my food what was going into my drink so i started i went to marshall's tj maxx and i started buying these sugar-free syrups so this one is pumpkin spice um they have sugar-free caramel sugar-free vanilla put a few pumps of that in your coffee and you good to go it tastes just the same um in my teas that i was drinking i started using agave i started using um this one right here is a zero calorie liquid sweetener you gotta realize that sugar is your calories too it mess you up and sugar turns straight into fat with sugar you're gonna have that little high and then boom you're gonna crash it messes with your energy as well go without go without sugar ain't saying i don't completely cut it out i have it here and there i love using brown sugar sometimes when i cook but it's moderation i do not drink all this sugar i don't like eating foods with a lot of sugar in it number seven just piggybacking off of what i just said drink water drink water drink water allow your body to flush everything in and out because while you're going to the bathroom even if you don't even necessarily have to be going to the bathroom to do number two if you're going to the bathroom and you and you're paying and you're urinating you're losing water weight stuff out and in turn you're not going to be so bloated you're losing weight every time i go to the bathroom i'm losing some weight you getting all of that off you instead of holding it water keeping you hydrated keeping your skin supple it's it's just doing so much for the body you nourish in your body sometimes when you think that you you hungry you might just be thirsty drink you some water i brought a few things that i just want to show you guys that i have been incorporating into my diet once again i think you guys should definitely follow my page because i'm posting everything that i've been eating um this month i'm doing a 30 day vegan challenge whole month no meat no dairy and it would be good to check out and show different different things that you can eat when people say vegan it does not necessarily mean oh it's gonna be boring i just gotta drink green juice and eat eat this hair the latest eat a salad bowl no it's a vegetable plate it's nachos it's veggie burgers it's vegan hot dogs it's wraps it's literally everything that you would eat on the normal you're just not using the meat and the cheese um so during my times that i'm intermittent fasting i'll wake up have my moment to meditate and pray and just think about how i want to start my day sit on the couch green tea green tea is a really good tea to like flush you out help with bloating all of that i started once i started this was my first tea i started with green tea then i just became a tea drinker i started drinking perfect energy tea i started drinking um raspberry leaf tea ginger tea help with digestion like i just became a tea drinker i'll make my tea put a little um agave in it or sometimes i i've gotten to the point where i just drink it plain my protein shakes that i have this contributed so much to my weight loss i would do a shake for lunch come and cook me something for dinner still have enough calories for a snack and this gave me my protein this shake alone is hundred calories let me show you so he has 100 calories in there 15 grams of protein um let's see and it's vanilla flavor and is dairy free so whenever you don't know what you want to eat before you do something reckless make you a shake and make it good i've been posting a couple of recipes on my page to show you how versatile shapes can be you don't even have to think about it you've already had 300 calories for today and you're full it gives you energy and you won't just be just mindlessly eating shakes i'm telling you that was one of the number one things that contributed just replacing one meal with a shake so the only thing that i've added recently was these goalie gummies um they're vegan they help with appetite support they give you energy just natural energy um so i've been using these but when i first went on my weight loss journey that was not i didn't have these this is just something recently that i've been using i've been showing this a lot on my instagram page just a portable blender so it's no excuses it's like how bad do you want this so i would have my shake put a scoop up in here take me any other toppings like one of my shakes that i had made was my protein powder this is my blender i put a few of these oreos in here they're vegan my milk ice blended it up had me a shake already i've already did something good for my body something that's gonna keep me full um a snack idea when i would have like a sweet tooth i love these cookies right here found out that they were vegan i would make me some toast spread this on there and have that i started i bought vegan chocolate chip cookies they were good eat those in moderation like i did not deprive myself of anything the only thing that i deprived myself of was meat and i realized very quickly i was not missing much at all um if i wanted bread i ate bread if i want a cookie i ate cookie if i wanted chips i ate i ate chips i ate literally good food and it made me feel so good to be able to be on something finally where i can eat what whatever i want and still lose weight i didn't have to sit up here while everybody else is eating and i'm just sitting up here watching y'all just buying them on carrot sticks that's not how it's supposed to be any diet that that you're on that deprives you and make you feel sad to be on it it's not what you should be on it i mean it's not some it's not the type of diet you want to be on so also on my instagram page asked you guys to ask me some questions that i could answer dealing with my um weight loss so we're going to get into those so the first question is how do you come up with things to eat because i'm stuck so i started watching a lot of like youtube videos like easy vegan breakfast easy meatless um meals i was watching monique i was watching tabitha brown i was watching it's so many people on youtube that you can watch so many pages on instagram that you can follow i tried their recipes tried to see if i like them if i liked them a little bit i tweaked them made them my own something to my liking so it could be good because you can't just go off of everybody recipes they don't always be good you got to do your own thing so that's how and i started getting ideas and then i started putting my own stuff together what do you do for energy let me tell you this when you start drinking water when you start intermittent fasting when you start putting foods that replenish your body you're going to have natural energy i shock myself sometimes i wake up it's six o'clock in the morning i'm up i'm ready to go where we finna go what are we gonna do i'm already planning my day and i love that there's no it's no pills is no coffee nothing this is natural energy i'm filling my body with water fruits vegetables you gonna have natural energy you have to think about this if you just ate a double cheeseburger fries milkshake and you go to sleep and you wake up do you think you you really just gonna be full of energy you filling your body with a lot of fried foods do you think you're gonna be full of energy so it became more so of how number one listening to my body how do i wanna feel how is this how what i'm about to put in my body gonna make me feel cause that right there when my journey turned into something that wasn't about weight loss no more it was literally just about my health and just loving how my body was feeling it'll change your mind you got to give it time you have to try it you're going to get natural energy i see you drink tea in the morning what kind is it let me show you again green tea ginger tea lemon tea how tall are you i am five eight drop a quick recipe you know i've been getting a lot of like questions about like what are your favorite meals teach me how to do this if you follow my page i'm dropping some quick recipes on there did you lose weight truly eating bread yes i don't like a lot of vegetables can i still do it you can but i'll tell you this start by eating the vegetables that you like if you like broccoli and spinach start by eating that and then i want you to slowly like just challenge yourself because for one when you start cooking your own meals you realize that you like a lot of more things than what you thought some people just don't know how to cook to your liking i started liking mushrooms and i did not like mushrooms before how long have you been vegan i'm glad you asked this question just so i can say i am not vegan i am not vegan i am not vegan i enjoy vegan meals but i have not taken that oath yet i am not vegan hey i hope i will get that willpower to go go vegan but as of right now but i love me some vegan food i really do do you work out so as i mentioned before within the two months that i lost 40 pounds i did not work out i would go walking here and there um i would do some at home like workouts like in the living room but i did not work out consistently i wasn't like oh no schedule it was literally me just changing my diet um now as i go along and now that i'm i'm getting so much better in my journey i definitely want to start like toning up you know lifting weights um running and basically you know lifting his booty in these arms tone oh all of that what's your favorite vegan meal hmm oh that's a hard one because i cook so much stuff that i like um i would say my number one go-to will probably be jackfruit um jackfruit anything um jackfruit tacos jackfruit nachos barbecue jackfruit let me show y'all this it's my go-to it shreds just like chicken to give me the same texture like this can of jackfruit two dollars and look what i turn it into i add my own barbecue sauce to it you look amazing what helped you the most because girl i'm struggling i hope you've enjoyed this video because i told you all things now we can have more videos coming where i'm sharing like more of my journey i would love for you guys to like continue on this journey with me i love when i'm getting questions about this because i want us all to get healthier and just educate yourself even if you just only start with just okay i'ma start my new lifestyle and i'm gonna have just like a meatless monday um two days out of the week i'm gonna do no meat no dairy and just see how it makes you feel don't knock it till you try it do whatever works for you whatever it is i don't care if you're doing um keto if you're doing um paleo atkins diet whatever you do just keep going even when you have your rough days even when you have days where you feel like you want to cheat and eat whatever it is if you go have that meal that is fine do that but get right back on it because let me tell you my number one thing as to why nothing worked for me is i didn't listen to my body i didn't pray that's another thing you got to pray for what you want and pray your way through the temptations of getting food and your obsession with you got to have this and have that you gotta pray on it and god gonna get you through it and the last thing is consistency you can't do you can't do anything without being consistent you cannot just try this one thing and then just give up on it you got to keep going 40 pounds down 40 pounds down and counting consistency that's what you missing you can buy every cookbook diet plan whatever consistency you must be consistent you must have an open mind and do something that you can sustain i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope you got some tips if you have any additional questions comment them below don't forget to follow my personal page also follow chubby cheeks and until next time i will see you on my next video my next post or maybe in the streets we don't know peace
Channel: ChubbyCheekzTV
Views: 2,555,554
Rating: 4.9547219 out of 5
Id: PhQ4Kdf3Mkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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