Nurture Boost-New Autopilot Feature Breakdown

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welcome to nurture boost super excited about this new mode where you're going to be able to turn on and off your campaigns well with this feature you're going to be able to select the industry the markets the filters and be able to put a budget specifically to generate leads what you selected on all these leads are still verified just like the lead Marketplace have matching information with the deed if you're selecting real estate as well with solar and any other industry we double verify that the person submitting is the person you're going to be talking to So within this video if you have 5 to 10 minutes I'm going to show you how to set up your campaign and you can start getting leads as of right now uh the very first thing we want to do we want to go to where it says number one select industry currently we have three Industries available which is wholesale solar realtor and for this demo purpose we're going to click wholesale which is wholesaling real estate select your markets please select any cities and states as you wish should get leads in the more cities the more States you add the more leads and uh your monthly budget will be fulfilled quicker so what we can do let's say you are in Arizona and California if you're trying to do Statewide on every single City in each state you can colle uh select cities and then select all what this will do is select all the cities in Arizona and California and for the people that are more Niche and don't want to be on every uh City in every state uh what you can do is Click one state and then click one city uh what's going to happen here you want to now go to setting the filters each industry is going to have different filters so please be advis these filters you see here you might not see for your industry for as of right now we chose our markets now we're going to choose the filters of the leads right so property type we have condominium single family multif family lands mobile home owned lands mobile home rental lands mobile home rental land means this is a lease uh that the mobile home is on for best results I strongly uh suggest select all but just to keep it simple we're going to go ahead and just do single family only once we do single family the next question is how fast you're looking to sell uh we typically look for home sellers that are looking to sell quick but sometimes a home seller can't move right away even though we want them to uh and typically you know we give them these options and we ask for this so it's either as soon as possible one month or two to three months so for best results again I suggest select all who's living in the property a lot of times investors uh like vacant Properties or owner occupied they don't really want to deal with the tenant so you have the option to select one of these three or again if you don't mind we're going to go ahead and select all of them is your property is listed with an agent so if you click no it's not listed uh this means it's guaranteed off Market meaning an agent's not working with a home seller uh most of these people are looking for cash offers and they don't want to work with the realtor right but sometimes a homeowner is already working with the realtor and they're looking to sell quick and if that's the case you can collect uh you can select yes it's listed typically properties are listed mLs are way cheaper than off-market guaranteed uh just for the uh for this demo purpose we're just going to put no it's not listed estimated value home arv so this option is really handy for a lot of fix and flippers so most of the times um you know we have fix and flippers that only want to do properties under 650,000 or you know if you're looking for section A Properties you can do from $1 to2 200 $50,000 it kind of just depends but most wholesaling uh operations don't really care what the house is worth as long as there spreads in there so we're just going to go ahead and click select all once you set the filters the option number four we're going to go ahead and go to this section is we're going to select the budget right our cost per lead is going to be anywhere from $150 to $400 a lead the more population uh the higher the population the more expensive it's going to be so so since we chose a Good Year Arizona it's a big city um you know it's the cost per lead is definitely going to be higher than if it was Arizona Tucson right but as of right now we're going to go ahead and select a budget so uh something you feel comfortable spending every single month um majority you know people have a $5,000 budget I do want to mention for any industry um there is a minimum of $800 and a Max maximum of $20,000 if you're looking to spend more than $20,000 a month please contact our 1-800 number or go to our main website and submit a form and we'll definitely be able to raise it after filing an application with us to open up the gates to be able to um have a bigger budget but for now for this purpose we're just going to do $5,000 um the next thing you want to do is you want to add a credit card if you have multiple credit cards added already just select the primary one and click save changes once you click save it's automatically going to make that the defaults and then at the very bottom it's going to give you a confirmation summary this confirmation summary is going to tell you everything you selected right the industry the states the cities you're looking uh to get leads in the type of filters property type how soon do they want to sell who's living on property as you can see we select all of those and then U it's your property with real estate agent so please before you go any further and you click this start autopilot make sure this information is 100% what you're looking to do as soon as you click Start autopilot it activates the campaign and when it activates the campaigns it shoots you over to this right so as you can see here it is now activated and you can deactivate the campaign whenever you like and reactivate it whenever you like here's the thing if you deactivate and activate consistently it will not give you the best results in order to get the best results with the best lead flow coming in you want to activate it and leave it on and within 31 days it will continue to recycle right so we go by 31 days budget cycle we don't go monthly we don't go by- weekly we don't go weekly 31 days so this $5,000 budget is for every 31 days if the month has 28 days 29 days 30 days it doesn't matter it goes by 31 days right so please select a budget that you feel comfortable with and again you can activate deactivate As You Wish uh once you go ahead and leave this alone leads will start flowing in as pay-per-click leads start to come into the system the leads are still verified and you can see which ones have been downloading by clicking The View lead op option if your credit card bounces and it doesn't um if it doesn't go through it will say decline on here instead of succeed and then it'll tell you what credit card it was charged um as well leads are anywhere from 150 to uh $400 as of right now this is just a test so everything here is dummy information let's say you're ready to update to more cities you can always click edit campaign and again it's telling us hey it's going to reset your budget right and then I'm just going to go ahead and do Statewide Arizona and I'm going to start this again oh sorry I got to put a budget again see so we have those reminders we're going to do start pilot and then as you can tell right on the bottom it's going to select all the cities in Phoenix I mean in U in Arizona right so as the budget goes down this number will go down so again if you want to deactivate it because you're going out of town for a week um if you're going out of town for a week and you want to deactivate your campaigns you can just log back in Click deactivate and then it will just show inactive whenever you come back from vacation or your team is back go ahead and just click reactivate and it will pick up where it left off
Channel: Nurture Boost
Views: 43
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ueDYcLG3-_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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