NuMe名人美學概念呈獻:英國邊忽好 |EP6 PT2|英國震撼教育 唐詩詠餐桌禮儀大考驗| 唐詩詠 | 英國 | 倫敦 | HOY 77

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[Music] [Music] hi Phil hi ni to see you hello I'm Natalie Mi how are you mi you can speak Mandarin little bit [Music] okay now I want to show you some different styles of bad handshakes meow this is faad pushing you down oh Donald Donald Trump you're right so is dominance okay if you were my guest in my restaurant and you were a regular customer yeah Natalie a welcome it's more like a hug but only for regular guest not in business it's too familiar oh we just shake hands like that and a little bit stronger little yeah beautiful oh okay and something also in the western culture that's really important laughing is really fantastic to laugh with people is amazing uh and now I appreciate that in the Asian culture sometimes you cover the mouth to laugh but it's very natural in the western culture just to laugh you don't need to cover your mouth or be um self-conscious you can really laugh and enjoy absolutely okay there we go I love it that is beautiful so tonight we're going to do dining okay but I would love you to have a seat please okay I love the way you're sitting amazing but but let's try that again I would love to show you a way to have a little bit more an understanding about the importance of seating okay okay so can you imagine we are at a banquet uh-huh okay so you you come in this side and I come in this side and we're going to go okay so we always enter from this side oh okay when you leave leave the table correct so what I would like to suggest is as a gentleman I can pull the chair out for you Natalie welcome please take a seat take a seat like that and what is very very clear is you're sitting perfectly okay we always sit with a fist and a half yeah so you can come forward more and you bring your chair in a little bit more perfect nice straight back mhm okay but that's beautiful you got great posture so nice thing there and that's really lovely seating okay okay many people ask about the napkin move it to your left hand side Mo my left hand side perfect you move it to the left hand side lovely very nice so I will demonstrate okay so I will a gentleman Blazer done up when I sit undo the Blazer oh sit down so I'm like this but this is just in our mind I'm just yeah let do this I take the napkin to the side you fold the napkin in half and you have the open part facing you because when we do open it we can and then we can okay okay if you would like to you can also have the napkin in a triangle like that and then you can close it up okay so your lipstick and everything ah so and the napkin is very important we never remove the napkin from the lap unless you go to the ladies L mhm if you go to the ladies L do we put the napkin here or do you think it's better to put it here CH okay however some people say some people say you can put it on the chair okay fine but think about it many people are sitting on the chair mhm not so clean oh you can place the napkin on the here if you want okay but my guidance as you place it there okay perfect so Natalie it's very important to give the wine a little bit of air we don't hold the glass here we don't hold the glass here no it's nice and elegant very elegant okay we can do this we can smell for the smell and [Music] then now Natalie while the wine has been poured we have some home Made bread please would you help yourself to some [Music] bread excellent with your fingers wonderful yeah excellent yeah on the side plate now do some butter for me please wonderful nicely done and you rest your knif there now naty I want to ask you a question with the bread do I catch the bread or do I break the bread into a small piece like [Music] that correct and what's really important when we're having friends at the table we offer the bread around I can pass the bread around I can say would you care for the bread and then we can pass the bread around the table okay okay beautiful and if I may I'd love to show you when your M when your food arrives I would love to show you how to just uh hold the cutlery so we put the Cuttery there and there like that with a finger on the top because you're going to push down to cut okay and then the fork like that we never turn the fork like this ever always like that okay so what you're going to do is when the food arrives you're going to cut and you're going to push on there and then you're going to bring there okay and then you're going to rest your Cutlery let go you're going to rest your Cutlery between mouthfuls does that make sense so while you're chewing you resting yeah and then you rest perfect very good and then before the food comes the finished position is like that that is now unfinished okay really nice me oh thank you now while we're waiting for your course it's very important that we all wait for for everyone to get the food it would be very bad manners for me start now the queen when she was alive she would never go clink no there would go cheers do Cheers Cheers so we can start together beautiful lovely and you can take a small mouthful push it on perfect and then rest your catery so one thing that's very important with food is we never add any fla any spices before we taste it because if you can imagine you've cooked nice meal for everybody and someone just throw some salt and like you haven't even tasted my food yeah we have three different salts here okay and for the purpose of tonight we have a beautiful volcanic salt from Hawaii oh so we do not take the salt and push it over like that what we do is we take the salt and we put a little bit there like that okay yes have your mouth full and then you can rest your Cutlery yes beautiful now when we finished we don't need to make the napkin very formal but what we can do is we can just take the napkin you can just fold it there and you can place it here in front of you or if you want you can place it there but that's the perfect place okay okay and we get up we stand up and what's very important with chairs is always to push the chair back in oh and you on absolutely and it's really been amazing working with you your smile your energy is incredible fore [Music]
Channel: HOY 免費電視77台及78台
Views: 44,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 唐詩詠, 英國邊忽好, 英國, 旅遊節目, 旅遊, 景點, 英國旅遊, 文化, 英國文化, 美食, 英國足球, 英超, 體驗, 沉浸式體驗, 英國旅遊vlog, Vlog, 旅遊Vlog, 旅居, Travel, Travelgram, travel vlog, 綜藝, 香港綜藝, TVB, ViuTV, HOYTV, 開電視, 有線電視, TVB綜藝, 好好制作, 有線新聞, hong kong, 香港, hoy, HOY 77, 英國⽣活, 移⺠英國, 回流, ⾹港⼈, 英國經濟, 移⺠, NuMe, 名人美學概念, 唐詩詠信心之選, 蜕變自信, 移民, 移民英國, 移民潮, 英國經濟圈, 足球經濟圈, 唐詩詠 TVB, Natalie Tong, 唐詩詠 馬國明, bob叔 英國, glorykasumi, 梨香別井 Miss Pear in UK, 英國港人, 英國景點, 移英Youtuber, travel, travelgram, 英國睇波, 英國睇樓, 英國Scone, 香港人, 絲打去旅行, 絲打圍爐 唐詩詠, 絲打圍爐, chillgood hk, The Reynolds Family
Id: wTFGHsvfKhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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