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today we're checking out a new game Tunes animation about the alphabet lore and the alphabet numbers secret spaceship and their attack on Planet Z this was absolutely crazy so make sure you watch until the end to see the human versions of the alphabet lore it's so funny can we get 1 000 likes and 100 new subscribers on this video let's get goated melon we're about to check out alphabet lore versus number lore bro this is gonna be crazy are you ready Sonny I don't know but let's do this yeah that we can never put its size into numbers but that won't stop these numbers from exploring the universe for themselves this is so cool the Starship arithmetic was universally renowned for their adventures in outer space led by one their fearless leader bro who's won the pilots it's the alphabet numbers four the brains behind the navigation four and five the well fives just sort of around yo you need to chill melon I'm number one everybody knows I'm Cody yeah you're number one thanks guys I'm winking but as for the rest of them they're Universe renowned and today they would go on a journey unlike anything they'd ever seen one four four one the Starship had picked up something on its radar not just something somewhere a planet shaped like a massive Z two two it's a planet never resistance that's crazy so the five set course for three dude they're going to Planet Z that's trouble to kill they landed they're gonna go in his mouth strange white Planet yo what its inhabitants weren't exactly expecting visitors dude they almost squished q no that's oh Sonny oh oh no that's cute also did you notice their spaceship looks kind of like a calculator because they're numbers bro that's actually so smart I didn't even realize yes the letters that lived upon Z had no idea what they were in for yo run two the numbers did not come in peace they came to conquer so all they went in search of the planet's leader hmm four Q found the others just in time and was able to warn them [Music] stronger bro I agree that action must be taken but that they couldn't do it alone oh but getting one of their most powerful potential allies wouldn't be easy yo f is gonna mess them up if they get F to join them the numbers are finished bro everyone literally eat them in one bite though F was cold at first Q reminded him of the reconciliation of how they worked together in the past that's so cute we need to work together again as danger approaches uh-oh the standoff was intense the letters had never dealt with an outside force like this but invasion was old news for the numbers known for their ability to find and take over worlds they were certain this job would be an easy one why the chosen mediator of the letters step forward and asked one simple question they responded one oh he's so weird and with that oh they're releasing the Ninja the numbers had technology on their side it seemed all the letters could do was avoid the lasers and try to stay alive this is epic but that's not the main story we're here to tell Jason as a leader of the letters q was not exactly a fighter knowing this well he decided to make himself scarce and hide alone so Q is like that old man just trying to disappear in he's got like a little Walker because he's a slug and then he ran into five he's about to raise up five though yo what dude they're gonna get together and they're gonna be happy and then they're gonna unite the numbers in alphabet lore oh that would be awesome oh he's not the only one with the idea to hide he had no option other than to fight five off yeah but there's soul mates five left queue behind and Q understood no one would ever accept a love like theirs two races both alike in dignity locked in a battle where there could be no true winner this is so deep melon there's so much emotion dude I hope Q gets with his woman hopefully q and five could have true love and harmony only lies but love was on the line after one had arrest the numbers were back in Action they refused to accept defeat and began a battle plan one that was sure to destroy those pesky letters once and for all but five wasn't sure first they'd upgrade their phaser guns five next combining their powers in a way that's impossible for the letters to match come on five tell them not to do this bro they're literally just punching a punching bag back and forth and they're like combining their powers making better power you know what else is kind of funny they don't realize the planet is the letter Z so even if they conquer it it's still a letter that could destroy them true five and to ensure their success one revealed their secret oh no an exceptionally powerful weapon with the potential to annihilate anything in its path oh no this was five's final straw she couldn't handle the idea of anything this horrible happening to her beloved Cube the other numbers became suspicious do you think that that super laser gun is actually calculus yo it might be maybe that's where Calculus came from bruh that's crazy let's go or maybe together they'll make algebra five unable to control the tears this is too far we don't want more math no more homework don't tell me alphabet lore number Lord are actually working with the teachers to give us more studying dude it goes way deeper than you could ever imagine come on five save q and save the homework there's any longer and knowing she was no longer welcome bled to who knows where meanwhile the letters were preparing a similar plan revealing their own secret weapon yeah oh they're gonna supercharge FM both sides were prepared for war Q quickly realized he had to find a way to warn five of what was to come this is crazy that had last the lovers were reunited five explained that the numbers were about to unleash their greatest weapon upon the letters and Q explained that the letters are planning to do the same the two agreed they must stop the fighting but it appears to be too late oh and with that the war was on numbers added up and became their sum the mighty tent no way not the mighty 10. No wait nope five is not in that I had to do the math for a second it could have been the mighty 15. thank goodness she didn't team up that would have been too much power 10. maybe letter F can handle that oof hope seems lost for the letters and Q knowing what he must do steps up to the plate you refused to abandon his people in their time of need after all he was a letter first and a lover second he beats five goodbye and picks up the gem and returns to his alphabet friends their secret weapon with the power of the comma gem m is able to transform and pin 10 to the ground yo his chin looks like a butt cheek dude started doing leg day he did dude he's huge look at those quads so with the numbers right in half the letters emerged Victorious the Invaders had been conquered let's go alphabet War Unthinkable Happened One in three combined to create one of the Forbidden numbers unlucky their Victory had been short-sighted it looked like the numbers were going to take away wait melon where's letter P where's letter P we need letter P she's the one who usually Saves the Day yo you're right to finish the job 13 stored up its energy preparing to fire a devastating laser at the letters to finish them off oh No Just all hope seems lost and the laser fires no life makes the ultimate sacrifice for love you this is so heavy melon this is so emotional five sacrificed herself to save q and the alphabet lore because she knew what the numbers were doing was too evil what cute I love you Q I will die from the super 13 laser beam and be charred into a million pieces for you [Music] I I asserts to everyone's horror five passed away oh no she really did his eyes were opened violence was not the answer love is the numbers and letters Called Love Is The Answer melon we all realize that for terror is a war were inescapable but the power of love conquers all and as everyone shed their tears they swirled together and magically what's going on they brought five back yes yes we can count to five again the two races um they're all friends they can make that A1 Sauce now they're algebra harder than expected no no keep your algae their love brought their peoples together and saved lives wait they just left for now their love story ends here what the heck that was still kind of sad because q and five never got to get together you know and raise a family and be happily ever after and all that it's okay dude love prevails they're just in a long-distance relationship now you're right that's smart so melon this next clip I've got for you is called alphabet lore humanized let's go hey [Laughter] what are you mad at my beans see wait they forgot e [Music] oh there's e it's crazy dude F keeps coming in F don't play oh we're going deep into F's cave this is spooky oh no melon why is f so cruel [Music] [Laughter] this is so funny bro [Music] bringing it back up [Music] cab yo no way that's overpowered whoa that was creepy yo you just farted her out he's gonna do that Pixar thing no he squished her okay bruh what is going on here yo oh what is this upgrade it's a tackle Titan no no Mega Blast too powerful get out of their cab [Music] okay [Music] L For Love bruh what is going on [Music] say it went Super Saiyan oh wait is M gonna be strong oh yeah big muscles okay in what is happening dude isn't this the greatest video ever and has huge arms oh he's gonna uppercut him oh yeah okay good Pam that was a fail oh wow these guys kind of suck melon this is getting weirder [Music] they're all supercharged oh this is a little slap hey P is Purdy she's Purdy [Music] and Powerful bruh LMNOP the squad oh he gone he left oh what is Q doing sounds nasty she was a stale [Music] him he lost his power up F probably has it this is really bad melon oh oh yeah that was crazy if you guys want us to watch the continuation of that animation make sure you leave a like And subscribe right now and click the next video on screen do it quick
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 147,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pVf5WOrzqN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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