Npx create-react-app not working error in Visual Studio Code React JS SOLVED by using 3 ways

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hi everyone in this video I'll be showing you  how to solve the error when running the command   npx create react app so let's get started so here  you can see right in this it says no such file or   directory app data Roaming NPM so we need to go to  this path at first so just go to your local disk C   and you need to go to users and you need  to click on the system username folder   and here you'll be having a folder named as app  data so by default this folder won't be visible   because this is a hidden folder so to view  this you need to just click on view and to   check this okay if it isn't checked you need to  check this so that the app data folder appears   click that go inside roaming and here we aren't  having any npm folder and that's the reason why   we are getting error because it says we need to  have this particular directory just right click   new folder and name it as npm in lower cases  that's it so I'll just create this folder now   and I will go to my vs code terminal and run  the exact same create react app command again and this time you can see right I am not getting  any errors and it says installing react react-Dom   and react scripts so this is the first way how you  can solve this error so let the download process   go and let me show you another two possible ways  how you can solve this issue so the second way   is going to be you have to run this command npm  install -g create react app so you need to run   this command and after running the First Command  you are running the second command okay this   is in case the first npm folder method doesn't  work so you have to run this and later run this   so if this method also doesn't work you have  to basically run npm cache clean --force and   you need to restart Visual Studio code by  restart I meant just closing and opening it   and my react app has now successfully started so  just try it out and do check the playlist of my   channel I have done a lot of programming videos  check them out subscribe me thanks for watching
Channel: United Top Tech
Views: 43,801
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Keywords: npx create-react-app not working in visual studio code, error while creating react app, error in npx create-react-app, react js error fix, npx Create-react-app Not Working, Create React App Error, npx create-react-app error, npx create react app not working, npx create-react-app error vscode, npx create-react-app my-app erro, Fix Create React App Error, React App Error Fix, Create React App Installation Error, Create React App Command Error, npx error
Id: DMJ9_wY7Z1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 20sec (140 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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