How to Install React JS In Visual Studio Code

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hey guys welcome back in this video we're going to discuss all about how to install react J inside your PC and also I'm going to teach you how you can run the reactj project inside the vs code editor so step number one you need to download and install nodejs so let's get started to understand how we can download and install nodejs WR the cury node CH inside the browser and open the first one link inside the have two versions current version and LTS version so I'm going to use LTS version so you need to download it so once you download it then you need to install it so I'm going to install it accept install and this is a location a path where you want to install the nodejs if you want to change the path you can do this so I'm going to leave the default F and click to next and click next next and install you you need to wait a couple of seconds to install the nodejs inside your operating system click to [Music] yes and click to finish once you download and install the node Jaz then the next step you need to check the version or the installation has been completed or not so you need to visit the CMD right the keyword inside the search box open it and write the keyword node hyphen V means verion once you get the verion then you are able to use react JS inside your PC if you do not get this one result then you need to configure your path so let's uh understand how we can configure the path so in a minute I will show you I need to go on this PC see down and program files and here a not just installation location so you need to get the complete path copy and you need to visit the right click on the this PC properties and right side have a advanced system settings click to environment variables select the path click to addit and right now I am able to see the path has been added inside there if you do not get that so you need to click to new and paste to your complete path on there and click to Okay and like that so I'm going to cancel it because I have a node js the next step is you need to install the react J FL so I'm going to create a folder inside my desktop react J like that and open the code editor dag end of the folder inside the cord editor and visit the terminal click to new terminal and once you open the terminal then you are able to access the particular folder inside the terminal right so let's install the react Jaz so I'm going to write the simple command npx to react react I and then you need to write the react name react project name so I'm going to use the react installation react first project and once you H enter then you will get the result in a minute yeah your project will be creating after a few seconds it will depend on your internet speed once the installation has been completed then you will able to use the reactj inside your PC and you can create a different type of website application and so on so far so I'm going to pause the video after installation of the react Jazz then I will teach you how you can open it in the browser right guys so I have successfully installed reactj inside my PC so the next step you need to execute this one project inside the vs code Editor to display the content or project ins inside the um browser so what I need to do on there I need to include this one command to enter the inside this one project so by the way in the right side a project named react react first project inside they have a file sent folder so we need to enter inside this one folder to execute the command so let's add it so I'm going to use CD react first project head enter and then you need to use npm start to run the reactj project so hit enter you'll get the reactj project inside your browser so you need to wait and yeah I'm able to see the reactj is appear inside my browser in a second W cool so this is VJ project so let's change few things inside the app so in a minute I'm going to find out the app right now by the way this is a folder uh so I'm going to remove it this is the image right and this is a text right now and this is the logo so I don't need that just say you can't see anything else just like background color so I'm going to use p p we are learning how to install and react just project first we're going to save it and open it right now we are learning how to install and run react just project so let's say I want to stop this one project means I need to start this one project so you need to use Control Plus C and once you hit that then you need to use why means yes I want to quite this one project so hit enter and I'm going to refresh my page you can't see the reactj project inside your web browser because you have stopped the reactj project inside your vs code editor right so I'm going to clear my command and I'm going to show you how you can install another project inside there right so let's say CD do I'm going to use the main project main folder so inside there let's install another project you can do the then the next project will appear inside your main directory right and by the way this is option so I don't need that so yeah I'm going to open it one more time CD react first project and I'm execute it so I'm is npx npx not NP npm start and you will get the same result so you know how to download the nodejs how to install the nodejs how to run the nodejs project inside your PC so this video is all about very simple and very um beginner friendly I hope you understood as well all about it so thank you you very much for watching have a nice day guys
Channel: OnlineITtuts Tutorials
Views: 25,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install react js in visual studio code, how to install react js in windows 10, how to install react js in vscode, how to install react js & setup your first project, install reactjs on windows, how to install reactjs on windows 10, install node js in visual studio code windows 10, install react js visual studio code, react js, OnlineITtuts Tutorials
Id: HIdPpm-0ZNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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