Npm Cannot find module npm-cli.js error windows

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con prompt and then the simple command for npm is just to check the version so I am typing npm then minus V to check the version and I hit the enter key so once I hit the enter button then I will see is unable to show me the version because there are some error the errors are something like this error can not find module and it is giving the path so basically we might get this type of error whenever the path is incorrect or the instruction folder of nodejs is not configured completely so for this case we have to set the node just path and if we explore the environment variable we might see that there are couple of noes versions are there so the best way is to remove the unnecessary ones so for this case our nodejs is installed in our program swice and then there is noj here so we have to show that the nodejs is here okay so I'm going to the control panel then go to the system and just hit the Advan system settings from here and then go to environment variables and then under the system variables search for path so this is the path and then click on edit button to edit that now we will see that this location is wrong okay so we need to delete that entry and we need to put the install location entry in this variable so here we see there is on node and there is other modules program node not modules n be and program nodejs so this is not correct so the thing which I'm going to do I'm going to delete this one and then click on okay okay and okay now again I'm issuing the same command npm minus V and if I hit enter oh it's still I'm getting the same error so let's do one thing let me remove that one also PA edit and then node js delete and now add a new entry and put the path name so just copy C program files nodejs just copy it and then add new and then paste it and then click H hit enter okay then okay okay now open the confront in and hit MP m command minus V you see it's working fine so in this way we can fix the problem if you want to read a detailed guide related to this video I have the link in the video description please subscribe to our YouTube channel and visit my website toots
Channel: Tuts Make
Views: 7,918
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Keywords: Npm Cannot find module npm-cli.js error, error: cannot find module 'node:process, nvm cannot find module '@npmcli/config', NPM: npm-cli.js not found when running npm, Error npm-cli js not found when running npm, npm-cli.js not found when running npm error and solution, node.js - NPM: npm-cli.js not found when running npm, Cannot find module npm-cli.js - NodeJS, Npm cannot find module npm cli js error windows, Npm-cli.js cannot be located by npm during execution
Id: gP2sRfifEfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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