✅How To Fix Error PS1 Can Not Be Loaded Because Running Scripts Is Disabled On This System? SOLVED

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hello everyone i will come here to my  channel today i am going to show you a   problem that many of my students were facing that  is whenever you type ng serve or any ng command   if you just simply click on enter you will be  getting this that cannot load it because running   script is disabled on this system so why this  error occur so this error occur mainly because   of some security reasons and all so what  you you you need to do is you need to just   you know simply execute these three command i'll  be putting this in the description so you don't   need to worry about this comment so see what i'm  going to do is just simply copy the first command   and then go to your terminal then just you  know simply right click on it and then enter so this comment has been you know rightly executed  so then just you know simply execute the following   command so get execution policy and it is going  to show you remote assigned sorry remote signed   and then just you know simply execute the last  command that is this get execution policy list and then just simply enter and you will be getting   this scope execution policy list and now  if you just you know simply type ng serve   then enter you will be seeing your project get  start compiling so it's now currently generating   browser application bundles so so in this way  you just you know simply resolve this issue   so just simply execute these three command i  will be putting this in the description so just   simply copy it from there then in your terminal  just you know simply compile it and then it   has you know rightly compiled so just you know  simply click on http localhost this link for 200   and you'll be seeing your project is now currently  launched over here so this is a small trick that   i just wanted to show you so in this way you  can easily resolve this issue right so that's   basically all of this video thank you very much  for watching this video and god bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 84,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: running scripts is disabled on this system, fix running scripts is disabled on this system error on windows 10, running scripts is disabled on this system powershell, fix the running scripts is disabled on this system error on windows power, nodemon.ps1 cannot be loaded, nodemon not working, nodemon install error, nodemon install, npm nodemon command, npm nodemon install error, npm nodemon not working, node js, express js, windows powershell, web development
Id: q5iDjNR1O7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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