now Maroon Impostor is here

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it feels like we're getting new imposters left and right because uh now we have maroon imposter in the game let's begin wait a minute look at my heads up display level one what does that even mean also look I have a unique sword a headband it's all part of the same universe as white imposter and black imposter I'm just another one of the imposters and I guess I have some Unique Mechanics to me that I have to discover so for general movement I will say I feel like I feel similar to white imposter that's why I actually brought them with me here I think the weight is a little different they feel similar but not exactly the same so we're gonna both gonna jump yeah I'm a little lighter than white imposter as you can see here I can go a little higher yeah white imposter is slightly faster as you can see um they slowly catch up to me or I slowly lose them for General moves we have the quick Jabs so it's just a one two not a one two three down tilt it's like a low stab and it sends your opponent up very good combo starter up till oh it's an upward punch okay pretty cool or tilts is just a forward lunge that has a decent amount of range I'm not gonna lie it's pretty good and then Dash attack I do a slide which I actually don't use my blade I just kind of slip on underneath them and the hitbox is well you have to actually make contact with them you can't slide close to them you have to go like underneath them all right those were the basics all right I brought black imposter with me just so you can get a nice size comparison I am a lot smaller but yeah let's go ahead and do the Aerials so for Forward Air we do a forward lunge in the air it seems to do a reasonable amount of knockback and you have to remember that black imposter is pretty heavy so it also seems to kind of Miss easily so you have to be somewhat accurate with this move for up air we have an upward kick I kind of like how it looks like um my moves are martial arts inspired I feel very much like a ninja and I I like this up air quite a bit down air we do a downward stab and that is going to make a very crunchy sound I really like that sound and it's gonna do a tremendous amount of damage and I'm assuming it will Spike off stage we'll have to test that later obviously we're back here we do kind of a backwards hit using the um handle of my blade instead of the actual blade and uh it does knock back quite a bit neutral air oh we do the classic I like to just call this the Mario it's just like a general area of attack in the air um not too shabby at all all right those were the Aerials all right Gamers it's time to tell you about today's sponsor life isn't always easy and when you face some trouble like a car accident Morgan and Morgan wants to make submitting a claim as easy as possible in eight clicks or less you can be connected to the largest injury firm in the U.S you can literally submit a claim from the comfort of your own couch so don't wait go to linklight2 for more info and thank you to Morgan and Morgan for sponsoring this video alright let's get back to the video all right we're chilling out with Mario and now it is time to test the specials this is where things are going to get somewhat interesting so for neutral special oh no way we have a fireball just like Mario well uh this specific Mario actually doesn't have a fireball like smash Mario but you get it oh what the heck did I just do is that side b side B is some sort of lunge and it has a good amount of range and I believe it can be used as a recovery tactic you can even jump after you perform it which is pretty cool if you exhaust all your jumps and then do it you still don't have any jumps but you can use it in between jumps which is pretty darn cool you just saw my upbeat that is kind of short in my opinion is it an attack move it is an attack move so I'm assuming they made it short because you also have you know side beats to recover with so you can basically jump side B jump up B and while it is not the most impressive recovery we've ever seen there is a lot of mix-up opportunities as there are a lot of different directions you can push it personally I think it's a unique idea and I actually quite like it for down special you level up and I'm not entirely sure what this does I'm gonna assume it makes my attacks more powerful maybe it makes my side be more powerful oh my gosh yes my side be lit Mario on fire so if you just tap down B oh it does like a little tiny charge up but if you hold it you get that nice charge up okay okay that makes perfect sense to me does it change my Fireball as well it does look how insanely powerful those Fireballs are that's crazy and wait wait wait does the upbeat change as well um it does consume part of the meter but is it higher I can't tell all right now we have no charge at all and we'll just upbeat from the ground oh yeah that is a considerable difference my editor will show you side by side that's about I don't know maybe like an eight percent increase in height it's not too bad that can save you in a pinch all right that is pretty cool if you're enjoying the video so far be sure to subscribe helps out the channel let's check out these alternate costumes on this imposter uh there's quite a lot so buckle in we have defaults then we have oil Pearl Taffy clouds Sky flame dust lemonade butter ghost hunter moon this so retro squid games snow Mossy golden Navy burning Regal Rock Dust two no way there's a Counter Strike reference in here all right that's the perfect segue I literally cannot deny the opportunity guys is I have a Counter-Strike Channel I've been working on if you play Counter-Strike which I highly doubt there's a lot of Counter-Strike players watching this video uh go check out my Counter-Strike Channel I make videos on skins and it's a lot of fun if you don't like Counter-Strike that's completely fine don't even bother but I'm just saying perfect segue anyways let's continue the rest of the costumes we have Spirits Capri pale Spore and pasta okay buddy shock space the susk guy default wow that is a lot of costumes and somehow I was able to plug my Counter-Strike channel uh which is also pretty funny I did not expect that to happen in this video all right we're chilling out with Sans and it's time to test the smash attacks so for forward smash uh we cross our eyes and we do an insane head butt I believe if you were going to slam your head against something very quickly you probably would want to close your eyes as it's not something you particularly want to see uh but don't don't ever do that guys that's really bad for your skull and your brain and take good care of yourselves okay anyways yeah we're gonna go ahead and slam into Sands that's gonna do 20 damage a decent amount of knockback not bad for up smash we're going to what is popping out of me is it what is it I don't even know it looks like some sort of weapon it's just a black object I I'm I have absolutely no clue what that is if you do let me know but yeah that does a decent amount of damage in knockback as well and then for down smash we uh attack on both sides oh it seems to be some sort of like Wing thing I believe uh if you played the actual Friday night funkin mod to these guys are from you would probably understand uh what the heck we're looking at here but yeah it's like some sort of weird branches flowing out of my body and they hit on both sides all right that's a smash attacks all right we're chilling out with Sonic and now we're gonna test out the taunt and the shielding animation for the shielding animation we uh prepare a defense by holding out our hand in front of us if we go ahead and taunt oh we do kind of like a rock out sign and we do like a little squint wink at the camera with a little smirk that's pretty cool I like it simple but fun all right now it's time to hop into the battles okay I really wanted to start things off quite challenging so we're hopping straight into a level 9 Waluigi battle this guy is insane but I'm ready alright starting to regret my decision huh all right we take those I am not against taking a free stock is the crazy Waluigi going to be able to handle the maroon imposter combos I will say right off the bat I'm noticing that my range isn't the best so I really have to get I really have to throw myself all the way into my opponent if I want to actually make any sort of impact because any character with a decent range is going to outrange me every single time now it looks like I just destroyed that while Luigi and this is maroon imposter's Victory screen next we're battling boyfriend I feel like it's kind of a fitting theme you know what I mean all right I have no idea if the boyfriend AI is even good but we're about to find out he kind of dodges a lot though look at him Dodge bro I can't land a single hit on this guy oh you can also charge in the air so like I can just charge up here in the air and that allowed me to really get the ball rolling on that I will say it's kind of hard to land my Aerials so I have to be very deliberate about how I aim them we actually made a video on this boyfriend character but it was over two years ago so I kind of forgot a little bit about them but you can always watch it if you want to know everything there is to know about this character all right we're gonna side be off stage there is that gonna be an optimal Edge guard I think it is wow I did not expect that move to be that effective I also just charged up my meter completely in front of boyfriend and he did not feel like punishing me for doing that I guess he was feeling generous oh no I missed that would have been so sick okay we really have to hit a downer oh that would have been insanely nasty I also love how powerful my upbeat is when it is charged up with the meter it's absolutely worth having the meter charge so you can get a really strong upbeat it can absolutely save you in a pinch we're gonna get forward smash here oh I really wanted an aggressive play there but it wasn't quite worth it I think boyfriend just dies yep all right well maroon imposter wins again alright it's time for everyone's favorite segment okay but can they be Goku we're bringing out the new Goku we've been testing the waters we're switching up the segment a little bit so uh let's have some fun Goku on the GameCube this guy's pixel art still throws me off every time I see it but all we really want is a more powerful Goku fight experience and if this is how we're gonna get it then so be it however I'm starting to think that this Goku is not more powerful than the other one he does hit quite powerfully and his voice lines are reasonably loud I have to say my range is very lacking and every time I want to hit a Ford air I am reminded of it bro is screaming so loud I'm trying to find an opportunity here to get a decent combo but this Goku is parrying and punishing quite well that was impressive Mr Goku I see you we're gonna go ahead and use that opportunity the iframes from respawning to charge up our meter as we're gonna get a side B into down air combo let's go that was so clean oh that's gonna be the finish right there Goodbye Mr Goku you put up a fight but it wasn't good enough all right I know you guys are gonna want me to fight the other imposters so we're gonna do it let's hop into it first up is black imposter if you want to know which imposter is more powerful black imposter or white imposter uh then be sure to check out the verses video that we did um it was an absolutely insane fight I'm getting wrecked right now hold on relax buddy maybe just maybe these guys are way too cracked for me oh black imposter's just that nice of a guy sometimes he just gives you a free stock you know he's just you know trying to be generous be polite of course oh wait oh no I couldn't punish I am absolutely getting wrecked here I mean I would be getting wrecked if I didn't have the free stock anyway but I do have that free stock so I have a little bit of wiggle room here as I try to regain composure and try not to mess this up oh no okay and uh I went for a deep dive and it wasn't worth it but it's all good because black imposter ended up dying anyway it's last stock Legends it really could go either way if I lose this fight then I'm gonna go ahead and let the maroon imposter AI take over for me as uh well it's probably better than me let's be honest oh I didn't get to punish there but we are at a reasonable percentage lead here that's not too shabby nothing to scoff at that's for sure I'm gonna try to charge up a little bit of charge there we're really trying to farm it up we have Max charge here level three we're gonna go for a side beat and a down air combo and that's gonna lock it in oh my gosh it's so satisfying to land that combo bro all right you already knew it was coming it's white imposter time wish me luck bro all right we both look like we're prepared for battle and immediately they are absolutely using that range their advantage white imposter actually is quite different from maroon and posture and I think about it because wine imposter has amazing range where I don't have amazing range so I'm gonna have to get pretty creative with my Approach here if I want to beat uh something that I have a massive disadvantage in clearly I am off the sauce right now because I was absolutely insane I don't even know how I pulled that off but to be honest with you that was sick side B into well nothing I couldn't follow that up I think as long as I uh just don't get hit I have a good chance at winning that sounds really straightforward and simple um it's like saying f i just uh don't crash my car then uh I'll be all right which uh you know thanks for sponsoring a little something about crashing cars you know what I'm saying oh my gosh let's relax for a second here charging up oh yes I absolutely interrupted your plans there sir we're gonna go for this follow-up attack it didn't quite connect the way I was looking for but that's okay oh my goodness that I'm very intimidated right now we both have a pretty good lunge and oh my gosh that was absolutely terrifying it's 2-2 on the board I still feel pretty confident why imposter is actually interrupting my charging as well so I have to find more uh strategic times to charge rather than just mindlessly doing it because uh this guy will actually punish for it oh my gosh I was like in stun for a second there and then I actually down there didn't even mean to do that okay that's gonna be an excellent punish there we still have a 32 lead let's try to uh strengthen our lead before something horrible goes wrong uh because we all know that is very possible oh my gosh relax for a second there pal okay hold on wow my side B didn't even look like it came out at all but it still consumed my charge even though I think as soon as you input it takes the charge no oh my gosh what a horrible way to end it wow that was sad had that connected that would have been the most beautiful finisher we've seen in a long time but alas I Was Defeated honestly bro we all know I would have won it so it is what it is all I can say is if you want to see the maroon AI take on some opponents be sure to subscribe as we'll be doing that pretty soon check out our white imposter and black imposter episodes and the battle and be sure to check out our Mega playlist we have reviewed over 200 characters absolutely insane alright I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Linklight Too
Views: 36,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maroon impostor, maroon amongus, maroon mod, maroon impostor rivals, rivals maroon impostor
Id: SOy1LQR_fq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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