"Now is the Time To Rebuild and Maintain our Spiritual Walls"

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[Music] my head come to lift him up we come to magnify his name that's my heart is filled with praise that's why we love in this life [Music] I love you love you ball cause you can't believe such a special my heart is filled with I Love You Lord you can call it is such a special way that's my appraisal my heart yeah you know my my for me one that's fine praise [Music] artistry with brain I love me such a special way we pray we pray hallelujah my heart is filled with praise because I know God to be a way maker I know God to be a light in darkness come on we know God to be a promise keeper on today and that's why we can thank God and we can lift up holy hands in the sanctuary that's why our hearts can be filled with praise because we know God is a keeper we know God to be a way maker on today hallelujah we thank God for his presence that is already in this place we thank God for his presence and the love that he has for each and every one of us let's just give God a hand clap of praise for who he is in our lives hallelujah glory to God and if you don't mind let stand for water prayer this morning [Music] Deary huh father we love you on today god when we look back over our lives and we think things over [Music] where would we be without you so god we just come this morning just to say thank you God thank you for loving us in spite of ourselves and God as we enter into your court into your presence on this morning we ask Lord God that you will forgive us for any sin by thought word and deed and now God we just ask that your spirit would fall on us have your way Jesus have your way in this place we love you today God we magnify your holy and righteous name it's in Jesus name that we say thank you and amen amen you may take your seats and now we will have the scripture by Reverend Derek Bostick this morning the scripture reading comes from the book of Nehemiah chapter 6 verses one through four and the reads now it happened when Santa button Tobiah engaged him the Arab the and the rest of the enemies heard that I had rebuilt the wall and that there were no breaks left in it though at that time I had not hung the doors in the gates then San baton baton and gishian since said to me sent to me saying come let us meet together among the villages in the plains of honor but they thought to do me harm so I sent messengers to them saying saying I am going doing a great work so that I cannot come down why should the work cease well I leave it and go down to you but they sent me this message four times and I answered them in the same manner the Word of God for the people of God praise be to God [Music] so pleasure in so blacks get to say singing I'm so glad and you say class to see so planter your friends I'm so glad I'm so glad your brain so a man isn't it good just to lift up the name of the Lord at the 9:30 hour do you feel the energy and the Spirit of God in this place amen well yesterday is I've got a good report for the congregation tree temple we delivered over eleven to twelve hundred turkeys out in the community so it was a good day Spring Hill Lake elementary school that community they got some turkeys and 40 coats were delivered there we're grateful Reed temple new life law got some Turkey's the law community was lifted up and the mother ship took care of a whole load of people that came into the house of the Lord so that everyone will have a feast or Thanksgiving with there's so many who who really contributed we want to thank God for his provision in that this was done under the leadership of the Women's Missionary Society we want to shout them out right now thank you for your leadership ministries that came together of course the men came unpacked loaded reloaded the men's ministry the women's ministry was in full effect youth ministry came in because you know them well I'll leave that alone with the pin gauge oh let me keep going that you've read the house God's makeover I don't know for tulkus here the daughters of victory boys to men the Girl Scouts the Boy Scouts the Cub Scouts were in the house students from surrounding schools who needed some community hours came the harvest warriors always on the street master's touch they live praise and worship and song Yuna thought Spring Hill Lake Elementary was a church I mean they let in the spirit the ministers were praying for people who needed a little bit of help now you know the divine nine came out strong but can I shout out the AKS for leading the charge they were there in full effect steward security trustee we have PG County school officials mouths open in all like how y'all pull this off the public relations department here read temple now y'all gotta give them a shower under the leadership under the direction there is I'll see your pastor irreverent mark Whitlock and sister bill Whitlock was just grateful for good leadership amen and so we're grateful for what God is doing in the life of the church and we are ever so kind there will not be Bible study this Wednesday coming up there will not be Bible study we know that you're gonna be preparing but that doesn't mean you can't crack the Bible open have your own study at home now you thought it's getting off the hook like that no you can have your own Bible study just won't be here corporately a tree temple no Bible study but on Thursday Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day you don't know how we do it we have our annual Thanksgiving Day service and sermon it's one hour starts promptly at 10 o'clock the pastor will deliver a word there'll be some testimonies so come on out and the best ingredient that you could ever start with on Thanksgiving is the worship for the Lord so y'all got it y'all ready amen we thank God for those announcements now it's my pleasure to welcome those who are in the house of visiting with us then I believe we have a special visitor I think her name is sister Jackie Rome are you in the house could you stand for a moment y'all she is the deputy director of Family Services yeah she focuses on domestic violence human trafficking and most importantly to help her to get through all of that she loved the Lord so we're grateful to have you sitting in the house here Reed temple and so could the rest of the those who are here visiting could you stand and remain standing so that we could acknowledge you our greeters are passing out greet our visitors package for you those that are on line who may be visiting with us we're glad that you in the house on behalf of our senior pastor the Reverend Mark E Whitlock our beautiful first lady Reverend mere Whitlock ministers officers and members of retopo AME Church will show you how glad we are that you here could all the members rise now and let's greet each other and greet our visitors briefly in Christian love nation when I ran it on it as we now come together I have the announcement of announcements it's time to take up our 9:30 offering today we get excited we get excited we get excited because God really has been good to us having God has given us so much giving us so much so this is our opportunity to give back unto the Lord or we we we just love God so much you know we can't be God's giving God we can't be cheap with guy and been cheap with us he gives us his very best and because he does that we want to make sure that you have an opportunity to give at this time so starting at the rear the sanctuary with the instructions are the best OSHA staff just sign of glory because you bring your tithes and offerings into the house of the Lord then brothers right there they're gonna sing they're gonna give us some beautiful great giving music the greatest musicians in the land y'all come on let's do it the way we do it so that you can bring in your tithes and offerings into the house of the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Heavenly Father thank you for creating a good day to give back into your kingdom now give us the wisdom to use it for the advancement of that kingdom I will give the glory and honor in Jesus name we pray bless this offering bless together those who had a mind to give bless them and for whatever reason could not we give you all the glory in Jesus name Amen God is indeed good my brothers and sisters I will bring up our senior pastor who are introduced to speak at our and after that introduction well had a miracle prayer amen come on let's give God a hand clap of praise in the house on this day before I introduce our gonna thank Reverend Janelle Johnson stand up and she is responsible for our domestic violence and human trafficking ministry come on let's give God praise and she is just a gift from God thank you for bringing Jackie roam and then at the 11:15 I'm hoping some of you will stay because we have the legendary pastor at Metropolitan Baptist Church an incredible retired preacher one I would consider a mentor of mine a man we have Reverend dr. H Beecher Hicks come on give God a little ride he's coming at 11:15 so we would ask that you would pull up your horse park it amen and just sit awhile to listen to him I've known the preacher for this hour for exactly 120 days a man but I've come to love him Morgan State graduate Wesley Theological Seminary he is a gift from God he's responsible he's the director of ministries here at REE tempo amen come on give God praise it means he goes to the highways in the bad way he's seeking the lost to left out left behind one who has dedicated his life because he was a corporate mogul he was responsible for audits and just simply making sure that businesses were in legal compliance happily married and again wonderfully anointed let's give God praise as you stand to your feet let's give God praise for Reverend David Clarke come on give God glory my brothers and sisters I would ask that you would remain standing as we prepare to go before the Lord if you're able to connect please connect with the person that is closest to you [Music] Lord God creator and owner everything that is and ever will be you owe no one a debt and cannot be held accountable by they created but yet lord have mercy you graced us with your love with your miracle by sending your son Jesus to reclaim and restore to us what he did not steal but the joy that was set before him he endured the cross despising the shame and was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities chest eyes rebuked for our peace and by His stripes we are healed all that we have needed his hands has provided in this season of Thanksgiving we collectively lift our voices this morning just to say thank you thank you thank you for your goodness thank you for never ending love a love that is inseparable a love that cannot be broken by the issues we experience in life nor by death angels demons I any power was thank you for being our refuge the keeper of our souls and the author and finisher of our faith we just stopped by to say thank you and all of God's people said thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] I know you're doing Oh yeah now in the building for Oh Lord [Music] I know you're a Malone Oh do it for me too I love the Lord because he's heard my voice in my supplication and having climbed as he unto me therefore will I call upon his name as long as I live the sorrows of death compass me in the pains of Hell got hold upon me and I found trouble and sorrow but then call die upon the name of the Lord oh lord I beseech you deliver my soul and gracious is the Lord yeah how God is merciful the Lord preserveth the simple and I was brought low and he helped me return unto thy rest o my soul before the Lord has dealt bountifully with thee Oh bless his name this morning sakes of God he is worthy to be praised we might as well join into with all of heaven who cries out to him holy holy holy because he's worthy to be praised hallelujah blessed Lane from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same his name is worthy to be praised hallelujah in this house just one more time bless His name bless His name bless his name hallelujah I certainly give honor to our Heavenly Father God and Savior Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit to Pastor Whitlock I tell you that you bless the Lord for you for your leadership my god and the evangelism that is occurring hallelujah letting the world know that we are a community church and we love like Jesus came and loved us hallelujah hallelujah give honor to first lady Reverend beer Whitlock a man named a yes right a man thank God for her the marvelous work she's doing and to all of the ministers that are here today thank the Lord for you and to all of you that have come out this morning thank you for allowing the Lord just to touch you and then to come out this morning to obey Him and come into the house of the Lord just one more time and I like to say give honor to my beautiful wife for her love and encouragement now we've been married some now 10 years as are the 14th of November and had a chance to celebrate in a place called while to cool Mexico near the Pacific Ocean side a man and thank the Lord for my children and all of my family who are always praying and encouraging me let us pray father God please illuminate your word to our minds and hearts so that we will draw closer to you and be encouraged to advance your kingdom here on earth in Jesus name Amen I like to draw your attention again has already been lifted to scripture but to Nehemiah the sixth chapter verses 1 through 4 now it happened when sanballat Tobiah Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies heard that I had rebuilt the wall and that there were no breaks left in it so at the time I had not hung the doors in the gates that same ballot and Geshem said to me saying come let us meet together among the villages in the plain of oh no but they thought to do me harm so I sent messengers to them saying I am doing a great work so that I cannot come down why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you but they sent me this message four times and I asked them in the same manner according to verse three so I sent messages to them saying I am doing a great work so that I cannot come down why should the work cease while I leave it to go down to you a man my brothers and my sisters I want to talk to you this morning from the topic now is the time to rebuild and maintain our spiritual walls now I want you to look to the neighbor to your right and to your left and repeat this after me now is the time to rebuild and maintain our spiritual walls a man you see the book of Nehemiah records a period in history of the children of Israel when they had returned to Jerusalem after they came from captivity in Babylon they had been rescued by Cyrus the king of Persia in fact their return to Jerusalem starts in the book of Ezra and continues in the book of Nehemiah and I just want to encourage you this coming week take some time to read both of those short books and I think you'll see some great encouragement of what God can do in our lives you see the book of Ezra relates to a story of two returns from Babylon to Jerusalem the first one was Zuba Bale who was a prince of Judah and a descendant of David and he went there to rebuild the temple and then the second return was under the leadership of Ezra the scribe to rebuild the spiritual condition of the people and then we have Nehemiah a Jewish man who was the cut barrier for the person king ah taxes and he comes on the scene some 94 years after the Jews had returned to Jerusalem from captivity and the walls were still torn down that's a long time to have your walls still torn down and the question is why would the enemies be content with letting them rebuild the temple and not want them to rebuild the laws of the city you see God knew the answer to that question so he appointed a time and he had Nehemiah to reach out to his chosen people to let them know that it was time for them to rebuild and maintain their laws and I want to say to you today just like the adversary the devil was trying to kill steal and destroy God's people by keeping their walls torn down after their release from captivity him and his demonic forces are still trying to keep our spiritual walls as believers torn down that's why this morning I want us to consider some reasons why now is the time for us to rebuild and maintain our spiritual walls my brothers and my sisters the first reason why now is the time to rebuild and maintain our spiritual walls is this is because their walls matter it ain't deep in a real deep the laws matter that's why we have walls in our houses walls on our jobs walls in the hotel's walls in prisons and thank God for bathroom walls my god hallelujah for bathroom walls but we find in Matthew 6 Jesus taught us he says go into your secret closet and close the door in other words our secret closet has walls any great city in antiquity had great walls babylon jericho jerusalem terrace and there are other famous border walls as well the Great Wall of China Germany's Berlin Wall Islands Belfast peace walls and the Korean wall and the list goes on but I want to mention also in the book of Revelation 21 verse 12 it tells about a New Jerusalem descending down from heaven from God that has a great and high wall and I feel about this wall that has 12 gates and it has 12 angels at the gates aha and tall wall understand that why because walls make a difference in the quality of our lives we can have access into our walls with gates and doors so we can secure the access in the walls now really I'm jumping ahead of myself but if I were to have a pot due to this message the pot too would be security access to your laws but I will stay right here with this message and let you know that broken down walls allow uninvited access broken down walls invite allow uninvited access we could give access into our spiritual walls to the word and to the Holy Spirit because the psalmist says this he says thy word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against thee in other words there's alright to have the word of God come in it's alright to allow the Holy Spirit to come in but we got to be careful about other things understand this that God knew the enemy did not mind the Jews building the temple and does not mind believers believers coming together to worship even on special occasions as long as he the enemy has access to come in the temple and to come into the church to wreak havoc the enemy always is always trying to gain access into our spiritual temples so that he can wreak havoc in our lives in our lives we must learn quite get his brothers assistance we must learn to restrict access it's while spiritual temples restrict access it draws spiritual walls don't let the devil and his demons come in unfortunately even sometimes you can't let people in to your spiritual walls you see the Jews going back to Jerusalem and building a temple first was good but waiting so long to build the walls was not good people get saved today but they delay in growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ in other words we must have some walls that the enemy of our souls cannot penetrate and I'm talking about spiritual walls I'm talking about food up the spirit walls I'm talking about my love log love the Lord with all your heart and with your mind and your soul and your strength and then love your neighbor as you love yourself if you love me you will keep my Commandments love your enemies and bless them that curse you and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you you can keep our lives free when we have our love wall strong hallelujah we can pasa talked about a judgment-free life a judgment-free zone when you have love in your life when you have them that the wall of love strong in your life we can have a judgment-free zone in our lives my joy wall the joy of the Lord is my strength my peace wall he shall keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him and the list goes on my patience wall my kindness wall my goodness wall my faith wall in other words the major fee that we meet in our lives when the enemy attacks us is the shield of faith my dear to this walls my self-control wall spiritual walls are needed to transform but Li to be like Christ and when we rebuild and remain and maintain our spiritual walls we advanced the kingdom of God here on planet Earth in other words we bring God's heavenly character into the earth and that's what the problem is today there's not enough of us bringing God's character into the earth we invade the worldly culture with God's kingdom culture we bring stability to our families and the spheres fears of our influence it was Apostle Peter who said this in 2nd Peter the first chapters starting with verse 5 he said but also for this very reason giving all diligence add to your faith virtue to virtue knowledge to knowledge self-control to self-control perseverance to perseverance godliness to godliness brotherly kindness to brotherly kindness love for if these things are yours and abound you will neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ for he who lacks these things are short-sighted even to blindness as an has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins and watch this vs. is therefore brethren being even more diligent to make your call and election sure if you do these things you will never stumble in other words as we maintain and rebuild our spiritual walls we don't have to worry about stumbling for so and interest will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in other words our strong walls help us in our decision making we make better decisions when our spiritual walls are built up and maintained because spiritual walls make a difference you see what am i settled in his spirit that the walls of Jericho could no longer wait to be rebuilt this is what he did at night he slipped out and had a private mission and he inspected the broken walls and I want to suggest that the second reason why now is a time to reveal and maintain our spiritual walls it is because we need to keep our walls in good condition when was the last time you had your spiritual walls inspected we must have our ongoing inspection of our spiritual walls but we need to make sure that we got a quality inspector I'm not talking about mama knellman and our choosing them and uncle bill name I ain't talking about them or even the various contractors or builders on HGTV they can't do it all the builders that have built the tallest buildings around the worlds they can't do it we need an expert Enix and inspecting spiritual walls it starts with plan asking the Holy Spirit to fill us and did bring us submissive to his guidance having an intimate relationship with God I just want to ask you today do you have a prayer life are you acquainted with your spiritual coach watch what I'm saying now are you acquainted with your spiritual coach who's your spiritual coach the Holy Spirit should be when Jesus went back to heaven he assured us that I helped overcome and that help is the Holy Spirit in other words we need the Holy Spirit to inspect us and empower us to rebuild and maintain our spiritual walls you see he empowers us to to stand on the the Word of God and obey God's Word we need supernatural divine power to rebuild and maintain our spiritual walls we see in verse 4 of our text scription four times the enemy attacked Nehemiah with the same solicitation to stop building and to come down and meet with them they even had an old false prophet prophesied that God wanted him to come meet with them mium I responded the same answer was they did not life I ain't going down from this great work so I cannot come down for your purpose because we're doing a great work mium I had come to the conclusion that the work must not stop and provide us the third reason what now is the time to rebuild and maintain our spiritual walls it is because our enemy will not give up we must not give in if the enemy is not going to give up we must not give in the enemy's enemy means us no good we must always be ready to fight while we work at rebuilding and maintaining our walls it's going to be a battle we have to fight life is a battle my friend life is a battle my brothers and my sisters understand that today God's chosen people have been back in Jerusalem some 94 years living with torn down walls and the question is why would the Jews be content with torn down walls it wasn't that no one saw the problem it wasn't that the walls were not wanted many people saw the broken walls knew how they have ruined their lives but no one got past the place of wishing their walls were rebuked rebuilt and I agree with Krista green a prolific devotion writer that most Christians walk through life feeling beaten up saying the devil is busy oh my god saying the devil is busy the devil is on my case the interviewers attacking my finances my family my health the devil made me do it that old victim mentality that poor old me mentality we are big bad in church but in everyday life sometimes we live so defeated but I came this morning to declare that we the people of God cannot allow ourselves to experience and continue to remain and have this victim mentality we are overcomers God has confidence in us we are the light of the world we are the salt of the earth we have been given the five keys or the major keys to the kingdom access to divine wisdom and power it's time to fight for our spiritual walls then debt my brothers and my sister that means war and I like Charles Dickens when he said it this way him I got joy in my soul God is in control I got Satan on my trail but I'm singing all is well he's attacking everyday but I'm watching why pray no matter the attack I will not turn back and this means war this mean war I got joy in my soul God is in control I got Satan on my trail but I'm seeing all as well he's attacking everyday but I'm watching while I pray no matter the attack I won't turn back this means war this means war I plead I plead the blood I plead I plead apart I've been in the storm and the rain and but the blood still remains the same whatever is going wrong my war clothes are owned I might be in a daze but you can't have my praise no matter the attack I won't turn back because this Means War This Means War I plead I plead the blood I plead I plead the blood watch this you can't have my family you can't have my increase you can't have my breakthrough I plead I plead the blood I plead I plead the blood This Means War I said This Means War we are called to be warriors but the weapons of our warfare in that corner but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ Jesus might have ridden on a donkey into Jerusalem but when you look at revelation 19 he was a swordsman and a warrior king who rode in on a horse and declaring that victory was he is the builders had a sword on one side as they did every building my brothers and my sisters we must always have a sword of the Holy Spirit bow side which is the word of God our strategy for successful waters warfare is based on what is written no weapons formed against us shall prosper we must keep building and maintaining our spiritual walls while fighting with the Word of God watch this you must read the word you must study the word you must meditate on the word you must memorize the word you must obey the word you must live the word and you must preach the word hallelujah we will find out like Nehemiah our enemy may try to stop us as we rebuild and maintain our walls but they will have to acknowledge God is with us God is with us and the last reason why now is the time to rebuild and maintain our spiritual walls it is because the walls need to connect our God the world needs to connect our God to our walls the walls were completed in 52 days the enemies had to acknowledge that God did it the amount of time it took to finish this job was remarkably short the walls were in ruins for almost 100 years and then they were set right in a period of 52 days this was noted this was no denying that they were empowered by the strength and the power of Almighty God my brothers and my sisters when our spiritual walls are built and maintained there is no denying that we are empowered by God Clark you look different you act different you are more loving God did it whether you are different you don't worry God did it sister you are different you have more joy God did it father you are different you have more patience God did it mother you are different you have stronger faith God did it Junior you are different you have more self-control and discipline God did it teacher you are different you show more kindness God did it police officer you are different little more gentle God did it minister you are different you are sharing more of your godly knowledge God did it my brothers and my sisters our spiritual walls serve as a witness to the reality of a Living God we have someone behind the scenes we have someone backing us we and our triune God have partners our partners in power God is still in charge and he's with us but now is the time not tomorrow but now is the time to rebuild and maintain our spiritual walls if we're going to change the world change our families and change our communities it starts with us know you rebuild and maintain your spiritual wall but let me just raise the general question what condition [Music] is your spiritual wall in what condition does it really represent who God is now sometimes we wonder why God people don't serve God you know why cuz they don't even like us how do we expect them the love and like our God when they don't even love and like us because of our character we're not demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit walls are you loving while you can are you do you demonstrate faith my brothers and my sisters God wanted me to let you know that he wants to move forward in this world that's why I'm so excited about our evangelism playing pastor we need to let the world know that God is a good god we got a little note that he changed our lives I just want to let you know my old southeast boy he came all the way in Southeast DC and he changed me my boy said what's wrong with you o'clock you know God religious I said cuz I can't do what I used to do cuz I've been change by Almighty God have you been changed today have you ever changed a date he's Almighty God he loves us but he has commissioned us and we cannot remain the same I do I dare you to rebuild and then maintain your spiritual wall I dare you to have a strong prayer life studying God's Word and then being obedient to his word cuz guess what we will change this world if we'll do that today I raise a question to you what is the condition of your spiritual wall and I want to say it broadly to everyone in the building have you accepted Christ as your Savior so that you can really get help to build your spiritual wall you can stop the enemy this person that we called the devil in his imps from inundating and destroying your life if you were just receives the savior jesus christ and he'll provide you the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and I'll be honest I walk around I think I'm bad I really do I bet that night back in alternated southeast but you know and it forgive me you know was the colloquial vernacular but sometimes when I look at my Heavenly Father Jesus and the Holy Spirit I didn't my boys that's why I scared cuz I got my boys God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit cuz I know if I can't handle it all I gotta do it look back at one of my boys and look out look out and that's why I tell the devil don't mess with me him cuz I will call on my big brother and his name is Jesus and the Bible says there's no other name given among men whereby we must be saved and they said at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and under the earth why because he's Jesus all-powerful Lord Satan I love in the day are you ready to recommit your life to rebuilding and maintaining your spiritual walls we want to open up the door and if you have not received Jesus and the pardoning of your sins I just wanna let you know you we're here your family is here and we're here to share love with you because you we want you to join us in victory with your spiritual life are things going a reskin to your life is the enemy wreaking havoc in your life I just want you to know that you can have support you can because there is a support system along with your brothers and sisters here today there's God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit let's bow our heads for a minute father God you touch hearts today your persons courage the same I need Jesus as my Lord and Savior so that the magic spiritual walls can be built up and that I can make a difference in the decisions that I'm making in my life for not only myself but for my family as well for all the persons in my life and then those that know that they need to rebuild strengthen them to come today to make a commitment just to make a commitment before their brothers and sisters age I will build my walls I will rent make maintain my spiritual walls I will ensure that they are properly inspected and that they are up to the code of the Word of God of your eyes don't you come today is there one in the house come on let's give up reach your hands level free come on you can do better come on give up reach your hands up now give God a hand clap or free come on come on come on make some noise for the Lord Jesus great whoa I believe somebody's coming come on get your hand in the preachers hand come on put your hand in the preachers hand if you don't know God in the parting of your sin come down to the cross come on come on come on if you're out of the church and you're looking for a new church home come down to the cross if you have not been baptized come down to the pros I got one more I got one more if you need your spiritual walls repair come down to the crosswalk rail come down to the cross come down to the altar for prayer come on put your hands together give God one more time as they come if you need prayer come come down to the cross I see you coming come on come on encourage them come on give God a praise if it's prayer that you need if the salvation that you need there was a church home that you need what your need is right here everything that you need is that the Crone I see you coming I see you coming I see them coming come on give God praise all you got to do is just step out of yourself and step to the cross of Jesus I got one more please I got one more please sometimes we come to church and we've suffered from church hurt we suffered from family hurt but if you work for somebody you're gonna suffer from employment hurt but the challenge is is that sometimes we hold on to the Lord look at them coming come on let's give God's law or if I see you coming this message is only for those who are looking for help from hurting hope in hurting healing from hurting God told me to say this and if it's on your heart that you're tired of leaving this place the way you did where you came in I need you to come to the cross right now just come come to the cross come come on out of your seat we want to pray for you at the cross is there a nothing is there another just come out of your seat say I'm tired of hurting I'm tired of going through a man here they come come on give God glory as they're coming come on come on come on come on give God glory as they're coming a man boy has passed a day come a pass today some in rem days I want you to pray I want you to pray for those that are here to give us a closing prayer please pray father God you have provided provision for us because you are a relational God in fact when we pray we pray our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name you love your creation and made us a part of your family and for those a day that have gone floor to use those that have come dead of broken hearted those that are discouraged those that want to be strengthened we impart now your supernatural power on them by decreeing and declared that this is the day that the Lord had made and we will rejoice and be glad in it by allowing the Holy Spirit to live in us to freely come into our gates of our walls that have been built and we submit to the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God thank you today father for that empowerment for everyone that has come down to dissolve to today and even those that are these at their seats meditating now you know how to do it Lord let them know the reality of surrendering and having strong spiritual walls in the name of Jesus we thank you amen don't give God glory as we prepare to go home I have some cards I want to read as we prepare to go home Joyce Walker Joyce Walker comes for salvation and for prayer a man we have shaquita is it shaquita or shaquita green shaquita green comes for special prayer requests come on give God presbury please take them into the back thank you please say walk with them did not preach a preach today amen then they give a word [Music] I literally saw the walls a man please for those who want to stay over for the 11:15 service please do so for those who want to greet the preacher as you get prepared as you prepare to leave please do so but most of all there won't be a Bible study on Wednesday amen but there will be a Thanksgiving service on Thursday at 10 o'clock and we promise we'll have you out by the time the giblets and the gravy and a man y'all act like y'all don't know what I'm talking about a man turkey a man is prepared at 11 o'clock amen I got good news for our debt free for the campaign we have almost 200 people signed up come on give God praise on December the 4th on December the 4th we're gonna have a special service for those who are ready to cut up those credit cards taking the first step towards being debt-free amen we're going to invite you to come down because we're gonna have a prayer service for cutting up credit cards because God is gonna eliminate the debt that's on side the inside of your body and then on December the 11th we're gonna have a healing service for church hurt for a family hurt for the job hurt for personal hurt on December the 11th amen at Wednesday we're gonna have their service praise God from whom all blessings flow [Music] see now on to him there's able to keep us from falling to present us faultless before his drone throne with this eating joy to the only wise God the glory Majesty Dominion and power both henceforth and forever born and the Church of God said amen amen and amen everybody hopes somebody [Music]
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 1,285
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: wYn8Ym92FMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 4sec (4564 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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