Notting Hill & Portobello Road London Walking Tour

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hi everyone i'm back and it's sunday and it's  the 11th of july and today i am at notting hill   you guys um not quite sure how busy it's gonna  be it's a big day here in london it's the uh   euros cup final but we're not concerned with that  today because we're gonna head down the amazing   portobello road now i've just exited notting hill  station you'll see it there behind me you guys so   i hope you can join me a really bohemian very cool  very chic neighborhood a lot of vintage clothing   amazing antique stores fabulous jewelry stores  great food all coming up the sights and sounds and   the visuals i'll let you know when it smells real  good i promise our tour begins from the notting   hill gate underground station which is located  just to the north and west of kensington gardens   there are a few turns here and there but for the  most part we will be walking along portobello road   for the duration of the tour along the way we will  see quaint restaurants vintage clothing and music   shops and beautifully colored row homes we'll  also see landmarks from some of the most beloved   films based in london the portobello road market  stalls are mostly absent today but we will show   you how crazy the streets can get there's a lot  to see so let's get started first i want to start   by showing you what's across the road so some  of you may be familiar with that of course i'm   not going to talk too much about it because  i don't want it to define the area but the   notting hill movie of course we all remember  with hugh grant and julia roberts i'm just a   girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love  her that was the movie theater that you see there   that they went in and he uh very famously wore  those scuba diving goggles at the actual movie   theater so they went to see a movie in there  on probably one of their first dates but i'm   gonna reverse you around because we're gonna head  down here now let me just show you where you are   so this is clearly signposted you come  out of notting hill station right here   and notting hill station when you come out  it'll give you directions straight towards   portobello market so let's go have a little look  around you guys now it's an ultra bohemian ultra   rich neighborhood we're all out priced from living  down here uh only the likes of david cameron and   george osborne but thomas hardy over the years  a very famous serial killer that lived at risk   john christie who lived at willington place  live down here as well but well it's most   famous for you guys is its vintage vibe and it's  bohemian vibe it's really taken over that bohemian   uh title from soho essentially but it wasn't  always the most desirable of addresses   now just across the road here's a fabulous little  pub and look at the lovely floral display outside   that's the prince albert and i want to show  you some of these really cool retro stores   along the way now this is just coming down  portobello as if we've just left the station   so this one is kind of cool actually you can swap  your vintage clothing so essentially it's a buy   sell and trade store mentioned retro woman there's  some really cool stuff in there it seems a lot of   prada a lot of gucci yves style wrong for example  there 320 pounds a gucci bag for 280 pounds so   if you're looking for your vintage stuff you guys  this is definitely for you but we're going to head   down towards the market area now i purposely  chose to come on sunday because saturday is so   manically busy down here so hopefully there'll  be something going on nothing hill is kind of   traditionally more the rag and bone area as  well but you get a lot of antiques down here   and a lot of the food stalls in the area  look at that beautiful store across the road   i may just cross over actually because some of  these storefronts are fabulous this is all the   rage in london at the moment you guys these new  electric scooters and you can hire them all over   london i'll show you a little bit more about  that later on well might be a little better if   i went up here to the pedestrian crossing there  we go yeah i mean look at this beautiful retro   store here you guys now this is the type of store  i love personally i would root all day inside here   some amazing little stuff there's a converse  store even beatles salesmen is it like so   we're going to keep going i'm not going to  stop at all the storefronts but i want to   it's a bit noisy around here apologies i don't  want to stop at all the storefronts but you'll get   the idea some amazing little cafes and gorgeous  turkish restaurant there outdoor seating area look   a big shop front here so the minute you set foot  out here you get that kind of a bohemian vintage   artist musician rockstar vibe but i want to show  you some of the beautiful houses up here too   now there's one particular crescent  there's several crescents in the area   most of them date back to the early 1800s but  after world war ii the area did attract a lot   of west indian migrants to the area and  that caused a lot of problems in the area   i guess the west indians brought such an amazing  flair to the area and they enjoyed an outdoor   nighttime loud vibe and music vibe and that  didn't really agree very much with the at the time   in the 1950s particularly the teddy boys you  guys and there was a period of time where   there was some a lot of racial tension in the  area so we had the working class you are the   more reserved shall we say or the quieter white  residents in the neighborhood and the amazing   west indians coming in and busting in with  their fabulous food and music and culture and   their vibe of being outdoors and enjoying  an outdoor nighttime lifestyle so   there was a period of settled  a lot of unrest in the area   but in the 1960s that kind of they were very  poorly treated actually there was a lot of problems with the council not picking  up their garbage and they were living   in slums and tenements but new laws came in  in the 1960s to protect the rights of tenants   so that saw a huge improvement to the area but  in the 80s then it attracted a massive amount of   artists and writers and rock stars  and musicians and film script writers   to the area and of course that drove up the  price of property so now it is an amazingly colorful place look at that incredible place  there you have the sun and splendor i don't   want to get too many people in on it don't worry  you're all right you don't mind okay so we just   want to make sure that i don't intrude on people  either sorry so we're gonna uh head down here   i know some people can be a bit weird about  being on camera you guys and i don't want to   be invasive either but we are trying to get a  good vibe down here we're trying to get everybody   involved so i want you to see it as it is now  look at this gorgeous little terrace here you guys stunning little store so already we've only just turned the  corner we haven't even gone into where   nottingham is in the market area  but we're heading down there now   but you see so much stuff to do so much  shopping so much great food so many amazing bars   have a look at these colorful beautiful houses  along here and this is a instagram heaven i guess   there is a lovely little muse down there  as well it's called portobello muse   i don't want to be intrusive  by going down there though   i think a lot of people get annoyed by well  i mean what can they do they've got this   beautiful colorful place people want to take  their instagram you know look at this and look   at that how incredible is that that was the  home of george orwell of course he lived here   and he left here there's one of the circular  blue plaques i'm telling you about all the time   novelists and political essays lived here from  1903 to 1950 he actually lived on baker street for   a while as well i will be doing a little tour on  baker street shortly in the next coming few weeks   i do keep promising i'm going to all these  different places and i will try i will get there   we just need time so if you're enjoying the tour  so far go ahead and hit the like button it helps   others discover the video if you'd like to see  more videos like this one subscribe to our channel   we have walks along the thames through westminster  camden all over london visit our website for more   about our tours our travel tips and more we also  have virtual tours and channels that focus on dc   new orleans new york and more look for  free tours by foot wherever you travel   you can support your guide with virtual  tips links in the description and let us   know what else you want to see leave a comment  below now back to the tour central london is rammed with thousands of football fans so i think  we probably picked a good day to come down this   direction west london we're in west london by the  way so you take the district line to notting hill   and one step up from high street kensington  where we did the tour before you guys   that took us through beautiful kensington  palace and gardens and around by alberta   opolis if you haven't had a look at  that you guys but it gives you a good   route that beautiful house there for  her it's the perfect instagram shot now there's a little terrace down here  i'm gonna bring you down to as well   so i was looking up some properties down  here recently and the price of properties   is in excess of about 14  million now ladies and gents   again maybe in the next lifetime we will see  evening rents would be super expensive down here but of course not only is that going on  today i personally live between collierswood   and wimbledon so i can commute from either  collierswood on the northern line or wimbledon   and i was in wimbledon today and today is  the men's final of wimbledon as well so a lot   going on no big surprise that  djokovic is in the final yet again um   my favorite that was federer and if federer  was in the final i assure you i would be   watching that right now so these are like muse  residences again amazing to think that these   would have been the old former homes of laborers  and college workers or college industry workers   um that worked in pig farms  and tailors and butchers   now they're the most desired addresses in london  look at this beautiful little church here as well   so that's going to take us down here now  we should see some stalls along the way   so not as many football fans in this  neighborhood as i had expected for the last there are plenty of them around you guys right now so we're still on portobello road now portabello  i believe was admiral vernon captured portobello   from the spanish that's where it gets its name  now look at these beautiful colorful houses here   again now they would be the ones that would be  going for about 15 million 14 and 15 million   that would be the entire properties of course  but let's make our way down portobello road   still a few people around nonetheless  but of course on the weekends now little   saturday this place is absolutely jammed with  people and i just wanted to show you around   see the types of food and clothing  and shopping you can do around here look at the colors they're  just absolutely beautiful it's jesse's western store some amazing cowboy  hats it looks like in there vintage again   get on the jackets look at these beautiful winter  coats actually the best time to buy them would be   right now they're less expensive than they would  be when they're needed the most in the wintertime   now alice's is closed here analysis has become  a bit of an institution here as well because   that was used in the pellington bear movie  and they sell all little types of antiques   and vintage i guess you could call it kind of  brick-a-brack if you like a boys club look at   that beautiful picture there the queen so there's  another example this is denby close of those   little muse houses previously denby muse it says  up here but we'll continue on i want to show you   some of the very cool jewelry stores which  always catch my eye that's them with the   england flags they're all getting excited the game  is kicking off tonight at eight o'clock so if you   hear any of the bb beeps in the background they  usually have loads of flags flying from the cars this is amazing here there's a record  some fashion and musical thing to go   actually they are they're watercolors and oils and   the pastels little antiques here beautiful is  that i mean this is just heaven for shoppers you i guys come back and buy myself a new hat actually  there's so many but they're worn out worn to death okay so we're coming up on up here new  england boys with england flags oh here we go good luck tonight you guys good luck tonight say  hello to everyone if you win look the england   boys are out i told you you won't they  won't see you there they'll see you there   there you go there you go it's coming home  is it or going to rome which one which one now yeah they're all a bit  excited as you can imagine   the girls are shopping up a storm here  there's some amazing glasses actually   i could do with a pair myself these are  quite cool oh my god they're fabulous   they were gorgeous you should have got them these  really big ones here okay so the girls are all in   on these gorgeous little jewelry stoves look at  this so this is where you need to come to buy all   your amazing silver jewelry you guys i will be  coming back myself to see some of these shortly just a small little so there's still a few around  shopping out about you guys so that's good today   the good fairy it's a really good antique  store i don't know if they'd let us in though   i'd like to go in do you know what it's not worth  chancing it because then they're going to ask me   what i'm doing and it'll just take too long so  it is so much quieter than it can be down here   obviously portobello road you guys is super super  busy there's usually stalls lining the entire   street up here all the way up so that would be  on a saturday ordinarily but we're going to go a   little further afield down here because that more  i want you to see it's a great little store there okay so we're around westbourne grove now and i believe on this street is where mark bolen lived actually with his  wife june mark boland of t-rex fame of course   the place was a haven for artists  as i said and musicians and   was the coolest neighborhood in london in the  1960s and 70s someone may dispute that though some   people would say it was soho but soho was very  cool as well i mean there's room for eccentrics   everywhere in london i guess and artists and  performers rights let's head down this direction and we'll head into that we'll  meet a few more fans along the way let this chat pass us here  that's you're better off okay silver anyone so it's kind of nice actually it's lovely  down here today i'm delighted i came down   now because i avoided coming yesterday because  it would have been too busy and it's really not   practical walking around then surprise evan got  a few more people screaming roaring in our ears   but now we're getting into some lovely foods  and fresh melon juice lemon and ginger and   tumeric shakes look at these lovely wigs again  i'm not a huge fan of these jewelry stores there's admiral vernon of course who brought the name portobello back after  conquering portobello was it essentially   is at the right terminology not very  good on my war history i'm afraid but uh   apparently he was the one that won a battle  to retrieve portobello from the spanish gorgeous dalmatian here they're all  fussing over him you guys it's yeah   he's only a little puppy he's gorgeous she's got some great little  vintage coats here as well   wow a few more around down here another  selection for you usually the tunes would   be pumping out here now of course in notting  hill carnival it kind of signifies the very   end of summer down here it is the most  colorful lively amazing festival in london   and it's always on the august bank holiday weekend  so it's an amazing time to visit and you will see   the most elaborate costumes and floats and dancers  and music and food and oh some great albums here oh you mind if i take a little video of it oh  you guys look we got the clash we got clapton   the beatles are rolling stones vinyl  is making a massive comeback thank god   and yeah so this is where you come for  your records you guys as well as well   as soho's we've mentioned before but wow i  must come back here any prints smell lovely   no we pretty much have all them in here have you  my friend just okay do you know what i'll come   back when i'm not videoing and i'll have a look  all right thanks guys good luck tonight by the way so yeah um we're always looking for that  rare exceptional vinyl mind you my friends   are huge prince fans and they have pretty  much everything that you can possibly have   well you can never have everything but alas  now you guys this will be familiar to you   now you have the notting hill bookstore  that was used in the movie as well as   hugh granzel movie as a little bookstore  now it's just one of those typical london   souvenir stores but let's just go to the front  and i'll take some footage of it there for you that's where he first meets anna scott in the  video or in the movie so that's one of the famous   movie locations here you've also seen the cinema   but if you can there's this spending down here  it's a great free thing to do but it's unlikely   you will almost find something you want  to buy here look at ms angeli abu lingerie forgive my french pronunciation to any of our  french friends that are joining us right now   and we're getting down into a few more  market stores i love this vibe here this   portobello market um beautiful shop  front you guys now look inside there   it'd be great if i was allowed in but i don't know  if i am let me just check and see we've just got   some free advertising maybe maybe not i don't  know how they feel about cameras but we'll see oh my god look at those amazing posters you guys let's see what the chap will say sir do you mind if i film in here or no hello hi do you mind if i use this in here or no  can i film in here is that okay oh great   i just want to always ask permission look how  beautiful his story is you guys now you'll know hi   you'll know where to come oh my  god i need some of this in my life   i am the one who knocks there  he is high so what was it   i mean i loved breaking bad but  it's been so long since i watched it   uh audrey hepburn the beatles look at the posters  you guys oh well it's one of the queen's guards   in a compromising position there there's jimmy  and these are all the posters oh my god this is   like the dream store for me now i love it in here  anything that has like this retro 1970s 1980s vibe is that frida kahlo is it looks  like oh look down here here's johnny do you know what it's such a great place to be  you guys and it's a lovely work places hi love   uh thank you we're just filming there for a  little minute it's okay you want to say hello   i'm going to bring my customers here to see you  obviously oh wow very good your store is gorgeous   thank you for letting me come in and film around all my customers will be back to see  you soon next in six months hopefully   thank you so yeah so that's the uh   the south park beetles that's pretty cool there  as well you guys it's kenny cartman kyle and stan love it the lifestyle you  ordered is currently out of stock   i love that okay that's modeled on a banksy   one of banksy's most famous paintings now we get  in here to a few more designer stores there's kurt   geiger we've got five guys there's another  great pub in the area the duke of wellington trailer happiness cocktails and  comfort food right let's keep going boys want to know me on  youtube then i said yes we are do you go wellington there's always a duke of wellington  pub in the neighborhood anyway   that's for sure now i'm going to get  in the middle of the road because   this is pedestrianized which is great for us so  you can get a view of both sides of the street now as i said under normal circumstances there  will be like 4 000 stalls down here pretty intense   and busy so this is quite a nice way  to see it there's the famous electric   cinema showing black widow at the moment  i think that's scarlett johansson isn't   okay you guys so this lady seems to be  giving free samples she's after walking away   where cbd begins origin 40. i thought i was  gonna get some like cbd can i try some is   that all right this lady's going to bring me  a little drop of this i want to check it out   only because i saw you there two minutes ago my  lovely and if you don't mind thank you yeah i'm   not i'm not trying to keep you out of it i don't  mind i know that's okay so this as i said sorry   some ladies don't like to be on camera which  is fair enough that's the lady's prerogative   so what the lady just gave me there was  a little sample of cbd juice raspberry   beetroot and lemon which infused with  cbd oil and it's absolutely delicious and good for the soul and good for yourself  and good for your system so why not now this is   another very famous pub in the area and their own  gin they they brew as well it's portobello road   gin bar and that gin is amazing you guys now we can go left or we can go right and i'm  thinking we might have a little look down here in   blenheim crescent for a couple of minutes because  there is an incredible spice shop here as well   the smell of this place is amazing  we've got fresh chilies and ginger let's just have a little look down here some lovely outdoor dining which everybody  is taking part in at the moment oh today by   the way's about 21 degrees you guys slightly  dull looking so sorry um but it's quite humid   in fact which is super  annoying because we did expect oh my god you know what see i am totally wrong so this was the inspiration sorry for the  bookshop the travel code featured in the film   was inspired by a bookshop established on the  site in 1981 the original interior and shop   front remained today now i'm a little confused  because i think the other one might have been   is this the inspiration for it but they filmed  in the other one i'll figure that out don't   worry we'll let you know either way it's kind of  cool we've got two of them so why not so let's   have a little look i want to show you some of  the beautiful colorful houses down here as well i mean it's just so pretty you guys and  this is what you need to put on your list   when you come to london  this is kensington park road the reverse it's running  parallel rather is what i meant   now here's the italian restaurants i was reading  in the paper tonight every italian restaurant and   bar oh yeah this is the best place to eat  around here you guys kensington park road   and every italian restaurant and bar in the city  is packed to capacity because of tonight's game what's also interesting is  in soho i do a little tour   and above one of my favorite places in the  entire soho a place called bar italia is where there is a plaque actually to commemorate where  john loggie baird invented the television well   in fact that is his italian restaurant  tonight where he shows a lot of football   um and he's a huge big screener there he was  interviewed there recently he just said he   could have sold the seats in his restaurant  four times over the play there's such demand   from the italian community it's a huge  italian expat community here as well   in london look at these beautiful little  houses along the way you guys here we   go a lot of work being done in a lot of these  places but i'm gonna head back up again i think   i just wanted to show you some of the beautiful  residences along here i mean enviable addresses and by contrast these lovely  little houses on the side   so we're going to head back up that main street  like these british chairs there in the pub   it's lovely in the outdoor the english  flags up and about yeah so you'll see   what's on offer down here you  guys definitely make a little trip   now my colleague wesley does an amazing nothing  hill i'm portobello world market tour i believe   it's on saturday mornings but you just check  the website and the link to all our tours   will be at the bottom of this and our public tours  are all up and running as london is alive and well   and everybody's out in force now let's see  a few more of the market stalls along here   now they do close them up at like five o'clock  so we still have time let me just give you an   idea what time it is it's only 3 30. loads  of time oh my god look at her olive display oh my god look at this i absolutely love  olives i like to ask these sellers their   permission before i film but they're  usually so lovely and gracious   beautiful selection thank you look at that is  that mozzarella oh my god look at that you guys   amazing so there's something to suit  every palette down here as you can see and we're gonna keep heading down here towards   the very end down here we'll come eventually  on ladbroke grove labra grove station   another set of news coming up  there on the right dunworth muse so it's not an area i usually guide i usually just  come down here and hang out around here usually   so it's fun and colorful fancy some chicken wings you guys chicken wing now we're at westbourne park road this direction and this is look at again all  the colorful beautiful houses along the way pinks and purples and greens and blues now these are charity shops  in the area as well where   a lot of people do a lot of great little rooting  in there you can get some great finds in there too   in a lot of the charity stores and you know  that you're doing well as well because you're   donating to charities so i always have  a little rummage through you never know   what amazing stuff you could find last  year 1.6 million items of clothing were   reused in our shops so that's all of us protecting  the environment as well am i buying used clothes it's a love hate social club  i love the fun of that story oh they're letting traffic back down so i'll  have to go down the main road here you guys let's scoot around it's a little busier down  here there's a queue actually to get into tescos so they're allowing a certain amount in at a time i've done very well today you guys  and that i haven't bought anything   but that's only because i'm filming  i'll probably come back let me show you   oh wow look at this gorgeous  little set of news you guys fabulous art stores it is a haven  for artists down here as well   it's not difficult to see why it's quite  an inspiring place if you are a creative and the further down you go  the more colorful it gets and the busier it gets i mean it's  impossible to choose one place to shop in this is lancaster road   now we're going to head up here because i'm  going to bring you up to see the food stores sunday in notting hell you  guys and portobello road one of the most famous markets in london  so we're gonna get some great fresh juices   up here some west indian food all types of food  actually right under the railway bridge up here so let's see what's happening i think that ladies out for this fab oh that's  a very cool story as well my eye keeps wandering   you guys i'm trying to keep the camera  straight but every two minutes i see a store   i want to go inside but let's see here  another bodega and an outdoor lively   seating area we have a blue  plaque here let's go have a look see if it's relevant so let's see what this says up here okay wrong last letter brian which is an  irish name i'm gonna maximize it here it   says through her vision and spirit the notting  hill street festival was conceived in 1965.   it later evolved into notting hill carnival  well done look at that you learn something   new every day part irish where she was obviously  married to an irishman with a name like o'brien   the inspiration for the  notting hill carnival you see the irish have handed everything you guys  this gentleman is showing us his talent here oh donuts donuts donuts you guys and morrissey donuts and marcy oh my  god my favorite place in the world oh my god that is not morrissey i'm so embarrassed  that's their song three lines on the chest just   sounded like his depressed self there for a moment  oh wow hi can i you look fabulous can i say hello   see this beautiful lady you guys  oh my god your hats are wonderful   are you modeling one right now i have my mother  here oh hi look at this it's called protect but   make it fashion it's a satin servant for fairly  sexual hair as you can see and we are the only   one in the uk to do this so protect but make it  faster ah thank you ladies sir marvelous ladies   modeling the beautiful hats there you might  not heard what she was saying but they have   an independent line of fashion products and have  you got a little website that my customers can see   i'll take this they'll probably only hear me  through here you guys oh there you go thank   you you look fabulous by the way both of you  guys have a lovely day thank you look at this   so this is more real up here i  think you guys people are a bit more   friendly oh the smell of the incense sorry  beautiful sorry oh don't be sorry that's okay   it's gorgeous oh you guys if you could  only smell it right now it's amazing   right let's go have a little look  indoors here and have a look around do you know i have to stop apologizing  to people fulfillment because i can't   film and then ask permission every time so  i'm just gonna wing it and if they ask me not to put it in the footage that's fine  we'll edit it now let's go in here oh no you   know what right yeah we'll do both let's  go into this is portobello green market   oh the place is buzzing you guys ah your standard leathers and your suedes place is alive today we're going to go and  have a look at the food now in a minute as well camouflage okay so there's quite a few   empty stalls here but still  there's still a few out to be fair okay packers green bay packers for my american  friends on board there's uh kind of a vintage   adidas and american sweatshirts here we got  some amazing leather jackets and suede and fur   a bit warm for fur today but alas we could start   again shopping for them to look at  that beautiful dress on that lady all right let's go look at some of the  food you guys now it's gonna get a bit   loud in here i can tell already  some tunes pumping out everywhere   and let's head through here oh aclan  village perfect right here we're going so this is on cambridge gardens i'll  give you an idea what's an offer that looks like traditional jamaican food i think pizza greek food falafel quinoa peruvian   noodles oh you guys now how could  you possibly go hungry gluten free thai street food the best duck sandwich in  london spinach and chicken feta wraps oh   my god how good does all of this look if only you  could smell what i am smelling right now you guys sensational now we're gonna  oh wow yum yum korean chicken i'm immediately attracted to the amazing music   some places to sit and eat oh  this lady's making cocktails wow   got some dancing going on down here let's go and  have a look i'm feeling that reggie vibe folks oh that's great serum bar and that's  where i want to go oh i love the music a bit more of them oh sorry a bit more of a  mellow vibe here caribbean gorgeous caribbean food oh you guys now so lively colorful everything you want  from london food shopping alcohol music   art vibes just an incredible day down here so i  am actually i'm going to be finishing up right now   where you can hear me so thanks again for  joining me i'm going to make my way back up   towards nottingham station there's a couple of  places i wanted to see along the way so you know   what to do you guys like and subscribe for more  of these day trips around london with sinead i'm buzzing right now enjoying this vibe   but i feel like i'll be getting home for the  match there's too many people around tonight   i'm being a little boring actually but i'll come  back down again next weekend now just make sure   if there's anywhere specific you want us to  go in the next few weeks or the next few days please don't hesitate to suggest a pleasure  as always and thank you guys so much for your   fabulous compliments that i've been receiving  lately on the tours it's such a pleasure and   so worth it to me knowing that you guys are  enjoying the work i love doing this so it's uh   part of my day today in london i've  got the best job in the world so i'm grateful for every single one of you and for  subscribing we've gone to 2 000 subscribers now   you guys so if you have any more friends that  you think would enjoy seeing london with us   in person well virtually in person  let's say please don't hesitate to share   and like and subscribe you guys the more  subscribers we have the more videos i'll be doing   but for right now we'll be signing out of  nothing hill and portobello road and thanks again   for joining me and i'll be seeing  you very soon again you guys don't forget to like and subscribe free  tours by foot london looking forward to   all your comments and suggestions below in  the box and if you want to buy me a gin and   tonic or one of these lovely cocktails  along the way you're welcome to do so   my paypal link is below but i assure you any money  i do get goes i'm making some very bad decisions   in notting hill have a fabulous day you guys  and i'll be back soon i'll see you all very soon
Channel: Free Tours by Foot - London
Views: 52,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Portobello Road, portobello road market, portobello road, notting hill, portobello road market london, portobello market, notting hill walking tour, london walking tour, portobello market london, portobello road london, notting hill london, notting hill walk, things to do in notting hill, walking in london, london walk, notting hill market
Id: hG3RuEtl7T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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