New Notion Feature! Native Progress Bar Crash Course

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today we're looking at yet another notion update and this one's pretty good this is the native progress bar so now we can create progress bars in notion that are native to the program all you need is a number whether that be from a number property in your database or a formula you'll notice now with these numbers that you have the option inside of the database menu to convert that number into either a progress bar or a progress ring we're going to look at sort of the basic functionality of this new feature and some interesting use cases if you want to follow along there is an empty page down in the description below so you can follow along with me in the video there's also a completed template with all of the finished examples and formulas so we're going to just get right into it the first one is going to be a habit tracker and in the habit tracker table every single page is a new day and we have five different check boxes which illustrate each habit so from habit one to habit five what you can do to create a progress bar and notion now is either have a number property or a formula property that returns a number in this case we're going to use a formula property so we have two formula properties one that's just going to return a number i'm going to click through to this first one and what i want to do is just add up how many check boxes here are ticked true to do that i'm going to use a function called two number and it looks like this with t being lowercase and n uppercase inside of two number i'm going to click inside of my property section here habit one one will be true zero will be false so let's just copy this i'm going to say plus paste habit 2 plus habit 3 4 and 5. so now what we have is everything added up for this first row you'll see that three is the return because there are three check boxes so all we need is this number so just click the heading edit property and now when you have a number we have this option in the menu you show as a number as a bar or as a ring let's show this as a bar because all we have is a number here and not a percentage we can convert into a percentage via this menu that is what this divide by option is in this case we want to divide by five because there are five habits so you'll notice that just because we did convert this to a percentage does not mean that we're seeing a percentage i would choose the option do not show number and i would give myself a little bit more of a minimal look so this is all you'll really need to create a progress bar notion now which is pretty cool we don't need really crazy formulas anymore but if you do want to show a percentage number with your progress bar you will have to create a percentage number so let's do that in this next formula first let's just copy and paste this result in the previous formula into the next one and inside of this formula let's divide by five so i'm just going to isolate this inside of parentheses open and close beginning and end and divide by five so this is a pretty clean number but that won't always be the case sometimes you'll have numbers returning like point three three three three three three so let's clean this up just in case we have something like that so what you'll want to do here is round your number down to do that i'm going to use a function called floor which is just rounding the number down so why use floor and not you know like the round function which does exist well when you're working with percentages and say you have a percentage result of 99.8 it's not quite 100 but if you use the round function it will round up to 100 which you don't want so we're going to round everything down so i'll say floor 100 times put an end parenthesis at the end divide by 100 so our original formula is this right here and the added floor function is what is not highlighted so let's press done and what we're going to do is convert this via this one two three button or we can just click on the title again and go to edit property and change the number format from here from number to percent and then click bar and now what we have is that percentage plus the progress bar you can also change the color maybe to orange and that is the other way we can create a progress bar let's go down to the next use case let's look at how we can create formulas using a project manager in this case we have two separate databases one for projects at the top with these cards labeled project a and b and down below a database for tasks there is a property for the name of the task status which we have three different options here not started in progress and done and a deadline property which is just a date property and of course in order to connect these two databases we have a relation property which is this project property so if i click through and edit this property really quickly if you're unfamiliar with notion this property is really great so in type this would be under advanced under formula called relation this connects two databases together in this case we're related to projects and in projects we have another property called tasks and this is a backlink property as shown in this preview window so with this connection i can go into project a open this up as a page you'll see all the tasks connected to project a with this connection what we can do is actually use a property called rollup to grab this status property so i have two rollups already created one that grabs the percentage of tasks connected to project a that are not started and ones that are in progress let's create a rollup that grabs the percentage of tasks done so add a property so let's rename this to done change the type to roll up and with the roll up all you need is a relation in this case we only have one called tasks grab the property from tasks called status and what i want to do is calculate percent per group that are completed and like with the formula we can convert numbers into progress bars you will have to create a separate formula property so let's go to add a property and name this percent not started and this is the property i want to show through the card and let's change this into a formula and edit to just grab not started roll up right here in properties it is a number so what we'll have to do is use that floor function again for 100 times close this out and then divide by one hundred that'll give us a cleaner number what we can do is convert this via this one to three button into a percent and in not started edit property and we can show this as a bar again and give this maybe the color red since the not started status option is red so that'll give us some context what i can do is just duplicate not started and just rename this to percent in progress and simply change this color to blue and edit the formula to grab instead of the not started roll up we're going to grab the in progress rule up and then do that again one more time duplicate rename to percent done and i can edit this property to change the color to green and then just click through this formula and change in progress to the done roll up so that is the final result i'm just going to make sure i hide this done roll up because all i want to see are these formulas so i'm going to click done hide property always hide now what i can do is go back to that home page go to my cards here go to the database menu properties the property i want to see is percent not started by clicking this i symbol in progress and done so this will give us an updated progress of each project between not started and finished in this one i want to show you how to cap these new progress bars at 100 percent so if whatever calculation you're making exceeds 100 or goes below zero percent it will cap at zero and 100. what we're gonna do here is determine where today lands within a date range so you'll see this database down here where we have a date range property well it's a date property but i have the end date toggled on so in this instance i am recording on the 14th of august and this date range is completely in the past and today is nowhere near it so this will give me a number over 100 an example b today is within this date range from the 8th to the 17th now if you're watching this video past the 17th of august you can adjust this date to make sure this red circle or today is within your date range in this case what i want to do is see the percentage to completion which is the 17th of august in relation to today and that percentage looks like this we're going to use this percentage hide formula to make this calculation so let's say date between so we just want to find first the days between now and the start of the date range so between now and the start and between these parentheses let's click date range and the number of days which in this case would be seven we're going to divide this by date between the end of date range and the start of date range clicking date range here in the number of days as well so now we have a number this number is a little bit long so let's cut it down let's say floor 100 times again close that floor function out and divide by 100 at the end what we can do here is just convert this one to three to percent if you want to round this number to a more exact number just change 100 to 1000 so here i'll get 233.3 we can convert this into a progress bar however we have a number over 100 percent so we're going to go over to the to end date and create our progress bar here we're just going to call upon this percentage hide property which we will of course hide so what i want to do is create an if statement so if percentage hide is less than zero then zero so we'll cap it if percentage hide is greater than one than one cap it at one otherwise just give me percentage hide that property and let's close that out with two parentheses because there are two if statements so there's our short formula and now what we have if i convert this to a percentage is because 233 is over 100 we're capping at 100. so from here we can just simply create that progress bar so let's click on to end date edit property and convert to a bar maybe change the color to purple and adjust this column and like i said we can hide to this property by clicking on the title and hide and view let's go on to the next use case which is a use case i created when this update first released i'm creating calendar covers so some of these progress bars i created were to determine the progress of a current week current month and current day i'm going to show you how you can create a progress bar that tracks the progress of a current day inside of a calendar let's look at today 8 14. if you're following along after today 8 14 just create a card on the day that you're currently on what we have here is a date property and just a formula called daily progress so in daily progress what i want to do is determine is this date landing on today so the first if statement is going to say formatting date so that's the function we want to use here of date comma formatting it to two capital l's if this equals in the same way formatting the date of now to two capital l's i just want to return the hour of now plus the minute of now now for the minute i want to turn this into a decimal so i'm going to isolate this and say minute divided by 60. now the next if statement is going to be if the date is in the past i want a full progress bar so if date is less than now give me the number 24. otherwise give me the number 0 for all dates in the future and close this out with two parentheses because there's two if statements we have the number 11.55 so right now i am filming this at around 11 30. it's 11 33 what i can do is click on daily progress edit property and let's turn this into a progress bar what i can do is i could just divide this by 24 and what this will do is give me an accurate representation of the progress of this day of course there's 24 hours in a day and that's why i'm dividing by 24. i do not want to show the number great now let's go back to the home page and take a look at this calendar so i want to see this progress bar in my calendar if i go to the database menu and go to properties i can show daily progress you'll notice that all pass dates are full and today is about almost halfway done and that is all of the use cases i wanted to share with you today let's just go right into the outro notion has been rolling out a lot of features lately including some custom icons and other really cool features but this one the progress bars are one of my favorites if you are familiar with my videos you know that the progress bar formula can get a bit lengthy so this really simplifies it and makes it a lot easier to implement anyway i'll see you guys the rest of the week on twitter with some other notion content and next time with a new video i'll see you then [Music] you
Channel: Red Gregory
Views: 50,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion, notion template, notion update, notion news, free notion template, how to notion, notion lesson, red gregory, red gregory notion, notion database, notion formulas, how to use notion, notion progress bar
Id: Hjp9BwVW7ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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