Notion Finance Tracker v2.0 (Template Tour)

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welcome to a tour of notion Finance tracker version 2.0 in this video I'll show you how to use the template and I'll also walk you through all of its updated features I'd like to thank everyone from the previous video for leaving their feedback in the comment section all of your suggested changes have now been added to the template so the main changes that we have we now have two new folders uh so we can now track our debts and Loans um and all recurring payments and any payments towards paying off debt or loan is now linked to our expenses okay so I'll first show you how to set up your accounts um and then I'll walk you through the quick capture buttons and then we'll go to each one of the folders and I'll show you what is in each one of those so when you first download this template the first thing you want to do is you want to set up your accounts and so I've got some examples in here already so you can either change those or you can add in some new accounts so all you have to do is enter in the name of the account and your starting balance from the time that you download the template and so all of your totals are automatically calculated based on your income your expenses and any transfers into the account or out of the account and any loan payments made into the account okay so I'll give you an example of this if you click on our checking account um as you can see our starting balance was 75,000 and so all of our totals here are calculated based on our income our expenses um transfers in and transfers out and then lastly our loan payments into the account and all transactions will show the amount of money as well as the date that it was made okay so once your accounts are set up we can begin to track our finances and so the best way to do this is using our quick actions so let's go ahead and add a new income here and we can go ahead and give it a name so we'll just call it received payment um and then all we have to do is we have to enter in the date firstly so we'll give it today's date and then we have to select the account that it is made to so we'll see the checking account um the source of income so we'll just say this is a gift and the amount of money so this is a big gift we'll call it $500 okay and then you can choose to add in extra notes or a statement and you can also relate it to any savings or financial goal okay so we'll also add in a new expense um so we'll call this one coffee and once again we'll have to select the date so we'll choose today's date and we'll also select select the checking account so we can also categorize our expenses into different categories so we can choose food and then lastly we just have to enter in the amount okay and then we can also relate our expenses to any recurring payment debt or loan okay so that was how to use the quick actions so now I'll walk you through each of the folders starting with the accounts holder and so here is where we can find all of our accounts and we can open up any account um to see it details so we've got all of its totals as well as a complete log of everything that happens with the account and each account will show its current balance below this we have a breakdown of our accounts so we can view all totals for all incomes expenses and so on um and we've got our totals along the bottom here next up we have our categories folder so here is where we can categorize our income and expenses into different categories and so for our income we have our work we've got investing side hustle and gifs and so each one will show the monthly income the yearly income and total income and if we head over to our expenses here as you can see we have our expense categories and again we've got our monthly expenses yearly expenses and total expenses so we can click on any category to view its details so we can view its related income or expenses next up is our incomes folder so here is where we can track all of our income and we can sort by those received today or those received recently and each income will show the amount of money received below this we have a breakdown of all of our income so we can view its name as well as the source of income and the account that it was made to the amount the date the Creator time and we also have our total for the month next up is our expenses folder so following a similar layout to income we can view our expenses made today and also those made recently and once again we can view the amount of money for each expense below this we have our breakdown so we can view all of our expenses here as well as the category um and the account that was made from the amount of money the date it was made on and the creative time as well as our total expenses for the month next up is our transfers folder so here is where we can track all of our transfers made between accounts and each transfer will show the amount of money that was moved as well as as the account that was from and transferred to okay and then once again we can sort by those that are made today and transfers made recently below this we have our breakdown so we can view all of our transfers um as well as the account that it was from and to the amount of money that was transferred the date it was made on and the Creator time and once again we have the total amount of money transferred over the month so just to give you an example of how transfers work we have our checking account with 14,000 here and we have our savings account with 30,000 um so if we head back over to the transfers folder and um we have our savings here where we moved money from the checking account to the savings account and if we just add an extra zero to the amount of money that was moved just to make it extra obvious and head back over to our accounts as you can see the checking account is now down 50,000 and the savings account is now up 50,000 next up is our recurring folder so here is where you can manage all of your subscriptions and each subscription will show the total cost as well as the Subscribe status and we can sort by those that are active and also inactive subscriptions below this we have our breakdown of all recurring payments and so here we have our subscriptions as well as the billing period which can be toggled from the dropdown um we then have the subscription cost as well as the calculated monthly and yearly costs and then we have totals underneath those um so if we change the billing period to weekly for example as you can see the monthly cost and the yearly cost has now updated to show that okay and lastly we have the subscription status as well as the renewal date and calculated next renewal date okay so in this updated version we can now relate our expenses to our subscriptions and so if we go ahead and open up our Amazon subscription as you can see we have the details um but we also can now relate our expenses so here we have the actual payment of $9.99 towards Amazon Prime okay so next up we have our new folder which is our debts folder and so here is we're going to track all of our debts and so each one will show the debt amount the debt paid and the remaining debt as well as a checkbox for clearing the debt okay so if we open this up um once again it's related to our expenses so as you can see we have a payment of 250 here towards paying off this debt we can also sort our debts by those that are active as well as those that have been cleared and so that's just the case of checking the check box um below this we have our breakdown of all of our debts and so we have the debt name as well as the debt amount the debt that has been paid and the calculated debt remaining um and then once again we've got our totals underneath so we can set deadlines for paying off the debt and we have a formula for calculating the days remaining and lastly we have a check boox for clearing the debt next up is our loans fer and so of course loans are a form of debt apart from we are receiving money and so each loan here will show the total loan amount received as well as the amount of money that we have paid off of that loan and the remaining loan to pay off and then we have a checkbox for clearing it okay so if we open this as you can see it's related to our expenses so we have a payment of $500 here uh towards paying off our student loan and similar to our debts folder we can sort by those that are active and those that have been cleared and once again that's just the case of checking the check box okay so below this we have our breakdown of all of our loans and so we had the name of each loan as well as the account that it was made to we had the loan amount we also have the amount of money that we have paid towards paying off that loan as well as the calculated loan remaining and totals underneath okay so once again we can set a due date for paying of the loan and we also have a formula for calculating the days remaining and then lastly we have a check boox for clearing the loan next up we have our budgets folder so here is where we can set our budgets for each expense category and each category will show the monthly budget that we set for it as well as the amount of money that we spent on that category already for the month and then we have a progress bar to show this so let's go ahead and open up this category and then we can view all of its details as well as the expenses made towards this budget okay and then below this we have a breakdown of all of our budgets so we have our categories as well as our expenses for the month so far and we have our monthly budgets and our progress towards those budgets and then we have titles underneath so you can edit these budgets for each category and so if we were to add a zero to this for example as you can see the progress bar has now updated next up is our savings folder so this folder is now quite a bit different from the previous version so we can now put aside money towards various things and then track our savings towards them so for example here we have a family holiday with a Target balance of $1,000 and a current balance of $125 and below this we have a checkbox for completing the savings um and also a progress bar for tracking our progress okay so if we open this up um so our savings are linked to our income so as you can see here we have $125 from freelancing that we've put towards this family holiday okay so we can also sort our savings by those that are active and those that have been completed so once again that's just the checkbox um and then below this we have our breakdown of all of our savings and so we have the name of the savings we have our current balance as well as our Target balance and then we have our totals underneath we have a progress bar and then we have our Target date for completion um and then we also have our calculated days remaining and completed check box next up is our goals folder so here's where we can set financial goals and it follows a similar layout to our savings folder as both our goals and savings are linked to our income and so for examp for example here we have Sav £10,000 uh with a Target balance of $10,000 and our current balance of $350 and we have a check box for completion and a progress bar so once again we can open this up and view our income that is related to it so here we have stocks and we have a payment of $350 paid towards this goal and once again we can also sort by goals that are active and those that have been completed okay and then below this we have an overview of all of our goals um based on the month and so we've got a go for January February and March um and then we can also swap from a monthly tab to a yearly tab to view our longer term goals um so they're all in 2024 but you can drag and drop them around so we can move this to 2025 um that I'll just change that back and then below that we have a breakdown of all of our goals and so as usual we've got the name of the goal as well as the current balance the target balance and our totals underneath um we then have our progress bar and we also have a Target date and again our formula for calcul ating the days remaining now if it's less than zero it will say overdue and lastly we've got our completed check boox next up we have our summaries folder so here is where we can find all of our financial summaries um and we can view this for the day month year and all time and each one will show the total income the total expenses and the final balance and lastly we have our databases folder so here is where you can find all Source databases used throughout the template so I wouldn't recommend changing this unless you're trying to change the template uh so that's databases and lastly back in our dashboard here we have an overview of all of our accounts um we also have our incomes and expenses uh and we have a tab to view just today for both of those we then have our income sources and expense categories which can be swapped using the tabs um and then we have our transfers and we can view our recent transfers also uh we then have our recurring payments and inactive subscriptions here uh and then we have an overview of our budgets and savings and also our goals uh which can be sorted by active or complete and then lastly we have our financial summaries okay so that was a tour of notion Finance tracker I hope this video helped and if you want to get this template there will be a link in the description below so go ahead and check that out um but otherwise thanks for watching
Channel: KinaNotion
Views: 344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Notion, Notion App, Notion Template, Notion Templates, Notion Tour, Notion Guide, Notion Tutorial, Notion Tutorials, Notion How To, Notion Tips, Notion Hacks, Notion AI, Notion Aesthetic
Id: 2rBLzsTCJpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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