Notion - Beginner How To for Multiple Projects & Daily Tasks View

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Hi everyone, hows it going? I wanted to make a little video, because after using for 2 years now for my project management, I decided to switch to Notion and I wanted to show you all how amazing Notion is for managing multiple Projects and Tasks Don't get me wrong, I still loved Monday It's incredibly flexible and custom and it's great for projects and tasks of all kinds the issue was, for the features I wanted namely, a calendar and advanced search for their smallest plan, it amounted to $420 a year here in Australia For just me, it seemed a little much but after failing to find anything that was 100% flexible like Monday, 2 years back I'd kind of just resigned myself to having to go along with the price but with my renewal date coming up this month, I decided to have another search and a friend of mine mentioned Notion to me, so I decided to check it out. Their website touts it as an all in one workspace where you can manage notes and documents, as well as projects and tasks and not to mention thta it costs a lot less, in fact their base plan is free and for 1 person, it's all you really need but even their first paid plan is really affordable, at only $4 USD a month The biggest difference in the step up being that the pro tier steps you up from 5mb to unlimited file storage and it adds in version history to pages so you can restore previous versions of a page if you mess it up, or accidentally delete it which is a pretty nice bit of security to have if you're a bit like me and manage to mess stuff up sometimes So with it's bold claims and awesome pricing, I jumped in to check it out. And initially, it seemed great! I loved being able to nest information on many projects and events I was working on along with their associated tasks, and it was super flexible and custom but one thing really stood out quickly to me There was no apparent way to pull all those tasks together, from multiple projects, into one overall daily, or today view. and going back and forth between many pages, keeping up with all those tasks seemed just a little bit silly. but if you're in the same boat as me, don't worry, there is a way. and in fact it's kind of the reverse of what you would expect. It's not pulling all the tasks together, it's seperating them out. which sounds a little crazy, but I'm going to show you how to do it from scratch. The first thing we want to do is create a new page. This is where we're going to house all our To Dos and we want to make it a table. This table can be as complex or simple as you need it to be for your purposes But the minimum you'll need is a name column, tags, a status column, and a date column. perfect. Now the tags column is what we're going to use to seperate out the tasks We'll move that over here. You'll notice there's a couple of rows already in here so we can just delete those out. We're going to leave this one here, because we're going to use it to add in our tags. For my everyday work, I have a really interesting job. I create 3D assets that I sell in a Virtual World called Second Life. This involves creating 3D items that I sell at events which are really similar to expo's in real life. So each event for me is a separate project, with a list of tasks associated with it. So I'm going to add a tag for events, and tags for events that I create for. You don't need to worry too much about needing to add tags for every project you need right now, they can be added in easily later on, and I'll show you how to do that in a little bit. I'm also going to add in a Social Media tag, for tracking tasks to do with promoting new products. and a Customer Service tag, for following up with any customer queries. and after those events, or expos, are over... I then need to put those items in my virtual store, and on a web marketplace. So I'm going to add a Store Upkeep tag. Okay, so we've got a few great tags to start with, let's get to setting up our boards. We don't need this row anymore, so we can just delete this out, and the tags will still stay. So we're going to add a new page. and I'm going to call it moss&mink, which is the name of my store, and Dashboard. and I'm just going to hit enter, to start with an empty page. Now to make a list of my projects, I'm going to use a Gallery, so I'm going to type, slash, gallery If we select one of the full page ones, we won't be able to put any other blocks in this page and we want to be able to add other things seeing as it's our main dashboard So I'm going to choose an Inline Gallery. It comes with 3 cards already in here, but we can just delete those, we don't need them. We're going to name this Projects and we're going to add a new fresh card I'm going to make this one for FaMESHed, August round There's already some properties here, I'm going to change those up to suit my projects. I'm going to need a deadline, on which I need to set up by An opens, which is also a date, for when the event starts. A Slurl, which is the virtual address of the event, which is a url. A specifics, which is for any compulsory requirements of the event And one for ideas, which is a space I can list what I think I might make for it. Okay, so I'll fill those out here July 31st for the Deadline The event opens on August 1st A Slurl, which I copied earlier There's no specific requirements for this event, other than that it's an original mesh item, so we'll leave that blank I haven't planned any ideas for this event, so I'm just going to write 'Something pretty' Okay, I'll close out of this one. and I'll make another, for an event that I'm going to be doing later in the year. K-Pop United, and I'll fill out the details for that one too. It's in September, so September 4th and it opens on September 17th A slurl hasn't been assigned yet, because it's quite a bit away yet. Specifics, it needs to be K-Pop themed and ideas, 'Something fun!' I'm sure Okay. Now we've got cards for a couple of our projects, but they're looking kind of empty of information and the cards are kind of big. So I'm just going to make some changes to this If we click up here, and go to properties At the moment, it's leaving such a huge space because it's allowing for an image to be put in but I don't want to put an image here, so I'm going to choose none and that will shrink it right down and then I can choose what information I want to show on the card I'd like it to show the deadline, and the ideas Okay, so we've got a couple of projects here, lets add a section to show a daily, or today view, of tasks we need to work on So we're going to come up here and click the + button Then we're going to just click in here so we can see this, where it says 'type / for commands' and we're going to say /link What we want to do is we want to create a linked database what that's going to do is link to this To Do table that we created over here If we click this we'll see a list of databases that we already have This one right here is our projects one these two are from my other personal board that I already created and this one's the one thta we created just over here so we're going to click here and at the moment there's nothing in there, because we didn't put anything in here but once we add tasks, that will fill out this section We also don't want this to be a table, I'd like to make it a kanban board So we're going to click here, amd we're going to click board I'm not going to name it, I'm just going to click create that will create a board view, and we don't need the table view anymore, so I'm just going to delete that one I'd like to put a title above here, so I'm going to click + up here, and add a heading and I'm going to write 'Today' I'm going to change the color of that one to Green Let's make this a full width page Then what I want to do is I want to grab this, and I want to drag it up to the right here If I drag it right over to the right of the page, you'll see a little blue line come up right here if I let it go, it will now create 2 columns Lets make this a little smaller over here We'll drag this up under here as well. Now lets add some extra statuses So if we add one for 'To Do' and one for 'In Progress' and one for 'Completed' We don't need to be showing this one, so we're going to hide that I'd like to change the completed one, so it's Green The In Progress one, maybe to blue. And To Do, I'd just like to make that a grey Ideally all we want to be showing in here, is tasks that are only to be done today So we're going to go to filters We're going to add a filter We want it to only show tasks where the Date is Today Lets duplicate this and create one for tomorrow as well Just click here, duplicate. We're going to duplicate this title as well and just drag it down here Let's change the color of this one to be a blue background and lets put in Tomorrow and we need to change the filter over here, so the date is Tomorrow Okay. Now let's create some tasks for one of our projects We're going to open it as it's own page We're going to click down here, and we want to do the same as we did before, and click /link Create a custom linked database and we're going to link to that same To Do table Now we want to add some filters to here because the only tasks that we want to see in here, are ones for this event So we're going to add a filter Where the tags contain this event Then we're going to add a filter group because we only want to show tasks, where the status, is To Do or the status is, In Progress If it's completed, we don't need to see it in here anymore Now let's try creating a task in here You can see it automatically fills it in with the FaMESHed tag because we've told our filters that it's all we want to see in here So let's say we want to create a task called 'Create Item' and another task called 'Texture Item' Lets make these dates today, and one tomorrow Now if we go back to our dashboard we'll see that there's a task for 'Create Item' under here and a task for 'Texture Item' under here Now let's create some tasks for the K-Pop united event again we click in here, /link create a linked database and link the To Do board You'll see a couple of tasks have popped up for the FaMESHed event but we don't want to be showing those in here we want to be showing only the tasks that have the tag for K-Pop United but we didn't create that yet, so we can create that now I'm going to create a task called 'Listen to BTS' I'm not up to speed with K-Pop very much but from what I've been told by a girl called Emery Who is their biggest fan they are where I should start Okay, I'm going to set that for today Going to make it a To Do and over here, I'm going to create the tag There, now we have a fresh new tag, for this event Now we've got that tag created, let's get rid of these other ones that don't fit Click here and choose filter add a filter, where tag contains K-Pop United Going to do the same as before and add a filter group where the status is either To Do or the status is In Progress Now we come back out here. We'll see we have 2 items When we're ready to tackle our tasks all we need to do is grab the item we want to work on and bring it over here to say it's In Progress we're currently working on it Once done, drag it over to the Completed section If we come over to our To Do table over here You can see that's been updated What if we run out of time today? and we don't have enough time to do the tasks left well, all we need to do is grab the task from here and drag it down here, and this date will change it's been re-assigned with tomorrows date so when tomorrow rolls around, and tasks down here will be shifted up to here and these ones will be removed from the today view Alrighty, so we have a section for projects and a section for our daily tasks Lets add in a page for Customer Service So over here, we'll add in, first a Heading for Business. And we're going to add in a Page and title it 'Customer Service' We're going to hit enter to create an empty page Then type /link Create a linked database, same as before Choose our To Do table Make it a full screen page Same as before, we're going to adjust our filters Add a filter, where tags contains 'Customer Service' Filter Group, where status is To Do or In Progress Whenever we have a query from a customer we can just click 'New' and create a new task In here I'll type the name of the customer the query is from Add the date I said I would follow up with them about it Down here we're going to type what the query is about Then we can click out of here Let's go back to our dashboard Let's also add a page for Social Media We're going to again call on our To Do table This time, let's add a calendar view We'll delete our table view and make it full screeen and again we'll add our filters in This time we're not going to add in status ones because I'd like them to show after they are completed so we can see all the past social media promotions Lets click over here and add an item and we'll add another down here Also going to add the FaMESHed tag in here seeing as it's part of the FaMESHed event So if we go back to our dahsboard now We can see the extra customer service one we added On this day here What I'd like to do is add in an overall calendar I'm going to put that down the bottom here just below this fold so if we want to see a full calendar we can scroll down if you wanted to, you could put it on a separate page just create a page and add the overall calendar to it but I'm going to add it just down the bottom here I want to add first a divider and drag that down here to divide accross the whole page then click here and do /link again link our good old To Do database Then add a calendar view delete out the table view The only reason that I'm deleting out the old view Is because it says 'Calendar view' here and I just feel like it's a little bit messy but if we delete this one out It deletes that part and if you're not hovering over it, it's not there it's just a little cleaner probably just a me thing ^-^ If you don't want to do it, don't worry about it. You can see here now all our tasks are showing up in a little calendar But there's not a lot of information on them you can fix that if you click here, and go to properties you can choose which properties you want to show so if we want to turn on to show tags, we can so then we know what the tasks are for and if you want to add a title over here you can add a little heading that says 'Calendar' and we can give it a color. Lets make it Pink. So that's how I organize my projects it gives me a nice overview of my daily tasks I can see all my upcoming events with deadline dates and what I'm planning to make for them A section for important info I need for running my business I can also put on in here for Store Upkeep If I need to put items in my mainstore, or on MP so I can keep a running list of those tasks And an overall calendar of all the thing I need to be doing, that are coming up That's easily able to be clicked through Click here, to scroll through each month, to see what's coming up So that's it for today I hope this helped anyone out there who might be struggling to either find a project management system or who's unhappy with the one they're with atm or is looking for a more affordable option Notion definitely has a lot to offer It's super flexible, and it looks like they are working on it and adding updates to it frequently So it's only going to get better Thanks for watching everyone, have a fantastic day!!
Channel: Cielo Capalini
Views: 2,867
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: Notion, Project Management, Task management, Monday,
Id: RkS0nE3JBWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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