OBSIDIAN: Getting Started, Facts & Pricing

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Hello folks and welcome back to the Keep Productive YouTube channel today, we will be checking out an application called obsidian Now obsidian is a Roam Research competitor and it allows you to build a personal knowledge base inside of the application It would include some of the features in that Roam house and it's gaining a lot of attention right now in the productivity space So folks in today's video We're going to dive into obsidian and give you all the information you need to know before we roll into our obsidian review Here's a little bit about our sponsor click up So folks this month here on key productive is one of my highly recommended project management tools and that is click up now click up Is one of the fastest growing productivity and project management platforms in the last 2 years and it's only been around for two years They already have millions of users and over 100,000 teams are using them at the world's best companies like Google Airbnb uber and Nike now teams Traditionally use spreadsheets email chat and many project managers, but there's a big trend towards teams using just one application Most teams replace three or more apps just by switching to click up so that process in itself moving into one application saves teams so much time now click up has features like task Docs and goals to keep organized in one place and have fewer meetings emails and daily switches between multiple applications and it's perfect for all types of teams from two to two thousand and from Farming projects to even building airplanes on top of that they have an extremely generous free forever plan You can literally add unlimited users and unlimited work to their app for free So guys you can find out more about click up below. I recommend checking them out They also do have a just me plan if you wanted to switch to some of your own personal work, too So thanks again to click up for sponsoring this month here on keep productive now. Our Sid Ian sort of came out of nowhere It is a quarantine project which essentially means it was done under quarantine So here we are on the Obsidian web page. And as you command they're starting to market themselves as a second brain Just overview some of the details. This is an application You can download on Mac Windows Linux app image and Linux snap now unlike roam Obsidian allows you to download the application and use your local folder to utilize plain text markdown files So this is perfect for offline use and being able to utilize it on the go Now the first time I actually checked out obsidian was on Matt Lakers channel And it was a great overview of how it works and I would definitely include it in the link in description So obsidian is actually created by the folks who developed down the list now If you don't know Dinah list is an outline application that has some roam like features However, Erika's ooh, and she did Lee I hope the pronunciations are right with that actually develop this whilst being in quarantine Sue is quite interesting to see their expertise being brought over to a new age Application. So the mission with obsidian is to create a local first and plaintext note-taker with link as the first-class Citizen and to make it super extendable So before we dive in let's dive into the pricing now You can actually download obsidian for free that's for personal use It doesn't require an account or sign up and even allows you access to the plugins and API now That's a forever pricing But if you wanted to go to the catalyst pricing that includes early access for insider builds special badges in the community and is a $25 plus one-time payment and that allows you to support the development of the application There's also a commercial model which means that you can use it in commercial use and you can contact them for volume discounts that is $50 per user per year So whilst obsidian is currently only available offline and through your local storage on your devices It actually is planning to add these add-on services called sync and publish Sync includes end-to-end encryption built in version history and priority email support and that costs you $4 User per month but means you can collect it all online They'll also plan to have a second add-on called publish, which is a hosted knowledge base selectively publish notes and team collaboration and that will be at $8 at And I'll be at $8 with their early bird pricing when they plan to release it So in essence you can download this for free without any issues now it's already really interesting to go over to their Twitter and find out all the people that are using and Utilizing obsidian and many people are taking full advantage it in the same context that Roam is being used There are these graph abilities where you can actually visualize all of your notes and all of the connections between them so folks as you can see This is what appears when you get obsidian and do remember this is a beta version now when you open up the obsidian application you can see here that I've got an option to open folders vault create a new vault or Open help vault in this case. I'm probably going to create a new vault but if you had a bunch of markdown files that you're already using Say you're using an application like bear notes or even an application like Ulysses you could open this folder that has an existing set of Notes. So in this case, I don't have that. So I'm going to go ahead and create a new vowel Now you can give it a name. So in this case, I might call it my notes and I'm gonna pick a location to place the vault Open up the help page, which allows you to see all of the useful notes that the team have created to help you get started With your obsidian account now as you can imagine We're just going to show you some of the basic bank linking and the ability to create some of the pages However, there is much more detailed that I do want to show you in a more advanced feature Okay so here we are inside of obsidian and I'm going ahead and create a brand new note and as you can imagine very Simple to create a note it's in markdown. So it's fairly easy. If you understand those terms. I'm going to start a Note on the Kevin Hart podcast and I recently listened to and I'm going to go over and copy Some of these notes from dinah list which again will copy over in markdown very very easily now the way I Almost sort of confirm what everything looks like is I press preview And as you can see it comes up as a pure note now Let's touch on how you can start getting those backlinks in and it is really easy to do this all you have to do is say I wanted to mention that this was featured on the tenth or at Tim Ferriss podcast I could say like this and I use these two brackets here. And as you can see Kevin Hart's already a page so all I'd have to do is type in Tim Ferriss podcast and Went ahead and clicked it. And as you can see here, it does it fairly easily now What I'm going to do here is actually press Command on the Mac and I'm actually just gonna click it and as you can see it enters as its own page Now if I want to I can open these two pages up at the same time. I can go and press command Enter and you can see that Horizontally I can stack these but if I wanted to I could horizontally split them as well So you're almost creating additional Notes at the same time making this sort of like panel view, which is very cool Especially when you've got these connections set up now if I go and close this You can see that there if I click into the backlinks area There on the right hand side the backlinks connect up with the Kevin Hart podcast And I can actually click in and see that at any given time. I can also see unlinked mention as wow So this is a great way to start building out some of your notes now if I wanted to later on actually go ahead and create your brand-new notes for a podcast on essentialism and I want to do do the same thing to be featured on Tim Ferriss podcast and I also want to say The previous episode was Kevin Hart There we go. I have some form of connection there and if I'm inside of this you won't see any backlinks show, but if I went to the Tim Ferriss podcast I've got two backlinks related there And If I wanted to be able to utilize or demonstrate the unlinked mentions feature I could say Tim Farriss so you can see there that I featured the Tim Ferriss podcast ask him great questions and I can see that reference there So you can start to see that the backlinks help you to find useful notes And it does go a lot further than that If I were to go to the graph view which is the magic and the sort of Relationships that you can build you can see there that Tim Ferriss podcast has connected up all of these Essentialism and Kevin Hart and that's very helpful But if I wanted to get rid in real time And I wanted to go back into the graph view You can see here that Tim Ferriss podcast pops up and the relationship looks very much different You can see more branches come out because I haven't connected up the essentialism and the Kevin Hart feature Now what's really neat is if I was say studying opened up a branch and I wanted to open up say the Kevin Hart feature and The essentialism feature at one time I can just hold down command and quickly create that While still seeing the graph view if I wanted to So these work is almost like tabs that you would have on the internet Now you can go ahead and create folders and also change the sorting to A to Z new to old When you're creating your notes, which is fairly easy to do and there is a markdown importer, too But there is a real magic inside of the settings area when you can go over and find the file or the Plugins and you can see here that you can add a few for example search Some of the backlinks and you can even add things like the tags that you create Which will come on to the more advanced feature the page preview' So this is for example, I'll show you this in a moment You can even see the starred Frequently used files so that can come up when you're inside. There's very simple staff shortcuts work and even daily notes So if you wanted open a daily note to create a new one and even the zetas Caston prefix, err Which is a 12-digit note which can help create new notes using this sort of format There is also a audio recorder and I do want to show you how you can get started with your or image uploads So if I want to do any given time bring in a actual image? Then I can use you can see there that if I dragged it in and I was inside of the preview version so if I get rid of some of these of this one, you can see that it actually appears as a Big image in full size so you can actually add images So when you're inside of the note That's how the image appears which makes it much easier to start typing the notes away And you may also notice that the JPEG feature is mentioned here too. So a moment ago. I actually went and created or went into the plugins area and activated this thing called daily notes now if I Opened up today's note you can see a brand new note is created with the did today's date and I can start typing away a Few things that may be coming up in a day. For example, I could be saying at journal entry for Today I could be saying listen to Essentialism, so if I want to I can change the date format as well if I was someone that wanted the day the month and The year, which is common in the UK I can even change the file location of the daily note if I want to have a specific location and Also wanted a template file. So I used the same template over and over again So as you can see here I started making some notes here and I can maybe connect up the podcast to to this one and If I went over to the graph You can see here that now the graph has a relationship between these two So I can see that on this day. I have for example Tim Ferriss podcast and essentialism all ready to go so if I work for example Looking to plan or maybe listen to the Tim Ferriss podcast and take some notes as I was going across my day I could press command and enter and actually start taking some notes on essentialism But but continue to actually start making a to-do list for the day So as you can imagine they don't have some of the checklist abilities that you would get assigned at Roam research But it still provides you with a good way to maybe go and plan your day ahead. You can for example begin to Use the markdown to add all of the details that you need but they are probably planning to add a bit more later so if I ever wanted to switch over to a certain note that I was trying to find I can use the quick of switcher which allows me to quickly switch between applications and as you can see if I open up the Tim Ferriss podcast now I Have multiple links created because I've essentially got the ability to see into the Kevin Hart podcast, etc And in much more detail now earlier I actually created something called a stand inside of the plugins area If I go, press start you can see that it was successfully starred And if I go up to here, it's essentially a way to get those shortcuts that you can get inside of your application So if I went into open? So if I went into all the notes that I have created and go ahead and delete this one because it's irrelevant now but if I went ahead and starred the most recent note that I've created there I could start working on that here so folks, this is a Super basic overview of this ideon. I Really want to dive into much more detail This is much more of a beginner's opener to those who are looking at the application and definitely my first full Introduction to the application but in time I'm definitely going to be playing around with this So that's really neat the way that this is built offline I think that's one of the most attractive elements of there there You can actually use it locally through your storage instead of necessarily having to worry with syncing it to the cloud many weeks ago Roam actually shut down based on this but this is something that Doesn't have that problem. This is based on your computer's quality and naturally has tons of customizable abilities you can actually go ahead and change the theme if you wanted to so I Definitely will be playing around with this as you can tell I definitely need much more experience inside of an application like this I'm so totally new to the whole concept of directional links It's going to take me a bit of time and coming back from paternity leave whilst Roam exploded and now obsidian is here It's definitely gonna give me some time to jump into these applications and really explore So folks, hopefully you enjoyed that overview of obsidian It's a very interesting Application and something that I will be testing out for a couple of weeks now as my own and basic note taking application So I'll give you more an advanced guide and plan to bring in a couple of users who are taking full advantage Of all of the features so folks. Thank you very much I hoped you enjoyed this feature and let's continue to dive into more productivity resources anyway, folks Thank you very much, and also to all privacy, which is evarin. Bye You
Channel: Keep Productive
Views: 122,390
Rating: 4.8466134 out of 5
Keywords: keep productive, keep productive notion, monday.com, obsidian, obsidian.md, obsidian app, obsidian roam, roam research, roam app, roam research tool, roam vs obsidian, https://obsidian.md/index.html, apps, roam research vs obsidian, obsidian keep productive, notion keep productive
Id: bLoukY64gYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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