Nothing Is Wasted | Ps Shane Willard

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I feel like if you like nice following an actual Bible first Corinthians 15 we're gonna start there and then go back to a story in Samuel I've got something special for tonight as always it's an honor to be here with my friends Rob and Kristi Buckingham it's just it's a great yeah it's awesome awesome I love your pastor I've never there's very few people in the world that I can sit down and talk with for two or three hours and and it doesn't get boring I'm he's him and Christie are amazing they're people that they're one of the few pastors that I could sit there and talk about everything from an Irish philosophers take on God to a Franciscan monk to Pentecostal thought I just I love the well-roundedness of it just brilliant and so and so and I've just sort of whether you like it or not I've sort of made you my Melbourne home and there you go and yeah yeah right so so if it's your first time seeing us here this is all I do for a living I travel around and speak I've had the incredible privilege of being mentored by a pastor who just happens to have his rabbi training as well so my stuff comes from that but I also have a master's degree in clinical psychology so I'm actually qualified to sort your head out so careful what you say to me because I can see through all that stuff right now on your way out you're gonna see that we took over half of your cafe there right with our resources if you walk if you're going to your car and you cannot find my resource table seek medical help okay stay gonna pass the room and if you look at that you wonder why would you carry all that stuff around with you here's the reason ready we make a lot of money from it all right and the reason we do that is because we live with the conviction that we are not called simply to go to heaven when we die although we embrace that but we're called to say yes to the infinite possibilities that Jesus has for us to partner with him to fix this world and so we are called to bring heaven to hurt to earth every ways we see hell we are called to partner with Jesus to bring heaven to that and so a hundred percent of whatever we make out there we use to do justice in the world we have orphanages that take care mentally handicapped children we have we have rescue homes and Cape Town they get girls out of sex trafficking occasionally we have to use that money to go into countries and minister where they can't afford to bring us in because we don't want to say no because they can't afford it right so we're in look in a nation and one of the most affluent nations on the earth we bear the responsibility of confronting oppression everywhere we see it right which is which is why I find myself so sympatico with your leadership here because if someone was to ask me itself Amal if someone was to say I think about going there what are they all about I would say if if I could summarize it in one sentence I would say this the folks at Bayside endeavor to authentically and intentionally affect their world and make people's lives better the action is not here the action is out there and so I love that so all on your way out you could pick those things up everything is available in four formats CD DVD USB and direct download okay since the last time I was here I think we've put out three brand new ones so I'm always putting out new stuff because I can't stand the thought that I would never have anything new to say I think that would be boring so you could go out there it check those things out all right so I want to talk to you tonight about Resurrection and I want to talk to you because we're entering the season of resurrection so I want to talk about one of the implications resurrection is one of those things that if I spoke 40 different messages of about 40 different meanings I would never be wrong right because resurrection is is is wide and broad with meaning and resurrection surprised everybody right no one expected Jesus to die they thought he's gonna take over the Roman Empire so when Jesus died that was surprising what was more surprising is that he rose again because in my experience and in yours debt people stay dead right it's so the Hebrew word for resurrection and the Hebrew word for surprise share the same root word then that makes sense like if you saw me die you came to my funeral and then three days later you ran into me at the mall surprised sort of cuts it right and so when Jesus rose from the dead it led to endless discussions as to what does this mean for our world and so Paul was writing this letter to the Corinthians and he's trying to put into words what resurrection means and he spends 58 verses doing that now 58 verses in Bible language is a saga it EPIK it's like I cannot find all the words so I'm gonna just put everything I could think of in there and it quite frankly there's some weird stuff in there like he says so you see there's no need to baptize dead people anymore which leads to all kinds of questions like was that ever actually an issue he says things like so you see the mortal must take on the immortal - and here at the imperishable which is like what are you talking about but but as all great rabbis do he summarizes the entire deep thought in one statement at the end and so I want to focus on that statement because I want to come to you tonight with a massive encouragement I have a two point message one is gonna be a massive encouragement the other is meant to be a massive challenge that only you know the answer to no one will be able to answer this for you only you know and it won't be a one-time decision it's something we need to check our heart with all the time this is first Corinthians 15:58 if you guys could bring that slide up for me here it goes therefore my dear brothers and sisters stand firm let nothing move you always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain now here's my question do we actually believe that here's Paul's point Paul's point is is because Jesus rose again here's what that means that means that this world matters enough to God for him to fix it and not destroy it because of resurrection every kind word every act of justice it matters how you treat the waitress even when she's taken too long to get your drink matters how you treat your husband when he leaves his underwear on the floor for the 18,000 time matters how you treat your neighbor when they do something to disappoint you matters how you treat the person that cut you off in busy Melbourne traffic it matters why because this world matters enough to God for Jesus to fix it and not destroy it and he called us to partner with that and what that means is is that if you did it for God it isn't wasted Paul is insisting that if you did it for God you we'll never waste your life now here's my question what if we believe that and do we actually believe that or is our default button to go if something doesn't work that was a waste and I think we all have that default buddy I did something a few weeks back and I put my heart and soul into it and it didn't go exactly like I thought actually I was a bit disappointed and my default button back in the hotel was was I think I wasted my time tonight hang on a second wait a minute if I did it for God it it is not wasted I wonder how our life would change if we actually believed that nothing is wasted if we're doing it for God now and that's my one point of encouragement to you if you woke up today saying yes to the infinite possibilities Jesus has for your life if what you gave your hand to works awesome if it didn't work so well still awesome because nothing is wasted you did not waste your life if they agreed with you great if they disagreed with you also great because nothing is wasted if you put on a meeting and you expect 200 people and only 70 show up don't folk don't cheapen the 70 that are there at the expense of 130 that weren't there nothing is wasted if you did it for God nothing we do is ever in vain which made me think of a story from the Old Testament it's actually such an important story it's told twice in two different books from two different perspectives it's about a guy named David and just to catch you up on the story David is a shepherd who quite frankly if you read it without bias is a violent guy he has no trouble just beating people up bears no problem kills them lions no worries big giant Philistine warriors I got this David is like a Special Forces Jack Bauer right he kills Goliath he becomes incredibly popular when he was a shepherd he was asking God to promote him God promotes then it doesn't go so well david ends up an enemy of the state he ends up an enemy of the most powerful guy in the country the king and he runs from the king and when you're running from the king you're also running from all the king's friends and what we find out is is that everywhere david turns there's another one of Saul's friends and what happened right before this is a guy named a Kish the king of Gath sees him and David has to pretend to be crazy to save his life so David gets tired of running and he ends up in a cave and agile 'im and what we find out is is that four hundred people knew where he was going and met him there which leads to this observation as awesome as you are a fighting Knight you suck at hiding right like when you're hiding with no tracking devices no electricity no anything and 400 people already know where you are you got to rethink your strategy there so David ends up at this cave at agile amande here's the story this is from one of the Samuels here it comes and David left gaffe and escaped to the cave evangeline when his brothers and his father's household heard about it they went down there - and watch this and all those who were in distress or in debt or discontented how empowering is that gathered around him and he became their commander so when 400 in debt distress people gather around you and you become their commander what's that called it's called pastoring that's called ministry it's called volunteering that's that's that's called that is something you didn't sign up for David wanted to be promoted God promotes him and it wasn't what he thought has that ever happened to you have you ever thought you would die without something and then you actually got it and it wasn't what you thought that like if the entire book of Ecclesiastes can be summed up in one statement successful people navigate the tension between depression and melancholy depression is wanting something you don't have melancholy is getting what you think you want and realizing that didn't do what you thought and that's what's going on here David wanted to be promoted with all of his heart and he got promoted and he ends up in a cave with people with issues this is not good let's keep going this is the next verse and dave-o next one and from there David went on to Mizpah in Moab and said to the king of Moab would you let my father and mother come and stay with you until I learned what God will do me in other words I can't have my mom in a cave with 400 people with issues it's not safe so he left them with the king of Moab and stayed there as favors in the stronghold but the Prophet GAD said to David do not stay in the stronghold go to the land of Judah so David went to the force of her ass so let's make sure we're keeping up your next slide here's here's the basic thing that's going on David's being hunted he's surrounded by people with issues and now his family is there to complicate things and the enemy has his hometown under assault quick geography lesson David is in a cave and agile um which is up on a mountain think Afghanistan that kind of terrain made it very hard to attack this is why the whole world's tried to at some point to take over Afghanistan and no one's ever able to do it right Alexander the Great took over the whole world got to Afghanistan went not--we're going around right Genghis Khan say same way Russia couldn't now Amir I don't know what America's doing anyway they that it's just it makes it very hard geographically because you're up high and they're down they're down low now the cave evangeline is up here it goes down into a valley called refine and then over here is Bethlehem that's where David's from now here's what happened the Philistines heard that the guy that killed their warriors from Bethlehem so instead of taking on the entirety of Israel they went and surrounded the home town of Bethlehem thinking if we hurt people in there at some point we'll get to somebody that he actually cares about so David stuck in this cave and the Philistines have his entire hometown surrounded this is not good now this gets told from another perspective in another book this is the second samuel version here we go next slide during harvest time three of the thirty chief warriors came down to david at the cave of ad and while a band of Philistines was encamped in the valley of her fine at that time David was in the stronghold and the Philistine garrison was at Bethlehem and David longed for water and said oh that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethel unless stop and talk about this for a second is David being literal no he's longing for his former life he's from Bethlehem he's like you know what life wasn't so bad when I was a shepherd when I was a shepherd I was dissatisfied and I wanted God to promote me then God promotes me now I'm in a cave with 400 people with issues this is not good I want to go back there listen if you're growing as a person there will be times where you will long for simpler times you start the business it's just getting going you're like God give us increase God grow our business God grow our business God grow business and now you got three locations and 30 employees and you got more pressure and problems than you ever imagined and there's a day you get there to your office and you go hello I just want to drink water from that old well again you start a church and you're like God bring us people north east south and west bring us people come on Lord bring them in bring them in and now the thing is huge across multiple campuses and multiple services and at times you sit back and go I'm surrounded by people with issues oh I just want to drink a different glass of water oh if you're growing as a person at all there are times you long for simpler times we'll talk about that in a second David's being euphemistic but three of these guys take him serious I picture have you ever seen National Lampoon's Christmas vacation right remember the crazy cousin Eddie right and Clark loses the plot and he's like what I wouldn't give from my good-for-nothing boss to be kidnapped from his mansion brought here in his pajamas wrapped in a red bow and Randy's like you serious Clark and he goes and does it he kidnaps the guy and brings them there like here's what that's what happens here three of these guys take him serious and literal and they go get him water from Bethlehem through enemy lines now watch what happens the next slide so three of the mighty warriors broke through the Philistine lines drew water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem and carried it back to David but he refused to drink it 24 miles round-trip to get him a water and David's response is well that didn't work out how you thought you just risked your life to give him water and He pours it out and that's where the rubber meets the road for anybody living for God it's one thing to celebrate when everybody's drinking what you're giving them but when you give your life to hand somebody something and they pour it out that's when our faith gets tested did we waste our life or did we not watch watch what happens here he says rephrase he refused to drink and instead he poured it out before the Lord and he said far be it for me Lord to do this is it not the blood of the men who went at the risk of their lives and David would not drink it now let me dig into this a little bit and and we'll see where we find ourself in this next slide so here's Agil 'm next 8 you already put it up there once here comes here's agilent that's a party isn't it hey baby Vegas or edge ulam ulam it is right David's stuck up there with 400 people with issues let me talk through the story to make sure we're there and then I want to get into the application next slide so this would be like just like talking points agilent was a fortified city to protect judah in refugees and times of danger it was a series of caves and tunnel made it very hard to attack david is there as a refugees from a very very jealous powerful man agile him is two miles for David defeated Goliath so from that elevation he could have seen where it all started he would have been thinking if I'd had just minded my own business I don't you know I mean seriously that's where it all started keep going next like David is surrounded by marginalized discontented indebted people that's not very energizing David grew up in Bethlehem Bethlehem is 12 miles from agile him that's 20 kilometers David seems to be using a figure of speech longing for simpler days next slide so three of these guys take him serious three these guys take him serious and they walk 12 miles 20 KS mostly behind enemy lines to get him water after that's walking from here to the center of Melbourne with soldiers standing in your way after walking 40 kilometres through enemy lines David refuses to drink it and pours it out and this is where I wanted to get David turns their act of duty into an act of worship now let's talk about that for a second here's the challenge the encouragement is is if you're doing what you're doing for God nothing is ever wasted but here's the challenge are you doing what you're doing out of duty or do you see what you're doing as a living sacrifice before God because if you're doing what you're doing out of duty they had better drink what you give them or it is wasted but when you see your life as a living sacrifice and you're offering the gift on your life back to God then whether they drink it whether they don't drink it it doesn't matter because the sacrifice makes it sacred regardless when you put on a meeting and you think 200 are gonna show up in 70 you did not waste if you did that out of duty you absolutely wasted your time but if you see your life as a living sacrifice and you're giving your life to the infinite possibilities Jesus has for your life and only 70 show up when you expected 200 it doesn't matter because the sacrifice makes it sacred regardless this is true of anything we do the people in a church I feel the worst for are though or the worship people and I'll tell you why because I travel the world and I've never seen an exception to this when a service starts only 25 to 30 percent of the crowd is there and by and by the time the music's over it's full which means that if you're on this stage you got to look at people showing up late for 20 minutes and I'm just waiting for one time when a worship person loses their mind and goes where are you then we spent two hours putting this together for you and you getting to bother showing up on time and the person standing at the door yeah it's here for the worship people right I feel bad for them right I just I'm waiting for a church service where they like we're gonna do the preaching first surprise everybody with a I can tell you that's not gonna happen all right David here's the thing here's the thing if your worship leading out of duty and you see that the thought would be why am I wasting my time half the people aren't even here but if your worship leading because you've offered your musical gift backup as a sacrifice to God then whether they're here whether they're not whether they're engaged whether they're not the sacrifice makes it sacred regardless the question is the question is are you doing it out of duty or do you see it as a sacrifice I preached for a living it takes me about 10 hours with 4 people to put together a talk that takes 40 minutes to deliver and all it takes is one faceless coward plunker who's yeah all it takes is one faceless coward plunker who spent less than 10 seconds thinking about what it took me 10 hours with 4 people to put together to start an internet rumor about something about it and I could start the Amen I'm wasting my life preaching this is ridiculous that one faces coward plunk right right no if I'm doing it out of duty then yes I've wasted my life but if I'm offering my teaching gift and my voice back up as a sacrifice to God then whether they drink it whether they don't drink it the sacrifice makes it sacred regardless I read your pastors blogs I find them incredibly astute well researched incredibly well articulated and if you read your pastors blogs they always invoke thought and and discussion which is the point and and invariably there's always some faceless coward plunker who spends their life selling cakes or something who's who's who's never given more than ten seconds of thought to what Rob has researched and articulated really really well and they just go nuts and now if he's writing those things out of duty that would be very discouraging but if he's doing what he's doing because he sees his life as a living sacrifice before God drink it or don't drink it but the sacrifice makes it sacred regardless I met I met a new friend tonight I'm their pet they they passed her in Bali which I think would be up there in places that be very difficult to pass her in now I mean that like as a compliment like I don't feel called there but here's the thing if you're pastoring in Bali because oil it's my duty to serve God then they better all buy what you're selling but if you see your life as a living sacrifice to God then I hope they all drink what you're giving them but if they drink it they drink it if they don't they don't but your sacrifice makes your life holy regardless regardless now let's dig into what this might mean next like some applications some sometimes you're in the center of God's will in a cave with people with issues if you turn around you find yourself in a cave with people with issues our tendency would be to go what did I do wrong sometimes nothing sometimes you're exactly where God wants you to be in a cave with people with issues let's say this way sometimes people misunderstand you you're speaking in metaphor and they take you literally that can happen too let's say it this way next slide there as you grow there are times you long for simpler times remember what it wasn't so complicated remember that remember when our business was sort of easy with two of us remember that but remember we were first married and we had no money or anything we ate ramen noodles regularly but we loved each other we had a small house and small bills and no pressure then something happened we got convinced to buy a bigger house and here's what we did we signed up for 30 years of entirely too much pressure we're paying every month for rooms we don't walk in so that people we don't care about will think we're more successful than we actually are and this sounded like a good idea and then in the middle of that somebody convinced us to add three more lives to this situation and let me tell you they bring nothing to the table they eat they crap they take I just wish we could drink from a different well mm-hmm that's why healthy marriages what do healthy marriages do healthy marriages regularly have somebody watched the kids and they go off on their own why to drink from the older well next slide remember we had no money so taxes were not an issue remember when you didn't dread Tech season cuz it didn't matter didn't have any money anyway remember we had a small house of small bills let's say it this way next like far be it from me Lord David saw this is sacred David took their active duty and made it an act of worship and he does something was very common it was called the drink offering this something they would have understood when He pours it out before the Lord this is something that was very very common in their world let me show you just one scripture about it next slide this is numbers 28 with a bull there's to be a drink offering of a half a hint of wine with a ram a third of a hand with each lamb a quarter him this is the monthly burnt offering to be made at each new moon in other words on the first day of the month they would regularly pour out a portion of water and wine to acknowledge that everything comes from God he saw this as sacred but maybe maybe the best way to remember this challenge is this next slide the sacrifice makes it sacred and if the sacrifice makes it sacred then nothing is wasted what if I told you that I was at Woolworth's today and coming down the aisle at Woolworth's was a lady let's say late 50s and let's say that on her arm was a man in his late 20s who was blind and obviously a little bit mentally handicapped and she was leading him around slowly and kindly like okay now we're gonna come up we're gonna turn right we're gonna like you something what assumptions would you make you would assume that was probably the mother or a caregiver let's say it's the mother and she's taking care of her own child who has a disability and what would you think of me if I said you know what I did I walked up to that lady and I was like what's wrong with you lady unless he gets better you're wasting your entire life what would that make me that made me a jerk right why because we know in our heart that whether he gets better or whether he doesn't get better her sacrifice makes her whole life wholly she is doing this out of love and that love makes her whole life wholly regardless of result or or the daughter taking care of her aging parents same idea the idea of oh if they don't get better yet whoa if you're doing it out of duty yeah but if you see your life as a living sacrifice then your sacrifice makes it sacred regardless I know someone personally who was a Sony record contracted singer okay like when I say she could sing I don't mean in my opinion she can sing I mean Sony records said you can say and her father came down with some early onset degenerative situation and she left all of that at 27 years old to go take care of him why because she said I want to make sure that as long as my dad lives he has the best quality of life humanly possible and I'm the one and what would you say if somebody went what are you doing you're wasting the biggest peak years of your singing career to do what what if he doesn't get better and the truth is is if she's doing it out of duty then she's wasting her life but if she sees her life as a living sacrifice then the sacrifice makes it sacred regardless what does what what about when the business doesn't work say oh I gave seven years of my life to a business and it just folded look I hope no one ever goes through that but listen if you're a business owner out of duty it better work but if you see your business skills as a gift and you're offering it as a living sacrifice then your sacrifice makes it sacred my encouragement to you is is if you're doing it for God nothing is wasted my challenge is are you brave enough to ask the question am i doing what I'm doing out of duty or am i doing what I'm doing out of sacrifice and my wife in out of duty or sacrifice and my husband in out of duty or sacrifice a my parenting out of duty or sacrifice am i a neighbor out of duty or sacrifice am i building that business out of duty or sacrifice am i a passenger in a car out of duty or sacrifice Paul encourages all followers of Jesus to see their lives as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God later he says I have poor my life out as a drink offering in other words Paul was chained to a wall a waiting Roman execution fixing to die without knowing that anybody ever believed what he said no he had no idea that anybody would ever believe what he said and he still said I have not wasted my life and it wasn't because he saw all the results in his lifetime it's because he knew that he gave his life as a living sacrifice I'll stay this way next slide I gave 20 years to this relationship and then they walked out how I just wasted 20 years of my life yes yes she did if you were a wife or a husband out of Duty you absolutely wasted your life but if you woke up every day saying yes to the infinite possibilities God has for your life and you were offering your abilities and compassion as a wife or husband as a living sacrifice to God then your sacrifice makes it holy and nothing is wasted nothing I gave it all and they didn't respond like I thought I know and if you did it out of duty yes but if you did it out of sacrifice your sacrifice makes it sacred regardless I raised my kids the best I could and they turned out terrible yes man I've wasted my life with him I was I was talking to a young couple this is a few weeks back they just had a freshly baked baby I'm doing another baby like this it was their first one you know and I was like yeah good on you you know they were excited I'm excited for them you know and they said they say you know we're gonna do shame I said what's that they said we're gonna raise this kid like proverbs tells us so it'll turn out great I was like good luck with that there you go like listen I know people who have four children same house same education same church same parents same values and three of them are awesome and one of them's a flippin lunatic what and you go I don't know why there's no guarantees in this world and if you parent for guarantees you're gonna rob yourself of the joy of parenting them listen are you a parent out of duty it's my duty to be a parent or do you see your parenting as a sacrifice before the Lord and the sacrifice makes it sacred let's say it this way next slide maybe it's the love that makes it sacred see David sees his world sacramentally the sacrifice makes it holy it doesn't have to work out perfectly to be holy because the sacrifice makes it that how then should we rethink how we measure results and Happiness so what does that mean for us eat great sermons are not meant to be agreed with or disagreed with like if you walk out of here not go I love that why cuz I agree with you you missed the point if you walk out of here tonight and go I hated that why because I disagreed with you you also missed the point great sermons are meant to be discussed wrestled with a sermon can't be evaluated in the amount of time it took to deliver it it's not a very good sermon so I want to ask a few questions that if you're brave enough I want you to at least spend some time later thinking about maybe over a cup of coffee with a couple of friends next slide where do we live with the delusion of guarantees or control is there any place right now that you think a plus B equals C if I just do this this guarantees that this will work out is there any place you're setting yourself up for disappointment like that are you doing what you're doing out of duty or sacrifice only you know that only you can tell that let's say this way does it have to work out perfectly in order to feel it was profitable like where are our default buttons I've just wasted my time when something doesn't work out look it's one thing to be a person of faith when it's all working but when you give your life to hand someone water and they pour it out that that let's say this way what do we need to hand over to God as a sacrifice that makes the outcome sacred regardless what do we need to hand over to God as a sacrifice let me say that same thing one different way and then I want to illustrate it because it's so Porton next slide all we get is a gift have we offered it regardless of outcome just give the gift and let God do the rest let me illustrate this with a personal story and I'm not in any way trying to elevate myself this is a ritual that I do that has helped me and if it helps me I hope it can help you every Saturday night so tonight before I go to bed I do a few things one I forgive I try to forgive everybody that hurt me this week two I forgive myself for people I have hurt I try to let it go I don't want to I don't want this week's failures into next week life gets too heavy that way the second thing I do is I spend five minutes or so being thankful to God for only what's in my right now like if I'm not allowed to believe God for anything else like if God didn't do one more thing for me most of our lives are still great and I try to make myself aware that and that's really helped me with envy or jealousy in my life but the other thing I do is I take account of the gifts on my life and I verbally offer them back to God it's a ritual that I do this really helped me with this concept I take the gifts on my life and I offer them back as a sacrifice and what this has done is it's done two big things I get far less hurt when people don't buy what I'm saying if they pour it out they pour it out it's not that I I'm not made of steel but I used to get really really hurt and I'm getting less hurt the other thing it does is that it allows me and this is huge this is my litmus test if I start to get manipulative to control the outcome I know I've crossed the line from sacrifice to duty that's for me so so if I need your approval to feel like this was okay and I feel like I'm not getting it I might manipulate the conversation so that I can feel okay and infer and that's a bet that's a litmus test it's not bad it's just have I crossed from duty from sacrifice to duty because I don't wanna do that I want to stay in sacrifice this has helped me do this so if I can illustrate this for you so in case you like what is he talking about let me give you example what I mean I'll go through my gifts that God's giving me I didn't ask for him I don't deserve them and I'll just thank God for them and then I'll offer it back to him so it goes something like this lord thank you for my voice boy I don't know what I'd do without it if my vocal cords quit on me I'm literally not good at anything else oh I'd be so stuffed thank you for my voice Lord I offer this voice back to you as a sacrifice or thank you for my mind thank you that it works differently than others it's a little unique you know thank you that I offer that thanks for my almost photographic memory III have a great reading memory I can close my eyes and read a book I have a horrible auditory memory I don't know how all that works but if you tell me your name and you don't have a nametag but but if I read it or see it I can't forget it which is a gift unless you're trying to forget something right like I accidentally sell my granny naked once yep still there right that's bad man I can't get rid of it photograph this in there so say Lord thanks for my mind my memory my voice my teaching gift Lord that you gave me these gifts I didn't ask for him I don't deserve him but I offer them back to you as a sacrifice and all I can tell you is that simple ritual has really helped me deal with rejection better and it's really helped me be less manipulative when I'm feeling like I'm not being accepted because I hope you drink what I brought you tonight I've worked very hard on it and I really think it would change your life but if you drink it you do and if you don't you don't I've offered it to God as a gift and I'm leaving all the results with him because the way you respond cannot be my responsibility right right and that's true of parenting running a business wifing if you're a wife and you take on the responsibilities of your husband's happiness good luck if you're a husband and you take on responsibility for your wife's happiness good luck right because if they're happy you feel like you're winning if they're not you feel like you're a loser that is not Paul is insisting if you're doing it for God nothing is wasted let's say it this way next like control is an illusion go back one please control is a delusion illusion guarantees or a deception where have deceptions and illusions determined our evaluations of where we are I think part of resurrection is being set free from that let's say it another way next slide where do we try to live in the illusion of controlling the outcome instead of just offering the gift just offer the gift leave everything else to God if you offered the gift and did your best leave everything else to God everything else where is God when the child makes the wrong decision the business fails of the divorce happens does God only get the credit on the good or does our sacrifice make it sacred regardless maybe the one question we can sort of take with us tonight is this next slide why this waste if you're a follower of Jesus and you embrace resurrection I bless you tonight to know that if you did it out of duty I'm challenging you to move in to sacrifice but if you see your life as a living sacrifice to God if they drink it they drink it if they don't they don't but the sacrifice makes it sacred regardless may you never think you've ever waste may the words I've wasted my time never come out of your mouth ever again that the people who are trusting Jesus where you are awesome but the people you give in your life for and they haven't they haven't trusted or they've uh turley rejected it you did not waste your life because you see your life as a living sacrifice and I want to encourage you with that nothing you're doing is wasted you're flipping inspiration to me yeah for all of you musicians I don't care if they show up on time or not you're giving your life and you've offered your gift as a sacrifice it is sacred regardless now the rest of you show up on flippin time will you my goodness to you wives to you husbands to you business owners to parents controls and illusion guarantees or deception all for the gift and leave the rest with God my encouragement to you is this resurrection is here Jesus is alive which means this world matters to God everything you're doing matters and if you're doing it for God nothing is wasted I challenge though be willing to ask yourself everyday am i doing this out of duty or out of sacrifice because if you're doing it out of sacrifice the sacrifice makes it sacred regardless I hope you were very blessed by tonight I loved being with you I'd like to take a second authentically invite you back tomorrow morning I know that's sort of weird to come twice but I'm doing a totally different message it's a brand-new message I promise you it'll be listen if you come tomorrow morning and it doesn't uh truly change your life there's so much I believe in this I will physically out of my own pocket pay you back for whatever they charge you to come okay that's how much I'm whatever they charge you to come here I'll give you the money back it's totally risk-free come on back tomorrow I'm on you're on your way out tonight if you'd be so kind to stop by our table and if you would do so in the first 20 minutes or so my team is out there and they drove from where it be now now with that in mind watch your pocketbooks I have confiscated their knives already but they are from where a big okay so so so if you could be kind to them there's just really really good they've got good friends they saved my life on a regular basis in Melbourne listen I hope you really enjoyed tonight I love you very much I hope you drink what I gave you but if you don't it doesn't matter because the sacrifice makes it stay free regardless [Music]
Channel: Bayside Church Melbourne
Views: 9,448
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: bayside church, rob buckingham, bayside, shane willard, nothing is wasted, ps shane, ps shane willard, ps shane preching, ps shane willard preaching, nothing wasted, shane, shane willard at bayside, shane at bayside, ps shane at bayside
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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