Nothing can save it! It’s over! Chrysler 2.7v6 is DOA

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hmm there's no mist man the dirt's so thick that the wipers are scraping off dirt wow that's great uh this is another episode of the car gods are very angry with me for some reason this thing is here for a cranking no start tow truck dropped it off a couple days ago i find this to be entertaining here let's just uh just go on in there and fix that right up this is a 2003 chrysler sebring probably got a quarter million miles on it let's find oh no no no look at that 74 000 look what i did i judged the book by its cover let's duplicate their concern okay yeah it cranks doesn't start okay let us uh i don't even know where to start i'm popping z hood maybe it's a good place it seems to be missing a back seat i wonder if they've removed it to check out the fuel pump what is what is all this there's some kind of oh you know what that's the hydraulic system right there for the convertible top i see what's going on here that's like that must be the little pump and those are the hydraulic lines if that makes sense okay all right that's not our problem uh maybe it's just me i might just be having one of those kinds of days where i don't have the uh the enthusiasm that i usually strive to carry i'll get over it though i'll be fine so let's see if we have any trouble codes we'll start there let's see 2003 there we go automatic hey nice radio station haha no cam signal at pcm fuel pump relay control circuit uh both of those things will cause it to not start well let's uh opening z hood and see if i can find a valve on a fuel rail to see if there's any fuel pressure in this thing first we'll go there all righty i've been poking around down here and i can see one of the fuel lines it's way down there on that green clip but i cannot take it off to check and i'm not going to do a bunch of work on this on the parking lot so just to rule out a fueling issue i will install uh some fuel and we'll see if it runs or tries to run on on that that will tell me if we have a fuel issue or ignition issue or some other kind of issue so let's here goes nothing okay we have a fuel problem it's running on brake parts cleaner right now and it's gonna die a lot of brake clean okay what i need to do is gain access to the fuel pump check the fuel pump for power and ground when the key is on and uh if i have power and ground at the pump and i do not have a pump then i need to replace the pump and then this thing will work again so let's uh let's dig around perhaps you know i might get lucky oh this back seat being removed may give me access to a fuel pump wrong nope i've got to pull the tank out there is no fuel pump access hatch here oh that's too bad more pry bar okay let's get out of this thing we need to push it into the shop chrysler moving on up all right let's see what we can do about getting access to the fuel pump wiring connector i believe i'll have to let the tank down some uh yeah it's up there okay well there's the power wire for it maybe i can get to that from the inside yeah i'm gonna check that first to see if i can reach a connector or something before i pull this this tank down that feels empty it ain't got no gas in it seeing as how this has the no backseat mod installed uh looking through that little port that we just looked at under the tank uh we can see what appears to be the connector for the fuel pump so i'm just gonna do testing right there at that connector and uh that will let us know if this thing is getting uh power to the pump if it is getting power to the pump i will then conclude that the pump is faulty and has failed so let's bust out the meter and check this thing out okay let's uh let's find a good space in here to have a seat to cut to have a seat that's funny alrighty here's the connector in question actually i don't even think i need to open it up i'll just probe it from the back giggity okay so i have printed the wiring diagram i'm just going to set this down right here next to this wasp nest and here's what we're looking at we've got the fuel pump motor and a fuel pump level sensor all encased inside of the fuel pump module now the level sensor and the fuel pump itself share a ground connection that is common i do believe that the ground is okay and functional because when i key this thing on the fuel gauge is working if the fuel gauge was not working i could suspect that there's a faulty ground but since that fuel gauge does does operate when keyed on i do not believe that the ground side of the circuit was going to be the problem so we're going to check the power side of the circuit and the power wire for the pump is the red wire now we see here there's there's a red right there that's a fairly large gauge wire so i do believe that that is the power wire for the fuel pump and on the other side of the connector that red changes from uh well the red to a dark green with a white tracer coming back over here to the car side of the harness there is a dark green with a white tracer that does connect to the red so that's going to be our fuel pump power wire so i'm just going to probe this from the back side get it nice and deep like all the way and we'll ground this side simultaneously i'll click the key on and as soon as i key it on we're going to look for a momentary voltage spike here that's going to be the priming function and then it should drop back to zero and then i will crank the engine upon cranking i should see battery voltage or something close to it that's attempting to run the fuel pump okay the meter standing by here's the ground probe and i'm just gonna hold this probably right here to maintain a ground connection and i'm reaching over to the front here's key on momentary voltage that's priming and here comes cranking and it's got battery voltage while cranking confirmed the fuel pump is not running this thing is going to need a fuel pump okay meter powering down let's get our probe back there all right let's get out of this thing i don't want the uh the creatures to hatch and come after me [Music] oh well it's the next day and this car's owners have decided to replace the fuel pump so tank's coming out all right this should happen in the most simple of simplistic ways disconnect these two hoses one bolt here for this strap one bolt there and likewise two more on this side and then the tank will come down and i can get access to the pump to the top side of the tank contact time to defeat some service adhesion oh this rubber is hardened not cool give it back give me okay [Applause] [Applause] okay it's free yeah here she comes this is good come out of there all right i'm gonna start to lower the tank gravity will do the rest i'm going to remove one strap on one side first reposition the jack and then i'll uh get the other strap sure didn't count on that okay it's halfway out okay so now i need to move this over some reposition it and then take the weight off the strap like so okay one more of these and then it's uh it's coffee time for me gravity okay i shall now begin allowing gravity to have control [Music] okie doke sits down a little bit further i've got a couple uh evap system lines to disconnect that one's already got done let's see yeah there's this manifold thing that i have to disconnect uh one fuel line and then the electrical connector uh the purge or vent solenoid and the charcoal canister that's just gonna stay here i don't believe i have to take that off yeah our pumps way up here there she is [Music] all these clips are coming apart but these usually you get a bunch of dirt inside of them and you can't depress the clip part to release it loud noises i spoke too soon that one's kind of stuck come off so you just gotta tell it what to do and then it listens all right tank coming down oh electrical connector let's get that one two of them [Music] all right so last time i took a fuel pump out you guys expressed quite a large amount of displeasure with my method because i had used a a chisel and a hammer to drive the ring and for fear of creating sparks and explosion everybody told me i shouldn't do that and i should use a brass hammer or a plastic chisel and you're right i probably shouldn't be using a hammer and a chisel so i will not do that this time so you're right when i was wrong i won't do that again [Music] [Music] there she is jump i kind of got ahead of myself and pulled this out with all this dirt stuff up here so i'm just gonna kind of put that back so i can get rid of some of this dirt there we go [Music] nice and shiny-ish okay that's our new seal and here's our new pump it matches our old pump hang on yeah yeah yeah this is looking good go in there please you can't do that i have to reuse the hose connector clamps the new unit did not come with replacements all right we're all set let's raise this thing back up into its home connect it and strap it back in [Music] click [Music] almost lost it okay this little evap hose gets connected to a hard line up here i'll stick that in there right now got that one good and reaching up to get the fuel line connected now it's hard because i can't really see that one but i can feel it click got it all right that's all the way up let's get the straps and hoses on um there it is i uh tried to stick it in the wrong hole okay strap number two okay i got uh the fill hose in the vent pipe plugged in [Music] all righty let's go hit the key and watch this thing start fingers crossed yeah just kidding all right here goes nothing key on i'm gonna cycle it a couple of times just to prime the pump and the lines okay let's do it start one more time hey it's coming alive the battery's low come on go baby go okay it's uh it's running there we go yeah all right now that it's running let's go back uh check on these uh trouble codes and uh i'm gonna go ahead and clear them i understand there are codes there that i did not diagnose but i want to clear them out because if they wish to continue fixing this car up when i see it again i'm going to want a baseline with regards to what i'm going to end up doing next and the trouble codes will help give me a direction uh let's see back into engine yes i could have selected previous vehicles and not done all this but uh i didn't think of that until just now wait for communication codes only please yes let's go okay they're they're all the same let's do a clear and we'll rescan to see if there's any uh any trouble codes that are failing right away clear codes yes and it's uh it will not comply with my wishes the engine is running power down key on clear codes begin clearing now restart okay lights off i don't think we have any immediate codes wait for module yeah okay all righty at this point we're good to go i'm all done here i have uh done what they have asked me to do and i got this thing to run again scan tool powering down there we go all right guys i'm gonna take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for watching this video i would like to see you back on another video in the future and if you would like to be back to watch another video in the future tappy tap that subscribe button by subscribing to my channel you will tell the youtube algorithm that you like my content and next time you log into youtube it will be more likely to suggest future content to you and that would be good for you that would also be good for me that being said again thank you guys for watching and most importantly before i go i want to wish each and every one of you a great day take care everybody i'll see you on the next one powering down come here give it back it's broken [Music] goodbye for now junkyard chrysler
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 427,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zgMDlk5xwGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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