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hey guys today I'm playing rock toys I'm feeling a little bit hungry let's get some breakfast specifically some cereal what do we have Lucky Charms that lets get that Super Mario cereal and yes that was a great transition to the subject [Music] so yeah if you guys didn't know Super Mario serie and it has amiibo functionality for Super Mario Odyssey as a Nintendo fanboy I need that in my collection but a question I have for myself is why do I keep on collecting all this useless Nintendo stuff when no one wants to inherit it when I die and I'll probably end up in a dumpster or good-willed hey who knows let's just get as much crap as I can when I'm alive and then when I die who cares what happens to it I'm dead my amiibo collection is just way too empty without a box of cereal in it taking the boosted board of course so on my boosted board I'm gonna be checking two locations to see if they have that special Mario cereal walmart and Sam's Club because they're both in the range of my booster board also the Safeway is near the mall where I have to film a video on my booster boy therefore the main channel so yeah killing two birds with one stone and if I don't find the cereal there I'll take my car out and go to some other grocery stores and fly stat to see if they have the cereal there all right let's go first stop is Walmart all right Walmart this is a 24-hour store so hopefully no one else has got to to all the boxes yet just gonna walk through the sonic games aisle to get there hey sonic forces is discounted oh god that was it for a second alright I looked and it doesn't appear they have it the closest thing I could find was this just a whole bunch of boxes with the switch giveaway on it alright on to the second location where the cereal was spotted online Safeway alright Safeway not that oh it's not here either I'm gonna check around the store to see if I could find a stand because in an online photo it was seen in a not random stand in the store somewhere unfortunately no I did not find it here maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come on release date well the suppose it really state does Family Dollar have a cereal selection I doubt it but does it hurt to check yes they do surprisingly but there's no freaking Mario cereal closest thing is this freaking Pokemon thing alright since it's winter and it's gonna be dark soon looks like I have to drive to the next locate locations to look for this freaking cereal first up the second Safeway in Flagstaff me nope alright to Safeway number three nope alright to target where the cereal leak first originated that was unexpected looking for that cereal no all right to the second Walmart no they have a bashes here might as well check that out for fun nope just as I was expecting well I guess it's time to go home disappointed yeah - well check my favorite grocery store before I go home fries yeah nope now it's time to go home finally I got some wings hey guys I'm being very quiet right now because my family's home and they would disown me if they thought I owned a toy channel but it's been ten days since I last went out to check its doors if there was any Super Mario cereal and right now it looks like they're finally is some at least Walmart like this subreddit titled are slash amiibo and then all of them are post see that they found was super virus hero mostly in Walmart and also there's the website called brick seek where it could help you find stock of something in stores like Walmart or Target and I put in the super model UPC code and put in my zip code and as you can see about the green there's some in stock those aren't my Walmart's they're like Walmart's are fifty miles away for some reason it won't show Walmart's in Flagstaff I don't know why but if it says it's in stock in these smaller towns there's a good chance that it's gonna be in stock and Flagstaff too I have to act quick though because last night I was checking it these were all green but one of them's red so the scalpers are is getting to the cereal got it click now ok to art Brooks eek also says there's only a quantity of 10 in each store oh I didn't even have breakfast yet it's noon and I just woke up got the jacket on it's freezing and the roads are still kinda wet so I have to avoid that to avoid slipping I just love how the only thing that's what is the bike lane so I gotta go pretty slow this was a horrible experience it's too many rocks on the side throw alright let's just say that trip was horrible there was gravel everywhere in the bike lanes but will it be worth it let's find out damn it no well I got my booster board wet for nothing and I did check with customer service to see if they were in stock and they said no event when I asked them well is any coming he was like I didn't check that mmm so dirty hey guys right now it's the day after Christmas and I gotta say something I am tired of all the time and gas I wasted trying to find this stupid cereal so what am I gonna do I'm gonna drive to a town 60 miles away to get that cereal and make it end yep I checked the website brick seat and it turns out they have the Super Mario cereal in a Walmart in Winslow Arizona which is one hour or 60 miles away I also called just make sure and yes they did say they had the same amount they had on Brook seek so yeah let's waste even more time and gas getting the friggin cereal now this is what happens when I drop off Community College driving 60 miles or an hour to get cereal that's the life I chose and I can love it but first I should really get some gas all right gas top and I bought breakfast because ironically we don't have cereal in the house starting route to Walmart Supercenter alright see you there all right the Winslow Walmart I swear if they don't have it here hot cereal ah what the hell it isn't here they drive all this way for nothing Oh baby it's in the back they didn't say they have some in stock I asked customer service all right I asked some guy about it and then he said he's going to the back to find it hopefully he comes back with one box I'm so nervous now it's time to find out if I actually drove you for something or nothing this isn't pathetic at all like ten of them uh-huh and it was in a box like all the way in the back so we're just these ones right yeah is it okay if I get three or no yeah we can get three okay turkey please yeah I came from Flagstaff to get the keys yeah we only got like a box just one single box it's a good thing you checked in with this thank you very much yeah oh man sorry about the wait no no problem we got it you know do you take tips good no no I can't take no I just save it man using it perhaps Mario honesty uh yeah and I'm probably gonna give the other two to my friends oh it's nice yeah thank you yes okay yeah this is gonna take a while yeah yeah now back to flag you thought meet waiting for three hours to get the new iPhone was pathetic well this beats that alright I'll pick up the camera when I get home maybe a little bit vlogging about highway driving yeah just for a transition also before I forget I want to give a big shout-out to the guy who works there because when I showed him the SKU number and then asked if he could find this Adam he was just like what is it and then I was like cereal and he was like oh is it the Super Mario cereal I was like yeah how did you know turns out before you went to work a lot of co-workers were telling him that everyone was trying to find the Super Mario serie at the store and the people asking probably didn't get any due to their still being ten there and that was the only box so the thing I want to conclude is that all the other all my employees are probably too lazy to look all around the back for the cereal and that guy was the only one who did it since I was the first one to get the Super Mario serum that store at least that's what I think huge shout-out to you dude who works at Walmart he looked for like about 20 minutes and I'm pretty sure most Walmart employees would probably give up after 5 not to say all Walmart employees are like that hey also looks like bricks ich is also pretty accurate this is the store I went to before there was 10 now there's only 7 which I bought three so yeah good job brick seek to finally back home which means I can enjoy my new super mario cereal in peace yeah just look at all the fun activities on the back this one's my favorite it's definitely D mmm alright now how am I going to display this alongside my other amiibo hmm now I have a better idea carefully open it cuz it's a collector's item honestly I thought this would be bigger mmm those look pretty good but it's not for eating it's for displaying oh wow that's smells really berry and fruity flavored okay so to display it I would just do this yeah all right now my amiibo display is complete let's see how it tastes not too bad no I'm gonna have ants won't fit in the vacuum [Music] this was a dumb idea alright now I'm gonna go clean up first and before I do you're probably wondering why I have three boxes well I'm planning to keep one on opened of course and I'm gonna give the other two to my friends who are nintendo fanboys but that will be in a separate video what's that you're saying I'm milking this video by releasing another video that has to do with the serial why I just drove one hour to get this freakin thing in a different city so I'm allowed to milk videos out of this situation hey wait a second I just said I milk the situation hmm milk cereal to look forward to buy my friends cereal parentheses emotional coming soon and thank you guys for watching me trying to hunt for this freaking cereal I wonder with the tile this video will be thank you guys for watching comment like and subscribe and I'll see you guys later bye but before I end this video I want to see what the amiibo does well the cereal box does in Super Mario Odyssey got it delicious amiibo mmm uh-huh yeah beat the game 100% okay let's try scanning the meeble not talking to uncle amiibo again this again oh I got a heart and a couple of coins it was like five I think great now was worth it mom's gonna think I'm crazy for wanting to keep an unopened box of cereal but whatever almost time to move out soon hmm nice
Channel: PlainrockVlogs
Views: 4,124,002
Rating: 4.7866054 out of 5
Keywords: super mario cereal, mario odyssey, amiibo, Nintendo, Mario, Super Mario, Super Mario Odyssey, Kelloggs, Lucky Charms, switch, nintendo switch, nintendo cereal, mario odyssey cereal, cereal, 3ds, game, gaming, video game, plainrock124
Id: rICna5MdyOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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