Not My Will but Thine Be Done - Gentry Mangun

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[Music] you bring me peace jesus his presence is very rich and real in this room and although there are only a few of us where two or three gather in his name he shows up and i know that right where you are in your living room or bedroom or dining room table wherever you may be with your family i trust and i know and i am sure that god almighty's presence is rich and real with you as well very glad to have you on this palm sunday morning where we are going to glorify and magnify jesus like he so richly deserves thank you for being with us this morning thank you worship team that's in the room here with us for leading us to the throne room and ushering us into a powerful presence of almighty god thank you it's my honor to minister to you today and i'm excited about what god has given me and hopefully i can deliver it the way that i believe he has given it to me but first i would like to share something with those of you who may not know yet i was able to spend sister mangan's 94th birthday with her my whole family and i were together we were sharing her youthfulness as a family we were enjoying the fact that she is still around at 94 years young and hopefully is going to be here longer than all of us and we claim that in jesus name but lexi and i were able to give her a gift and she began to open this up and when she opened it up there were these two little socks in there and we pulled them out and i i know that maybe many of you have uh been attuned to social media this past week but we were not pulling in april fools on any of you we told lane happy 94th birthday lane our family is growing by two little feet and one heartbeat welcoming baby mang in october of 2020 so yes it wasn't an april fool's joke lexi and i are proud to announce our very first child so thank you for those of you that have sent texts and kind regards and those of you that i've seen words of advice that people are giving thank you so very much i will lean on those in the coming days months and years thank you so very much we do have our own will for the gender we would like and we will reveal the gender at some point we do have our own will but it's not my will it's thine be done whatever god says and whatever god wants and i say that jokingly about my baby but that's what i want to talk to you about here today not my will but thine be done luke chapter 22 verse 42 reads this is jesus in the garden of gethsemane and if you don't believe he was fully human just like he was fully god this scripture is full of the flesh and humanity desiring to find a different path than the will of the spirit father if thou be willing remove this cup from me in other words if there's any way around this i don't want to have to walk down this road there's got to be a different way there's got to be a different path there's got to be a different plan however nevertheless not my will but thine be done i want to talk to you today and it's basically a story i'm going to tell there's not going to be a ton of scripture there's not going to be a ton of revelation but i hope this story speaks to you as it is spoken to me it is palm sunday here today and i can only imagine what that day must have been like almost two millennia ago it's one of my favorite scenes back from when we did messiah and we also portrayed it and above all but i was my memory goes back to messiah because i as a young man was in messiah and i remember the triumphal entry was my favorite scene to be a part of it brought such tremendous energy to the room there was a buzz that was created in this room this empty room now had such an atmosphere about it the atmosphere shifted when we did that scene it brought such joy it brought such happiness and it makes me question if there was that much energy and if there's that much joy and that much buzz and the atmosphere was completely changed in a reenactment what must the real thing have been like it was foretold about by the prophet zechariah and it was written in the book that bears his name for all future generations of the israelites to know that their messiah was coming zachariah 9 9 rejoice greatly o daughter of zion shout o daughter of jerusalem behold thy king cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon a donkey and upon a cult the fall of a donkey the jews would have known this scripture very well they would have known this scripture as well as any other scripture i realized that we aren't covering the torah here we're not talking about the law and customs and feasts that the jewish nation holds so dear but when you've been in bondage on and off for over 500 years you know the scriptures that talk about coming salvation you know the scriptures that talk about freedom from bondage so here we are on this palm day this day where they are celebrating the coming of their savior these jews begin to give a roman celebration to their victor just as the romans would welcome the men home who have won battle for them they begin to give him a roman celebration because here is their messiah the one who will destroy the roman empire the one who is going to set up his earthly kingdom and restore glory to israel just imagine what that scene must have been like imagine what you would feel in that moment feeling like you're about to be freed only for a few days later to be so let down because you realize your messiah is now in chains and on trial but my question isn't really about the people here today my question is more about the god-man jesus of how he was able to do it the man who made himself of no reputation who from the very beginning took on the form of a servant and without hesitation and without question and without doubting followed the will of the god the will of god or in his case followed the will of the spirit even when we read the very first story that we have of him as a 12 year old boy seemingly lost from his family spending three days alone in jerusalem when he's finally found what have you been doing i've been about my father's business because it's not about your will or anybody else's will or my will it's your will be done from the very beginning no matter the difficulty no matter who it might have offended no matter who it might have made uncomfortable jesus was never swayed away from the will of god or in his case the will of the spirit for he was god as well he wasn't used to and he wasn't worried about monetary gain or any accolades that he might receive in fact he wasn't welcome in his hometown qualified men walked away sorrowful because they felt like he was asking too much after feeding the multitude and and doing miracles and signs and wonders and walking across the water while a storm was taking place that still wasn't enough for some people because he turned to those very people that were following him for those very reasons and said i am the living bread sent from heaven and unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no part with me i can't be in you and you can't be in me and the multitude thought he was talking about literal cannibalism and began to walk away rejecting him once again something he was so very used to but that didn't affect him he turned to those that were closest to him and said would you like to reject me as well you can walk away as well if you would like jesus understood that following the will of the spirit or for us following the will of god for our life comes loneliness hardship and rejection so the way my mind works the way i process things i ask questions i try to put myself in that same position i literally try to put myself in jesus shoes and uh ridicule me if you'd like but i even ask questions of what ifs and i know that ifs or questions that we can never answer but that's just the way my mind works it's the way i process things so i put myself in this position and and i begin to ask myself questions about jesus the man separate from his divinity his mind what he must have been feeling and what he must have been going through as he's entering jerusalem on that day finally being praised and glorified like he's so richly deserved as he enters into jerusalem on a donkey we aren't talking about the multitude going crazy after he's performed one of his supernatural miracles this is true praise for their savior true happiness that their savior the one who's going to overthrow the roman empire has arrived blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord hosanna in the highest blessed son of david it got so loud that the pharisees even heard it and made their way to it and they went up to him and said master you need to silence these people this is in luke 19 and 40. jesus turns to them and says if i was to tell them to hold their peace immediately the stones would cry out in praise and it seems to me with the way that i think and the way that i process things and the way that i've seen human nature work in my own life that this could have been a tremendous danger zone for jesus and i'm putting myself in there i i i know maybe not for him but i'm putting myself in that position what a danger zone that could have been this isn't scripture i'm just surmising because i'm trying to put myself there finally there's somebody giving me acceptance finally instead of rejection i'm receiving praise and adoration that i so richly feel like i deserve there's a feeling of affirmation there and it would be at that point that i would begin to struggle my mind would begin to enjoy that particular moment that's a place of danger for me and my mind wonders what was jesus thinking in that moment this place of danger a place where we can get so caught up in trying to please others so that it will in turn affirm us and bring glory to us that we even eventually wind up missing the will of god because we're so worried about trying to please everybody else and make everybody else happy because it makes us feel good it's a perfect place to miss the will of god and jesus knew that over the next few days these very same friends would turn into enemies over the next few days he would be driving out money changers and he would be making more enemies he would be driving out the dove sellers and instead of making friends making enemies he would be challenging the spiritual authority of the day and instead of bringing accolades and praise and glory he would be bringing anger and people that would get upset with him things that would not bring praise and accolades from everybody else things that would not bring happiness and joy in the kind words of affirmation he had to know that the very same people that were shouting hosanna would five days later be shouting crucify him and once again he would be facing loneliness hardship and rejection could it be that for a split second human nature got a hold of jesus could it be that he battled just like i battled knowing that yes he had the supernatural power to topple the roman empire knowing that he could once again deliver the children of israel and bring glory to just them he could have done it if he would have wanted to and he would have brought tremendous praise and glory and honor unto himself he could have done that so my mind wonders as he's riding that donkey and all of the accolades are coming and he's seeing the happiness and the joy on people's faces did human nature ever happen to slip into his mind and him say this is such an easier path this would be so much easier if i would just topple the roman empire and bring joy to just a few select people but he knew and i highly doubt that it ever crossed his mind because the only thing that mattered to him was not just the salvation of a nation but was the salvation of mankind the lostness of mankind is what drove jesus christ and the redemption from the sin that had us all bound was his driving force the week continues on and we reach our scripture text where he's in the garden of gethsemane and he's having this tremendous battle with his mind and his flesh and his own will and the will of the spirit he's asking is there any other way around this sure he knew that it was going to be painful physically but that paled in comparison to the pain that he would feel from taking on every single sin that every human had ever committed he was about to know what it was going to feel like to be a murderer and an adulterer and a liar and a homosexual the pain that he knew that he was about to feel do you ever think for just a moment that his human nature said it's not worth it do you ever think that he maybe just for a second thought that the will of god is just too tough he had to understand that not only was he going to feel the pain of physical pain not only was he going to feel the pain of sin but he was also about to face once again rejection from the very people that he had come to save we move a little deeper into scripture and we find that one of his 12 sells him out for 30 pieces of silver rejection slaps him in the face peter the one who said i'll never leave your side not once not twice but three times i reject you being put through phony and mock trials in the middle of the night the men who should have recognized who he was above all else mocks him slaps him spits on him and beats him nothing but rejection wouldn't have wouldn't it have been easier to just overthrow the roman empire and say your messiah is here but it's not my will it's dying to be done when he was beaten and bruised and whipped by hands that he created when he had a crown of thorns placed upon his head from a bush that he spoke into existence when he was mocked and jeered as he struggled to carry his cross when he was condemned to death by a man that knew he was innocent only to appease the crowds when he the god of the universe who's never needed help for anything has to receive the support of another man to help him carry his own death sentence when he's nailed to a tree and so disfigured that you can't even recognize that it's a man and i appreciate the movies and the paintings and the pictures and the models that try to depict the crucifixion of jesus but they saw they fall so very short you couldn't even recognize his visage and i won't get x-rated here but you can read between the lines this roman execution was meant to humiliate there was no dignity given to him when he had to hear those that passed by in mark 15 29 and 30 those that railed on him wagging their heads and saying ah thou that destroy us the temple and build us it in three days save thyself and come down from the cross put yourself in that position what would i have done in that position i know my human nature would have been to jump off of that thing call down legions of angels and prove who i was i would have wanted to prove how powerful i was and how capable i was how wealthy i was how wise i was how successful i was but it's not my will it's thine be done if it was me i would have just stayed on the donkey but that's not my will jesus understood that the greatest impact that he could make for his kingdom and not just for a select few was when he chose to follow the plan of the spirit or for us when we follow the will of god and not man it's the greatest impact that we could ever make on this earth is the impact that we make for the betterment of god's kingdom and no it's not easy there will be those that reject us there will be those that mock us there will be those that make fun of us and laugh at us those that tell us what we should do and how we should do it and when we should do it society is doing everything he can to paint the picture of god's plan for our life what we should do and how we should follow that plan but if we choose to follow the plan that society is trying to place in our life and what this old flesh would desire then we will never live up to what god has called us to be so here is my challenge to all of us here today as i'm winding down and coming to a close this virus is terrible i would never say that this is a good thing that has come on the world but it has created a unique opportunity with us being shut in we can't chase our new business idea our kids travel teams are put on hold the retailers are closed and we can't go spend our money to keep up with our neighbors so it's a perfect time as individuals and as families to pastor be shut in with god and say god what is your plan for my life i've been so busy the past few months chasing the next dollar chasing the next big idea doing what society says i should do i've been chasing everything else what is it that you want from me god i've been going in such a fast pace that i have neglected my walk with you i've been so swamped with life that i have forgotten that you have called me to do something for your kingdom i've been so caught up chasing my own plans and my own dreams and my own desires that i've completely forgotten that you have a will for me i've been doing what society has been telling me i need to do i've been doing all i can to receive acceptance and affirmation and praise from my friends my family and my coworkers i've been doing everything i can to please others because that in turn affirms me and it makes me feel good but god forgive me because it's not about me and it's not about my will forgive me lord i don't want to feel rejected i don't want to feel mocked i don't want to feel alone i don't want to have to fight this difficult journey well let me tell you something church family and let me tell myself something the more rejected by society we feel the closer to god's will we probably are matthew 5 11 and 12 tells us very clearly blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake for my will for my plans for my desires for your life rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted the prophets which were before you no poa no guests it's not easy and yes there will be difficulty and yes there will be hardships but it's all going to be worth it when we receive our reward in heaven so my challenge to you and my challenge to myself is during this communion today and over the next couple of weeks as we are still shut in and under the shelter order from our president and our governor it's a perfect time for us to have a long time and family time to say what is your will for my life as an individual god what is your will for our family am i supposed to be moving to take the next job am i supposed to be going to this place am i supposed to be taking this new job or this new raise am i supposed to be doing these new things and when our government and when everything gets back to normal and i'm praying it does sooner rather than later and new opportunities arise to all of us i challenge all of us to make sure that we say god what is your will for my life what do you want me to do where do you want me to go where do you want me to serve in your kingdom what can i do at my local church i know that when we all gather back together there's going to be tremendous momentum because we all miss this place and the gathering together the saints coming together is for the edification of the body so we definitely miss joining together and when we do it's a perfect opportunity for all of us to say god where can i be used what can i do to help support my church and to help support your kingdom and to help enlarge your kingdom because all that really matters in this world is what i do for god's kingdom so i challenge you today and i challenge myself today god what is your will for my life what do you want me to do where do you want me to go i'm for all of us receiving accolades and pomp and glory i'm not against people pleasing others and then receiving affirmation from doing good things i'm not against those things but as long as it lines up with the will of god i'm not against trying to make an extra dollar as long as it lines up with the will of god i'm not against coming up with the new big idea or the new business idea as long as it lines up with the will of god i'm not against you young man or young woman becoming the best athlete you can or the best student you can as long as it lines up with the will of god there may be those that and i'm 100 for going to college and i encourage everybody to go to college but there may be some who the will of god says i'm calling you to the missions field and it would be easier to say i'm just going to go to college and make my own life and come up with my own plans and have my own will and my own desires that would be the easy route and that's what society would tell you to do but maybe god is calling you to a different country or nation who knows young or old young man or old man young woman or older woman god is speaking to each and every one of us here today and is calling us a fresh and new to seek what is his perfect will for our life our human nature and our flesh will try to lead us and guide us down different roads and different paths to what society would say we should do but god is telling us this morning seek my plan seek my will seek my desires for your life and let us be led by the spirit and not by the flesh because the bible clearly tells us that we're not going to make it on our might and our power alone only by the spirit of god it's difficulty it's hard it's going to be lonely and people will reject us and the world will turn against us but remember what john chapter 16 tells us that be of good cheer for if he overcame the world we can overcome the world because he lives inside of us i encourage you for just a moment before we move on any further why don't we bow our heads for just a moment and let's pray together if you feel like kneeling you can kneel if you would rather stand if you'd rather just bow your head where you were sitting let's pray together for just a moment lord jesus forgive me of seeking my own plans and my own desire and my own will going after maybe the things of the flesh instead of the things of the spirit god i commit to you afresh and new here today as we are about to take communion together in a few moments from now god i encourage each and every one of us and i encourage myself to be thinking what is your will for my life what is your plan for my life don't let us always look towards the easy path of the easy road that brings acceptance and brings words of affirmation towards us but let us look towards what you want and though it may be hard and though it may be difficult and though we may have to receive rejection and people may mock at us and laugh at us and turn away from us encourage us today lord to know that we are doing your good and perfect will and that great is our reward in heaven show us clearly today god what is thus saith the word of the lord in our lives clearly speak to people today god clearly give people direction today god i know finding your will can be difficult sometimes but sometimes that's part of the plan that's part of the path because it forces us to come after you like never before if it was always easy to just find your will then there would be no need to come after you so if there are people today that are having trouble and difficulty finding out what is the will of god for their life let us all have a fresh commitment to pursue you like never before and in our pursuit of you you will speak to us clearly on what is your will and plan for our life be with these individuals that are watching here today god and speak to them clearly and as we take communion together here in just a few moments let us all have a fresh commitment to do your perfect will if you're a guest with us here today and you would like to you don't have to become a member of the pentecostals of alexandria but you would like to know what it means to get inside the kingdom of god we would love to experience and share that with you you can get a hold of us this week and we would love to repent with you we would love to baptize you in the name of jesus and we would love to pray with you until you receive the gift of the holy ghost evidence and speaking in other tongues which is the manifestation of god almighty the one who overcame the world living inside of you would love to do that with you you can contact us we're going to take communion here in just a few moments church family and it is very unique today we were very close to being able to do jesus messiah these couple of weeks but this virus came in today we are going to bring a couple of scenes to you of jesus messiah at no point will there be more than 10 people in the room and at one point in during this depiction you will see a video from above all 2018 and you will see the room full i can assure you the room is very empty today let's enjoy taking communion together here in a few moments and let's make a fresh commitment today to do what thus saith the word of the lord is and the will of god in our lives may god bless you [Music] the atmosphere has changed those that welcomed me a few hours ago with palms and praise now want me dead it is no longer just a plot of the priest there is in fact a plan in place it will all begin here in this garden much like that first garden where the earliest of prophecies about me were shared that he will crush your head and you will bruise his heel broken bread shared wine my body and my blood now the end begins oh gethsemane you will never be the same father father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done oh my father if this cup may not pass away from me except i take it thy will be done they will be done [Music] uh the night was dark and getting darker still with his outcry thy will be done still echoing around the garden we took jesus away the apostles scattered fearing for their lives there would be a fiasco of back and forth trials six in all in the three religious trials before the high priest and the sanhedrin he was found guilty yet in each roman trial he was declared innocent ultimately he would be before pilate and i was with him every step of the way even till the end [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get it back uh [Music] you call this a king king of the jews [Music] [Applause] so uh father forgive them for they know not what they do stop it is finished into thy hands i commend my spirit [Music] and you can't make way how you wash me your mercy i am clean [Music] again my heart's beating beating inside of my chest oh and i'm coming alive with joy and destiny [Music] cause you're restoring me peace [Music] if you catch me how you wash me in your mercy [Music] now my filthy rats are purified i'm clean [Music] here i am [Music] never lost [Music] presence of lord so strong in her midst no it's moving in your home he's been moving amongst us as we prepare ourselves to take communion the glory of the lord has filled our house yesterday when i was studying for my portion of of closing this service today i went to david's prayer of his prayer and confession psalm 51 and after looking at psalm 51 the only good thing that you could find in david's sin would be this his repentance was greater than his sin david prayed for two things in psalm 51 he prayed that there would be forgiveness and that's where most of us pray and then that's where we stop but david in psalm 51 he prayed for forgiveness but then is mickey just sang and above all he prayed that he would be clean hear him as he makes this double need is what i call it forgiveness and cleansing one have mercy upon me o god according thy loving kindness according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions and watch forgiveness is there but watch wash me thoroughly from mine iniquities and cleanse me from my sins forgiveness is a wonderful experience but that doesn't remove the spot what renew re move my initial spot was when i was baptized in the name of jesus for the remission of sins every one of my sins was washed away but after that moment sure i'm covered through the power of just asking for forgiveness but when i come to this table when i come to communion to take representing his blood in his body i once again it's like i'm being baptized afresh and anew in that wonderful name of jesus david said in three and four he said i acknowledge my transgression my sin is going to be ever before me and against thee and the only have i sinned and done this evil in thy sight that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest and be clear when thou judgest and that great apostle paul comes back and echoes that with his prayer and his writings in this first letter to thessalonica 5 and 23 and the very god of peace sanctify you holy and i pray god your holy spirit your soul and our bodies that they reserve blameless unto the coming of the lord jesus christ and then david said purge me get the hyssop out and purge me that i shall be clean yesterday in our den mick and i was talking she was in her father's chair that reclined and i was in the recliner that she had given me and i started reading this scripture and it was like i was a new convert coming to a fresh revelation because when he said wash me with hyssop i've always quoted and said misquoting the bible and he shall wash me white as snow but that's not what the bible said revelation came to me yesterday and the first time i've ever preached it is now the bible said he would watch me whiter than snow because snow even though it's white it has its in perfections he said make me whiter than the whitest stuff that you look at that represents white make me whiter than that he said then lord hide your face from our sins and blot out my iniquities for now the old account will be settled then he cries out when we get through with this today creating me a clean heart oh lord and renew in me a right spirit it reminds me when we're doing above all it reminds me when we get to that leper scene and when we read matthew 8 2 and 3 lord if thou wilt thou can make me clean not just forgiven clean and jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying i will be thy clean and immediately immediately his leprosy and i love this word was cleansed david said cast me not away from my presence that's all in 51 cast me not away from my presence and take not thy holy spirit from me so six times in psalm 51 and i close six times he prays the double prayer revelation yesterday six times he prays the double prayer forgive me but don't only forgive me cleanse me watch me of everything from all the way back when i was a kid again like being baptized in your name jesus let me feel like today i've been baptized in your name afresh and new so don't forget six times the double prayer forgive me lord and cleanse me lord so today in communion we're not just praying lord forgive us we're praying lord forgive us and cleanse us almighty god we submit ourselves to you and to your blood next sunday we will celebrate you coming out of that grave victoriously on easter sunday morning but today we're celebrating the fact that you purchased our salvation you prayed that prayer in that garden as troy so beautifully did this morning not thy will but by me you did that for me you did it for the whole world but you did it for me now when i take that cracker and when i take that juice it represents your body so today on behalf of the people that i lead and all the people that's watching today that will be joining us in communion we say thank you jesus [Music] for not just forgiveness but thank you for cleansing us of all of our sins jesus the same night in which i was betrayed i took bread and when i had given thanks i broke the bread and i divided it among ourselves saying this is my body which is given for you this due in remembrance of me thank you jesus [Music] i took the cup [Music] [Music] saying this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many [Music] this do in remembrance [Music] like jesus always remember me my blood covers all sin yeah thank you and through my blood you all shall see redemption oh thank you thank you thank you for watching us and cleansing us thank you for touching us [Music] thank you for that anointing that rests on us thank you for the message we heard from pastor gentry today as we surrendered our will to your will thank you for your blood thank you for your body thank you jesus we rejoice in the god of our salvation to all you great people needless to say god has met us the power of the holy ghost gentry and lex jesus troy mick god has met us today he's met us in our home and whatever we've done we've been forgiven and we're now cleansed and i think that deserves a celebration i think in our homes and all across this city and across america and those of you that watched over 50 nations watched last week for those of you watching around the world we now rejoice in the god of our salvation giving praise that your sins have been washed away rejoice rejoice in the god of our salvation that you've been redeemed may our homes be put back together may our lives be touched may our finances be blessed [Music] may the glory of the lord flow in our house god thank you for what we have felt thank you for what you have done you're such a great god and we give you glory and honor and praise to you great people of poa that i have the privilege of pastoring wednesday night we will be back here those of you from other persuasion denominations those of you other apostolics don't forget in your giving that goes to your local church but we were back here wednesday night at seven o'clock once again proclaiming the name of the lord thank you for joining us thank you for being with us thank you our great god for what you have done thank you for the anointing that has been in this place we give you glory
Channel: The Pentecostals of Alexandria
Views: 10,442
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Id: hHyQvjEVRio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 32sec (3932 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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