Northeast Logging Expo 2024. Short view.

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what's up boys and girls um at the Northeast loggin show in Essex Junction Vermont I'm on my way out actually spent yesterday with the Norwood guys talking about the Mills and um one of their Chief engineers and um all kinds of good things about the Norwood Mills but I want to shoot a video on the way out just to kind of show you the a little bit of the show I can't show everything it take hours but uh there's some really big cool stuff right here so I'm going to shoot my way out um maybe swing by the Norwood booth on the way through just say Hi and then um you got Norwood you've got um Hudson wood meiser everybody right in a row so we'll kind of check out some of the equipment on the way out I'll kind of voice from the back no mic so uh you get to hear whatever you get to hear so look at this cabalo right here I used to sell cabelo years ago and I was at Tracy Road equipment up in Syracuse New York back when cabelo was first coming out and look at the paint job on this thing freaking am right here look at that that's wicked got big like big mulchin head on it look at the size of this mulon head you see it kind of a scale of the gentleman standing there the size of the mulon head than that and two shears on the smaller ones but that is a wicked paint job got the same paint job on the look at the one on the truck that's awesome way to go Bob think that's wicked look at that that is wicked way to go Bob think check out the mulchin head on this uh while it's an I85 it's I mean a t86 the old 8 the new 850 look at a mulchin head on this thing you imagine carrying that around I bet that mulchin head weighs 3,000 it's got to look at that you got the wood cracker line over here check wood cracker shears look at this thing let me put my foot up here look at that Shear that's pretty awesome wood crackers has got all kinds of different uh see you later attachments for um um f bunchers and for excavators and you name it size of that crap look at that one that's wicked is that half inch chain on that three4 three quter wow that's a big chain three car yeah that's wicked you guys have a good show hey here my tree guy buddies check out this chipper right here just look at the freaking filters I can't I I can't get scale up in there for whatever this has got for it looks like it's a huge cat diesel check out this thing what my lumber scale is three is probably 40 so there 36 in um so that's probably 40 something what that's a big throw on that like 60 in throw check out this fella buncher here sorry I'm being quiet it's kind of weird look at this freaking thing with the buncher head on it and cuts the length and Deb marks look the grower pads on that LTE look at the grower pads on this thing holy [Music] smokes that thing that thing could tear up [Music] this thing is nasty look at this these tires are they're up to my shoulder it's got to be all-wheel drive right we can look underneath imagine this thing's all-wheel drive looks like this yep same uh trunion set up front back so it's all wheel drive that's wicked that's a way to not get pitch all over you all day AC all wheeel Drive probably sealed cab what look at this one they got set up as a skitter over here what's that this it's like a skitter in its own log truck it's got the big grapple on it so you can either skid Logs with this or just load this up with logs you could probably load this thing with logs and drag a stack behind you on your way out too freaking Woods all-wheel drive log truck let's see what else is cool here that way is out out so I don't want to go there first let's go by the Sawmills I'm probably going to end up shooting apart maybe another part to this how long we getting oh it's only 7 minutes long it's not bad once we shoot our way out [Music] here oh some fighter jets flying around up there there see if we can scoot by norw quick and then there's another fire drop [Music] here you got everything from insurance companies to Wood burners to you name it a pain [Music] [Music] [Music] you can always tell when there a whole you can always tell who's loggers when they're walking around cuz they all have the same limp got the cord King Booth here here's see check out the saw blade on this cord King processor over here [Music] this thing over here is wicked look at the saw blade on that thing yeah Pro look at the thing Wicked that splitter head [Music] right so we're going to make ourselves head towards the exit here is our norward booth same Mill as mine hd36 V2 20f footer the good trailer package see you boys Trevor and Brian you I am I'm on my way out I had to shoot something on the way out so we will see you guys on the other side have a safe trip back I got to head back to Ontario Goode but I'm not oh I know God I got to get home before eight that's why I don't want to get stuck in traffic in Boston good luck to you guys too thanks buddy I'll see you sitting here making wood they sold this Mill actually this Mill is a good story it was a customer return the guy bought it while he was waiting for his woodmizer and then gave him some story about how it didn't work and hey Brian do you mind if I shoot the new the guide trunion check this out so they went up in big time at that's what we're waiting on right there boys there's the new guide trunions fully adjustable I assume 6 axis they put those on here they took his Ceramics off and put on those and right Trev we did nice we did and check this out for all those logs we cut out probably six logs oh yeah there's a new band coming too so with those guys after all that cutting we were still able to do that wow see without blowing it out that's impressive that band's lasting you guys will see the new band I got one in the truck and I know that I got more coming we try them out and I'll give you a just a a sneak peek cuz I got to start heading to the exit but if you look at if you look at this band what it has is you see right at my fingertip right here there's a raker tooth with a special it's not carbide but it's a carbide like in um blade tip on it on the raker tooth the unset tooth that is as wide as the curve um and it stabilizes the band In The Cut make sure I get this in Focus you see that blade tooth in between my fingers right there so it's only got one every three teeth so it kind of cuts down on the cost stabilizes the band and gives you a little bit more durability so we're going to check that out they gave me one it's in the truck so let's oh hold on make sure you get the yeah in case I hit a nail on the first pass thank you brother you guys safe travels got another one you got to see this thing see you got to get a good picture of it there so you see that rer tooth right there that's different never seen one like it it's one every three teeth just the raker the middle tooth you can see the other tooth behind is set out and then the other one's set down and then it goes back to that raker tooth with that um I think it's called the stellite insert and it's basically a kind of a very similar to carbide based material so we're going to try them out they thing just been cutting the whole show for these guys and it's still cutting good and they cut some really dirty logs all right so as we go out here sorry some wood products got wood meiser they got a 15 a 40 and a newer Mill here I I don't know that I'm familiar with an lt28 I haven't I haven't seen the 28 and they sold everything they had every meal they have here sold this one's an lt28 it's uh something I've never seen before maybe they brought it out for this show it's uh 25 horse that's probably the show price right there kind of a neat little Mil I don't know how floppy around it is but uh it's a that's an addition they didn't have that before we got Hudson here with the big Mill their h360 hydraulic it's got big wide throat they also got some little dinky Mills too but they've been running this one out here more firewood processors I wonder what the hell that thing does it looks like it splits like the whole look at that thing looks like you load it up and it splits a whole pile up the one time huh I've never seen anything like that before like it splits the whole deck inside or something where you going H oh yeah it comes in full of logs and it's puts the whole deck that's wicked cool what shut up spits him out the end that's cool as all right see we go out this way they're having the um grapple speed test over here how long we get 16 minutes feels like longer see him swinging in the wheeler over here they had a competition see how fast they can pick them up put them down from one to the other in the squares check out the CAT equipment on the way out [Music] here [Music] sorry whoa look at this Bucher over here the size of the head on that thing check this out oh here's another one of those log set trucks look at that thing it takes his money yeah exactly I I wouldn't want to replace one of the tires I know that's wicked those size of the Hat on that thing look at the grower pads on that too think you only see big browsers like you go to the Tiger Cats I think the tiger cats have bigger browsers size of the browsers are serious that's a big hat it's way taller than me it's probably probably 10 ft [Music] tall you get that fella Bunch your head on is that that's 5 on the 538 I I don't know about those grer pads we should keep you wouldn't be messing up the [Music] woods finally way [Music] oh it's kind of a weird thing I try and make sure I don't get anybody on video that doesn't want to be on video look at this thing holy that is wicked look at that seat swivels in and that's awesome [Music] hav't seen you a leak in hurt yet where you been we got so we try and get on the road here so I don't get stuffed in Boston traffic I'm going to make sure that I get the wife a shirt though on the way out so I have to go off video to do that they get the whole Easter ma setup over there but if any of you guys watch anybody on YouTube then You' see all that Easter ma stuff they just give them out non-stop for people to use everybody's got one some cool cross track stuff here got a Barco over here it's a nice stubby little machine look at the size of that one over there holy with a processor head on it that thing's Wicked and a buncher head look at the size of that you see how many people are standing over there look at the buncher head on this thing damn strips them counts them and cuts them that's a big head look at the size of that freaking machine now look at the grer pads on this thing I like the setup on this cuz it's a short it's beefy too that is a beefy machine you see The Stance of that thing right there that's really nice that's got the lower pads on it all right well ladies and gentlemen um I am going to focus in on one of these machines and sign you guys off so that I can go inside and see all these buildings are all full too with people um wood displays and uh people advertising their stuff so I got to make a walk through cuz I got to find the wife of shirt if I see anything important uh or cool I will shoot it I avoided all the uh stuff that you guys see every day like the steel Booth or the anything that's you know you know but some of this big equipment is awesome so um I will talk to you later hit me up
Channel: William Prophett
Views: 497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OjysxjkPy0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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