Noodle Vending Machine with Jannie Maddie and Friends

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wow veggie noodle chicken noodle dessert noodles and egg noodles veggie noodles [Music] wow thank you delicious time to eat okay deliver in 10 minutes thank you [Music] thank you Maddie take care of the straw I have to make some deliveries okay huh Maddie Maddie where's my order my mama couch what's going on [Music] taking too long [Music] [Applause] I'm so hungry let's go buy noodles foreign [Music] [Music] just an egg let me see not fun okay let me try chicken noodle yummy I'll get it [Music] oh yes huh nothing really I'll try again [Music] noodle I think it's broken let's go another store oh yeah oh no it's raining [Music] hi the delivery might be delayed because it's raining yeah I'm sorry about delivery um it might be late yeah I'm taking forever [Music] stopped oh I left the noodles in the rain oh no yeah those it might be really delayed so yeah it might take a few hours bye I hope Maddie's okay [Music] huh what happened Mommy candy so it's broken huh really ready we do so you're gonna go fix this machine yes okay then I'll clean the store okay yup it's a vending machine help me of course oh one hour no time to lose do I need this I think I do I definitely need this thing I need three oh this this is important almost forgot the most important thing and safety goggles [Music] thanks buddy I am a professional uh-huh I fixed it yay [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] but thank you for telling the truth Alex whoa this is kind of a mess [Applause] [Music] well we don't do nothing nothing happens [Music] all right YouTube Clean up while I fix this problem [Music] all right good time for work I know the exact tool for this I forgot my tools huh I was working on another vending machine earlier today all right she's all fixed awesome thank you for your service no problem all in a day's work oh what's going on Alex yeah oh really you sure the phone call was so hectic I was distracted from putting away my tools okay I gotta go all right all right thanks again Alex you got to get my tools [Music] on it I'll draw a little map for you Alex so you start here and you go up the stairs and then you go into the forest of foresting and you know it's this should get you there I won't disappoint you [Music] okay up the stairs [Music] that goes up later [Music] I think I'm here oh hey welcome to my store how can I help you oh excuse me I think my boss left his toys here I need to calm down breathe now what can I help you with my boss leftist who is here can I get it oh sure they're right over here I can't pick these up oh hey get this in the bag thank you foreign [Music] [Music] oh thank you Alex I'll start right away let's go it's time I need my other tool [Music] ah done let's try it what egg doodle please [Music] oh [Music] huh this is an egg noodle what did I do wrong wait a minute hey [Music] I think I fixed it you did yeah good job Alex Perfect all right let's pack it up and bring it back we only have five minutes [Music] you're welcome bye there's no customers here Maddie [Music] now let's make something special hahaha [Music] wow [Music] let's spice it up [Music] spice it up now let's wait it's done delicious I love it [Music] noodle time enjoy what is this black noodles yeah [Music] I'm so hungry this is hopeless I can't go for any noodle [Music] soup we got blue noodles and bread noodles unicorn floaties wow look at that actually we don't want anymore beach balls beach balls we just want noodles bye oh well have a good day bye we have so many sweet things yeah noodles we got ice cream peers chocolate and donuts this is how we make our yum yum noodle get a handful of Noodles put it in the bowl with our delicious toppings add a nice cream some bread okay gummy bear stop this is too much sugar do you have anything healthy we'll pass on this one too thanks bye bye for me [Music] wow welcome to fancy noodle please take your city this one is good do you have your orders we were both like number one please Perfect our best meal foreign [Music] it's just noodles oh my apologies and for you uh here's your bill a thousand dollars we don't have that money what then you can't have these noodles bye okay I'm so hungry too I have noodles it's the best no it's fixed it right Maddie [Music] come on just try okay I'll try me too [Music] oh it just needs to be charged son you can get your noodles now wow [Music] chicken noodle wow so yummy delicious
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 22,411,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vending machine, toy, toys, noodle vending machine, toys and colors, kids pretend play, pretend play, for kids, kids, play, fun, selling noodles, noodle store, play noodle, kids playing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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