Dark Alex got REVENGE on noob Girl in Minecraft!

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dark alex is out for revenge last episode she did something with parker he may have been kidnapped or worse and in this episode she has her way with alex too we need to defeat her and we came across really creepy at the end of today's all right guys we're still on the hunt for dark alex she kidnapped parker or maybe worse stop hitting me with the arrows oh great now she's in control of the boat we lost track of her we had to make this boat because apparently dark alex is the fastest swimmer this side of the town and now we gotta deal with strays all over the place as well alex you have a bow and arrow why are you oh gosh and we totally lost track of her and i just have no idea what's going on anymore guys things are not looking good what happened to parker how could this happen fight i mean they are all over the place i mean there's strays everywhere in fact get it okay okay okay keep an eye out oh there's blue creepers too alex this is not looking good i don't even have an air bow and arrow on me either burr okay oh there's a bunch of creepers alex do not uh watch out there's literally just spawning everywhere oh gosh okay okay let's stay focused no don't there's no reason to attack the polar bears they don't even attack us unless oh gosh there's creepers over there alex another tower there's another tower how many of these things are there what the heck this is not good this is not good i don't know what this means but i'm a little concerned and i accidentally just hit a polar bear oh gosh oh gosh there's mobs spawning all over the place yeah huge is right okay we need to get over this tower there's just too many creatures all over the place okay i don't want to think about it oh gosh they're literally everywhere run away i liked you with me okay she's eating over there oh man we're gonna have to figure something else out here i think we might have to take out the people inside this tower again mobs people whatever there are who knows maybe dark parker's here alex watch out this yeah keep no don't stop moving oh gosh oh god oh gosh okay there's the staircase okay we gotta get inside all right be careful alex last time we hit one of these towers there were creatures all over it and in fact i see a couple of them right now with their teaming eyes actually i think spiders are friendly in this world i forgot yeah yeah yeah friend oh okay well that's sure that's okay uh-huh oh now we gotta worry about if dark alex is at the top of this tower oh man oh man oh man hopefully dark anyone is at the top of this tower so we can get more information we're running away it's okay it's just a little magnet hi oh gosh baby cave spiders [Music] okay i don't like these ones at all they're everywhere i can't even hit them they're too hard to hit stop stop stop stop no no no alex help me please oh where's the map i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm retreating hang i'll play this game right now it's not going to happen like this i ain't going out like this okay i do have an extra potion of weakness thank you alex ah oh you're so sweet sometimes alex here you can have some beef abnormal okay sure okay stay focused uh we need to save parker hopefully parker's alive we need to save parker we need to find dark parker we need to find dark tyler we need to find dark alex and we need to get the heck out of this world okay i'm starting to miss my old world share together oh all right there's a lot of mobs right here bad bad bad man oh they're everywhere no okay okay i gotta get the flat ground okay cool can focus a little bit oh good good good yes scary scary indeed oh and there's a magma cream down there um okay we might need that for later what can i get rid of don't need string don't need carrots don't need rotten flesh stick whatever well whatever bones whatever yeah okay i think we're looking good now up okay okay i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming it's fine oh man you do a quick work of these mobs though alex we're literally in the clouds right now i forgot how tall this tower is oh man i miss parker's jokes i even misses egg jokes oh gosh guys i'm not feeling good about this no i don't want an egg no i'm just kidding it's no it's okay please don't throw any eggs alex now's not the time we have a lot more to get to at the top of this tower ugh bad ooh he hit me on the way down oh gosh oh gosh that looks no oh man all right guys i'm gonna wait for her to come back okay we're near the top be on your guard alex there's a stray right okay well are you ready oh man no okay well neither am i so let's just do this together okay parker parker hello oh oh you finally made it hey where's parker what did you do with parker why would you take him such a shame parker isn't here well where is he what'd you do with them guess you'll never see him again what oh oh now you've gone too far dark alex this is the last time i let you mess with my friends [Music] give me my friends back get back oh is she is she gone but i didn't see a death message did she die did she survive the fall i don't see anything down there i don't see any items or anything oh man okay i gotta get to the bottom of the tower she might be down there instead this is not good alex just died and oh whoa whoa you're not alex you're not dark alex either did you take alex no okay um oh gosh alex needs to get back as soon as possible uh well who are you do you do you work for dark alex you do well easy does it okay i got a sword and i'm not afraid to use it all right i just took out dark alex or at least at least i thought but she's not there where is she do you know no oh man guys this is just getting oh alex welcome back okay easy easy easy okay we don't know what this thing is alex not too close this thing no bad alex behave okay whatever this thing is it's not attacking us it's not doing anything bad let's just try and get some information out of it okay okay um okay are there more is this the last tower are there any no there's more towers yeah that's a good question are you evil no oh thank goodness well then what are you doing hanging out with dark alex all the time oh man oh man wait wait wait wait wait wait wait alex don't get the wrong idea okay this person has been helpful so far okay well if this isn't if this isn't the last tower how many are there i don't even know if i can talk yeah are there seven why would you say seven okay no there's not seven okay are there six no okay all right okay are there five are there are there four okay at least we're close to oh are there two there's two more so there's four dark towers total okay um well things just got a lot more complicated alex we're gonna have to good work oh watch watch the egg watch the egg oh yeah yeah okay um alex okay you sit tight okay i don't know why you're here but just don't don't move no no alex come over here let's figure this out okay get closer oh man oh i'm stressed i don't know this thing is kind of rubbing me the wrong way alex the way it's just barely moving its head yes no i think it's up to something you really think that we should have it help us yes well i should have expected you'd say that well i mean what do you think we should do bring home you want me to bring that thing home with us we have no idea what it's capable of it could be a spy for all we know it's feeding us the wrong information i don't know if dark alex sent it it might come after you next we just lost parker good what do you know you know something i don't trust trust oh man this just does not seem like a good idea if you ask me i don't know about this alex this is just for parker oh you're right you're right we need to save parker we don't have many options but this is one of the only ones we do have okay okay let's go talk to it no revenge no it's a bit bad that remains bad oh gosh okay we have no other choice okay whatever you are will you come back with us can you help us okay okay good all right follow us back down we're going to take you back home with us we're going to figure out where dark alex is we're going to figure out where parker is with any luck we might figure out where dark tyler and dark parker is as well and hopefully we can get a little bit more out of you other than weird yeses and nose oh man guys i am very very worried about this all right back at our base okay i don't know what you are let's just call you the dark alex accomplice or something all right accomplice this is our home we're inviting you in you better behave yourself you're gonna be good okay well i don't know if i can trust it alex but we'll have to for the time being let's get inside hungry okay that's one way to welcome them fair enough be a good house guest okay the real answer is that we need to find where these other towers are but before we do that i gotta ask are we in over our heads are we are we gonna be able to take on dark alex with how we're currently equipped no alex saying yes no we're not ready huh okay um well i mean what we do we need to get stronger do we need better gear okay oh man sounds like we're gonna do some serious preparation alex the real question though is we gotta find out where the where the where the other towers are attack more towers attack them out yo do we take out the other towers okay well it seems like this thing doesn't know how to talk it only knows how to say yes or no well we need to figure out okay is the other tower in the overworld do you have any idea they're not in the overworld well i mean that only leads to other places the the end of the nether is is there one in the nether yes there's one in the nether okay well that's great i guess we need to head there next all right to the nether we go
Channel: Alex the Noob
Views: 180,347
Rating: 4.9397173 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pe, bedrock, noob girl, roleplay, survival, logdotzip, dark alex, alex, minecraft revenge, dark alex corrupted noob world, noob world, corrupted world, zombie villager, how to cure zombie villager, curing zombie villager, making friends in minecraft, minecraft friends, new friends, minecraft pets, pets, villager, gone missing, noob girl goes missing, parker goes missing, netherite, netherite armor, trident, magic
Id: rF4NKKyuBkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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