The Emotional Birth & Death of Angel Jibreel - REACTION

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everybody in religion knows that gibral or Gabriel is the most famous angel of all the Angels why am I saying this it is because we all are familiar with the story of the version Mary right we are all familiar with Gabriel coming to her and disclosing or announcing the birth of the Messiah subhanallah the birth of the Messiah who is to come the Christ who is to come even the name as well was declared by jibril it was declared by Gabriel the name Jesus was declared upon Joseph by the angel gibril now what is the other types of things that he went into what are the other things that Gabriel did or Gabriel encountered that we do not really really get to learn in the Christian religion I'm sure also in the in the in the Jewish religion as well what are the other things that show up in the Islamic faith when it comes to the angel Gabriel but how are you guys doing today I hope you guys are doing great and I hope you guys are doing well assalamualaikum before we get started you know the drill drop us a like subscribe give us a comment and hit the Bell notification but without further Ado let's head straight into a job let's go let's get it foreign [Music] is the first living breathing creature of Allah he is the first creature that's ever been given a soul without any parents how is he brought into existence you know when babies are born they make all these noises and they figure things out what about the Malaika what about Islam when he was brought into existence what did he say right narrates as the angels are brought into existence they say there is no power or might except that of God we have none so as jibril was brought into existence this first Soul he said the prophet salallahu he says I've been given permission to tell you about just one of those angels one of the Angels who Bears The Throne of Allah he said the distance between his earlobe and his shoulder is a journey of 700 years and the narration of IBN huzima the prophet saws a bird could fly that journey in 700 years so how do we even determine who's a bigger Angel and who's a smaller anger Angel and what is it you know you know I I can think this is true because have you seen the new pictures done with AI artificial intelligence all these apps of AI and programs they actually have pictures of angels where they just drew Angels out of AI right those angels are pretty big they are pretty big especially the wings the wings look in a very very very particular manner but let's continue but you could you should check those pictures out if you have not yet seen them try and check them out you'll see what I mean does this have to do with Allah says the greater the task the angel has been given the greater the size of the Angel so that tells you right away that is even bigger than that he's the biggest of the angels and the greatest in size because he has the greatest of tasks the people of that entire city was destroyed by the tip of one of jibril's wings they were lifted up and they were destroyed by the tip of one of his wings so it shows you the strength of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said that resides directly under the Throne of Allah what does he look like when he's in his full form the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says and he had 600 Wings not two or three or four 600 Wings not only that the prophet saws said he filled up the entire Horizon and he was sitting on a throne that Allah to provide it for him and the prophet saws said not only are those 600 Wings spread out he said there are constant rubies and Pearls falling from his wings in a narration Ahmed the prophet saws the color of his wings are green and The Souls of his feet are green there is not a single prophet of Allah that you study except that there is a mention of debris seriously just go through the stories of the prophets you'll find a mention of in some way shape or form he's got to be there because he has been sent to 124 000 prophets in the Hadith there are 124 000 Ambia amongst them 300 you know in Christianity there's many encounters where people of God or people who were really really influenced by the power of God had encounters with angels if you can pray like that and I really think many of those instances were with Gabriel although the Holy Bible does not state that it was with Gabriel but I really really do think it might have been with Gabriel in those encounters just for example the story of Ishmael right and his mother that wasn't an encounter with Gabriel in my opinion I don't know but that's just my opinion but let's continue in the video we'll see if it pops up maybe it will pop up that Gabriel was also there in that encounter 115 were Messengers were Russell he has been sent to each and every single one of them to teach them to raise them to support them to protect them he was there when Adam was expelled from Paradise did Allah communicate directly with Adam anymore no now jibril becomes the intermediary between Allah one Adam passes away they didn't know what to do with his body obviously because human beings had never experienced death before Allah and a group of angels they washed the body of Adam they shrouded Adam they buried Adam so he's there from the very start even with Adam then comes the very long one of the longest Hadith actually in is this Hadith where the Prophet saws mentions running from running around carrying her baby Ishmael looking for anyone to help her she's in an abandoned place there's no one there right and the prophet saws says all of a sudden she heard his sounds she said come forth if you have of anything good to offer so the prophet saws suddenly it was jibril then the prophet saws did this he struck the ground with his heel when jibril did that the water obviously started coming from the earth in huge lows zamzam comes bursting out of the ground and the prophet saws may Allah have mercy on the mother of Israel what she did was she carved out the well because she was afraid that the water would go all over the place and nothing would be left and the prophet saws said had she not done that then the entire Earth would have been touched by zamzam now subhanallah think about the miracle of zamzam right you know how big it is in Dimensions eight by three and in an official research that was done on zamzam it pumps 8 000 liters per second that means 691. what does this zamzam look like let me get some pictures let me just get some pictures uh oh so this is what it looks like well it's a well it's an actual well 8 000 liters 691 million liters per day wow and I heard also that people who Dream from the swell actually if you need something in life it can come to pass if you need healing as well you can't get healed I'm gonna research more about this place but it seems pretty pretty legit and it seems very very very powerful that's why it's always there's always people gathered around it and people actually drinking from this water but let's continue million liters per day think about how many how many of gallons subhanallah people are constantly drinking from it it has never dried up that's just from the strike of Jubilee's foot okay you're still drinking from it till now so that's your connection to until today subhanallah when Ibrahim and is finished building the Kagan Ibrahim said oh Allah show us the rituals the prophet saws with Ibrahim step by step he took him through the monastic of Hajj and one shaytan tempted him from the places where the jamarat are today jibril is the one who told Ibrahim to throw stones at him and we do that today in commemoration of that moment that jibril told Ibrahim throw those stones at shaytan do you ever associate Yusuf Al Islam you don't I mean you don't see you could listen to an entire series on Yusuf alaihissalam and jibril never comes into the picture but he is there where is his first encounter with jibril you know where it is when his brothers threw him into that well and Yusuf when plunging to the bottom he landed in the hands of a man that he's never seen before jibril caught him to make sure that the fall was not too too harsh on him Allah does not lose you Allah does not let you go to waste whether is we supported him you see what I mean when I said there's many encounters with Gabriel even in the Holy Bible that are not really stated there's many encounters with Gabriel that I have not even learned about or heard about what I'm hearing about right now so that's exactly what I meant we supported him with the Holy Spirit and Allah even mentions it as a favor I supported you with with the Holy Spirit the only angel that could take a prophet and Ascend in the sun through the heavens is who so when the plot was made to crucify him the angel that was sent to him to take him through the heavens and to place him there until Allah decrees that he returns was when does the prophet saws as a young child and is running around playing with all of the children just like everyone else and this is the year that his mother died so the prophet saws is a complete orphan at this point he's lost his mother and he's lost his father and he's now switching from hand to hand I mean from still was a very happy child and he's running around playing with all the other kids when suddenly a man came and he grabbed rasulullah and he threw him into the ground so all of the other children went running to their parents and they said that Muhammad has been killed and as they're running to their parents the prophet saws is watching now what this man is about to do to him he cut my chest he opened my chest he grabbed the heart of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he took something from the heart of the Prophet saws and he said this is the portion of Evil Within you the portion of the Devil Within you and he through it then the prophet saws he proceeded to wash my heart in a golden vessel of zamzam and his heart was put back and by the time the kids got back they found the prophet saws with his chest sewn up for 34 years the prophet saws knew that this happened and we we know that other miracles happen with them as well with no explanation 34 years later at the age of 40 years old he started to see truthful righteous dreams for six months all of a sudden the prophet saws you know for a second when when I heard that the first time there I thought it was a spiritual thing I didn't think it was a physical thing a physical manifestation of him having his heart taken out and the evil pause taken out I I actually thought it was a spiritual thing but now seeing this it sounds like it was a literal thing really did happen because he was sewn up so he cannot be sewn up if it did not really happen literally salaam started to see truthful righteous dreams good dreams truthful dreams he sees in a dream that something is going to happen tomorrow that someone's going to come visit him the next day that person comes and visits him wearing exactly what he saw him in the dream doing he sees the janaza in his dream he wakes up in the morning and he finds out that a person has passed away and that janaza takes place and that continued for six months everything that he was seeing in his dream would come true the next night so he already has an idea that something is happening just to sort of understand why the prophet saws would all of a sudden start going to a cave right and meditating and praying right something is very strange is happening with him as he's seeing these things then suddenly Allah bestowed the love of seclusion on the prophet salallahu suddenly he loved to be alone rasulullah would climb up to is about a two-hour climb suddenly as the prophet saws is there one day he sees jibril now did jibril come to him in the form of an angel or in the form of a human being in the form of a human being so you might be thinking to yourself why am the world was the prophet saws scared them well think about it you're two hours up there no one's around you and then all of a sudden you see a strange man standing at the mouth of the cave and he's just staring you down he's not saying anything a future narration gives us an idea of what happened to the prophet saws what happens he said the one who I was seeing in my dreams came to me so that further establishes that the prophet saws had already seen jibril in his dreams and so he's thinking that this is strange I'm not sleeping right now I'm not dreaming which explains why jabriel grabbed him he hugged him something just came to mind I just thought about how I might have Gabriel looked when he came to Mary when he came to the Virgin Mary how might he have looked when he came to Joseph like how might he have looked did he look like a human being in a person form or the full form that we are now hearing about with his wings and or in his Angelic fall as he sat in the throne that allows made him did he come in that form or in a form that is more understandable in the form of a human being that's just a question I'm trying to think about right now but let's continue this is real read That's the process of that Revelation coming to The Messengers not only that dear brothers and sisters but you know when you recite Quran that's the the easiest way to get angels to surround you is to start reading Quran you know why because the angels have not been given the gift of the recitation of the Quran and some of you are like wait what the Angels do not recite the Quran yes they listen to it there are only a few angels that Allah has actually given the gift of the recitation of it obviously and some angels but for the most part the Angels they listen to it so when you start to recite Quran in the Quran the Angels witnessed that the angels surround the people as they recite the Quran because they love to hear it since they don't recite it subhanallah he's with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and in every single hardship the prophet saws for example says that if this man puts his face in the dirt again in front of us in front of the cab he swore by Allah he swore by the idols that I'm going to step on his neck and I'm going to kill him I'll do away with him it'll be the end of Muhammad prophet saws he comes out he starts to pray in front of the abujah starts walking towards the prophet saws suddenly he puts his hands on his face he screams and he runs and they asked what happened he said the ditch of fire and he started saying these things like there's something between me and him when the prophet saws finish to Salah the companions came to him they said what happened he said he said if he would have tried that jabri would have killed him like I know jabriel is there and jibrin would have done away with abujah he writes us a very famous serial of the Prophet saws called ashifa The Cure he describes a narration an incident that took place between the prophet saws he says you know Allah says in the Quran we have not sent you except as a mercy to all of the worlds he said did any of my Mercy reach you I mean you're part of the world you're part of you're the realm of the Malacca you're the realm of the Angel did any of that is beloved of the prophets to me I've never been sent to someone that I loved more than I loved you he said and it was through you that I gained security what does he mean by that he said I used to wonder about my fate until Allah revealed to you that he's established in his position with the owner of the throne before that was revealed to you jibril used to wonder what would happen to him at the end end of this all when Allah revealed that to the prophet saws of the Prophet saws as the prophet saws starts to experience the end of his life that the prophet saws was standing amongst us Allah was speaking and the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he simply said Allah has given a choice to one of his servants between that which is in this world and that which is with Allah he said and that servant chose that which is with Allah now the prophet saws was completely healthy nothing was wrong with him so the sahaba assumed what that this is just some analogy that he's giving he's just talking about some servant maybe in the past or something like that he was given the choice between that of this world and that of the Hereafter but Abu Bakr broke down into tears and he said later on we realized that the prophet saws was talking about himself he was the one that was given that choice and Abu Bakr was the only one who caught it from that incident onwards the health of the Prophet saws started to deteriorate rapidly the fever got to him started you know slowly slowly his Mobility was reduced he couldn't come out as frequently couldn't walk he couldn't stand when he prayed it started to affect the prophet saws and started to get to him inside of his home everyone was crying because they knew that the prophet saws time was nearing its own she was you know moving the prophet saws where he needed to be moved she held the prophet saws was leaning against her chest his eyes fell to the side on her brother and he had a siwak in his pocket and Aisha says the prophet saws eyes fell on it and so I knew that he wanted it so I said you want that that toothbrush the siwa and the prophet saws gave it to her and it still wasn't used so she chewed it and she softened it and she put it in the mouth of the Prophet saws as soon as he finished using jibril entered upon us now she looked at the prophet saws said the prophet saw Islam's face lit up huge smile on his face subhanallah he was so happy to see jabrina you know what I think about this palette 23 years before this incident how traumatized was the prophet saws by the side of jibril and he didn't know who Allah was or what Allah wanted foreign in just 23 years the most beloved sight to the prophet saws said to the prophet saws I'm here to give you a choice either you can choose to remain amongst your companions and live well or you can have the companionship of the most high Allah when he said that the prophet saws the companionship of the most high I want the companionship of the most high I want the companionship of the most high she says that the prophet saws left his body as he was saying the most high the companionship of the most time his hand fell and the prophet saws died now the prophet saws him he left this world and subhanallah everyone will leave this world and the prophet saws said even jibrid will die can you imagine that even will die the prophet saws said that after the horn is blown and the only ones that stand the ones who your lord willed Allah will have in front of him and the angel of death those who apportion the command of Allah and Allah asks the angel of death who remains and the angel of death says o Allah your Noble face you're here and your servant is Allah says take the soul of and Mika's soul is taken from him then he says who remains he said Ya Allah you me and he says take the soul of Israel and Israel's soul is taken from him and he says who remains and he says your Noble face of Allah the servant of yours we're the last two standing Allah says take the soul of jibril the Prophet saws would fall on his face as his wings spread out glorifying Allah he would die into spheres his face hits the ground as he makes tasveer to Allah then he says who remains and the angel of that says Ya Allah it's just you and me and Allah says to the angel of death to die and the Angel of Death Dies and Allah says every single person perishes and only the noble face of your lord remains and Allah would ask himself to whom belongs to the Dominion today where are the oppressors where are the dictators where are the oppressors where are those that used to kill innocent people and harm people where are those that stuck that had pride in this world and that thought that they owned things and thought that they were Kings and thought that they had unquestioned Authority where are they today where are they Allah says to whom belongs to the Dominion today Allah says to himself to Allah the one the subduer Allah it's only him now on the day of judgment the prophet saws says that as we all come back the prophet saws says the Earth is flattened out of the glory of obedience to Allah and he says each and every single person will not be able to move from the spot that they are standing in the place of assembly and he says and I would be called the first of people I would be the first person to be called to Allah and he said so I would enter upon Allah and I would fall in prostration and I would raise my head and suddenly I'll see jibril on the right side of the most merciful so and you know what he says I swear by Allah he never saw him before that day jibril has never seen Allah the vision of Allah cannot be grasped on the day of judgment that would be the first time jabri would actually be able to look at Allah so when the prophet saws sees him he points to him and he says yeah I guess that makes sense because even in the Holy Bible as I've learned throughout the years is that nobody has seen the face of God Nobody Knows the Feast of God Moses only saw the backside of God he did not actually see the entire being of God and how he looks even the cherubims the Angels do not know how he looks so this is very very true I do agree with this one he says oh my Lord this one told me that you sent him to me Allah says you've told the truth why does the prophet saws choose to do that on the day of judgment why does he feel that inclination because on the day of judgment every messenger is being asked whether he delivered the message or not the prophet saws vouches for jibril before he's even asked o Allah he said you sent him to me he did his job and Allah says can you talk to jibril in Jannah can you be with him can you you're with the one that you love not only that the prophet saws and he was flying in Jannah with the angels you could get you a pair of wings and you could fly with jibril one of my favorite things about talking about jibiri as op to talking about some of the companions of the messenger is that you can actually interact with jibril right now you know how the prophet saws he says in authentic Hadith and actually Anna all of a sudden his face was just full of joy so he said to him what is it may Allah keep you happy he said jibril just came to me um aren't you pleased that no one says except that I send salawat upon them 10 times responds to you as well Allah responds responds to you so you want to be Islam to say your name right now Muhammad [Music] wow wow okay now I've learned a lot I've learned a lot now about the angel Gabriel there's many many things I didn't know before watching this video but after watching this video many things become clear particularly because I've been reading the Holy Bible for a very long time I see situations where Gabriel might have infiltrated and Gabriel might have been there although it was not stipulated or said within the Holy Bible so definitely I do agree with the views of the Quran as far as the the angel Gabriel and as far as him being involved with many many things that allow subhanallah wanted to see happen upon the Earth and not just upon the Earth upon the people and which allow subhanahu wa ta'ala wanted to have encounters with instead of him going by himself because he's sitting in his Holiness and in his majesty he would send gibril so it makes a lot of sense and I'm glad I watched this video I'm gonna make more research the research and do a lot of research on zamzam do a lot of research as well on the other Angels because they also spoke about Michael I'm gonna do more research on Michael and how he is portrayed in the religion of Islam how he is the stories that that they speak about of Michael in the religion of Islam as I grow and learn in this Islamic religion and in the Islamic faith in the fold of Islam inshallah thank you so much for watching you guys I hope you liked the video if you have not yet done so and also subscribe if you're new leave a comment so that we know we can engage with each other and talk about the topics that we are having the various topics we are having on this channel but without further Ado I'm Gonna Leave it right here much love peace
Channel: Enlightened TruthTv
Views: 14,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #christianreacts, #nonmuslimreaction, #islam, #islamicvideo, #islamicstatus, #islamicreminder, #islamicreminders, #islamicremindersdaily, #quran, #quranverses, #quranquotes, #prophetmuhammad, #prophetmuhammadﷺ, #muslim
Id: 0_SMrATAuBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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