Nolan Arenado Takes WPW on a Locker Tour

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what about that wrong clothes what do you need from it why'd you choose that love going on yeah so yeah I mean chooses love ronzo because uh no I feel like you know I expect well a little bigger I'm a pretty infield I feel like I can time throw my hands around I don't feel step for this a little loose with this well I feel like you know I feel like it so the way it feels and the way it plays it plays bigger than what it is yeah like that feel yes yes third base with the ball comes with a log yeah I like to feel like I got some leather and going around you know and yeah you know it just did you burping it fits in my hand every time I put this model in it always fits well on the webbing I decide to do that webbing I don't know when I was in my league actually got a high school book yeah it was a size 12 those exact same thing and that's how it all started and I love that glove I got just finally when I started I just drive you the same globe yeah so is that obviously got the gold labels on it was that mean to you yeah I mean it means a lot I mean it's awesome you know whenever you put it on it looks pretty good yeah it doesn't look good when you make an air with it on but uh it's a good-looking clothes and that's a work hard you know I'm sure and I go vogue and definitely I think you should have some I think they get at some point they're gonna have to have some like marks for how many get because I think you're gonna probably have yeah hopefully hopefully stay healthy and everything works out but yeah you know he said you know I really hard I take a lot of ground ball and I work you know I have a lot of people helping me too so I give a lot of credit to them and then also yeah thank God I'm going to stay healthy and feel yeah definitely I noticed you've actually got kind of a flat pocket yeah is that something that it carry over from too low maybe people see Jasper yeah when I was in high school you know the kids always bend the glove and escort off like that of course and then for me I was of the rumor that it makes me look smaller and you want to make the goat bigger so I used to see two little open and ruffles yeah and that's how I started doing I started opening it up and I like to have a big web okay like when I'm feeling a little bit really wide or the boy had no chance of getting around yeah yes he actually kind of described it as like I want to basically knock the ball down I don't want to have it in my grill for too long anyway so why would I have a big round pocket where I just want to hit the ball getting into my hand oh yeah first yeah I mean that makes sense I mean it's just different worrying for me and him you know yeah like that a big move to make it look like the ball can't go anywhere out of my clothes yeah but yeah I mean I did I never wanted around it because I feel like it could hit this end and then start bending in and who sort area start happening so I wanted to make the globe as big as we can for me at their fish you know I'm sure sounds different you got to get it out a little quicker make sense third base comes in a little hot yeah so you know I want to make sure I was blocking everything make sense nom so the heart of the hide is there you have any opinion on have you tried Pro prefers yeah yeah you know you're so preferred in high school it was a little hard for me first time you know I like the soft go by like the kind of limited gloves I just found the way I wasn't I've always liked my gloves yep so the heart of high kind of breaks in little bit quicker and looks a little looser and I'm kind of like what I like so I decided doing it you know and I actually I went to the hard to hide in high the first time I got part of high growth and ever since then I've been doing it over got just about those batting goes I just saw those yeah you can show me those Joshua yeah yeah dude like you kind of takes care of me pretty good I love that color yeah I love that man like Tiffany blue kind of thing arm you know obviously not too many guys in big news has this color oh please how I decided to use it I got you I guess yeah so you know I got who's bold and me on yep you know I love this colors yes so I was like you know talking about some the Nike reps like what color I should do they said you know go man at first old my on this kind of a ballsy move you know but uh you know but and then I realized you know what it's gonna look good with purple and black is performed black kind of they're pretty close colors you know when you look um to clean you can't leak out so well I got to make something jump and I'm going to admit you know I'm with mint and now now I love it I think people kind of think now know me for the minute I would never get when it's you know what you and I'm Brandon Phillips I remember look you guys I think have been using that yeah and and that's cool what I'm okay that's okay there's 10 guys about two jobs in the joint to Velma I mean he's basically like for me as far as like style he's always trying to push the envelope so it's nice to see that from some obviously your set years sitting next to cargo you got to bring it yeah exactly I don't you know to vote came in with wool and I was always I'm scared to be that guy to wear bull you know what was those kind of vision was black and purple yeah but yeah you know when I went to Nike and I was able to get special makes and it done take care of me I was like you know I got to push the envelope here and just be more and please you know there's no one's going to tell special makes because to make sure I let everyone know that's my special please totally have worked hard teller and I have a way to look at it yeah it's a great way to look at yeah so you know I always wanted to try stepping up you know I don't try to go too many white things or anything crazy but I want to make sure my cleats my bangles like shine yeah so I guess how about to help up the cleats or the other for the cleats this year yeah I mean these of use this year I got the new ones are coming in from all okay now I'm remembering seeing me yeah you know it like the tiffany blue seeing those yeah hours time you're just a bottle wow they're pretty sweet and you know I'm very happy I love the students might require my parachute might be MCS by either yeah well I got metal sometimes too you did oh yeah yeah I use metal sometimes it's just uh I used mold sometimes for day games from a feeder car tire from a long night game or something you know but I usually go metals let's use your muscles you know but when my feet are tired long day game we're playing like in Washington it's hot or something I want my feet to be hurting so all you got I mean as a third baseman and you I've seen you play pretty pretty shallow yeah you got to have that like spring like yeah like a cat you got to be able to go to your right exactly so now way you probably know in Washington would get kind of hot and dry out and it will get a little hard and the milk sometimes the moles a clip a little bit but let me show you my nucleus my new rule okay he might I think I'm gonna oh my god really so I'm gonna go with these this year on the road ballistics got the grades I think that's yeah you know night use was awesome with me man they kind of listened to what I had to say and they talked about my ideas and then sold things I got all my family members in my shoe oh my god almost call people in there oh my god so it's pretty amazing I love that design but is it colored yeah yeah no I try something different you know I always like the great tip but I was like Norman switch up and go purple tip is here it's got looks and kills it I cannot believe that that not now you got Rob Cargil red car did you show him nice Tom and he would come again those are nice yeah I think I got thinking a little bit but yeah ninety I'm Way too enormous to rep you stood up those are ten out of ten yeah kind of guy to reprimand like you always taking care of me now okay so how about the money making out the back you're using old hey guys I know you want some will take forever right you know history you know I use rolling - once in a while you know I like a little different feel sometimes if your look at my in the boulder logs but just put you to a little bit ash - my gosh I don't know I feel more different baggage going back and forth from that um but yeah I have my own model with Hickory it's 28 n a um like a 231 handle a c-141 barrel oh wow good yeah lots about yeah I should balance you know and I like you know and a deep tub - yeah yeah 3432 oh this is what feels good for me you know I've been talking to the Old Hickory I like more Travis India which wanna make the world a little more denser so I go a little heavier and try it out that your Scout goes and then when I get towards 32 or 31 and a half but a gas man wide dancer I mean suit you got ya leading the league in like Athens IV I sort of would harder wood and that's what it is and it's not it's not super-heavy it's not a huge difference but you know it's 1/2 inch you know yeah yeah right so I'm not too worried about it feels good in my hands and that's what's important as long as it's in my hands like the ball I hit the ball is nothing like bringing off my back yeah the feeling I want and right now they cooperate and that's just where I'm going oh yeah what is honestly if I would have guessed I didn't really know what the 28 and a was but I would assume tower model because the numbers but you you go with a balance yeah I go with my own rehearsal model um so are they that they help me quick I love it man they've been all hardwood I always use maple and like I said it's just stuff which Springs off the bat that's what I look for in a little s question now that you've got those cleats up I think I know the answer now but who's got the most style in the Rockies clubs out who is a lot of guys well yeah some guys yes my style autumn he knows got some my style I'm guessing my stuff for cargo obviously way up there yeah VJ like a sneaky Sally didn't want to admit it but he's got to cool him down story he doesn't get he doesn't have like the nicest stuff but he is mighty got the regular but he makes him look real sick yeah yeah yeah well he'll probably up to drink to a little more knocked over big cargo up there yeah definitely alright now who's got the worst stop Wow I got my voice back I love the guy but like that everything I'd like you to grow by eight one-timer like herb or spice it up one time and he's like nope this is me we got a respect to kind of like yeah I feel it's like it's like you've got the murder glove I've got the you know he's just got that like that Batman look exactly so I guess it's not the words you just know he's not trying really hard why I think it's worth but uh he always was good and hate plays that I was really like that's the worst guy then you then the team's got pretty good style right out of high level I mean what do you can't tell what to do
Channel: What Pros Wear
Views: 352,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nolan arenado, nike, rawlings, colorado rockies, what pros wear, old hickory, baseball, baseball cleats, baseball gloves
Id: CRaIvnrC8os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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