Nokta Legend Beach Settings and Tips

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I a lot of you have been asking me to divulge my not the legend Beach settings and that's exactly what we do today um just in the past 10 days I have dug eight Rings a ton of targets but the best eight Rings a beautiful um pendant a Pandora pendant I'll put a picture up there just dug that yesterday my wife loves it and I dug a one of my best gold finds a chain over 32 grams and it's 22 karat gold unbelievable but anyway I've had success at the beach let's just say that so let's get started and show some of the settings I use on the knock the legend here we go all right how'd he get into Beach mode this has four modes up here and these buttons left and right take you between each mode that's gold uh I think it's Park field and beach that one right there is a beach and that's the one you want to be in uh the first thing we'll go to is to get to the um settings you push this button right here that you cut on with one time that takes you to the settings all these are your different settings uh the very first one that comes up right here is the frequency adjust and what that does if you got other detectors in the area if you've got alarm systems or whatever it'll help eliminate that you might want to do that on any beats you go to just to eliminate any any electrical interference and to do that you just press this one time and the Machine will cycle through I believe it's 13 different settings looking for different frequencies that it can go to that works and then it sets the one that is the best for that area that's the first thing you want to do now the next one to get to the next one you push these left and right here that is recovery speed recovery speed is very um unique let's I'm gonna do a couple quick tests for you I have it set on one right now and I'm going to show you something real quick I got a quarter right here and when I swing it you hear it but if you're a really fast swinger you could technically go over and not even hear on a one now I like the one because it gives you the most depth as you raise your recovery speed you decrease the depth so we're gonna raise it up won't go up to 10 that's the hazard goes just to show you real quick you still get it it's a little bit less it's processing a lot faster but you can swing it fast and still here but in my opinion you're better off to go with the lower recovery speed and swing slower once you as long as you're swinging slower you will get that Target nice and loud and you're going deeper so my thoughts on recovery speed is a one on the beach all right let's see what we got next I want to show you one more thing about recovery speed I still keep my own one like I said I got a quarter a dime a nickel a penny and a gold ring if I swing it fast you don't hear a whole lot if you swing too fast now if you're swing is slow on the beach with a coverage speed of one I drop it back down to a slower I'm usually going about this speed if I hear it [Laughter] baby anyway a recovery speed can be a little tricky depending on how fast you swing how deep you want to go uh like I say the lower recovery fee the Deep you're going to go so just keep that in mind but you do need to swing a little slower if you're going to lower the recovery speed all right next thing we'll talk about is iron filter to get to the iron filter you want to press the settings button go to recovery speed and then push this bottom button right here if shows up here and this goes from one to nine and the lower the setting the more chances of fierce charge the classified as non-pierce so um anyway it's a little I'm still kind of playing this a little bit but right now I'm setting this on Five it's kind of in between I don't like to mess with the signal coming into the computer as little as I can at eight nine it's actually trying to manipulate to keep changing uh the Fierce and non-pierce so I'm keeping in the mid range at a five right now all right the next thing we'll talk about is stability you want to press the settings button and you want to go over to recovery speed press this bottom button one time and it you can go between um iron filter and stability right the next one over using the left and right buttons is stability now it defaults to five and that is where I keep mine on I the next setting we'll go to is bottle cap rejection you want to again go to recovery speed click this button here and like I said you go left and right of course you got the stability on filter and you keep it going right you see BC that's bottle cap rejection now I got three bottle caps here it's on zero right now no problem here all three right and the default is zero uh at that point the computer's not doing anything to mess with the signal but you can run this up to eight and check this out here it does work hardly nothing I mean it's if I go faster you're only here so the Bobcat rejection does work but you're starting to mess with this signal again and maybe uh gold at 11 you might miss or something I'm afraid of that so what I would do for bottle cap rejection so I'm gonna leave it at zero right now if I get a lot if the beach is littered with bottle caps I probably would adjust this so you got to be dynamic and ready to change some of these settings uh when uh when it comes up right now it's at eight we're gonna lower that down we'll keep it at a one right there for now but remember you can always go back and change that dependent on the Beach conditions you got to always keep in mind you might have to change these settings depending on the particular piece of what's on that beach is a little ball cap this is a low with iron you might have changed something so keep that in mind all right the next set we'll talk about is ground suppressor to get to that you go back to recovery speed you push this bottom button and you're going left and right you go through iron stability bottle cap and ground suppressor um default is zero and that's what we're gonna leave it on you can't actually run the solid with the eight I did not see a whole lot of advantage to the radius update in fact I was I was afraid I was missing some really light targets doing that so I'm keeping that at zero volume volume now I think you should have volume up as much as you can handle because you want to hear those really deep targets and at the volume goes from one to six I use a set mine up to six my hair is not that great anyway but you can adjust that here or on your headphones uh for your volume control but I like the six on mine you can hear it here nice and loud that might be too too loud for some of y'all in your ear but that's something you can adjust for your personal taste all right the next thing I want to talk about is an important one in my in my book here audio game uh what this is going to do is give you a good volume on really deep targets all right you want to go over to your volume button right here and then you want to push this button right at the bottom one time and you see AG come up that's audio gain and it goes from one just six and just let me see if I can demonstrate that real quick error one this quarter here you see how close I had to get to get a good sound to it now what we'll do now is we're going to raise this up a little bit do a five to a six you see it's a bit louder at that distance now it's actually giving you on a really deep gold Target uh six will give you a nice um uh you can hear it I keep my volume up keep the audio gain up I want to hear those really deep deep targets sometime if you want to get those really deep targets you need that at a six right there so let's we're gonna leave that at a six all right next we're going this is where you want to look at your type of sounds you got you got let's just go start you got you have one tongue for everything two tones and I used to use that a lot on the old Equinox to tone at the beach you got four tone six tone I'll use six tone a lot of time uh in the fields because I want to hear the difference between a iron a mid-tone a medium high tone and a high tone whatever you know something kind of adjust that and then you got a 60 tone and a pitch tone basically a pitch Tunes basically two turns but it gives you a higher uh level when you're getting closer to the object and that's the one I like and just to show you here let's go ahead and take it off of that but you can hit the closer you get now it gets it and the further you get away it starts to lower [Laughter] the pitch tune because of that reason it's nice and loud when you get close you can still hear those real faint Targets in the background and uh and you can still get all your all your good targets like that so I go with the pitch tone all right nothing I want to pay attention to is the sensitivity without touching anything you go to up and customize to change your sensitivity and go all the way up to 30. if you start getting a little bit of static on the beach you can load this down but you want to keep up as high as you can to get the most depth uh to hear my yard doing this test I'm gonna keep it at 20. pretty constant right there but I got garage doors here I got all kind of things that can interrupt the electrical line on the ground so here I'm just keeping low so do it but on the beach I'll run it all up to 30 if I can all right without going to the sales menu you also have a MW and an MD right here as you can go between the two I have found the MW as less static so I usually keep mine on MW even on the dry sand but that's a matter of preference you can play with it tell them to beat you on and see what you get on that right there all right the next thing we're talking about is discrimination patterns this button right here can change that if you see the the letters right there is on a G that is ground off discrimination pattern f that is Ferris off discrimination pattern and C is a custom discrimination pattern where you can go in and set it up the way you want but what I normally do is use the A and that is the all metal discrimination pattern even on the beak you can start finding some metal anytime you start firing those Metals there's heavy material with it you can find sinkers and gold and stuff when you start hearing that even heavy metals on the beach sometimes gold and other heavy metal objects will be mixed in with that so I like to know when I'm getting into that area so I usually leave it on a all metal discrimination pattern all right down here you got what's called a pharaoh check and it is uh not Fierce right here like a ring or something will come on this side and a fierce over here this is used on the beach sometimes because if you get some some metals even though the steel will give you a good signal just like that right there but if you notice it's starting to bounce you'll see it bounce over to the nonsense sometimes I can help you eliminate digging something uh even um even it's the sound is not consistent like that there's a boat right here steel boat see it's coming going but you see the fear is coming in come about there I would not dig that right there because of that reason right there because of that Fierce mode right there all right just want to show you that real quick all right there are some other settings where you can adjust uh different tones and volumes for different segments if you want to change them but for beat sends I think I covered everything you need to adjust for Beach let's keep it simple as we can um it is uh it is very sometime you can get some uh background noise and there's several things you want to try to adjust for that background noise certainly to start with you want to go with the um frequency shift number one uh you can adjust the um recovery speed potentially and adjust it just discrimination you can do that up and down in just a little bit of background noise if you start getting on the beach anyways several things you can do there to kind of just try to get it so you can hear those low light tones those deep gold signals just barely hear and dig them up anyway I hope that helps y'all um uh be dynamic when you're on the beach and depending on the beach situation you may have to change some of these yourself you know once you set up I got a lot of iron here I need to you know eliminate some of that I got uh bottle caps everywhere I need to eliminate that raise that number up a little bit so you got to be dynamic and be ready to change your settings on your machine if you need to but you can set up the way we just talked about and be good anyway so anyway I appreciate it coming along don't forget to click like comment below share and subscribe to the gig Master we'll be getting some more videos out on and knock the legend because that's my machine right now stay tuned
Channel: Gigmaster
Views: 13,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video, gigmaster, metal detecting, fossil hunting, gold panning, how to gold pan, fossil hunting video, AT Pro, Minelab, Garrett metal detectors, beach detecting, finding coins, metal detecting colonial, adventure, megalodon
Id: 75BNdjPQFBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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