Nokta Legend How To, Settings and Menus explained and made simple!

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hello and welcome to another hidden history on this video right so today what we're going to do is we're going to talk about the nocturnal Legend the uh the settings the functions all the things that you need to know but we're going to keep it simple and we're going to break it down and I'm going to explain what the terminology means um how that affects your metal detector and how to actually get in and change those settings and we'll give you some hints along the way as well and I'm also going to explain the things that you probably do want to know how to adjust and the things that might be best left alone so uh let's get started [Music] thank you [Music] okay so I've got machine powered on um and then we've got loads of information PSC on here lots of buttons but we're going to break it down and keep it a bit simple so down the bottom here um I've got your up and down buttons um yeah right and your left your detecting mode button then we've got the settings button pinpoint accept and reject the ground balance and then the one in down here on the bottom left is for adjusting your frequencies on the screen got lots of different information so at the top here here's your dis your four detecting modes um so you've got Park field beach and you've got gold um and I'll come back in and explain what the detected modes mean later on down the side it's showing us what frequency we're using so at the moment I'm on multi-2 and again we'll talk about that it's picking up signals because I'm inside the office here so you've got your your readout there so that's zero to 60 and then along the bottom here we've got the ferris check and you've got your depth indicator there and then you've got your sensitivity indicator on the left here just quite a bit of information um but you're only really looking at one or two pieces of information at once right so talked about detecting modes I've got them at the top here so on the left I've got Park Park primarily is for if you're detecting an air it's had a lot of people on it and a lot of modern trash you were talking ring pools foil um and were things like fall tops so that changes this preset on the discrimination and by discrimination I mean what it decides to ignore and what it'll decide to give you a good signal on then as we move over we've got field um that's a setting if you're out in fields and you're looking for artifacts and that's sort of my go-to one and the Discrimination setting is slightly lower on that to allow you to get those little hammered coins and those smaller artifacts then we've got Beach and it does what it says in the tin changes the settings so that it'll operate on wet or dry sand for you and then we've got a gold setting and the gold setting when you select that it will actually remove quite a few of the options um without going into too much detail as to why but it's because of the frequencies and all the other things it's working on so you'll find as you select the different detector modes some of the options which will be down in the bottom here um won't be available to you if you want to change detecting mode it's quite easy simply use the uh the left the right and the left button you can see there I'm in field so if I want to go to park I'll just push the left button and we're now in park and then the right button moves me across the beach and it moves me across to gold simple as that okay so next and if we want to change frequency we can see the frequencies on the side here it's a multi-frequency machine but we have got the option of going into individual frequencies and we can select preset frequencies to change the frequencies we've got the button down the bottom left here and all we do is we give that a push you can see I'm in multi-3 there now it's at four kilohertz it's showing here and it's at 10 15 20 and 40. and that should be back into the multi frequencies I tend to use multi-2 um so why would you want to change frequencies or why would it be multi-frequency the lower the frequency this could be turned into an epic thing but I'll keep it short the lower the frequency the deeper the machine will search and it'll hit harder on big high conducting materials like aluminum and silver the higher the frequency the better it'll work on the smaller items and the items that are low conductors like gold villain coins and that type of thing and things that are near the surface so the higher the frequency it will search for the smaller low conductors on the top of the soil much easier the lower the frequency the better it will hit on the high conductors at Deep depth so often you're better in the multi-setting as we've got here because what it's doing is it's searching across all the frequency bands for you and giving you the best option to be able to find what it is that you're looking for there are occasions when you might want to pick a frequency as I mentioned if you're looking for let's say someone's dropped a gold ring on the beach and you know it's near the surface and you've gone to help find it then you might be better on a preset of a higher frequency or if you're in an area where you're getting lots of interference sometimes my power cables that type of thing phone must often you'll find if you then go into the manual frequencies and work your way through you can find normally a setting that the machine will be a bit quieter okay so that's why we have the frequency options and the frequency changes so if we want to change the sensitivity level all we can do is push up on the up Arrow you can see it it goes from 0 to 30 to 30s as high as it'll go we want to try and run the frequency as high as you possibly can the more you come down on the frequency it does slightly affect the depth there are other things that affect the depth more but if we come down on the frequency it will affect the depth not dramatically so I wouldn't worry about it but if you need to come right down on the frequency setting on the sensitivity setting sorry for example there's lots of other metal detectors around you or you're in an area that's got power cables electric fences and you need to knock the frequency back that's how you do it on the up and down button so you want it as high as you possibly can get away with when the machine when the machine starts chattering then just knock it back a few clicks until it stops chattering by chattering I mean when you get lots of sort of leaps and cracks and Pops from the machine we can just bring it back and we can calm it down so there's a sensitivity setting you've got an indicator on the side here it tells you where you're at so you've got the little bars and you've also got if you've got good eyesight you'll see the digits at the top there okay so down the bottom here when we uh bring it up we've got where all the settings are so to bring the settings up we're just going to push the settings button once and you can see we've got all the different options down the bottom here now to select each individual one we can just push the right and the left Arrow to scroll along and you'll see it being highlighted we can come back so the left hand side one is our noise cancel and what noise cancel is is it will search through all its different frequency channels and find the quietest one and again if you're around other metal detectors you've got electron interference we can make it do a search and it will find the quietest channel so if we want to noise canceling we've got it highlighted I'm just going to hit the accept reject button and you'll see now it starts counting through and it will find wherever it thinks is a quietest it might struggle because I'm inside and there's lots of power sources and things in here so it's searching through and it's found 12. now if you're not quite happy with that what you can do is you can manually adjust it and we can use the cursors the up and down buttons to set it where we want it when it does its own search normally that's enough but again if it's not quite how you want it you can use it up and down buttons until we find a quieter channel so that's all that is just searching through its frequencies so we can find one with the least interference so if we go over to the next one we've got the recovery speed so it's got like a little Speedo dial on there at the moment mine's set at seven um so it's a change of recovery speed we can push up and it goes up to 10 and we can wind it all the way back down to one so what does recovery speed do if you imagine I find laid three coins in a row and I waved the the coil the search coil over the um three coins the recovery speed is how quick the machine can alarm on a signal reset itself and then alarm on the next one so it'd be like if you muted your television and then unmuted it how quick it is before the sound comes back so if you kept pushing the button on the mute button on your television on off on off it's how quick the sound will start coming back to you and it's pretty much the same for the machines how quick it can reset itself after indicating on a Target and then start sounding again on the next one so the higher the setting the quicker it will do that so the quicker it will recover so the bleach will be much faster and you can wave your coil over your coins or whatever it is you much quicker you tend to use a faster recovery speed if you're in a really trashy area an area that's got lots of little scrappy signals and we want to pick up the signal just so we don't miss that that nice little signal that could be done in there so the machine will reset much quicker so why have we got the option to turn that down because you think we'll just set it to us fastest and that'll be great the higher the recovery speed setting um the less depth you get from your machine so the lower you have the recovery the more depth you'll get from it so it's starting to be a bit like a balancing act here so we talked about the sensitivity the higher the sensitivity the better the depth the recovery speed the lower the recovery speed the better the depth so it's a balance between the machine recovering quick enough on the recovery speed so we don't miss targets and have the sensitivity high enough that the machine isn't sort of chattering away and being noisy all the time so we need it to be nice and quiet and recovering quick enough that we're not missing those targets an example of when you would have the recovery speed set down really low um like three four whatever it would be potentially if you're on like a pasture field and it was very few signals so you can work away Along the field nice and steady nice and slow with the recovery speed turned right down and that way with the sensitivity up the recovery speed all the way down you know that you're getting the best depth don't get too caught up in depth with metal detectors people always talk about oh how deep does it go most the objects that you're going to find I've written lots of articles about the cover of speeds and depth and all this sort of stuff we'll be in the first few inches because the plow turns over every year or every second year so most of the stuff will be in the first few inches so if you need to lower your lower your sensitivity and pick up your recovery speed don't worry about it it's fine get the machine as balanced as you can and that will give you the best chance of finding things don't Focus too much on depth these two settings will affect the depth but not dramatically and you can have a little test of it so if you find a signal you can start lowering the sensitivity or picking up their recovery speed and just seeing when you start to lose that signal it's not as dramatic as you may think so going back to it then how do we adjust the recovery speed so if we're just in the normal home page so we can speak I'm going to press this button here bottom right screw along until you get to recovery speed and then the up and down arrows are how you adjust your recovery speed okay next one along we've got the volume um so with the volume I've got mine turned right down at the moment just because I'm inside and it'll be bleeping and making loads of noise but again up and down quite simple to turn the volume up and down and it goes up to six and then down to zero okay so moving on we were at the volume setting so we pushed it up and down buttons for the volume if we go across to the right one click all of a sudden I've got all this other information that looks quite daunting him and thinking I know what we're going to do with all that um let's go through it and turn and we'll explain what it is now this is where we're getting a bit further into where initially if you're new to the not to macro you might not want to go this deep later on as you get more uh proficient with it and you start to understand it then absolutely dig in and have a go at it but we'll talk about them anyway just so we know what's going on so we scrolled across what we now need to do is start selecting these individual options at the top here and talking about what it is that they do so I'm going to push up on the up arrow and then you can see here it says six so with the knock to Mac um with a Legend um I'm not even making sense about which machine I'm talking about anyway back to it with the legend we've got different amounts of tones available to you so if we scroll down at this setting we're on two ton so what that means is regardless of what we go over it'll either give you a mode front for the iron and the ferrous targets that we don't want and it'll give you one tone a nicer higher pitch tone for the um for the non-ferrous objects that you find so that's just basically a dig don't dig type tone it's in yes or it's saying no if I go up to four tones it gives you a broader range of tone so so it gives you a bigger spectrum of tones so the the lower the conductivity the lower the tone and if it's a nice big chunky silver coin or a big piece of aluminum you'll get a much higher pitch tone so there's four tone and you've got six and you've got sixty so it's 60 you get a big multitude of tones um now depending on you and your preference will depend on how it is that you want to use it um most of my machines I run them on all tones on i60 or um of the one notch below it however so there's your difference you've got your two-tone your four your six and your 60 tone and that's basically just how big broader band of tones that you're getting um so up to you I'd probably suggest four or six initially um I'm not a huge fan personally of two-tone um I know some people are but again to your preference right so if we scroll across the next one here we've got the tone volume um so what does tone volume do so I've scrolled across the right and highlighted it now if I push up it's giving us some options up here so you can see at the moment it says 10 and we're in between the 30 and 40. now this indicates your vdi read out the numbers when you go over Target if I scroll back to the right or start it back down so one to ten that is your iron tone um so that's your low gravity tones so you want to hear the iron but you don't want it to be overpowering and all this setting is is a volume for each of these little notches as to how loud it's going to be so I've got the iron volume set loud enough that I can hear it but it's not overpowering I then go across so we've got the 10 to 20. now in the 10 and 20 range of your signal indicator that tends to be where you're going to find your small artifacts and your hammered coins so I've got it slightly loaded I've got it set at 10. so I can hear what's going on then the next one across is your 20 to 30 range that's your bigger silver coins and your artifacts and that type of thing again I've got it at 10 and I've kept it at 10 all the way across because I really don't want it screaming out too loud okay and that's all that is it's just with the different sections of your um vdi reader is just how loud those tones are going to be so just to recap on that how did we do that so we push the settings button we scrolled up scrolled across to the tone volume and then I push up again left and right is your different sections and then you use an up and down arrow to change the volume in those sections right so we've looked at this one here which is how many tones are you using we've looked at the next one over which is the tone volume and that's the one that's in segments so we can play around with that and then we've got this one which is a bit further over here so we're gonna have a look at that one and see what that one does so this one is your tone frequency of the machines might call it pitch so if we scroll up to select it and we can we come all the way back to beginning so this is the pitch of the or the frequency of the tone that you're going to hear so again down in the low one to ten the IM range I've got a really low deep sort of grunty noise and then in the 10 to 20s where the little lovely hammered coins and the other bits and Bobs turn up it's 16. and what you'll see is a progressively I I personally again it's my choice I like the tones to get a bit higher pitched as we get up the free up this sort of signal strength range and then the next one's 18 the next one is 22 and then when we get into the big targets like the Coke cans and huge chunks of silver if you ever find it um and the Bitcoins uh cartwheel pennies and that type of thing will come in around sort of 40 to 50 on the on the readout you've got 27 and then 30 for the 50s are 61. so all that is is it just changes the pitch um of the tone it gives you so it just basically gets higher and higher as we go up the um the readout range okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to have a look at this one right at the um with the arrows on it so again push up to select it push across and then we're going to push up again um and we're into what's called tone breaks now what a tone breaks again we've got this segmented bit at the top here and it's the point at which it switches to the next um picture of tone basically so again I've got it set at eight for the iron when I want it to go into the next set of tones the next sort of level of high-pitchedness um is a 10 to 20 range and I've got it set 20 and then again we can notch in so that's your tone break it's where it stops from one frequency range and then moves into not frequency it's when it stops at one of the ranges so like the one to turn and moves into the next one again until you get a bit more proficient with it I wouldn't really concern yourself too much about getting involved in this but we're doing the video so we'll explain what all these different things are okay right going on a bit further then so we'll we're going to have a look at these ones over here so this squiggly line um with a straight line through what's that now that's the threshold um now a threshold comes from the old um early metal detectors when we had the pi the pulse induction machines that continuously made a noise in the background and the way they work um in sort of really basic terms is continually made a tone and then when you went over an object that object's magnetic field would break that tone so we can synthetically set it on this machine so we've got a hum in the background and this particular one is just how weird how loud we want that threshold tone I like to hear the threshold personally some people don't use it at all and don't want to hear it but this is basically the volume of the the background hum that you'll hear is just a tone in the background that's all it is okay and that's all there is to that one if we go across to the next one on the very end here that's the pitch of that threshold so all that is is it just you can either have it as a low sort of grumbly sounding hum or you can have it almost like a high tone um because I'm I hear it's absolutely sure I like to have the lower tone um so all that is is the pitch of the tone and again we can adjust that by just scrolling up and down okay so before we go into something else let's just have a quick recap of what we've got up here so we've got on this one here so initially I should say we selected um the one with a little sort of musical symbol and then we scrolled up and then we went to this one um this first one here is your um amount of tones that you're going to use so you can have two four six and sixty um again it's your choice how many times you want to hear I'd recommend probably use four or six then we move across we've got a ton of volume um and that's when we talked about um how loud we want it at each of the different segments at the top here so if you remember I had the iron set quite low and then incrementally I got it louder and then we've got the tone frequency on this one here which is where we um I had it so as I went through that I've um got it louder and louder as the signal strength gets stronger um moving across you've got the tool and break which is this one here and that's the point where um it stops on one set of tones and then moves into the next level and then we've got the threshold so this one here is that background hum and the reason for having it is so you when you go over a Target if it's a really faint and iffy signal sometimes it might not give you a tone and it might not give you a reader on the screen but what you will get is that slight break in the tone and it's just enough normally to stop you and make you go okay I'll run my coil over that a few more times hit it from a different angle type of thing and then at the very end there we've got the frequency of the tongues frequency not of the tones of the threshold and I'm telling you all this and I'm getting that wrong now okay let's have a look at something else right so what we'll have a look at next is this sort of little person that's flashing here so again I'm going to scroll along to select it um what that is is your user profile so when you set your settings let's say we're in um we're in whatever detector mode so this one we're in park um and if we've set it up just how we like it we think yeah that works I want to save that setting now if you turn your machine off when you turn it back on it will remember your settings and it will leave them at those settings but if you like to have a setting and park and a different setting and fuel or two or three settings in field basically this is just a memory that you can save your user profile so you can see that I've highlighted it so to bring up the user profile and it tells you at the top here which profile you're using all I'm going to do is push up and you can see over the right hand side here it says it's user profile too and then using the left and right buttons no the up and down buttons it Scrolls um through your four different user profiles if I'm using profile one and I want to save my settings all I do need to do is push and hold the pinpoint button and it will then save um whatever settings that you've done so it's just a profile that's all that one is moving across them um we've got the little picture of the sun all that is is your brightness setting so if I push it up you can see the screen getting brighter I don't know how well you'll see on the camera and if I push it back down the um setting gets lower and it's just a brightness setting that's all there is to that okay moving across to these uh zigzaggy lines you'd see mine set at zero um all this is is the Legends fitted with the vibration mode as well so not only do you get a readout on the screen and you get the audible tones you can have it so it vibrates um so you'll feel the whole Machine Shake a bit like when your mobile phone's set to vibrate all I need to do again is a highlight of it so I'm just going to push up and you'll probably hear it buzzing it's got different sort of um speeds of vibrate and that's all we've got there okay going across um we've actually got on the back of the machine here we've got a flashlight so if you push up on that it'll turn the flashlight on and there's only one setting it's either on or off um I don't know how well you won't be able to see it where it comes set up but that turns the flashlight on if I push down and that turns it off okay so moving across you'll see I've highlighted the Bluetooth um emblem all that does is you can turn your Bluetooth on and off and you can also you'll see it flashing over top here you can also go in um because the legend will allow you to pair up to other Bluetooth headphones and allow you to go in and make changes if they're low latency headphones or they're not level latency and by low latency I mean if they've got any lag so from the point in the machine makes a tone by time it gets to your headphones sometimes there's a bit of a delay so that's what that stands for okay scrolling across we've got the clock so if you go into the clock and then push the up Arrow you'll get a little line that goes underneath and that's for you to adjust the clock and you can adjust whether you want it to be 24 hours or 12 hours higher like the readout and then going across the next one what that does is it gives you a total detecting time there it just changes the clock into total attack okay so one thing that I probably didn't mention earlier is this button over here and that's the ground balance so the purpose of the ground balance is each field each location that you go to has different mineralization in the soil um and that mineralization affects how the machine works so you want your machine to work at its Optimum setting so to get that we need to do a ground balance it's a really simple process so you arrive at your field you turn your machine on you've done your noise cancel that we talked about earlier on and it's time to ground balance the machine so using your your coil just move it along the floor until you find the patch that's clear of any signals there's no iron there's no other signals in there put your coil to the floor push and hold the ground balance button and then what you need to do is pump the coil up and down I.E lift it up and down toward the ground until you get a readout in here obviously because I'm inside and I'm not pumping the coil it's giving me a read out of zero you'll get a readout between 0 to 99 and that's your ground balance then you're good to go um if you move location as you move further along the field every now and again periodically just stop and get another quick round balance and it'll keep your machine running as it should be okay so one thing we haven't talked about um is this bit down here and this is your fairest check um on the right you'll see you've got the ring so that indicates non-ferrous and this little scale as it gets stronger means it's a good non-ferrous signal to type but you do want to dig and on the left I've got the horseshoe with the nail through it and the iron and then the ferris signals that you don't want to dig and basically you get your readout so you listen to your tones and I strongly suggest that you go on tones more than anything else you get a good tone but what you can do is you can look down at the numbers and really anything over 15 on readout is worth digging and you can also look there's a third check at the ferris check and if it's over on this side then potentially it's a good Target worth digging and if it's over on this side then it's meant to be that it's ferrous and really you don't want to dig it um I completely ignore this Ferris check because on many occasions it's lit up in the left hand side saying it's iron don't dig it but the tones have been good sometimes the vdi's jumping all over the place I purely dig on the tone if it's a good tone I'm gonna dig it and I'll completely ignore what this says however you can use it but I wouldn't pay a huge amount of attention to it because it's not that accurate go on the tones confirm your tones with the readout 15 and above is pretty much you want to be digging it and then you can have a quick look at this little check down here but personally I wouldn't pay a huge amount of attention to it okay so there we have it um I've gone through the settings I'm absolutely sure I've missed some things I haven't explained things clearly so stick it in the comments um ask the questions and I'll get back to you if something I haven't covered or something that you want me to go over uh you want me to go a bit more in depth with things stick in the comments probably made some mistakes with it I'm not sure um I use lots of different metal detects and test lots of other machines but hopefully haven't over complicated and I've broken it down and explained what the different things mean and how they affect your blood detector um so yeah hopefully it was useful to you if you want to know anything else again Ask put it in the comments if this video has helped you and you liked the other videos that I've done please give it a like give it a thumbs up it does help and make sure you hit that subscribe button until the next video take care
Channel: Hidden History Hunters Metal detecting
Views: 7,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e8L3n4Zc9SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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