Nodevember Prompt 9/10 - Geometry Nodes and Chill

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all righty then just check everything's actually coming through on the right platforms i've got my mic quite a bit louder today so i'm sorry if i clip but i know that people always want it to be like a little bit louder i always have quite a soft voice anyway so hopefully it's all right is this all let me know if um video and the audio and everything is working hey riaz hey folks oh it's been a while since i've done a live stream hopefully uh hopefully it all goes all right i'm hoping it doesn't like last like 10 hours again i still need a voice for tomorrow so i've got a course stream talking of course is the um the new texturing course is out on blender market so uh if you like procedural textures then grab that that's it's taught by chris plush from cg masters and he's like he's such a good teacher he's so good at explaining things so i definitely recommend that one um right then cool uh something as well just to be aware of just before we start um in 3.1 master uh oh my god i need to turn down my headphones my voice is so loud okay that's a bit better so in 3.1 master we now have a better um zoom level so you can actually they've made it so that you can just get the whole flower shop i feel like it's been tailored to the flower shop scene but you can now see the whole flower shop on the screen at once which is uh which is nice so we have a little bit more zoom scale that is the most you can get though um and also something's happening in 3.1 so now the screencast keys add-on doesn't work so for today we're going to be using the shortcut viewer so it's a little bit less explicit in saying like all of the commands but that's fine all right so i've got a little bit of a plan for today not too much of one though um i feel like before i've always had like a pretty clear mental image of what i'm doing but this time it's more sort of thematic um yeah so i'm rolling two prompts together again we're doing black and white and i'm gonna try and do like a kind of steampunky victorian london scene i've never really done steampunk before so this might be quite interesting um can't do people obviously because it's november and i'm not i'm not going through making people with nodes so we're gonna have to think about our camera angle um but yeah i've got a little to-do list just gonna be basically making small buildings i feel i've got to this point now with the november prompts where i feel like i can't make a single thing like even the uh even the like the flower the endless bloom i felt like i was really being lazy just making one thing but um yeah i might have to do a few of those depending on how like tiring this gets here we go right uh i know some people ask as well i'm using the node timings branch which gives you additional node timing so for example if i add a like a mesh circle you can see it's got a little clock and as soon as that gets computed you can see the amount of time that it's taking um and if you do something like subdivision circle surface you can see this goes a little bit higher it doesn't actually go that high if i set it to like eight there we go geometry knows it's actually just really fast i'm so used to using spur chalk and seeing the no times be like you know up to like five seconds and then almost everything in geometry notes is less than a millisecond so it's crazy but yeah if you want this i recommend the blender launcher just because it helps you with your versioning it's under the experimental section and it is the most recent temporary geometry nodes timings branch um or you can just download it manually from the experimental builds um if the maxim was dynamic so you can always zoom out by as much as needed i agree i would have i don't know what the limitation is in like how blender's been made but i know with um like i was testing it in like affinity photo and things like that and even a really massive canvas you can you can zoom out so far that the canvas becomes less than a pixel which i know is like not useful to have it to that extreme but it's like why bother putting a cap on it i guess it's um yeah i don't know i don't know really much about how blender works under the hood timothy what headphones i'm using audio technica m50x i think they're pretty good and they're not super expensive so i think they're good for that like entry level price bracket uh right i need to keep an eye on the chat while also looking at some references i've just got like loads of things on my second monitor here so i guess i should probably start off by just coming up with a camera angle so i'm not making loads of stuff i know with the flower shop i ended up going into this like cycle of just making loads of things and being like oh my god it's going to be so detailed and then actually in the render you don't see it so i need to avoid that this time let's just start with some boxing out with some cubes uh what gpu do i use i use an rtx 2070 super so a couple years old but it still does it still does pretty good i think the rtx like just anything rtx saves you a lot of time just because it lets you have like that instant opticsd noise which is obviously really really useful uh building size hmm oh you get disorientated when the glitch when it like throws something way off in one direction that is so annoying and it still happens like i don't know if i can make it happen or maybe not now everything is uh like the viewport actually moves around but yeah like when it used to just like suddenly shoot something i get it with sliding values as well it's very annoying um right oh my god trying to think how big a building is i guess like 30 foot is like 10 meters right about 10 by 10 by 10 so i want like quite a narrow street scene and then to have buildings in the background which are like much taller and the camera is going to be looking up through so you get like wires and balconies and bits of fence and um i don't know if you have them in other countries but like uh like we have pigeon spikes basically stop pigeons landing on surfaces uh dumb question but why two separate transforms because one of them makes the origin at the base this first one so that if i get rid of that you can see it scales up and down equally but if i have one before it then it's just gonna go up which for a building is much more useful um yeah and i always leave my first cube as like one by one by one so that my transform on this second transform is like the final dimensions if i scale it 10 times it's going to be 10 meters so just saves a little bit of time it would be nice if like the cube node had stuff like the uh being able to set an origin whether you want it in the corner the base or the center because by default is the center um yeah but i almost always use it as the base how is my throat it's it's basically better yeah it took me like a week to recover i i thought i just had a sore throat from streaming but then i ended up getting a really bad cold so i guess i was actually a bit ill but it's all good right then a few little buildings um and i need to position a camera um and i'll probably go with like a more portrait view just because we're doing like a narrow street scene so it wants to feel a little bit more claustrophobic so i'm just gonna go like 1500 by 2000 that kind of three before and that means that you can still get the uh the correct crop for instagram or is it five by four for portrait i think it's i think it's three to four anyway i'll find out later need to position it always work at real size things people occasionally send me files it's like why isn't this working it's like the i mean the problem might be separate but it's like also you're doing things like motion blur or just generally cycles rendering like glass or lighting and it's like you're working a thousand times too big just always work to the best of your abilities at like real world scales uh am i using special gear or just 3.1 uh just 3.1 yeah i'm not i haven't really used special much actually in this november um i'm pretty much just going to be using geometry nodes i think for most of it just because we keep getting new nodes big instagram post is 1080 by 1350. instagram is the worst platform for for hosting images it's like they actually don't know how to like really bad compression really small resolution when you like you pinch it and it's like it doesn't stay where you've pinched it which is also really annoying um oh four to five okay well i'll do that then so 1600 to 2000 and i want a slightly wider view in here uh what's my goal i'm going to be using a uh yeah so i'm using geometry notes to make like a victorian steampunk-ish street scene or not really a street scene in a street but looking up through the buildings and as much like urban clutter as i can get in there i want it to look dirty and messy and that's it's going to be black and white that prompts but i'm rolling together a black and white i have no idea why they were separate prompts in the prompt list but there we go so i'm just going to do black and white is there a way to get decent quality vids into twitter no unfortunately not you can use gifts but uh yeah um somebody said something about towel could you make a realistic towel with fur using geometry nodes oh you mean like instancing the fur i would probably still use particles because particles have the children's uh the particle children systems and i really don't think geometry nodes can keep up with um children like if you have 5 000 objects or like particles and then you have a thousand children per thing for start you have all of your convenience of being able to turn down the viewport density um which you can do in george notes as well but it's a bit of a pain and then you also have the children system which i think just instances really really fast because it's not really like processing anything um cool all right i mean you could just make hair and instance it very very dense that's basically what i did for the frost on the rose i just did like really really heavy dance heavy heavy instancing and it did work out all right but uh uh if you can hear any music in the background by the way my sister is practicing her viola so just in case you're wondering if you can hear that um yeah you haven't found anything better than particles i keep running up against wanting to use children like particle children and uh yeah currently there is no way i don't think maybe i want all right so some of the pictures of like victorian london that i was looking at they have super narrow buildings um and you get to see all of the different facades because some of them are painted or whitewashed um so maybe we can do go a little bit narrower maybe like five or six meters you can't hear music that's all right you can probably hear like the pc fans more in that case all right i also wish we would get sure you could create your own children do you mean render time particle trend well you can do render time like density changes but the like interpolated children i don't know i feel like the particle systems just work a lot faster i'll see you later ksp right then and i want another one of these on the other side and i guess i want my camera a little bit wider angle here so we're going to go down to um i don't know what would give this good like maybe like 20. hey aiden it might be quite nice to have a look like make sure there's uh a vertically up direction if that makes sense like i want to be able to see straight up which i actually can hear so i'm thinking let's make this bit bigger i'm thinking that there's going to be a lot of stuff in between these but also maybe some kind of like canopy in here so we could do some like iron work struts maybe make that quite figurative um like detailed so that that shows up nicely against the sky because yeah it's gonna be all black and white london in the victorian period like if you look at pictures i don't know if it's like partly to do with how they took photos but i think a lot of it is probably to do with the actual density of the smog but like there's a lot of separation foreground background separation i want to have a lot of uh like fences and balconies spikes basically coming out buildings um gutters uh like clotheslines hanging sheets and things in between the buildings can jump you know do 3d fractals it can but currently we can't use like an automatic loop system like there's no loop nodes so you can make your uh you can make node groups and then you just duplicate them uh right i want to have quite like i guess big overhangs on the buildings but i also want them to be quite dilapidated i've got some really nice pictures of um oh who's the artist it is dmitry savi yelov has probably butchered their name but these are just like really stunning paintings but it really reminds me of like manchester with the industrial brick and the like the warehouse buildings and the arches and like flying buttresses and stuff but just like the way that they've got these really ramshackled tiles down the edge of the edge of their roofs i think it's really beautiful so i want to try and get something like that you can actually see some of this sort of iron work as well which i think i want to get for the canopy uh directly above and then yeah so i'm just going for that kind of noir steampunk vibe for this one uh where else are we gonna put stuff so i need i need a building like way up in the background right so i need canopies up here i need maybe some of these buildings are a bit lower so that we get more of like a a view up assassin's creed yeah basically it's like assassin's creed is obviously a bit more european but the uh going for like the london industrial or like british industrial look i need some i need some like towers in the background because if this is all smog right so you don't see anything then i still need something in the background obviously steampunk is gonna have blimps as well so there's gonna be some flying ships uh but otherwise it's gonna be really dark so i don't need a lot of uh detail i don't need a lot of shader work either because it's all going to be just like wet and shiny um all right well i don't really want to do too much manually but i also think with something like this where it's like really specific and the camera angle is like sat you can get away with just basically being like okay this is a wall and it goes here you think the nurbs modeling with vertruck uh you can't no because there's no loft across curves there's there's you can't like loft across profiles at the moment which is a shame but uh there was something made for that tommy tommy johnny made something like that for the attribute system um a little while ago but that i don't think that's been ported across yet imperial tablet flying thing to the watchtower hmm that might be cool actually all right wall height is going to be somewhere like this so we're just going to make a generic building front are we i need some tall windows that's for sure because i need some light coming out through them and i need to randomize the brick so i need to make them myself um all right let's do something like this and then instance on points hey tom how's it going um right put a monkey in somewhere it's an easter egg i okay maybe the blimp is like the monkey but inflated can like cast suzanne to a sphere and then she'll be like she'll be up there let me make a note of that yeah ideally i'll get this whole thing done in like one go um but i may have to do some of like the final stuff final polish and rendering and materials and stuff after the stream but i'll try and get like the bulk of the junky's done in here um private library uh it's from my add-on it's not private i mean you can there's a link in the description where you can grab it at some gum road um but yeah there's the toolkit notes so i'm gonna be masking out a cube down here there we go vertical like me two meters and that's going to be something like this what do i want to yeah i know that's probably fine all right let's randomize the sizes random float um my add-on makes it pretty straightforward i think just because a lot of the notes are very um well i don't know i find them a lot simpler than or at least like a lot more direct than a lot of the default notes which i guess is why i made them i mean i basically just made the add-on out of tools that i was repeatedly making to make my life simpler here we go just adding a little bit of variation to these just so the light catches off them just a little bit and this probably must be a bit wider hey david i think it's currently about half full for me so happy afternoon there we go right i need to make a window gonna go for like a sliding slash with like six over six i feel like that's probably fairly standard you can see a bug in there the timing should not be shown where the group doesn't contain georgia notes i agree i agree i mean this one is actually showing um oh it's maybe it's because of the position i mean it's actually so saying that it's computing the timing on that as well so that's interesting the other ones are just showing blank and the cube itself when a cube when it's hidden it's not showing anything oh i guess that's built in um jerome hey do i ever sleep i do you know i actually sleep way too much i'm i think i'm quite lazy i think uh people might think i do a lot just because i i'm uh i'm like always talking i'm like always out posting stuff in places but i'm actually not very busy i should be more busy i should i should sleep less um what am i doing i need grid um and i want to have like i think i need to do like a few layers of this because i really want to have like enough faces to catch the light so like frames within frames that kind of thing um transform join how many hours do i sleep a day like oh my god so many maybe between 10 and 12. it's so bad i really gotta cut back i don't know if it's like quality sleep though i'm going to need to put a little bit of filler down these bricks just to make sure i've got um a couple of holes filled in and also need a windowsill sleeping is good for my skin i yeah well someone should tell that to my skin because it's uh it doesn't agree all right i need to make this into a curve i also found when i do flower shop the fillet curve which i've never used before even though i think it's been in blender for ages uh unless you like bevel bevel curves which is great because it means we can actually give give like an actual bevel to stuff inside geometry nodes um so i need a meshed curve curved mesh and a profile curve which we'll just use a quad for um and this can be really tiny like 0.05 or maybe a bit bigger 0.1 i wish we had better like random random color in fact i could probably just do this with cycles in a random per island and just enjoying your time before uni it'll go quick kind of gonna enjoy it but then also uni goes really quick so enjoy being at uni as well right new material let's just call this one random oops here we go and oh so i've you might have noticed i've changed my layout from like the default geometry nodes which was the like letterbox one over one thing um to the vertical thing now so i have a bigger node tree geometry knows it used to make sense with the attributes because you had a really linear notary but i think it doesn't anymore so we're going to go with the mission and random island which is on the the geometry node hm is this going to be a pain i think it's going to get really heavy if i start realizing that this is everywhere oops realize there we go and then white noise oops white noise cool or maybe i do need a bit of shading in here just to make sure that we can see stuff if you can get away with using a diffuse node instead of a principle bsdf do it's a lot lighter a lot better to use all right uh i need to flat shade can you assign the material before instancing oh yeah yeah i'm just being done oh no no because you uh it's reading is the same um the same thing oh we've got that thing again that's not being fixed yet these are individual cubes but because of because i have a mesh curve to mesh in here you can see the cube has apparently been broken into individual faces so it should be per object but it's not but this works if you plug them the other way around oh well i guess at least that's changed they should uh stay the same if you smooth shade um so if you just do like a sesame shade then you can see it's all smooth and it all joins up again weird but um one of the quirks of geometry nerds i used to report this a while ago and i'm not sure if it ever got resolved uh i think actually i saw jax added a note to it yesterday referring to a smooth shade like a set smooth shade but i think he was looking at the auto smoothing and i don't think this has anything to do with aldo's moving it is random per island but the cube should be an island itself like it's it's connected geometry it shouldn't be per face whereas this is reading it as per face it's a bit strange um if i unset that as smooth shade and that's just on the window something's going wrong but never mind it's fine we're basically we don't need any materials anyway because we're just doing like we'll probably do like a little bit of bump map but we're not going to do anything too heavy so let's use the affiliate curve or fillet if you're american curve fillet and uh you can see that we've made a mess of that but we're just gonna use very small here little bevel just something to catch the light and that's going to work out a little bit better there and the random perface is actually really annoying but never mind okay so i'm just going to do a straight chamfer and then i need like an internal sash as well this could be a bit deeper do i want five um and that way all right and i also want to chuck in those bricks those vertical bricks which i can just do with a a linear array node which is just instancing it on a point on the line sorry so we can join this up like this join this in and find out where we need to be i need to also rotate this transform set 90. here we go right if i set this to spacing and end then it means i can set my end position and as up here rather than using this as an offset so we're just going to go up in the z axis like this there we go and then i can also set this to be spacing and our spacing is going to be less big well actually i could probably set this as an amount because we know that we have a specific amount here all right cool that's good enough let's move this back a little bit i'll just use the transform so i'm being lazy and there we go let's strain that up and i also want this on the other side so i'll also just jump in with another one and bring it across now if you're doing this it's client work model it don't do this there's no reason when you have something which is so specific there is no benefit to spending ages trying to make it work like this um what we're looking for to reduce this a little bit so i need space for a window cell it up and then i need i'll just use a cube because i'm otherwise i'll spend ages like trying to fashion something but a cube is probably fine just to catch the light um if we just use this one and resize it hey elio yeah we've just started or at least i've just started so it's gonna gonna be going for a little while i think a bit bigger okay cool right yeah i'm not going to be talking like too too much today just because i am i've got a stream tomorrow for my spur truck course so i don't want to have like a sore throat because that would just be that would be embarrassing very unprofessional okay right need some internal sashes for this which are just like the windows themselves and we can make them the same way basically just a grid that fits the hole and then we're gonna stick in the same filleted quadrilateral just because it's already giving giving us the chamfer um and i'll put this before the set shade smooth as well so i can just duplicate these ones and then join them up hey boring login name how's it going let's make this a little bit smaller uh this way and also in the oh wait no i don't want to do that i want to do it on this itself on the grid itself all right gonna make it a bit smaller gonna make it it must be just over half because it's got to um it's got like overlap to be weatherproof and then i also want to have this duplicated before so do that so we can pull one of these back which i guess would be the bottom one because you don't want to have the weather landing on top of the cell um yeah it's fine for them to clip through and we're gonna make these three by two interesting i really hate how this is just like completely arbitrary how the rotation has happened the tilt on the curves very frustrating right well in that case we need to make these even so that they're less awful and i also need to delete all the faces and then subdivide it so i can get like a tighter crimp on that corner hey see you later riaz thanks for dropping in all right so we're going to grab our grid which is just a regular grid to the wireframe i also really wish i could just disable the viewer node it is useless right so i've got my grid i'm going to grab my geometry delete geometry and i'm just deleting faces and then you can subdivide so mash subdivide mesh and november without houdini's like thanksgiving without turkey houdini was late to the game for uh for november right let's do this if we increase this a little bit you can see that we're crimping in that corner it's horrible geometry but it's at least it's sharp and that's probably good enough hopefully we get some proper um proper techniques for doing this at some point let's grab this and one of these needs to go back halfway let's bring this down cool so we're going to go up with the top one and slightly back and then the other one is going to come down and more back and these are too short something like this there we go does inhibit use houdini or just blender just blender yeah i don't know if he knows how to use houdini at all but i've certainly never seen him use houdini um he does a lot of hand positioning do you think geo nodes can be used for game assets or just renders within blender yeah it could be used for game assets right now you're going to have trouble getting uv maps out um well you can't you can't get uv maps out so if you want any sort of texturing you're gonna have to do a little bit of extra work to get them exporting but it is not impossible um i'm actually going to move these forwards just so i can use the original planes as the glazing i put these like this so cross cross and across there we go this just gives me the original uh these for the glass and i might also just reduce the radius on these curves very slightly just that curve radius drop this down to like point eight something yeah last year everybody was just doing shady stuff like it was i mean it was fun but i haven't used any um like i was talking to other people about this when at the start of the month like i've not used vector displacement like for vector displacement for shader vector displacement since last november so it's like what was the point whereas you know you still use the maths the same maths is applicable for surcharge or for geometry nodes but it's like the animated chessboard hey that was mine um but yeah it's useless though you know it'd be so much quicker more efficient to do that in geometry nodes and then you can render it in eevee it was like not accessible doing it in doing everything in cycles it was like uh it was it required the artist whoever they were to have a computer that they could model entirely in cycles rendered view the whole time and that was just not really i don't know it doesn't really help anybody go a little bit lower 0.7 and we're going to bring one of these forwards and one of them back something like that is fine and then this can be maybe down slightly and i gotta check that glass back in so these are the timbers oh boy every single face right so we're gonna set this one across to a different material for now it will get overwritten as soon as we come down here but that's fine um it's just so i can keep track of what material is going where this one is going to be timber and then i'm going to grab this one which is going to be glass and then join them together okay and these ones all need to be bricks so let's bring that back and make this one bricks use tri-planar shader or procedural texturing major geometry nodes oh yeah yeah you can do it's a bit janky but you can um you can bake your uv map from the attribute node in blender in geometry nodes and then if you bake that to an image map with non-color data then you can actually use that image map as your uv map in the game and you'll just need to bake that to like a generated uh generated um as well so it's a bit of a pain but you can there's it's it's all workarounds at the moment but that's just part of working on something which is like super early in development i know a lot of people um give geometry it's a hard time but it's like gotta give it give it some space give it some time to grow all right um i want to move i want to move that window down i think it's too high didn't default cube make a video on baking evs potentially maybe right let's actually make this wall length a bit shorter and then we can just have this as like a single bay i'll do it similar to the first prompt oh wait somebody asked what prompt was prompt for today is white i think or it might be black still um i'm doing both of them as one because i'm saving myself some time what am i doing so i have this window which i can now array do i not have an array node and then this is basically going to make up my my building this is my random color this is my facade okay so yeah now i can just use this with like a linear array yeah maybe if i i'm just thinking like how am i going to set different building heights but um i should have done a sketch or something before starting so i would have a goal i'm thinking on my feet a little bit here let's just use the linear array and we're gonna offset it actually in the other direction get these to stick together like that all right and i should probably have a couple which are like small and then a couple which are a bit more like shop window ground floors like uh like these it's kind of hard to make out in this photo but there's like there's quite a lot of stuff like noise down at the ground floor level and there's different windows at different heights depending on the different building um that's something you find a lot with like british towns is they grow quite naturally it's not like a planned city like you have in america where there's like where everything is about you know driving and everything's designed around the car so uh yeah right got four here so this can be like one building and then let's also go up with this one so we're going to go up in the z height something like this and then i also want to have these like string lines which are going to be um could you have a curve and have a side b instance along it so it could be curved yeah absolutely um i mean that's actually how the array spline works as well as the uh the brick spline so if you if you have a brick if you have a spline in here this will make a brick wall that follows that spline in this case i'm just going for straight buildings but i might like facet them so i might move them around rotated i may i think i'm probably just going to make individual buildings at the moment um here we go so i just need a couple of um a couple of string lines they do have them on old buildings usually between like first and or like ground and first floor just to divide and sometimes there's a different surface finish as well on the ground floor so i'm going to make one other type of building and for the other ones i'll just do these at like a different height or like scale down a little bit um so this is like facade number one let's make this a little bit smaller 0.9 and then do a smaller building so two bays um by two and then i can just join these together and move this one down somewhere like that i might also just like drop this one back from the street a little bit uh so back in the y a little bit and then the next building needs to be a little bit taller but maybe not quite such a warehouse like this first one where's our camera that camera can't even see that so this could be something like this i do want to see the other buildings on the other side um if i get my there we go i also want to have the overhangs from the buildings and this next one there's not going to be really any detail on this so i might just do this with us copy the first um maybe i raise this one up and i give it like a more interesting ground floor but i'm going to need a side wall here for all of the roof coming across and then yeah have some sort of some sort of uh canopy sticking up over there and then smog and just really like building those of urban clutter basically the more overwhelming you can make an image the more impressive you can make people think it is without actually doing anything it's great this is what's really good about geometry notes you can just turn up a slider and people think it's better so it's great you get to be an absolute fraud which i love all right let's do that move this up in this ad something like that that's giving me just a little bit of space for a ground floor now you've been watching your house oh yeah that twisted house that was like unexpectedly effective getting that band i wasn't really expecting it to work out um but it did it worked fairly well actually i love how temporary is that oh the colorful yeah yeah it's good ultimately it's gonna be black basically there'll be a little bit of reflection but it's it's gonna be just super super dark um let's duplicate this one onto the other side just so i have like an opposing building let's rotate this nine do we know 180 ish bring it down bring it down in the x as well it could be a little bit shorter all right i might also duplicate that once more time one more time just to uh give me a little bit more like buffer down down the street how am i dropping this zed cool let's add a little bit of a shop front on the ground floor here need to have it's basically just a big window uh with a few extra panels like a big grid but i might do a little bit of a bay kind of like the flower shop so it'll be like a i don't know what the proper term for them is but it's like a bay window which is in set so you get the curve but it's not actually sticking out onto the street so there'll be um well let's just do it so let's grab a another grid mesh primitive grid and we're going to be using this let's just join it up so we can see everything i'm going to rotate it in the x you'll have a deep dive into math to improve your note game you understand the basics but it all feels rather difficult any tips on the best place to get started three blue one brown is good um although i've not actually checked but everybody says 3.1 brown is really good um freya homer i think that's her name freya's channel is like amazing for vector math everybody always recommends that one as well i'm going to be doing um which also answers the next question i'm going to be doing a maths course hopefully this winter um [Music] which is like high school maths basically i'm teaching or so the plan is to teach the full like secondary school curriculum from year eight ish yeah eight nine um i know i don't know what grade that is in america like 13 year olds basically up to 18 year olds teach that entirely visually through blender because uh i think it would just be useful like a lot of people like me learn a lot better in this way and just didn't really have a chance to see that it was even an option um but i think i don't know i think it's useful let's go something like this eight and uh coming down here that course uh it'll be like free on youtube or you can buy it all is one thing for people who want to support me but like i feel like having access to maths education is that's basically something that everybody needs to have so what is the bottom right of the geo nodes window this is the node minimap add-on which if you look in the description you'll find a link to the node minimap add-on on blender market it's very useful it lets you like you know navigate yeah exactly it's the it's just a basically mini map it shows the full tree and it'll expand as the tree gets bigger right how am i doing this to curve it i need to use the index i think i hope i've got this rotated the right way um so we're gonna modulate it by eight which is our number of windows so that should give me zero to seven on each row assuming it's rotated the right way and then i want to subtract yeah you could invest in some professor props and maybe some silly glasses i was actually thinking of like a whiteboard or like a blackboard in chalk i know everybody loves the sound of that um but yeah to do it like a bit more um teacherly a bit more like a classroom or maybe we could like model a classroom maybe i'll do it on twitch maybe there'll be like some live ones and we'll do them on twitch in like a virtual classroom that might be fun uh right also i don't know if anybody's interested but i'm planning on doing a hackathon like a game jam on discord in december um there will be prizes for people who get involved and like contribute a lot but essentially it'll be like making a um a social game sort of thing there's um oh my god i can't remember the name of it but there's a game platform game making platform that lets you basically build the environment and it's all set up to be able to support the social and the vr and the desktop so like you can just uh if you have like if your headset you can jump into it that way or if you could just want to use it through the desktop you can use it in the browser or on the game um and everybody can like contribute to the world to building the world and then like explore it and do stuff together but that'll be like a game jam thing so we'll run that over like two weeks in december on discord um so that you don't need to worry about like time zones and things you can basically just like jump on anytime make a bunch of stuff contribute via chat it's not vr chat it's um [Music] oh my god let me i'll look it up it's i literally i was thinking about it this morning so my brain is like a sieve honestly if it's not blender i will not remember um sansa here it is so sansa let me drop a link to this into the chat is um mixed reviews but i've seen a few people use it and i know like the other hackathons which i used to go to they're about to start using it like rather than unity just because it has a lot of stuff built in already that's like uh that supports a lot of the back end so for hackathons it's really good because it lets you build the world and then experience it and you don't need to think about like oh my god who's going to do all the coding who's going to do all the support for this you can just you can just do the art stuff which as artists is really nice so set position oh yeah pancakes so if you if you need like maths help and you just volunteered yourself so i'm also going to volunteer you you can if you need math help jump onto the discord and ask people because people like pancakes are just like so good so good they've helped me out loads as well and like uh loads of geometry node stuff shader stuff i just i have loads of questions all the time so i ask people on discord again link in the description so it's very it's a really useful place to um to jump in just because you can access a lot of people and a wealth of knowledge um right what am i doing zero to seven means that the midway point is going to be three and a half so i'm going to subtract 3.5 absolute it so it goes from 0 to 3.5 in both sides and then actually i can just do a divide so divide by 3.5 means it now goes from zero to one in each side and then power means that we can set our curve amount and then i can use this as an offset in the y direction so combine x y z plug this into the y plug this into the offset and watch it get messed up so this means that my indices are actually going in the opposite direction which means instead of floor i need to sorry instead of modulo i need to divide and then floor so divide and then floor ah this doesn't work either what am i doing oh maybe divide by five and then floor oh yeah that seems to work cool and because this is all working on the indices we can actually still do a lot of our size stuff with the grid which means we can make this bigger and taller there we go and i'm just going to change my power just to bring this down a little bit less of a curve on there but still a little bit curved oh man since we've been talking i've been sent two dms on discord with scams people seriously got to stop sending out like it's that steam scam if somebody sends you a message like oh i'm so sorry i accidentally reported your account and they're going to shut it down and talk to this person on discord don't answer them don't give them your don't just don't talk to them right report them for scam because it's like the scam at the moment and it's just really dodgy right to multiply getting a little bit of bend on here and there we go so i can just now position this this is basically my window i can put a box above it i can delete the faces and set it to curves like we did for the windows above oh right it's been an hour so i'm gonna stand up and walk around for a bit and then i'm gonna come back in like five minutes i'm doing the whole like i'm a healthy responsible adult thing so i'm uh oh hey tt i'm uh i'm gonna walk around and then i'm gonna come back right i will see you momentarily all righty i'm back i have to um i've been sort of told by my family that i need to uh be more active and hydrate myself more and do all of these things which are like which obviously is true but it's so like i don't know since getting into lockdown in like what 2019 march 2019 i've basically been living at my parents house because i moved out of manchester because it was a pandemic and i didn't want to be in a city if i didn't have to be um and then yeah i basically just got set up here and it's been what like two years two and two and a half years that's kind of scary is that right well whenever it was it's been a long time since lockdown started and uh yeah i just i'm really not i'm not active enough i'm not i used to cycle a lot and um somehow i just stopped doing it and it i don't know i need to i need to be more physically active i need to use my body more right two years yeah that's actually crazy i'm like i'm not somebody who really used to work out much either so it's not even like it's really something it's not it's not a habit that i used to have but i used to commute by bike so i'd cycle every single day and uh yeah since since leaving manchester that's just like not happened gotta get go get moving accountable get active march 2020 was it 2020 i feel like it was longer maybe it was no maybe right actually um right let me scale these up and i need to turn this window into like glazing bars maybe this is a little bit too big actually a little bit narrower and shorter all of last year and then this year yeah so i left uh i was at uni at the time um just like just finishing uni so i was like i don't know two months into my final major project and then it was like okay everybody needs to go home and stop having lectures that's so frustrating um but i think everybody did kind of all right with it but it was still just like it was a lot of stress to suddenly put on to yourself and then yeah we don't we just like finished it finished our degrees at home which was weird and then i guess everybody like i've got friends who did masters so they've just had to do their entire masters at home which is yeah i think like what are you paying for pay for access to the network and the facilities in the library and it's like you can't even go in mesh to curve yeah obviously there's um there's people with more hardships than students not being able to get into class but even so curve to mesh and i'm going to use the same filleted quadrilateral let me just pull this out chewing that up if anybody's wondering about these quick connections i'm using the node wrangler i know not everybody everybody uses that and you should might as well be eternity you don't know what it feels like to just go out normally this is so true i went out um like shopping shopping uh yesterday so there's a place in manchester called trafford center and i went there with my sister it's like this big shopping arcade shopping mall and um it was so weird it was so weird being there not only because it's like only like 10 of people are taking any sort of precautions um but it's like oh it's just so bizarre being like back out and you know just like grabbing food like what is that i used to get food out almost every single day and now it seems like such a novelty right then not enough people are vaccinated well yeah i agree not enough people need like the third shot as well that's the thing and places like the uk seem to think that children don't need vaccines and it's like no children are getting ill and then they're also taking it home and killing their grandparents within it's like everybody if you're gonna vaccinate you've got to vaccinate everyone otherwise it just does not work as well as it should do i think it's going to be interesting seeing how this winter plays out because obviously like cold people get colds and flu shots and things um so i'm interested to see how the cases go i mean it's not looking good at the moment for the uk should add a bit of feel good to the syringes no syringes are terrifying i'm like if i see blood i get really weak it's really embarrassing so i have to be like sat down nice and calm have to look away i hate getting shots all right get this one joined in get a couple of little sides and i'm just gonna use boxing for this as well nice and lazy scheduled for number three early next month hey congrats i haven't got uh number three scheduled yet maybe i should i don't know if it's down to me to ask for it i'm not really sure what the protocol is in the uk at the moment i do i will get one if i can though i know there's a lot of people who are very like anti-anti-vaccine but it's like i say like that's your choice but just don't make me sick all right i'm not being too neat with this just because i think it doesn't matter like the more faces you have like the more uh surfaces you have to catch light can be quite nice so you don't need to always worry about like making stuff completely flush up against each other just as long as stuff is fairly like believable i keep getting stuck on that wall all right so this is my new wall i need to set some materials so material some material this is timber glass i guess timber um join these separately i find geometry nodes really messes up the auto connections a lot things like not replacing this connection when it does the join geometry or if you're joining geometry uh before an instance on points node it'll often plug just everything in the wrong place and that can be really bad if you've got um for example if you've got something which is quite high density that you're instancing five or six times and then you do your auto connection and it decides that it's going to plug the really high density thing into both the points and the instances and then it's like well now i'm stuck here computing 10 000 instances so that could be a little bit of a hassle so i think generally if you're doing um the if you're doing like a join before a point instance especially if you're doing it with heavy stuff it could be a lot safer to just make sure that you're doing that manually come forward slightly here we go hmm this is in completely the wrong place this camera angle makes everything so fishy this one down a little bit and then we can move the whole thing up again and maybe we'll make it longer right so instead of eight we're going to go up to like 16. uh what's the best mouse and keyboard in your opinion for computer works it depends on um i mean the best mouse is the logitech master mx mx master i mean like hands down i would not bother with a non-logitech mouse in my opinion and uh i use the microsoft comfort curve keyboards because i think they're really really good and they they have this like um they like tilt the other way so the stands like the feet are at the front of the keyboard so it means that your hands aren't like cranked up all the time which is really really good because it's really unnatural to have like that positive angle on a keyboard it's really really bad for your wrists and getting rsi so for people like us who are on computers like you know 12 15 hours a day it's best to just um oh it's best to have ergonomic mouse and keyboard if you can wait i need to move this across so this needs to be not 3.5 it needs to be seven and seven there we go let's make these up to squares maybe increase the multiply a bit here we go am i on linux i'm actually on windows 11. um my laptop is on manjaro gnome 40. um i really hope we're getting 41 soon but i don't think we will there does seem to be quite a lot of lag between the releases of like new stuff and actually coming into manjaro ah see you later b thanks for stopping by yeah i'm sorry i always like i always go so slow when i'm streaming um here we go now i could be aligning this manually with like my align mesh by mesh nodes which would have been a bit more intelligent but fedora does have name 41 but it's called fedora i don't like i know it's bad to be so shallow but like who called it but fedora and who thought that was a good idea i just can't get over because i i feel like i couldn't tell somebody that i was using fedora and it's a really bad reason not to use it but um i don't know i feel like it's being drilled into me right that is now visible and we have the building i need some eaves i need some roof and i need some further building down here which i will just uh do the same as this one so let's move this one down this is my shop front when you're doing bigger setups frame and label everything shop front and where are our buildings is it these ones these ones oops hey guy i went to um i went to sixth form with guy he's like a school friend guy's an amazing artist guy if you have any links for your portfolio or anything feel free to drop them in the chat i've got actually right here i i keep next to my my desk these are like three really lovely um [Music] like ceramic sculptures i don't know if you can really see those but i keep them and keep them with me all right then so we've got that far wall i'm going to need a gable for the potential roof itself which i'm going to need to boolean probably unless i just add eaves to it like um soffits or are they called barge boards i never really remember what the proper names for different roof components are um where is everything so i'm gonna need another wall but one without windows so it's just blank and some cutters i need to know where the roof line is as well right so let's grab generator brick straight and actually i will use this setup the same setup and i'm just going to put i might regret it but i'll just use a boolean on it just so i have all of the same stuff here we go bring this up here um another one of these oh damn it all right maybe we can't do this because i actually don't want to have i go on that window hole so i'm just going to pull these out and duplicate them instance on points oh we need a brick so let's grab a cube which is just going to be a 0.3 by 0.1 something like this just give us a little bit of variation we don't see the screen god damn it you gotta look at my beautiful face instead thank you jazzy for reminding me it's because i have my stream preview very very small because i'm uh i'm watching the chat okay um okay i don't know when i started talking when it was just my face but basically we just have the brick wall that i copied instance on points random float fandom vector just to get the same randomization as the rest of the walls and a cube node coming in here there we go right so let's make this nice and big um so we can go back maybe like 10 meters and we can go up maybe 10 meters as well rotate 90 and then we can just position it fit it in with everything else let's join these ones doing these ones check out the end well that was a pretty good guess this here and then this one needs to come down as well in this direction there we go it actually needs to be quite a lot higher because i need to boolean off those points just so we can see the gable and that's going to be coming in something like this so we'll come up to about here here we go i'm going to need some tall buildings in the background as well maybe maybe this last one can start bending around a little bit just so it's less of like a less of a straight run here maybe we can get this one coming in a bit a bit of an angle so let's bring that out slightly might reflect light a little bit more interestingly as well let's go 10 degrees out there we go oh it's so easy to do stuff procedurally it's so convenient like i know it's a bit of a workflow like you gotta you gotta be in to to do the thing but um once you can manipulate stuff i mean essentially what we're doing is like i mean i'm using my toolkit quite a lot but this is just you know points on points on points so it's just instancing and then transforming and instance and transform it's like not a complicated process as soon as we start getting things like the physics solvers and loops then it will become a little bit more complex and sort of interlayed which is gonna be good but uh for now at least even like even just doing that rose animation like the the only difficult things is actually working around the things that geometry nodes makes difficult um stuff like getting attributes to instances although i think we can now do that maybe not in this branch but certainly in there is some build or some patch which allows you to have dynamic instances on attributes which is exciting cool right let's boolean off this corner this is the gable here we go and then we can start making some rooves and then i might just do like a mock-up of the building in the background or like boxing or something but essentially the composition is like mostly here after this it's just adding like bits of noise and detail like winches and things above the windows because like in warehouses you would winch stuff up to the first floor so you'd have like these uh like winch arms which would swing out and have a pulley on the end there would be some lanterns which is going to be important for this because it's all going to be very dark and gross i might try and do rain as well um yeah i think we'll do some rain just to make it feel like really grim and make a good give it a good reason for all of the materials to be quite shiny so let me find how are you naming your node name so easily f2 if you press f2 on anything so select join geometry press f2 and you get the node label equally in 3d if i select an object and i press f2 i can read the rename the object it also works in like just windows like if i select a folder and i press f2 it gives me like iv cam you know like i can just rename whatever is selected it's like a general uh a general computer shortcut uh screen avenue oh maybe your um your stream might be a little bit behind right what am i working on um roof i need some references of the roof lines and soffits and barge boards and how they actually stick stuff together um i mean the most important thing is that it reflects the light in a nice way i might also add some balcony sort of things maybe on this one and like fences spiky things just stuff to catch the light and look kind of gothic and nasty that's what we're really after uh what are the milliseconds above certain group nodes uh they should only really appear after the geometry nodes i'm working in the node timings branch of blender so it's an experimental branch which you can find um in yeah it's an experimental branch so there's like a whole group of nodes of nodes of builds of blender where they've like where they're trying out different things so for example there's the sculpt development branch the sprite fright branch transform snap base line art contained usd uh enum sockets so this one is for being able to put like lists lists of things in a socket so for example if you had i don't know if you had a transfer attribute right then instead of this being just a drop down you would actually have this as a socket that you could like plug stuff into here so you could have like a group that would change stuff or you would be able to assign stuff based on certain can conditions within your node tree so that could be a nice way for you to work but yeah experimental branches this is the node timings one which eric has been working on so it's really useful just to be able to debug like oh if something is working super slow like everything at the moment is pretty much below a millisecond which is great uh but maybe these last ones yeah so my real life instances is taking 33 milliseconds if this was taking like 200 milliseconds then i might be a bit worried and i might be like okay what's going on it's a good way of debugging you can see it's also uh he's made it so that frames will tell you the total cumulative time for the full frame which is really useful so i can see down here this one that makes all of the building facades takes three milliseconds in total um just because otherwise it's all like 0.1 milliseconds anyway i need some cubes i guess to do my uh to do my roof lines so mesh primitive cube oh god that's just very annoying sometimes stuff does just drop in random places in the note tree uh right then and we're going to join this into everything else all right these are the walls oops ctrl j walls there we go and i will now color this one just so that i can see it is a specific thing there we go right so now we're working on the roof lines let's find that cube i want to basically um parallelogram this so that it um it'll still follow the soffits or whatever they're called at the front of the roof but i can basically yeah have it like sloping up towards the apex and this is really easy you just do it basically add the y to the zed so i can just take like a geometry set position take my input position and just separate hey film one so vector separate xyz add join these up um oh i don't even need to add them i can just use it as an offset so here we go combine x y z i'm going to take my y into the z boom parallelogram instant parallelogram nice and easy and then yeah you could just multiply this if you want to actually set some kind of difference on it so you have a bit of control there i guess i probably won't need to be fairly steep and probably also fairly long maybe five meters and i guess the height probably wants to be a bit less maybe uh maybe like point four in this ad there we go actually that just doesn't look very tall let's go 0.5 yeah all right um i'm also going to just displace it slightly i don't know if it's going to make much of a difference but i definitely don't want it to be like completely smooth so let's also just add a little bit of noise in here so um actually we'll use linear light so input or color makes rgb set this one to linear light and then a texture noise texture and we'll just plug the color in and set the thing down to like 0.1 something like that just to get a little bit of wobble in each direction there we go the prompt is black or well the prompt is black and also white and i'm just doing both together so i'm just doing black and white this uh sort of street scene hopefully do like a noir thing rainy victorian london steampunk kind of vibe uh all right so i actually want to position these in a few places so i'm going to use these as the ends of the i want to say purlins i don't think that's the right word like the ones that come out at the end of the edge of the roof uh so let's use these with a couple of linear arrays first one is going to come up here if you ever want to just find out where something is set your 3d cursor to that place go to the view tab and you can find the location of your 3d cursor so i know this one is going to be starting at minus 10.8 approximately and have a zad of uh 13.5 ish so there we go that's giving me a good start position and now i can just uh correct it for my actual asset let's go back so it sticks out just slightly and up there we go something like that is probably fine and we probably want a little bit more spacing maybe like two point four would be eight feet actually let's just go for like the window bay width how about whites this oh that's about right three point four that'll do all right and then i need another one actually i can just copy it and it says duplicate this down join this on and this one is going to go over here i do also need to rotate this one um but the start position is um minus 31.5 10.1 and minus 2 something like that and then set the rest of the position yourself i wonder if i need to put more bricks in that's probably fine it's probably fine and i just need to rotate this one ten degrees in the zed because it's uh the building is oh damn it the building's offset um maybe i just need to do that with the offset then oh i can use this as an end so let's go the same here we go bring this up to the end here and we'll just rotate these before in that case minus 10 or 10 there we go oh and actually i can extend this one past the wall and it'll act as the uh i think they're called i think they are called barge boards um here we go nice and close and let's give it one more cool so that's giving us the cut line for where we can remove the bricks and that goes nicely outside so that's good i'm also going to use another brick wall just for the roof for the slate positions and then just a cube basically sticking along the cross along the front i will use one more array just to give me the low roof there we go let's do this one this one probably only needs two points somewhere like this maybe three maybe a little bit less on the offset there and we'll come down and i guess i should probably just duplicate them onto the other side as well just to make sure that i have something going you can on the same one just because the right spacing which i can also rotate in the z axis there we go i might as well just hand position these ones now down and down in the y i'm not really too worried about them shielding the windows uh just because you're not really gonna see too much obviously it would be better if the windows were a little bit maybe shorter at that height hello thanks for jumping in the stream man okay and one more just duplicate this one again join in and this one can go all the way down here for the other welding something like this again not too worried about the actual specific placement we're just kind of bashing stuff together here i think that'll do and now we need some reef oh and he also needs a soffit so i need the front the front of these all right so that's just gonna be another cube which we can transform in oh god which we can transform in here i am i'm not like a really impulsive person but i bought a telescope yesterday i don't really know why it's such a like odd purchase i think part of it was like deciding that i need to do stuff that's not blender but partly also not really wanting to do not wanting to do stuff which is a lot of work so i bought a um like a a proper like bird watching telescope we've got like a fair amount of land here and we are in the countryside so it's not a completely useless thing to purchase but i don't think i've ever had an urge particularly to get bird watching before so we'll see how that goes hopefully i get a new hobby because i could really do a bit of a bit of diversity in my life i just spent so much time on blender the thing is i'm not really even against it like i just love using blender i love making stuff like i'm genuinely excited every day about being like oh i wonder what i'll be able to make which i think is kind of fun because it's like i don't know you reach a point like with making work or making art and it's the same with drawing as well like i used to draw a lot but it's like the the excitement comes as soon as you're at that point where it's like you can make you can make stuff like you realize that you can make interesting things like you don't know even what's like you you don't know what your limit is so every time you push it's kind of like an exciting thing just to see what's going to come out um so there's never a day when i'm like oh i wish i wasn't using blender it's like every day i want to be using blender but i just need to um i just gotta go outside more that's that's really what it comes down to i gotta do more stuff all right let's um plug this in let's grab that linear light as well and i'll just put that into the position directly bird watching is nice you do it with your father do you do you go to like specific bird reserves or do you just like do it in the countryside i'm not really sure how it works we have some um we have some around here i don't know if anybody knows like in the north of england there's one called leighton moss where we have like uh they're called bittens so they're quite a rare bird i know a lot of people travel quite a long way to go there to specifically to watch birds i don't know it sounds like something that would be very relaxing to do i'm kind of looking forward to it i uh yeah you love bittens oh nice for anybody who doesn't know bittens are really funny looking i think we have red bittens if i'm not mistaken yeah i they're quite like tall um and like narrow their weight is they're pretty nice um yeah so people travel and they go and look at the buttons so i feel like i should i should head up that way time to make some nebulous stuff on the blender i think that's what is ultimately gonna happen is it's like anything you do as a 3d artist ends up being about 3d art you can trick yourself into saying you have lots of different hobbies but at the end of the day you're just using them for reference material all right let's get this soffit up if anybody knows something about architecture and knows that i'm actually not talking about soffits or has a correction for me feel free bird tutorials how am i going to make procedural birds there's been quite a few times when i'm like i really want to do a tutorial on just like modeling something but it's like that's that's not what my channel is for and you live on the coastline in germany where there are some specific nature reserves okay that's a good way to be to enjoy doing stuff with your parents gotta um you know appreciate them well while you can alrighty then yeah they're probably i expect there's quite a lot of like bird life around me i'm right on the coast as well up in um there's a place in the north of england called um what is it called uh the kent estuary i think that's what it's called i might be wrong about that basically it's like a really shallow big tidal area that's really bad description but uh the it's like the fastest tide fastest incoming tide in the uk um so you definitely don't want to be caught out in it because it will out it can outrun a horse so even if you're on horseback your horse would get pulled under but there is a lot a lot a lot of wildlife out here okay that's uh way too big but it kind of works hello all right let's get these soffits on the next ones as well i'm just gonna take the same one because it's already pretty much scaled scaled and has noise displacement um probably notice a little bit of like a phase difference for this middle one just because it's going to be compressed but i think that's probably fine all right let's bring this one up uh join in that's horrifying over there the tides it's i mean it's amazing place though the uh if you it's one of those places where it doesn't really matter if you can swim because the seas never like it's never deep enough really to swim in but there's so much quicksand so again it also doesn't really matter if you can swim because you will you will be thinking we have the coast guard like drive frantically up and down the road every i don't know at least every week i guess people get caught out there quite frequently lots of hawks and falcons are amazing maybe i should just get more into like wildlife oops yeah we have a lot of hair around here um hair are like big rabbits with they have black tips on the ear they're a bit more like i don't know they're kind of a cross between like a dog a rabbit and a kangaroo uh but they're like they're small they're bigger than a rabbit but they're not they're not big can i sing no you don't want to hear me sing that would be like the least relaxing thing that i could do at this point wait are you saying hairs have creepy eyes heads are beautiful wait let me although they do like you know the way dogs always have like the whites of their eyes showing or not always but you know i think they're quite nice very elegant creatures kind of like amber eyes second vote for singing no please don't don't pressure me singing is one of those things that like as soon as you have it in your head you're like but maybe maybe i can i i can't i definitely definitely cannot how much did you study this and how to use node count node count you just grab the add-on there's an add-on in the discord channel i think it's in the resources channel if you search for the user include bpy he posted it so you can find the node counter in there and it just shows up in the options no total nodes 335 in the current notary can you have quickly eyes to the windows not that again you won't see them in the darkness although maybe maybe we could like put something we need to put some hidden bonuses in there jackrabbits oh i've heard jackrabbits or like i've heard of jack rabbits before i didn't realize that they were um what you call hairs interesting everyone can sing just know everyone can sing well i don't know if you'd call what i can do singing it's like i don't not have like i can imagine a i can hold up like a tune but the the sound of my voice when i'm singing is like not good i have like really low quality singing voice uh how do i show the small node map in the corner it's an add-on yeah linked in the description it's called the node minimap add-on what's this one all right um bring this one across down and down there we go it is a little bit annoying having to work in rendered view i would really like to just be working solid view it would certainly be a little bit faster especially when you get this like uh i don't know what you'd call it like the the update lag like the wireframe is updating straight away but the actual rendered view because it cycles is just taking a moment oh my god getting lost again all right let's bring this down and then we need the next one uh by the way is the new course for beginners or should i try and learn it first and then do the course do you mean the uh the master texturing course the cg masters one i would it's difficult to say i think an interested beginner can learn anything if you take enough time over it i think officially the course is an intermediate course which doesn't mean that you couldn't follow it it just means that the final result is like intermediate content i feel like if even if you're a beginner you would basically become intermediate over the length of the course um just because you learn how to do the things chris explains it so clearly as well like he sent me some of the demos and and lessons and things and it was like i don't know he's just he's like a really natural teacher let's grab this one and join up yeah now i'm really um happy to have been because he invited me to do the course basically with him um which was just like really really unexpected but and especially because he's like quite a big name in the tutorial scene so it was like actually really an honor to be able to work with him do i plan on making updated george knows calls for fields i will release probably like one more video for the uh the canopy games course and then next summer i will do a full um i don't want to say advanced because i feel like that puts people off but like a more in-depth course with maybe a few projects maybe not as long as the spur shot course which is 10 hours but maybe like a five or six hour course something like that let's uh move this down as well here we go there's a lot of things that you should just model manually in positioning individual cubes with a transform node is just so ridiculous it's like the worst part of using procedural systems because it's basically manual but also worse than the manual way here we go right oh no have i lost wait maybe i never added it all right one more so this one is for our slightly rotated building 10 degrees off i'm interested to know uh where you folks are from because i always think of like the majority of my audience being usa and india but then uh i don't know whenever i actually talk to people individually it's always like oh from this other country what is the time above each node i'm using the experimental branch of blender which has note timings uh from russia from england brazil ah nice israel austria i love it that's like a really international crowd now britain norway an understandable decision sri lanka ireland wow that's like actually a really really mixed bunch no timings uh as in the amount of time that it takes for the node to do the thing i think i think animation nodes has it i don't know if it has it per node or if it just has it for the whole node tree i know it's virtual because it per node let's grab these back in the y here we go and down in the set you can add some slates can you find the position of the vertices at the ends of the buildings to make a procedural beam out of that well i could have done if i had been procedurally placing the buildings that's the thing like as soon as you want to curate anything manually you have to have like really forward planet a lot to be able to like make the whole thing work with a procedural system so a lot of time you just end up um the the proper term excuse my swearing is pixel pixel which is like when you know like when your art director is like move it move it like one pixel and then they tell you to move it back and it's like oh god just just let me just let it be kind of position stuff let it just let it just set how did you learn geometry nodes uh you watched my videos i watched um no i didn't i just found out how to use them i don't really know how to explain it i just used them and that's how i learned i know different people learn in different ways i learn mainly by like bashing my head against things until i work out that's how i let's virchok and it's how i learned geometry nodes um actually it's how i learned blender as well like there just wasn't a lot of stuff back in 2009-2010 can you make a city scatter of the buildings uh yeah you absolutely can do the distribution is a little bit difficult because it's um getting like orientation getting especially if you want to have like road generation it does all get a little bit challenging with geometry nodes so for the moment i would probably um i don't know a certain amount you can do with geometry notes i'd probably do like a general grid layout maybe but i think as soon as you start getting more complex stuff um especially if you start doing if you want to be doing stuff like reaction diffusion to place your roads which is like an algorithm where stuff like it's kind of like how bacterial growth happens um then that is going to be really difficult for you to do inside geometry nodes but give it a year and geometry knows we'll definitely be able to do all that sort of thing is it worth doing your earlier geometry noise tutorials like the bridge i need to remake the bridge tutorial that is on my to-do list um geometry knows has changed if you can make the bridge uh like if you can follow the tutorial with the new nodes you will really learn how the new nodes work because that's your like that's that's your achievement you know like if you follow a tutorial and it's like um uh so if you follow a tutorial and you don't really think about it you just copy you will learn nothing like i can guarantee you the amount that you take away from that tutorial uh you might have a nice render at the end of it which matches the tutor but otherwise the content like you've just essentially wasted your time if you follow the tutorial and you do it like applied to your own work applied to your own project then you will learn so much more and that will actually be useful knowledge that you will remember so i know a couple of people have followed the bridge tutorial with the field system and as a result they have learned a lot about how fields works and like about the differences because they've had to actually go and find those things and read those things so i would say yeah follow follow anything that you can anything that is going to make you do work do that that's um that's what i would say like follow houdini houdini tutorials or grasshopper tutorials and just translate it to blender there's no reason that you can't follow a tutorial from a different piece of software because the logic is still going to be consistent across everything uh banana hey like the last videos the flowers were lovely oh thank you so much that's um yeah those roses came out way better than i was expecting actually because they're basically just a box which i've squeezed and put some noise on so that worked out really well uh killing how much math did you study before knowing how to apply for geometry nodes i um a simple signing course scares you well i think uh so this isn't true for me for geometry nodes but it is true for me for shaders i basically didn't learn any maths before getting really into procedural shaders i learnt maths from procedural shaders because i was using it right i was like i was using sign and i could see that it did the thing right and i you know you google it and you're like what's the like range it goes from minus one to one and then you know that and it's like okay well i know what it looks like and that's it right it's not it's not like you need to know what sine and cos is doing you just it's just a different shape to brush it's like in photoshop you have your hard round and your soft round and your your rake brush and they're just different shaped brushes you don't need to know like how it works or you know you don't need to know like how it follows the pen as you draw like with your rake but you're in in shaders and in geometry notes it's exactly the same it's like oh i need it to like oscillate i need something which is like on and off and then you're like oh well i know that sign does that so i just make sine do it it's not about the maths it's you obviously you got to know a little bit of like okay well sign goes from minus one to one so how do i make it go from like zero to four well you can put it through a map range or you could like add one and then multiply by two so that's kind of the extent of the maths is very basic arithmetic everything else is just being like oh well i remember what that brush looks like so i'll use that one that's how i use geometry nodes i know that's not a very satisfying answer everybody always wants to know like oh what book should i read on maths and it's like ah i don't know i don't even watch like people ask for videos and it's like i know other people have recommended three blue one brown but i don't know if i've ever watched any i'm just not really i'm not really into learning i like just learning in my own time by trying stuff um the frost was so simple but it looks so good thank you yeah i was really surprised at how good that came out that's what happens when you break energy conservation though you just make a glass shader and you make the color more than one and it'll look nice and glowy and fluffy it's exactly the same as what i did for the urbadew in the g scatter tutorial it's like you just make it more bright and it looks magical if you're stuck hit your head against the wall 100 times absolutely i know there's other people who disagree i i've said that before and i think it was maybe bradley on discord was like i think you should not waste your time doing that i was like well i don't know that's like that's how i learn best because i know that i've overcome that hurdle even if i could have taken a shortcut i'm not going to remember if i just read it whereas if i learn the process i'm going to i'm going to have to go there when you get stuck you roll in the corner and cry that happens less and less like fair enough if that's happening now but the more you do the less often that will happen scripto where is your question let me find that um oh here we go i use autodesk and unreal engine and you want to start using blender for animation since blender is capable of doing advanced animations and characters and particles wait sorry oh is blender capable of doing advanced animations yeah you can make feature films with blender there's really not a limit to what you can do with it if you can think it you can make it it might not be the most efficient tool like you know houdini is better at some things but if you can i can't think of anything but blender could not do like any end result blender could not output you can make yeah you can make anything yeah next gen was a sick film the uh uh maya and the three again the same studio tangent labs auto retention animation that's like a series but again made in blender just like really high quality stuff yeah blend is great people always look at blender like oh it's free so it must be rubbish but that's just not how it is with blender um all right let me cut out some of these bricks because we have such a big um board i can probably just use a selection plane so masks the selection plane is just an infinite plane like above and below how does the idea of the flower come endless blooms have been done a lot i've seen one of my favorite artists is a guy called michael oh well his name is michael but his uh his twitter and his instagram handle are michael and um he's great wait let me just add this while i'm thinking about it and i'll find his twitter because he's amazing um [Music] actually i think i sent him to somebody on instagram a couple days ago let's give me a sec i think he used to work he might still work for apple i'm not sure if he still does he's a really young guy though like motion graphics guy does a lot of cinema 4d he's very inspirational i really need to revisit something which i made at the start of um at the start of geometry nodes and i tried to make it but it wasn't possible but i think it now is so i need to actually revisit that um which is like flowers blooming as the sun comes across them oh here we go let's uh grab this one so he uses houdini and cinema 4d but he just makes some really incredible stuff i love this one this one's like old now 38 weeks ago but yeah michael one of my faves um you know that nodes on blender is a big thing but it's difficult to know what changes occur with the render or animation of a lot of objects wait sorry i'm confused at your question master chief master chief um it's difficult to know what changes occur will the render or animation be quicker or a program with 3d objects maybe we would uh if you reword your question let me also drop this guy's social link man so good um right then did he do the one with the god rays through the window that each player reacted to yes that's the one that i tried to redo and when i did it to get the because it was all like attribute sample texture um and there was no raycast at the time i manually baked the shadow um yeah the shadow map on the floor for like uh yeah i think it was like 300 frames or something and i manually went through and baked every single one of these shadow maps it was just it was incredibly stupid but i think we could now actually do it with um [Music] with geometry nodes and the raycast and just using things as a collection and then like finding out where the hits on the floor match the actual floor like weather basically if you have like a collection right because i obviously need the hits to hit the window as well um so i need to make a bunch of stuff yeah i basically just need to find out where the hits hit the correct surfaces and then i can transfer that to the instances which i now think we can do with instance attributes which i saw eric and hans talking about um so that's exciting and is this not working oh yes it is working um anyway yeah so i just need to uh actually redo it actually his he definitely had that one as well i think it's probably on his instagram um yeah this one oh it's so good i really just need to get it working i feel like there's a little bit of like bloom on the individual petals but the majority of the effect is coming from the uh scaling but it's super simple you can just do that with a raycast now i'm pretty sure i think anyway because it's definitely a gradient on the size i need to work it out i need to have a go it looks like a fun process though uh right then that's oops and then why it's not doing anything weird oh right it's because it's rotated that's why all right so that is all cut down now i can just add my tile roofs which i don't even know if i can see oh yeah i can totally see through these so i need to add the tiles which is just another brick wall node um and before i do i need to get rid of the end of this one which is on the shop front on the bottom here make this a bit bigger there we go nice does ray casting only work with light or does every object cast array every the raycast works basically right so if i have if i have a grid of points right and let's say this is a three by three grid so i have nine vertices and i use a raycast on um i don't think you'd be able to use the camera because it doesn't actually have geometry or light um but you could do it on like a vertex for example right so let's say you use you use a vertex as your target geometry oh my god i'm mixing capital and lowercase embarrassing um so you have this right this is the target so every vertex on your main geometry is going to cast a array basically and you can set the ray direction so you would subtract you'd find out the difference between the two vectors so the position subtract your target position and this would give you the ray direction from each point to that and you'd be able to find out the distance and like the position if it hits and all sorts of stuff like that but what you would essentially do if you had that window set up is you'd find out like okay well if this is my target up here and i have my window and i have my floor which of these points can cast and hit that light like if this one goes up it's going to hit the wall so this is not a hit um but i need to find a way to make that work because at the moment i'm thinking actually maybe the ray cast ignores self intersections or like rays going through itself because i think i tried to do sun shading for light for um for plant growth before uh so that you'd have like an overhang in a cliff and you would not have plants underneath it even though it was like an upward facing surface which was like my other rule anyway um yeah it's just something that needs testing um what is your reaction when you made a super scene very hard and slow your work show your work to your friend who didn't interested in blender and you mean like somebody who basically doesn't understand that what you've made is very good i make sure that i tell people before i show it to them that i'm about to show them something amazing and then even if they don't get it they can react correctly i know it's like a really bad way of doing it but i'm just like if you're proud of something don't be afraid to tell people you're proud of it because if they don't understand and they're like cool that's just disheartening nobody wants that uh right let's make some moves so i need a brick straight uh generator brick straight somebody on one of my videos commented like oh it's a shame that nobody else can remake these because you're using your own notes and it's like you can make these notes these are fairly i want to say simple they look complex but it's just because everything is coming through here but it's like i'm just instancing let me find it on a mesh line and doing a little bit of maths right so all of these nodes in my add-on are made of nodes which are in blender these are not like custom node groups these are just like well they're not custom nodes they're just node groups um uh should so no simple ender's having a lot of attention and you're having difficulty seeing how this new feature changes things like animation and animation or renders for architecture so if you integrate it properly uh will you be able to watch the stream back later you will yes this is just going to be like left publicly um yeah so if you integrate nodes and proceduralism properly into your workflow it will speed you up what i'm doing here is not fast what i'm doing here is just because it's november i'm doing everything with nodes i would never normally do this i would do like a a combined process of like normal modeling where you actually just make stuff that is what you want you know i could have got here in half the speed making this manually um but then certain things is going to really really speed you up on so if i render this i mean this is all rendered view now you can see that this is like super responsive even though it's just you know there's still quite a lot of stuff going on here but it's still pretty performant because instances are fast uh would you instant stuff like the bricks uh probably yeah but i would hand position them you know i'd make a wall or you know i might yeah i would make a wall and then i would move it i wouldn't do all the other stuff with like the transforms i would use arrays probably instead of like doing it all in the node tree just because you know there's like a lot of stuff in blender blender is huge it's not all about geometry nodes i know all of the development at the moment and all of the exciting like publicizing that happens with blender at the moment is all about geometry notes but that's just because it's the new thing that puts blender on the map for proceduralism um so yeah i wouldn't be too put off by it though there's a lot of stuff that you can do without needing nodes and like those workflows always still there i i saw somebody asking a few days ago like oh well it's everything going to be nodes now like are you going to get rid of normal modeling and make everybody use nodes it's like that's not it like these nodes are just a sort of intermediate to advanced tool for users who use them it's not for everybody and it's never really like a beginner system so um yeah you wish you could connect mesh primitives to point instance as an object rather needing a source object from my scene i would like you to have like a random container object every time you want a node tree uh how far ahead would you say houdini is compared to blender when it comes to procedural node-based workflows i would say houdini is about 22 years ahead is that right i think it's about right i mean houdini is like so far ahead like it's what they do that's the thing blender is never going to be like a procedural workflow tool it's just going to be a tool which has procedure workflows you know blender is a generalist tool when's this i need the wikipedia also for anybody interested houdini apprentice is free so i know people get really up in arms about it being like oh it's so expensive four and a half thousand pounds for a license and it's like that is expensive but you can get it for free houdini one came out in 1996 so houdini is old compared to the blender procedural workflows no like in junction it's adding a mesh primitive they don't connect to the object for a point instance unless it does and i just couldn't make it work but sorry i'm not understanding that um yeah anyway right let me just jump into the roof now uh join geometry uh yeah i think you probably can get houdini full or maybe a houdini student is the full thing if you're a freelancer like me you could probably get houdini um you can get houdini indie for like 200 pounds i think but also get it on steam um because it's cheaper so yeah if you want to get houdini buy it through steam because it's like it's cheaper you often get sales and they all update itself which is nice um what do you do if your pc sucks or is stuck during making a procedural thing um just make it simpler like if i was having a hard time showing the walls then i would just not show the walls i would show you know just the bits i was working on i would use objects that would be placeholders so i could help myself reference positions and then i would render it all stuck together um and i may i might do something called headless rendering which is where you render without having blender so you just render from you get blended to render from a command line basically um so that's pretty much always a way that you can get around it the written house trail verdict and what's that from also if you're ever ending rendering a scene break it up yeah in production you know if you don't be um under the misapprehension that professional 3d artists have computers that can handle like a full marvel world with all of the animations and particles and everything going on at the same time they absolutely do not everybody breaks up scenes into layers everybody does different stuff you use render layers you use so many different things um like you've had iv on building and render that separately and add it together in comp yeah yeah knowing how to set up render layers using your different view layers or even different scenes although i probably wouldn't recommend that view layers are better because you can set things like um hold out which makes part of the mesh uh part of the render transparent so that you can have stuff which is what should be behind uh you have indirect which means that things will only appear in like reflections or shadows rather than be like directly um yeah there's loads of ways that you can split it up if you're me and you're lazy then you just work while the computer is slow i'm pretty happy to work on blender while it's running at like 15 fps do you know something weird our random color per face has stopped happening well that's very peculiar hold up i need to find out where this bug stops happening this is so odd is this just not even happening anymore so confused so all right so for people who weren't here earlier on there is a thing in blender weird it's totally behaving fine now there's a thing where sometimes it'll um basically just stop doing random value per island correctly and it'll do a random value per face which gives you loads of errors um yeah but it seems to have fixed itself while we've been working so that's good i guess it'll make your texturing a little bit easier with geometry nodes you can finally do proxies yeah you can so if you use a utility switch right so let's say you have a cube that you want to use and you have so this is like your bounding box kind of thing and then um maybe an ico sphere right just so you can see a point of difference here in my switch you can see i can switch that right um bring that in a little bit so you can see i can switch that on the switch which is good and you can see that the timing only calculates the one which is being viewed which is obviously really useful um so if you're using geometry right and you need a proxy you can just use the is viewport um and you actually need to go the other way so then you set your proxy in false and your high res one in true and now if i rendered this let me also just translate this up so it's in view right so obviously this is the cube right now but if i change this over to the image editor render result and if i hit f12 blender crashes but what it should have done is um has rendered the sphere because it would have been like is this the viewport or is this the render and then when it says about the render then it's going to render the other thing all right okay it's fine we haven't lost anything oh my god cool right back to where we were let's just make these reeves sorry no it's it's um it's because i'm in 3.1 alpha and an experimental branch uh the blender launcher thing don't let me find you a link for that i should that's another one i need to start adding to the description dot bow blender launcher um here we go i'll just link you to the actual release page there we go yeah blender launcher it's gonna it's gonna save you some time right then okay so i need some slates which is gonna be cubes no they're not they're just gonna be grids because we see them from such a low angle so grid three by three point four by point eight is i think actually the size how do you describe the end result that you're looking to achieve with this piece um hopefully a very like noir sort of that film genre noir um [Music] kind of like sin city but more steampunky let's hope i hope i get that man two and a half hours in i'm not really achieving much here right instances instant points i'm like so bad at staying um not like focused but keeping uh keeping doing what i'm doing i like i run out of inertia very very quickly it's not a good way to be um right let's make these higher and rotate in the x-axis something like this that's fine um and then i just need to stick it on the roof might also do a little bit of um randomizing i don't know if it's worth it just because they will be oh do you know what i could actually do i could make let's do it this way instead of a grid i'm going to use a curved primitive quadrilateral with a fillet so let's make this point 4 by 0.8 so just the same but with the fill it i can and the fill curve so fill curve on here there we go and i will also use a curve fill it so i can get that bevel a bit of a random question is there any way to drive camera movement with geometry nodes you know what i actually don't know let's give it let's give it a try my uh my assumption would be no that would be my guess but maybe oh my goodness come on this is very challenging um is this a november prompt i'll just something you wanted to make uh this is the black and white prompts i'm rolling them together so it's going to be a black and white street scene um you saw the post for the link for michael but you weren't listening why you're referencing him because somebody was asking why i did the uh the endless bloom flower and i just thought that his work i don't know i've just always been a real big fan of his work i think it's really beautiful um and he's where i really saw somebody do a good job of an endless bloom so yeah his work you probably use an object with geometry nodes and then use constraints for it to drive the camera maybe um i would like to say that you could wait let me sorry let me just do this real quick and then i will try something which i think won't work but it just in case it does really why is this all down here oh okay maybe i put that one before then oh and the fill curve gives you a mesh all right never mind i was thinking that i would be able to give like a a random fillet per corner but alas no all right let's do that and that right okay let's try a new blender file here i don't think his work is procedural though um it's not really um i mean it's certainly art directed but it's mostly procedural it's uh it's all like cinema 4d and houdini his stuff he's been doing a lot of stuff recently with shoes or not really recently but over summer with with shoes right so something that you may or may not know is oh wait is there a way to recover when blender alpha version crashes you go file recover auto save and it should give you the uh it should give you an auto save right then so if i do this as an instance and then i let's just animate this moving uh let's just do this i and then we're gonna do that or maybe rotating the zed or something there we go so our camera instance works and if i do control no that hasn't worked that's a shame no it doesn't look like there's a way so if it didn't give you a recovery file then it did not give you one there is no recovery you just need to make sure that you are saving there's an add-on called powersave i think that makes it easier for you to save so that might be worth looking at all right let's get this let's get this roof on the on the roof down like this and we're just going to rotate it in the x-axis always getting that wrong uh parent a camera to an object and use the object with geometry knows to move the camera i don't know because the geometry nodes doesn't actually move the object um so i'm not sure if it would actually work correctly because it's not actually going to be um i don't think it's going to update correctly if that makes sense hey you fiction i'm doing good thank you how are you i want the compulsive control s absolutely the same i do all the time on the internet which is really annoying like you know when you're on a browser and you control s and it's like oh you want to save this page it's like no i just i just wanted to save that i like typed something in all right let's come down and minus y that's probably fine uh is my cold better it is better thank you so much it's um yeah it took a little while but it's uh it took like a week which i'm not normally well i've not been ill for a really long time because social distancing is really good for just generally not getting ill who would have thought it but uh yeah so i haven't been ill for ages and i kind of forgot that colds make me ill for like a week but it's fine i'm all good now um yeah how are you doing are you are you well whoever said that they liked how colorful it was earlier i agree it feels really like candyland um right just need to copy that one onto the side so grab that duplicate these tell about your family um i'm good um i actually i really want to um me i feel like i'm at the age where i'm like i'm ready to move you know like i'm ready to get some space girl on my own i'm probably older than most people would be to have that impulse but nice that fits uh can you make a geometry node group that helps me pick women procedurally um the lighting looks so good can you suggest some good resources for learning about lighting um go to an art gallery artists choose how light should work and uh that's basically what you need to do is uh to choose how you think that the light in your scene needs to behave obviously understanding things like composition is really important as well because you know it all has to be in service to whatever you're doing um i'm pretty sure george knows grief is going to be a repellant i agree there's like some things that just don't work for you know like first date conversations it's like yeah i just i love blender so much yeah i'm not gonna be getting a second date all right cool one two more moves here we go um best way of doing that is not just withdrawn [Laughter] yeah just go outside um let's bring these ones across rotate minus 10 no 810 that's all we need oh i wish i wish you could like click on a transform node and then have a transform gizmo and it will just like update live that's what i want i just want access to uh yeah to gizmos there we go something like this doesn't give a damn about blender not just doesn't give a damn but i'm like i'm sure it's a nuisance when it comes up the thing is with like blender people at least something which i think is consistent with a lot of blender people is the strength of our conviction to use it and to make other people use it because it's like oh he's so good it's so good and it's free but then it's like people who are using meyer are pretty happy to be using maya they don't need you telling them to use blender but we still do it all the time i cannot stop ourselves right then let's grab another one and just move this one up here we go i could scale this but then it's gonna look a bit weird so i'm just gonna let it shoot through that building hopefully it won't intersect the window oh no it's definitely going to inside the window i don't want to bully in it oh but i can delete geometry let's just do that then so um yeah we'll just use the selection plane to delete geometry so let's grab a geometry delete geometry and delete all the points which are masks selection plane inside the um this region and then we can bring this down cool let's invert that and that's pretty good it's probably fine for the camera yeah melody how do you know someone's a blender user they'll tell you it's absolutely true i always feel so bad when i'm like oh yeah but maybe you should try blender to another artist because it's like yeah you're just doing like the blender cult thing again all right i need to get the cool arches and the spikes and i need the building background actually um so camera looking up we've done that one we've got the sash windows i can add gutters and pipes cool um i mean to be fair i could just render it at this point and be like well it's done like make it nice and black and white and moody but i do i feel like i want to take it further cinema crash d yeah that's the worst thing about meyer is like it crashes as much as blender but blender reopens like instantly and maya reopens in like five minutes oh yeah there's definitely things which are wrong with blender though uvs for sure um video sequence editor for sure there's a lot of work which has been put into that like 10 10 to 10 i think that's his name um on twitter anyway it's done like loads of really good work but then i feel like it just doesn't get added i occasionally see him getting frustrated um you have to go as far as possible for doing something procedurally just for fun this is true okay i need gutters i think that'll be a fun thing to add and wires connecting both sides and i might put some like sheets on so if i'm having wires i need some points for the wires connecting oh wait i want that arch canopy because i think that might actually control some things because it's going to be coming down from like here oh my and my uh do i like bigger mouse pointers no i don't but people watch my videos on mobile devices so it's important that they can see where my mouse is but on my screen it's literally like two and a half three centimeters long it's huge um in the stream comments i'm not bri i'm not doing much on my scene to be fair yeah the big ass pointer as soon as you notice how big it is it's like whoa that's actually really big but it does help right i mean if you haven't noticed it then that means it's good design you're only ever aware of stuff which is bad uh cool let's add wait what does all this do these are the roof tiles 8420 420 nodes we're getting there i don't it's not like numbers matter but i would like to at least have like a thousand nodes i feel like that's a good place to get to you know you're making something which is actually fairly complex at that point all right set material let's make this one to the roof tiles ah i'm not gonna bend this one i'm sorry crackles this one is um this one i'm not even gonna animate it i'm just gonna do a single flat like just a straight render um i think anyway oh my god now i've got the idea of animating it in my head i mean i could bend it it'd be really easy to bend it let's just have a let's have a little test of bending it and see if it works it might be cool to do like a you know like a twist um the doctor's strange madness that that film oh i don't think it's a very good film but the vfx are incredible but then i except from the whole like dormammu or whatever his name was that just looked like ass that was so rubbish i generally i'm not a fan of the marvel films just generally superhero films have to do something really special to get my attention no more inception you asked for it now set position this is on you crackles input position um hey use unknown how's it going um geometry wait what am i looking for vector rotate we're going to be rotating in the x-axis at about five meters up let's go into position here that's maybe a little bit high oh god let's uh let's realize things first uh realize instances here we go have you seen the foundation c cg uh oh no but i saw the trailer for it so i actually should have another look at um i should have a deeper look i think jimmy gonna one blender sushi guy i think he posted some stuff about it a while ago he planted the seed uh vector separate xyz map range on the y on the x enter the angle whoa oh okay well it's twisted let's make this a bit longer e yeah who doesn't like twisty buildings um which is the best one that i made oh would you mean for um like for november stuff why is this not oh maybe i should also do it like a little bit times the z-axis axis so let's do this as a former c40 user uh the subscription train yeah i'm not like against the subscription thing i think it works for some people but it's just i don't know you gotta like want it yeah you're gonna want that subscription for it to be good because if you're a freelancer right and it's um and your client comes along and is like i really need you to do this project for two months and i need you to be using maya 2020 2021 whatever it is at the moment you can just be like yeah this is fine you pay for my subscription for the next two months you just charge it to the client so i think for a lot of people it actually does make sense um maybe like this and maybe we do like a little corner like bend it lengthways as well so we'll do this in the z axis and we'll do this maybe clamp this one smoother and this one can be like minus 15 minus 12. oh yeah if you stop paying your files are worthless that is such a valid point like it's ridiculous to think that um then uh but you yeah it's ridiculous that you can't then go and use your files like they're your files absolutely nuts why is this not working oh because it's going the other way um -20 here we go uh conversion feature for rhino oh wait do you mean for people using rhino or i know um i know someone's made cycles for rhino which is cool uh is it possible to use geometry nodes with animation nodes yeah yeah you can send data attributes from geometry nodes to animation notes and back uh same for shock you can send attributes to and from virtual um what's the prompt here or what am i aiming for i'm going for like a steampunk kind of gothic city the random colors by the way this is just a temporary thing so i can visualize because otherwise it's just all green right uh jose i wanted to make some dust particles procedurally i can't find anything close to anywhere um how accurate are your dust particles needing to be i mean i did dust particles in the splash screen and i just used my grid node which makes like a 3d bunch of grids a bunch of points um randomized the positions so they're all like scattered around and then i made like a little uh i could i don't know what you'd call it kind of like a fortune cookie kind of thing you know like four triangles in a little shape and uh basically yeah just made it have an emission texture and that's all i did for that um because the thing is with dust is like it's so fine i know some people like to actually make real dust particles but it's like if you're not using the fewest faces possible you could even do it with a single triangle oh tetrahedron thank you uh yeah if if you you could just do it with a single triangle even and it's going to be um even lighter obviously it depends if you need to export or anything it's just whether or not you can get the density high enough and then it's also whether or not your denoiser is going to kill it for me the denoising made it more painterly which was good for the splash screen um so which is why i actually use them because it was like to make denoising artifacts but if you use them and you want to see them then it's probably worth doing like without dust denoised and then render just your dust uh will i upload the stream to the channel yeah this is going to just be available it should show up in my videos um it'll just be literally this like as a live stream right okay let me go to these bendy buildings as cool as they look i don't think it's really it's not what i'm going for today oh man this looks so boring now okay we just got to add a lot of stuff let's make some things i'm trying to work out what the easiest way to make these like arches is going to be i think with a curved circle all right let's just do it this way um radius is going to be quite big like 20. just so that we have like a section of it which is a bit less arced maybe maybe a bit less than that maybe 10. um set cyclic to be off and then we're also going to trim it so trim curve down to like less less than this gonna go probably something around here there we go have we got rid of all of those points as well i'm gonna have to resample this so curve resample uh when you get into the telephone wires can you show one how to wrap objects around others how do you mean around others um because i will be doing like point point but i'll be using bezier and controlling the handle positions to like fake catenary curves or catenary katana i don't know how to pronounce that this needs way more points all right um uh like wire around a pole oh i see what you mean um i would probably just use a spiral node to be honest i would like make a bunch of things that were like actually right around the other alternative is to use the raycast to essentially shrink wrap stuff to an object um or even the geometry proximity would do so for example if i have let me just do this on a new object here uh like if i have a monkey and i just add a note tree here let me add a curved primitive spiral and i'll join these together let me just transform this a little bit um let's also just move this one up slightly and i'm kind of cheating but there we go um so what i could do is i could use the nearest point so let's use a geometry proximity to find out where the nearest position is basically um i can then just use like a geometry set position node for this right and now this is sticking as best as it can to that surface um if i just show that so you can see that yeah it's basically stuck to the surface another alternative would be to use a raycast which points in the opposite direction for something like this where it's like radial right you've got the positions and if you raycast in the opposite direction to where the position is it'll basically point towards the middle so raycast in this case would be the input position with a vector math set to scale -1 and now we're going into the ray direction and now we're taking those hit positions um does this not work on a curve maybe hmm that's weird so it's not actually hitting the surface of the target geometry now i'm confused oh maybe i need to just make sure that this is not going in the z direction as well uh back to math multiply by one one zero okay so we still have some which below which is understandable um but the rest of these are on the surface so if i do that and then i do like a curved circle in here point one there you go you can see that's now wrapping onto that surface bar everything which uh falls off the bottom which you could use the is hit as the selection and then it's like everything which doesn't hit or you could even delete those points right you could use like a geometry delete geometry for the points which are not hit so you'd have to invert that right with a utility boolean math center not on here there we go so now every point that doesn't hit the surface gets deleted and everything else gets wrapped onto the surface that actually worked pretty well um cool so that's how you can wrap stuff you can make that as like dense as you want as well so yeah raycast raycast is like your do everything node it's great you can basically control so much stuff with raycast right let me delete that delete that and go back to our buildings um right then let's grab if i make this into a few things so i want to have like a an x pattern of trusses across here and i really want like a poke faces thing uh see you later ponzola thanks for jumping in so i need um yeah we don't have perk faces so i'm going to use triangulate fixed and fixed alternate and then merge them together so that's kind of a cheap way of doing it i don't know if you'll even see these to be honest but i will just add them anyway so i'm going to do a curve to mesh with a curved line i'm just going to go in this direction something like that 1.2 meters is fine and we can get fewer points to the more square and then now that we have a mesh we can sorry we can grab a triangulate node mesh triangulate so this one is going to go fixed which is all one direction as you can see there and fixed alternate is all the other direction which you can see there um so i need to remove these edges from one of them so i don't double up because there's no merge doubles yet so we can delete geometry where we have geometry proximity to the edges is less than zero okay that's like getting rid of everything great oh wait no we're just doing edges cool man that was super easy um so now we just have our diagonals for this one and we have all of it for this one so now i can join these together now we have our axes and then we can just do a meshed curve curve to mesh so mesh to curve go to mesh and i will just do this with a quadrilateral unless it's all random directions um curved primitive quadrilateral here we go um oh nice that's worked out really well actually so let's do one like this and i will also do one that's like a little bit different um so both of these duplicates join this one is going to be less tall but more thick and i will also offset it hopefully this is going to work hmm maybe it does not work in this case i was thinking i could like move them all into the middle oh yeah but that actually wouldn't make any sense all right so we'll do this and that's just giving me like a little bit more detail a little bit more that the light can catch and even better we can stick a fillet a fillet on there and get a chamfer so poly 0.01 that's giving us a little bevel and i'll do the same on the other so that's all of our bevels done on this bit and then we can just add this into our main geometry so this is our trusses uh we can array these so i just need to rotate them and then linear array transform rotate these uh this way yeah 90 there we go and now i can just stick this onto a linear array uh minus five minus three cool looking good we maybe will see some of it as well so that's good need to find the rest of the building there we go let's bring these ones back a little bit something like this it's probably fine and oh that's too high for the windows it's like on top of the roofs maybe it's fine actually yeah it's fine as long as you don't really question it that's all that really matters go up slightly there we go these should probably be scaled down a little bit um let's grab these under like point eight maybe uh you can't take your eyes off thanks there's a there's so many things which is like a teachable moment that's what i really like about streaming is it's like um there's always like something that can be taken away from it maybe we can rotate these out from here and that's gonna look good something like that cool so now i just need to put on a little bit of a canopy i guess this probably needs a little bit more um like ironwork up here as well but for now i will just make it glass glazings the nodes in 3.1 are so different to the attribute system um it's not for naught it's uh the logic is still the same you just need to learn the new nodes it's all just uh like maths now rather than attribute maths it's just maths you don't need to be like joining stuff up in a confusing way and writing attribute names you just join it directly and hey folk how's it going david right i need some kind of edge um the custom build it's so good i'm like i'm such a uh i'm such a sucker for analytics if somebody gives me a way to like measure the performance of things i'm just gonna always use that one i love it and i've not actually noticed really any instability and i hate to be uncritical but i also can't think of any reason like any way that i would improve it like it just works really well already um they're showing on the lower side of the roof they are slightly but if i move them on this side they will go through the window and that would be annoying i think you won't see this because it'll be in shadow i think this will just be black here when it's actually rendered so i'm i think it's going to be all right how do you enable the analytics you download the 3.1 alpha geometry nodes timing temporary branch and that'll do you our like faces have still it's weird they're still not broken like they were at the beginning you have a fast question is there a way to get an attribute for instance a vertex color channel from an object info node um do you mean how do you call the custom attribute from a node which you just use the geometry the sorry the node in the group input node um so even though you're calling from an object info node right even if you're using this geometry if you plug in your attribute through the modifier front it's still going to understand that like okay this is the name that's all it's going to care about right this is the name this is what i'm referencing and because it's looking at this geometry it's going to work so you're still going to be good with that right i need uh yeah i need my little cylinder so i'm just going to use my toolkit because i've got a cylinder which has like variable angle cylinder here we go and i might just join let's just join in normally um and i will edit this so that i don't have any fill no fill there we go and now we can set an angle oh have i made it so that there's like a damn i thought it was being smart or something all right let's not use that let's just use the curve and align again curve primitive curve oh wait i've already got this one let's just use this curve to mesh with the mesh line duplicate these bring them down transform and join yeah that is so annoying and node wrangler really needs fixing um if you didn't get uh oh right yeah in the box because it'll be for a different geometry it should have as far as i'm aware it should just work as needed i think um what am i doing here uh join geometry doesn't remove existing links all right um where is this oh it's over there so i need to re-sample this one so that we have a few more points oh god where's everything going and this time we're going up in the z direction or maybe the y yeah that'll do 90 and 90. here we go let's make it a little bit longer we are starting to get into the region of it being slow like updating is taking a while but i wouldn't say the node tree is actually taking too long um no i mean each thing is like less than 10 milliseconds hmm still feels a bit laggy now use one now and see you later man thanks for stopping by the stream all right let's grab this one back in the y can maybe remove a few of these faces at random just so we have holes in the glass maybe add a couple more there we go and i need to scale this one down as well do it 0.8 there we go go something like that and just moving things around yeah a lot of this process i feel like i've said this 100 times but it's just iterate and iterate and iterate we're getting we've got that random per face thing happening again it really does seem to get thrown off by these uh curved mesh things it's like always that that breaks here we go nice something like this is fine and we can oh we don't we've always got like a little bit extra oh and of course it's going out there and jesus wait 20 okay that's pretty much square cool right that's working pretty much as intended just need to remove a few panels at random so we'll just use a delete geometry um yeah geometry i guess we need more we'll need a little grid work as well um that's fine so uh we'll use mesh meshed curve curved mesh just with a circle so keep it nice and simple for the little one curve to mesh this can be like .05 or something maybe even less um oh these the coordinate system in here is very annoying um carol says hey i have a very basic question how do you set up ctrl shift left mouse button to connect to the geo node and source yeah so the the default i recommend relearning a new default just because changing blended default shortcuts is always like a bit of a risky business um like just in case stuff gets changed later or you know in like collisions with other shortcuts um basically the proper way to join to the output is now shift alt left click shift alt left click um let's get my shortcuts viewer yeah shift alt left will join to the output viewer sorry the group output and control shift click will join on to the viewer so that's just worth worth sort of updating your muscle memory for let's make sure i'm getting a good amount of cover on here actually let's go 25 where am i looking 10 there we go right curved mesh you can see it creating some problems if you have the same vertex channel on both objects though um it shouldn't be a problem because every field is red in the context of the geometry that you use it on so if it's um yeah so it's always going to be using even if you have it like written on both it's only going to reference it from the the geometry spreadsheet that you're actually looking at at that moment so that's why it kind of you always get away with it i know it can be a little bit like unintuitive for that to work but it it generally does so should be all right yeah channels here all right then transform geometry delete geometry we're going to be deleting bases and we're going to be just deleting these at random so let's go ahead and use a random value node set to boolean and this gives us a probability and you can delete random faces there we go nice and easy so delete that join that back up uh oh wait not this one this one doesn't want to be joined up it's the curve to mesh that one's joining up because this wants to be set all at the same material with like the the metal new material metal cool i wonder if i can easily set a material based on where the holes in the roof are like if i can raycast where the gaps are to make the wall shiny for like water uh yeah like it's got wet and here we go man this coordinate system in the no tree is so broken absolutely ridiculous it's like if you're using the node wrangler and you start like um joining stuff together and it's i mean i can't even see which nodes are selected at this point it's highlighted it so far outside the field of view yeah i mean that's ridiculous it's over here crazy i have no idea why that happens but it seems specifically in no trees the larger they get the more inaccurate they get glass oh i need two types of glass actually i need skylight which is going to be dirty and windows which are going to be yellow because i don't have an interior so i have to like fake it which i might use parallax actually will i i have a parallel shader so i might use that just because it's like instant room which is obviously very convenient all right here we go starting to get somewhere let's add i want to add something up here some kind of building which is clearly really tall i'm not really sure what it'll look like though maybe some kind of tower um and then i also want to put spikes on all the window cells like pigeon spikes and also one there and maybe some balcony fences basically it's called hostile architecture where you get like pigeon spikes or um benches which have uh armrests in the middle so that people can't sleep on them or you get like spiked bricks underneath um underneath motorway bridges freeway bridges so basically just things to prevent people from sleeping rough but you can also add them to your scene to add like a lot of uh visual noise and interest and things like that okay now i think this is going to end up like so grainy and edited in post post-process which i guess i'm going to have to do in the compositor um [Music] yeah but hopefully there's going to be enough like volumetric stuff going on that we don't really see the end of these it's pigeons who are wrong more spikes i hate pigeons like proper sky rats they're so filthy not the most common live on youtube everybody likes a little bit of geometry notes i feel like i mean there's 84 viewers i bet we have about 10 people who are actually like watching i feel like a lot of people turn out this when we did uh live streams on discord and things like that there's always people in the in the like in the chat room afterwards like an hour or two hours afterwards it's like they've clearly gone to sleep i didn't get the telescope to see the pigeons unfortunately we don't really have pigeons out here we have a few like dubs but uh mostly we have like pheasants and jays we have a few ravens actually which is nice you're popping in and out well there's no there's no pressure don't we i'm just uh just happy people are here to share in the geometry nodes thrill right so i think i might have a bit of an idea for this roof it's going to be kind of like a tall four-sided oh wait no maybe kind of like tiled cables but v-shaped you know um and then like a tower kind of thing it's gonna be fairly dark but we can just like putting some lights instant some lights into the into the window holes and make sure it's like nice and dramatic against the sky uh right then that's yeah let's do that so i need to work out the best way to make this i kind of want something similar to um thomas here simon's simon thomas's windmill that he did for four-sided um but i have to admit that i actually did not see him make the roof section so i'm just gonna do it with a cube right let's wing it let's do it our way so it's going to be fairly big maybe like 10 by 10 by 20. a broken mobile tower uh i would if i wasn't going for like the vintage victorian look uh i'm trying to come up with like good ways of doing urban noise without it being like aerials and i will add some cables but i won't do them as um guillotine like specifically for the pigeons a guillotine right let's do this geometry set position utility are in input position we can do this on the z height we're basically just scaling it in x and y separately um let's also just move it up 7.5 so that i know so the numbers are a bit easier to work with another reason the cube should have like a set origin to paste option let's grab a separate xyz map range on the zed this is going from 0 to 15 and saying that as a 0 to 1 which means that we can now just use it with the float curve node how do you connect the node to the output with a hotkey it is shift alt left left mouse um here we go so uh that's doing that and i need two of these so i need one which controls the uh so except for all the missing nodes that are probably coming seem like loops extrude and all that do you feel like geometry is headed in the right direction i think loops are going to be such a big thing for pushing in the right direction because this is the thing with sverchalk is every node every node is a loop in sphere shock so if you put in 100 things it's going to output 100 things whereas in geometry knows it's like you put in 100 things and it's like i don't know what to do with this or it's it's going to pick a thing per point um so there's the data management side which is like i don't know how things are nested like okay if i come back to here how do i pick this specific truss in the roof like i can't i can't do that i can pick it by its location but i couldn't be like okay well i need to pick this bit but then pick like connected geometry you know there needs to be a way for it to be like okay this is the nested data and everything is indexed correctly based on the nesting i think once we get to true procedural modeling which i think we will get to fairly quickly um yeah i think it's going to be interesting to see what people come up with but i think it's definitely going in the right direction and it's going quickly as well i think a lot of people forget that actually geometry nodes was essentially remade from scratch for for the new field system um so it's like there's been huge changes whereas um wait multiply um yeah there's been so many changes but it's uh it's good because um we're pretty much back in like the core stuff so like all the stuff that hans has been working on and july and like all of the core devs um their stuff is all like pretty much back up to where we were with geometry nodes before um but with obviously people like johnny making all of the curved stuff you know there's there's also like it feels a little bit unbalanced at the moment like it feels like there's a lot of small things which are not core tools that are needed because people like johnny have been working like on the i don't want to say on the sides because he's been doing such a crazy amount of work which is amazing um but it makes it feel sometimes like the core stuff like loops and things like that uh haven't come in in a way that they should have done um but i think yeah we're going to see them come through really quickly now which is great all right something maybe like this um are you also a computer science major i can only very abstractly guess how stuff is implemented but you always need to have a precise idea of what's going on uh i read the i get emails every day for every single commit that comes through in geometry notes which is um you don't have to go that far it's just if you like if you go on the developer log thing you can subscribe to it um [Music] and it's i'm not gonna say it's interesting but it's you know you stay abreast of what's going on which is very useful if you want to be kind of understanding what's happening and it can be really useful as well because you see like bug reports coming through and then it's like oh well i know that's broken so i'll do something else uh and it also saves me from like reporting the same bugs but yeah i'm not a computer science major my degree was like interior design i'm not i'm not a computer or maths person um right then let's stick some tiles on here distribute some faces instance on points let's grab some cubes i guess uh and we will rotate these for the rotation and i will also add a rotate euler just so that i can also add a little bit of additional like tilt on there um also another thing that helps me stay on top of it is like it's not just me staying on top of it it's basically like all of the people on discord so my discord server has a lot of people who are like motivated to say the least uh so it's like whenever something new comes through people post it and they're like oh have you seen this it's really cool um so yeah there's just there's a lot of there's a lot of us keeping an eye on what's going on how did i i'm scaling that silly rotate it this way there we go and i want to set this to pass on disk and then just crank the density really high maybe we make this a bit bigger actually um 0.5 uh yeah time consuming it depends how insistent you are on it i guess i probably spend about 20 to 30 minutes a day just reading like okay i only read like the subject heading from the uh the thing i can show you when it's like um so we'll say like this task was generated july is creating documentation and it's like okay this is what's going on right here you know it's not like i'm going through like crazy reading everything but yeah if you're if it's something that you're interested in it's uh it's pretty easy to follow along with just because the development is so open source i don't think there's another piece of software that makes it so easy to be so close to the development and it's actually really cool that you can just go to the go to the meetings and things like that actually like properly have your say and feel like you're um not steering the development but like helping the direction that things are going in um where is the structural frame to support the current form nowhere this is just going to be super simple in the background don't know how much of the detail you're even going to see so it's just uh it's just decoration do you need to have i wish we had um extrude that would really save me some time let's use a tower and we'll just boolean well maybe i could just delete some faces from it actually and put some lights inside it that'll probably be fine how do i get the execution time above each node is it an add-on it is not it is the experimental branch geometry nodes timing temp uh so you can find like temporary experimental branches for geometry 3.1 alpha are there any physics nodes nope not yet we don't have any physics solvers although things will get really exciting when we do so that'll be a good thing to look out for i'm not sure when we'll get those added actually transform 0.5 and then this one is going to be let's go to 20 19. we go quite big actually i don't really ever know how much like forced perspective and how much to just make stuff real size in the right place um let's go 10 by 10 and i think that's gonna fit oh is this a grid foolish uh a cube there we go and i can just delete some faces at random so geometry delete and then we're going to delete faces and we're going to delete them at random i could make it by index i could do it regularly maybe that would be a good way to do it uh so if i do something like index modulo now we'll have to see let's try with six at the moment and then we'll go for compare equals zero okay well that's getting rid of some of them let's just see what happens as we increase this delete only faces here we go things are kind of coming in and now sinking away which doesn't help me well if it's basically random that's fine cool right so this is our background tower let's also just make sure that we move our roof up to the roof height and maybe make it bigger nice and purna material so material which can be bricks i guess just wants to be kind of shiny and reflective cool i just need to push this back into the background now it's really easy to lose stuff in here okay so it wants to be quite a bit smaller do need to double check my clipping range is actually going to work for it i might just scale it down at this point as well rather than making it huge it's the index node recursively indexing faces edges and vertices depending on what the output is used for it's um the index node itself contains no data all this is doing is the delete geometry is saying okay i'm specifically looking at the face page of the spreadsheet right so it's coming in here and it's saying what's on this face face page and then when it sees that i'm looking at the index it's going to be right okay these are the numbers in this first column this list of integers and then it's going to do the maths to that so it's going to be like the modulo and then wherever that modular equals zero so it's very specifically in the context of wherever you use it i know it can take a little bit of time to like get your head around that but it's like the nodes themselves have nothing in them but it's read by the green node instead right then so we do have that tower it looks kind of bad maybe i duplicate it um back a bit of topic but it's instant thing on a line in geometry superior to using the array modifier i don't think it'll be any faster um and that's all that my array linear does the only reason i think you would do this like this is yeah just literally a mesh line an instance on points the only reason i think you would do this is if you were um essentially working in a node tree like i am now the array modifier generally speaking if you're working not in geometry nodes it's probably faster to use the array modifier if you need like more control like per index sorry per instance control like per instance rotation or per instance uh scaling for example then obviously you're going to need to do that through geometry nodes because you have more control but yeah basically i don't think there's like a particular benefit to using geometry nodes over the array modifier if you're just doing that same process all right it's um let's do this five i'm just trying to make like a little bit more volume of mass at the back there where is this there we go as much as it says computation in less than a millisecond or less than a tenth of a millisecond it is taking a fair while for it to actually update there we go something like that so that's most of the big masses in so i guess i can just do some like wires and then some spikes telegraph poles oh go to that high rise i can go oh lanterns that's gonna be a good one i probably won't bother with winches because i think it's too dark uh covered that's done oh i was going to add a water tower nah i can't be bothered i feel like that would have been a nice silhouette but i think maybe this composition just doesn't work for it uh we're going to do a suzanne blimp i think we probably still can um pipes and gutters i'll just i'll just add something for them now so rather than doing a lot of like heavy computation on all of these buildings i'm just going to add some dummy dummy grids which will act for my instancing just to basically save me from instancing in window holes and things like that i can make a bunch of grids in places that i know that i want to put stuff the real ray jobs man i really gotta learn japanese translate oh wait is that even a message am i japanese no is that what you're asking am i japanese oh you were asking someone if they were japanese oh i see i do um japanese is like one of my to-do things it's been on my to-do list i feel like since i was like 12 i wish i could speak japanese it's like the one language that i'm consistently like that would be so good to learn because i really love the like you know like 100 poets like the ancient or not ancient but like the older japanese poetry i just think is incredible i think it's so beautiful um all right so i need to add some of these grids just along the faces and then i can use them to instance my wires so it gives me safe zones basically to put the wires you say i definitely could i'm you have no idea how bad languages i am like if i could learn japanese with nodes i would be all over it but i'm just i'm so bad at languages this is why i've never been able to program either like i cannot cannot like script to save my life hey nazim right uh transform what am i doing to rotate these and then i need a an array modifier linear array and then we're just gonna yeah then join it onto this one so what am i doing need to make these straight up into position on the front of the buildings probably in between these two windows might make them a bit taller you just watch japanese dramas when you can pick up the language from japanese tv that's actually insane i'm actually like genuinely so jealous of people who can just pick up a language right this one comes back to here there we go something like that and then um i can duplicate that to the other side with a join geometry i wish there was like a duplicate node this whole like join geometry thing it feels so manual that is one thing actually with geometry notes is so many of the things that you want to do are like you can do it but you've got to manually do it which i think will be made better by the loops but um yeah just gonna hang in there i guess okay this way a little bit and down i'm actually going to put these in the wall slightly just because the cables can be in the wall okay and then we can just take a wire flood on here oh and we need to also uh do the instance thing um geometry oh sorry instances realize instances there we go there we go and maybe i make these out of the same i do the metal from alrighty oh that's really annoying let's uh scale these minus one that did nothing um just because my normals are offset very annoying so 180 now we can just move these in this direction yeah we could really do the recalculate normals node or flip normals what is that one i don't think there is and all right so the wi-fi node needs a little bit more length um like 10 meters or something there we go that's now branching the road two and there's add a little bit more gravity and a bit less density let's go down to one cool looking good let's chuck some of these down the street as well i need more planes to instance on so if i just um like how satisfying you made this turn out to be thank you once you have a scene that's like the further on you get with your scene this is the thing that i think beginners get frustrated with is they stop too soon uh too many people they get to a point and they're like ah this doesn't look so good and it's like nobody's work looks good after an hour nobody's work is gonna be good after now especially if you've like rushed through the full scene in that time whereas like you gotta once you can push through and just like trust yourself that at some point your feet will actually start landing on solid ground again you just keep making stuff and that's like the main learning experiences like once you get past that then you can trust yourself next time like you're like okay now i know now i know that that process worked well do you give yourself cool down do you switch between tasks and methods being struck in the same issue is a for a long time is really challenging yeah so i um don't i really should i think i think i used to definitely like do more different things but now i'm not i don't often sit down to do something that doesn't take me like five or more hours it's pretty rare for me to do a project that's like an hour or two hours like the roses were like two hours and i was like lost i had no idea what to do with myself i've got the end of it i was like i'm sure i'm forgetting something but um yeah yeah i don't know i think you're sort of acclimatized to doing longer projects all right let's grab a few more of these let's grab another join it and this one is actually going to come off this transform when it goes from looking bad to looking good the gear starts spinning it's the best absolutely you like feel yourself suddenly finding your inertia especially if you've been if it feels like you're treading water for a while and it's like i'm not really sure where this is going but i'm just going to keep hitting it anyway it's so good when it's just like oh like this is why i've been doing this yeah no it's a great feeling let's grab another one and this one can go on this diagonal building 10 degrees back a little bit over oh this one also needs to be rotated 100 and 80. so sucking up until then yeah it's the same like the artists 2d artists have the same problem it's like how long do you leave it before you're like okay this is actually not good and you just have to trust yourself to keep going with it until it's until you find out that like the reason that you've been doing it go up a little bit there we go awesome man this wire flood node is honestly so good um i feel like an idiot for saying that because i made it but it's it's actually really useful i use it all the time like every time i need cables anytime you need um like wire for sorry not why like um clotheslines or something like that you can just make them happen there we go let's have a look down here i'm starting to get something time for the spikes the pigeon spikes oh i might also add some like cloth for uh um you know like how people used to hang out uh bedding and stuff over there over the roads i was gonna add some pipes as well i think i can just manually basically do like a linear thing how would you understand that when the work is done and what criteria for looking good um i suppose it's like a battle between patience and perfectionism or maybe self-care and perfectionism like sometimes you just have to like for yourself your own peace of mind just stop and walk away from something because it's going badly or not even badly but like like you can just feel like you're spending way too much time and energy on it and it's not going where you want but yeah like how do you know when something is finished i guess it depends whether or not you had a plan in the first place like if you have like pretty clearly drawn out rules for what you want to do um it's a it's especially difficult if it's personal work i think if it's client work you can be like and also because you'll be less attached to it personally if it's client work um so i think your perfectionism won't be quite as strong for client work but then the client will come back to you and say like oh this isn't working all the planning is changing or they'll just come back and say it's great um and if they do you should definitely try and get them as a client again because that's just the best when a client comes back and trusts you trusts you to do your job that they paid you to do that's always nice um yeah sometimes it's important as well to do a render early because i find um you can be doing something for a really long time and then you think it looks terrible and then you render it and it's like oh actually that looks really good especially if you're working in either solid view where everything is really clear or like this where i'm using a default hdri like if i was using the scene hdri and i threw in some like lighting and i made it really dark in here and i just like had some spotlights and it's like okay well actually you know what this is uh let's make that more powerful it's like actually you know you can't really see so much stuff in here whereas you know i could spend ages making loads and loads and those are things and being like oh actually nothing showed up in the render so it's important to just you know think about what you want it to look like and keep seeing whether or not you're there already hey pancakes how's it going i'm i'm doing well thank you jumping back on their streams at last which is always nice and it's been a while since we've chatted actually how are you getting on man huh like a living einstein einstein was a lot lot cleverer than me and he was like i know he would like i'm also self-taught but he's like self-taught at something that's very complicated and technical and he also changed the world which is a little bit more than i've done yet uh right then i need i'm probably not gonna bother with telegraph polls just because i think that's gonna be something which gets lost in the dark uh pipes i can do a few a lot of work to do but it's fine it's so easy to let things creep up on you and it's like oh god so many things you're watching an erranddale stream while also watching a tutorial which tutorial are you doing at the moment i do not have anywhere near enough uh tutorials for the for the new system out i got kind of blindsided because i was working on the third shot course all through august and then i came back to geometry notes in september oh no i was working on this vertex course in september and then i came back to geometry nodes in october and it was like completely different new system all of the field stuff was in and it's like okay i've got to learn all of this stuff make a bunch of content and then also do november so it was just like oh and it was definitely slacking a little bit when it comes to actually making content um i wonder if i can make i might just make a few pipes and then instance them on there are those bricks all instanced they are all instances yeah they're um that's why they're all different colors so the i'm using pretty extensively the brick straight node from my toolkit which basically makes a straight wall um but yeah so it's nice it's actually a lot easier people it looks like i've made loads of stuff but actually i haven't done that much yet and what are we looking for curved circle and i might make like two three i might i'll make two pipes did you ever have a client you just couldn't do right by uh yeah i did actually um yeah i actually i had to um part ways with a client once and i think that's like a really important part of being a freelancer is knowing that actually you're allowed to fire the client if it's not working out if you're if you feel like you're being taken for a ride then you gotta like go to split ways like ultimately you're in that work relationship because uh because you gotta make money like i feel like most artists who are freelancing either you know you could go and get a seat in the studio i know that's a little bit more difficult than just freelancing um but that is an option like if you want to do this permanently but i think a lot of freelancers are also doing it because they want to make money in between having the freedom to do their own art and the way this is the same as like how i uh price my freelance like how i uh charge my time it's like somebody's buying um my time to explore my own projects so if somebody has to um like if a client wants to purchase three days from me then that has like the amount of money that i have to get from them has to be equal to three days of not developing three days of not um like pushing my own practice further or working on personal projects um so it can be really challenging when you get a client who's really difficult i haven't had many but yeah when it does happen it's like because you obviously want to give people benefit of the doubt but sometimes people just straight up do not respect that you're a real person with real time and your work is not just pressing a button and making the art happen you're like actually you still got to do stuff you still got to make the work um so yeah don't let people take advantage of you just because you're freelancing and i also find that people who if you charge less you get less if you charge less you the only difference is that you get the char the clients who are in that price bracket you know if you charge more you get more expensive clients um you may get fewer but at the same time it's like at lower at the lower end people are more likely to try and micromanage you from my experience um so they'll try and like control the work that you do they'll ask for way more revisions it's like if you you know if you've paid for two days of work with two revisions and then you're coming back and being like oh yeah but you know you've not actually really done any work and i want four revisions and it's like you're just wasting my time at this point i'm not invested in your project you're not in like you're not engaged with it you're not putting the money forward we need to to pay for multiple to like to pay for a proper job basically you know if you needed a week dying if you needed a week doing then pay for a week don't pay for two days and then bully your artist that's just uh like bad practice but there we go that's just uh uh yeah killing some clients are just legit insane they i feel like a lot of the time it's just that people don't appreciate that actually um you're paying somebody not just to use a piece of software you know you're not just paying you're not just like buying a pen you're paying a person who has like worked really hard to learn a skill set and then yeah just it's really it can just be really disrespectful when they're like oh your time is absolutely not worth what you're charging it's like no it is because this is how much it cost to live especially for people like me who live in the uk or i guess for people in the united states as well and uh i'm not actually sure where else like japan has really sort of like higher end cost of living and it's like if you're trying to compete with somebody who's charging like uh the the rate that you would charge in india it can be really challenging and people come across and they're like well why can i get somebody who will charge this much over that and then like what right do you have to charge this much it's like well that's because it's like 50 times more expensive for me to buy a loaf of bread here so i need to charge relatively more money anyway rant over right uh radius down to 0.001 i guess no 0.1 we're doing between drain pipes a ton of r d yeah that's the thing like people think oh you you know you charge loads for a day of work and then it's like well yeah but i have also learned this skill over a hundred days of unpaid work so i've gotta like i have to be paid i have to live so it's uh yeah it's the same with musicians like musicians are super underpaid and they got to practice all the time so it's just it's really challenging it's challenging to sell when uh when your clients don't expect or don't really appreciate that it's a good amount of money good amount of time that you've invested um right why would i pay you if i could use global inequality exactly you want to have more conversations am i reading that way uh if you want to be like if you want to be my friend if you want to uh if you want to have more access to me and people like me then jump on the discord because there's just loads of people who were pretty interested in this like tech art stuff and um yeah and you'll also find like other discords there um it's like it's completely fine if people post other discords like to to relevant stuff i don't want people posting like random discords but you know if you're posting discords to like a houdini server or an animation editor for a spurchalk server then that's fine all right let us make a cranked pipe so we've got a straight one let's also make also this chat is full of similar people it is although this one is only active when i stream now oh consultation charge that's really smart i know a few people who do um [Music] uh yeah what's it called when you do there's like a bunch of different stuff they'll sell different parts of the work so it's like you have the uh you have like the first conversation which you don't charge for but then there's the consultation charge which is like once you've actually started and committed to work or it's like a down payment or whatever um and then you have the final work itself but then separately you have the 3d assets so it's like if somebody has um so like something which i've done is doing project visualization for um toy for toys like project products um and depending on who it is right so i've done it both ways where you do it for free basically you basically say like i'm making the 3d scenes and actually in that case so i did it for free because basically they made the 3d scenes and then i uh edited them and worked through them so i sent them the 3d back for free even though like what they were purchasing from me was renders so in that case you do have the right to basically charge for the file um but there have been other times where i've been i've basically made a shader for a render and they've expected the render and then they've also been like okay but can you also send me the like the shader as well the 3d file and it's like well that's if i sell you that or if i give you that then i lose the ability to sell you more renders so you need to pay me for the 3d um it's all just about like balancing the worth of stuff like is it more important to have a good relationship and in which case you can like give a little bit more or is it more important like if you know that it's going to be like a one-off client then i'm not saying take as much as you can because obviously that's not a very sociable way of behaving but it's all right to like sell more of the things rather than give them them within you know within reason you charge non-refundable start costs which will pay for the food during the time you spend on a project oh that's smart actually i've always felt a bit awkward which i know is not a good way of doing it but i felt like uncomfortable being like i need a down payment i always feel as though i should do the work in good faith uh and then get paid at the end but then when you have a bad client that is just such a nightmare it's so frustrating it's like bad clients ruin it for everyone uh right i need to move some of these points so set position i'm basically just going to make a selection on the index and offset it linearly in one direction and we'll go minus y by point one maybe point two something like that and then we can just make a selection based on the index so we'll go like greater than or sorry less than two and that's kind of cranked that bottom bit a little bit more maybe i make it a little bit tighter let's go like 15. here we go or 20 the future oh cool i will check those out half up front yeah i'm also really bad at being like uh i don't know if i can do the work so i will just try it and then i'll charge you afterwards which is like just the worst way of working um because obviously that means that you've just like done a bunch of free work not very useful but oh well i just i always get like such cold feet about what i'm capable of doing i have the worst imposter syndrome like whenever i'm doing work for anybody i'm just like oh my god who do they think i am like why have they put money on me i'm such a fraud and that's like such a bad way of working because um like i know i know how to do 3d i've done it for a really long time but yeah not any tricky uh do you tell your clients estimated time the work will take i don't tell a minute to make it time in hours i will tell them in days probably um i'll see you later either yeah it's difficult i definitely give a quote um often it will be just the financial amount it depends how big the client is like if it's just one guy if it's like some concept artist who's like i just really need a 3d block in real quick then that's different i'll just be like yeah that's like four hours so just pay me for you know half a day or a day whatever um but that i don't know that's like a way more informal than a lot of work uh what am i doing here make these into instances and then point instance on all of those planes there we go musta know me yeah we're still going with the bricks uh right let's grab where are those planes up here we're all career artists in this chat um mesh point distribute points on faces here we go instance on points join these up and then join these back down oh boy that's a lot um so i need fewer like one maybe even fewer point one and i also need them to be like all at the bottom so transform scale this down and also pick instances oops there we go something like that is fine i think uh i mean that's kind of you to say but show me an artist who doesn't have it show me an artist who's like absolute faith in their own ability um boom is this working oh everything's inside the walls that's not good let's make stuff have the correct rotation that's not the correct rotation okay um oh right because that's going to be a line so the z faces the normal in which case we can just rotate these transform i shoot never mind it'll be faster for me to do it on the rotation because this is a field so that'll be a little bit quicker rotate euler my 90. here we go that worked exactly how i wanted um oh let's reset positions let's go you give me investor syndrome it's a good way to be a healthy bit of competition right let's scale this down a bit then poor that's about right um i've got some pipes going around it's all looking good that'll do for the for the drain pipes so now we just need to chuck in a bunch of i'm going to not do the telegraph poles i'm going to do the lanterns i'm not going to do architrave because i don't think you'll see it uh hanging sheets maybe i'd do a couple down here because that will mask out the back of the street and then spikes down i keep forgetting to do spikes smoke clouds i might do in post oh we need to blimp and i might just make some fences to just like going random places all right let's grab these ctrl j downpipes um steampunk with medieval flags um [Music] blimp right okay well to do the blimp i need susan because this is my like hidden suzanne monkey there we go back in here let's add her input object info we're gonna inflator make it nice and blimp shaped and sized so nice and easy we can just normalize the vertex positions uh which i guess i should probably also do on a slider so we don't do 100 but geometry set position uh position back to math normalize there we go sphere monkey and let's also just pull that back slightly just so we still have a bit of the face i might roll her onto her front just so that she's actually looking down from the sky there we go 90. i guess we should probably also subdivide because that's way too faceted you don't feel plump when suzanne floats over you maybe she should have some like little lights flashing maybe in her eyes hmm i feel like we could probably actually do that although it would have to be animated then i might get nugget to like animate some rain for me his rain shaders are so good or maybe i could just grab this rain shader off that might be a good way to do the windows and the glazing on the skylights just because saves me doing it and his work is amazing anyway monkey bleep accepts all great what and there we go a bit more blimp shaped and the blimps have like ribs is that the right word blink oh are they lengthways interesting they actually look fairly smooth but we're just going to need to give it like some fins at the back here um which we can do with i wonder if we can make it more homogeneous hmm got a few holes but it does mean that we can like blend in the uh the fins at the back there if i just add some i could just do with cones actually yeah so mesh primitive cone there we go things are taking a sack to actually load now and a sternum actually do you know what this actually does look like a rib cage at this point gorgeous uh mesh set smooth nice hideous but still kind of endearing boy oh wait on that one need a uh transform node here we go am i still streaming i am i'm uh really bad for just continuous streaming i just like don't really get the memo to stop uh right point two or something let's make these fins uh it wants to be like fairly suzanne but i mean at this point you can still see it suzanne so we'll get there we'll get that right rotate over 90. let's go this way and then can just i guess pull it back this way you could be forgiven for thinking that was a blimp if i don't fill that with an n gone then i can also subdivide it and then when i remesh or not remesh but volume to mesh then it will kind of fit together bring it to the bristol balloon first of all that would actually be such a fun thing to do with like a huge suzanne hot air balloon okay maybe i should actually add a top one nothing this is your sleep paralysis demon it's kind of made worse by these tiny little eyes that she now has like really hideous little eyes in here and a big like proboscis nose as well oh it kind of looks like the scream love it all right can we smooth out some of these layers yeah nice love from the green bikinis can we get away with fewer subdivisions so oh yeah we totally can three awesome nice that's working okay control j we've got our blimp we as we'll be happy uh if anybody wants like so for people who do big no trees right the noodle add-on contains a search which is really useful because if i go in here and i search like a roof then it's gonna actually it's gonna bring up way more than i expected i found 300 elements it's found two elements that match roof so if i wanted specifically roof tiles then i could specifically search for that oh it's fuzzy search seems to be doing like way too much as soon as you put a space in it gets confused yeah the search really helps if you do if you do like a big big no tree like this ah we're only up to 600 nodes all right i'm not going to force it to go for a thousand let's make this colored and we need to position and scale it dark souls boss mod bring that down to that make it a bit bigger only oh the notes yeah well you know there's so much room for for more notes there's always always space for more nodes somewhere like this maybe a little bit smaller the node count so i have an add-on which gives you a node counter it's called node count i can find out who it's by uh it's linked on my discord it's in the resources section um node count and it's by uh capri singh he's just like include bpy is his name on my discord it's like he just does such good work really competent coder i really respect people who can code i have no idea how it works right um that would be the susan blimp done hanging sheet that'll be the next one let's grab a grid sheets are actually really easy to make uh let's come in here you can make stuff look like it's hanging just with a little bit of a little bit of maths in here and then we also need like a few folds at the top which we will do with having fewer if you have like a lot of rows in one direction and not many in the other then you can get it looking like it's a bit folded so that's helpful [Music] um and then it's all just about how you actually felt because it wants to be more in the middle johnny matthews is amazing as well yeah johnny's work is great hanging on the pigeon's spikes yes i'm still going for the pigeon spikes i also want some fences and balconies and things uh but i might just do like a fence section with some spiked tops and i'll just chuck that in a few places in front of windows all right geometry set position input yeah now this is fine so input position we can just use our map range with the vectors here so separate these out and then we have a map range so the x-axis we can just actually let's do it with maths so x we can do multiply by two and that's going to give us zero to one or minus one to zero to one and we can absolute it so that's now one to zero to one and then we can power this so now we have a power curve and then we can use this to control um different stuff as it comes across if we have a few more points and then um we also want to move it with noise so let's grab a noise texture and i want to scale the noise texture down in one axis um so it has more so it's gonna be one in the x and then like five in the y something like that we can set this to 2d because we're just working in the xy space and then um yeah so you're rendering with a 1070 ti um well julia she renders with google collab for bigger stuff so you could try google collab um how many pigeon spikes are you planning on instancing on the hanging sheets i don't know what your bed sheets are like mine are not covered in spikes but we can add hundreds why not we can put them everywhere yeah i know some people don't like rendering overnight because it's like kind of a fire risk for you know leaving stuff overnight uh what program is that do you mean uh do you mean google collab i actually don't know how it works but it's uh i assume it's just a website uh right let's go back to this if i subtract 0.5 that's going to be my mid level and then i can multiply this that's going to be my scale and then i can add this to the z but i specifically want it to be in the top area more um let's grab a map range on the y so this to smooth the step just so we get a little bit of interpolation we're going from minus 0.5 to 0.5 oh and actually i can just plug this into the multiply here and then add this into a vector combine into the z set this into the offset all right cool so now we're getting a little bit of control here let's add a subdivide afterwards to smooth out a little bit so that's looking pretty good i also need to scale it um down towards the outsides so it's just on the start so let's add another multiplier on here and we will invert this by subtracting it from one there we go cool now when you sleep you just practice blender in your dreams you know you're doing well when you do start to have um blender related dreams or like node related dreams always a fun time i'm going to need another set position just because i'm doing this now after the current transform and i need to just push these down in the y-axis so i can just do it like oops like this this is one of the great things about fields is i can use them in multiple places and they're red in the specific different context that i'm using them in it's just super useful so there we go now we have a sheet and i can just transform this dream of procedural sheep talking of sheep i bought some really fancy cat food and uh it came so it like doesn't have any preservatives in it so you have to keep in the fridge or freezer but it came in a sheep wool bag how fancy is that it was like legitimate sheep's wool like a like a blanket made of sheep's wool specifically to insulate your cat food in transit i have never i've never had food like that my cat is so spoiled all right then i guess i can probably just hand position a couple of these because these are very specific positions um so let's join that up and we're going to come down here push it in your people food pramble does deserve the best here we go 1990 move across a little bit i feel like that wrinkle is way too strong um there we go something like this so i want to be on this one i think oh no it needs to be way higher damn am i in trouble i'm actually going to get this working maybe it doesn't matter too much if it's like actually hanging on something or if it's just like chilling that's probably fine let's add a couple of these oops let's uh save as well oh i wish oh that's so annoying things get like uh because you just don't have the rotation center so it's really annoying when stuff and rotates around zero zero and it's like oh i'm so far away from the origin at this point okay let's do that let's get this one down a little bit push it back move it across let's grab another one maybe this one comes closer yeah i don't really know where this actually is in terms of like the 3d but at this point we're just working to camera anyway so that's probably fine something like this maybe there should be another cable it's kind of tricky when you don't have any way of telling depth is this oh is this even on something hmm it's actually um it's shocking when as soon as you become aware of hostile architecture it is everywhere it is ridiculous so let's make this one a bit wider okay something like that is probably fine yeah i'll do so i can now cover them all in spikes some shoes would be nice throw up some shoes if it was easier for me to make shoes i certainly would let's just um i can't even see things with the wireframe drawing okay here we go let's uh sheets done i do want to do lanterns because it's the light but right now we're going to do spikes uh it works based on the two vertices of the mesh oh what are you doing um how are you making the wires the way that i've done it is i have basically instant lines everywhere and then i find another place to put the other end and then i just like randomize the middle how are you doing it with um how are you doing it's her job there's no shoes right this needs sheets this how do i get the bend in the wire or in the sheet in the wire it's just a subdivision surface so i make a super low poly thing and i randomize the middle one or two points and then just subdivide it they just sit empty stabbing the pigeons this is a very true point house price is a pretty high i have no idea how first time buyers manage like thinking i was thinking about like me a well i don't know how old am i like 26 or something how are people my age buying houses like they must be having such big mortgages like i think i'm you know i'm earning money i don't have a very high wage but i'm no like i really don't have a very high wage actually but i'm earning money i could like i could support myself but there's no way in hell that i could afford a mortgage how are people doing that it's absolutely ridiculous like if you think about a first-time home in the uk is like 150 000 pounds or you know that's like 200 000 ah just the stress of having to raise a mortgage to do that be way too much rich parents or debt yeah that is like the two choices are you um i think it's maybe it's a bit different if you're in a relationship as well like being single and being a first-time buyer is like no being a single freelancer so you can't even guarantee your income that makes getting a mortgage like impossible so it's just not good you needed your wife to afford it it's so true though like i need to start dating just like so i can get a house not that that's divisive or anything all right uh spikes i keep saying spikes but i'm actually gonna do it oh you got lucky with the timing and yeah i just don't know what to do about the uh because the house prices are still going up now it's like i thought house prices were supposed to be going down because nobody has any money but it's like people are still buying houses now we're building a lot of first-time houses and it's like we have more houses than we have people or you know not actually but we have we certainly we have enough houses to accommodate people but so many of them are empty or you know people's second homes or their like rental properties or whatever and it's like ah like i do want to buy a house uh the vertices are connected to a three-point arc and it's okay yeah that does make sense the curve viewer so a cv gamma just means that it's the curve viewer and gamma is the name of the output so if like in your in your outliner it'll be camera if you think you're going to wait for the next house crash houses of boomer nfts should you go house hunting in the uk no there's no there's nothing here don't i want me i want to go have something in the uk although maybe i'm not ready to buy a house like i want to move to canada for a bit and i want to move to uh like norway or sweden for a little while or maybe iceland like i don't know maybe like a year or something i just want to travel around loads of different countries and experience actually living in a different country before i sit down and settle somewhere canada's got a housing shortage don't worry i will bring a tent i'll be good it'll just be like an extended holiday where i have a laptop and i don't ever stop working see you later super tom thanks for stopping by um how am i gonna find all of the places i need to put spikes i haven't differentiated maybe i could capture an attribute all right let's see if i can work out how this works so where do we have our window cells iceland is great but expensive true but i really want to go somewhere that like inspires me to draw you know and like northern japan iceland uh canada but like kind of the outback i really want to try new zealand but i i don't know but i feel like if i'm over in japan anyway new zealand actually isn't that far like if you're flying from the uk to japan new zealand is like just down the road so i could definitely have a nip in let's try right where are these is this my windowsill no so i basically need to find the windowsill so i can put a an attribute on it um for spikes yeah i'm so for the for traveling i'm really interested actually in the new macbook pros i think like obviously i'm not going to be looking at traveling for a few years because of kovid is still going crazy but i think um yeah i'm really interested in trying out jumping like like leaving pcs and going into just macbook pro land it does actually seem like a really good way of working like they just seem real snappy you know hey steven how's it going man right so this should now apparently have an attribute on here can i use it though um right here is my attribute and i also want to mix it with the sheets because that's kind of funny all right so we need to come out here i need to also add it onto here onto the sheets so attribute capture attribute on here set this to one i can just add these two together i think unless i can't and then i can distribute points on faces this is why we need named attributes because i have no idea where this is even going like where is this going it's through like four wait one two three four five six different join geometries i have no idea if this is gonna work um and this is the selection i guess uh let's hope this works maybe i need to realize instances or maybe it will be fine actually uh instance oh wait maybe we check in solid view do we have anything oh hell yeah we do all right we actually have points all over our window cells and the sheets so all right well that's confirmed it you can just put a capture attribute wherever you want something send it to one and it means that like that column in the spreadsheet will be zero everywhere because it's just been generated except from where you've set it as one and then you can just add it to other things where you've set it to one in this case the sheet and then you can use that as your selection on a distribute points so i guess i can now isolate these to where they're like facing up um so let's do it this way instead of setting into the selection i'll set it into the density all right oh wait no that's because i didn't then add oh wait no i should do it in there all right ignore me so we're gonna do in the selection but we're also gonna do it where it is also facing positive z normals so mask it on the normals there we go so many joined geometries i'm so glad that they added the multi-input socket it used to be such a hassle having like join geometry join georgie because everything was just like two sockets uh i do think it'd be kind of cool to have multi-input sockets on some of these um math nodes math node functions like and sorry add or i guess multiply you could do it with maybe some of the others because then it's like you know if i'm if i'm doing something like this where i'm potentially adding the captured attribute from 20 different places like ideally we would just use named attributes which guess it'll be fine but in some of these functions it doesn't matter which order you do it in so i feel like you should be able to just use multi-input sockets all right so we are looking for where this and this are true so it's the top facing faces here we go maybe a little bit more variation on that and now i can just maybe set it to parcel on disk hey sinus how's it going um 0.02 and let's make some big spikes oh did i make that way too big oh it's just because the density is super low there we go let's grab some cones and i'm just going to make these like three three points on the base uh instance on points here we go oh man did we just pass five hours of streaming this is so much for me doing a short stream uh i hope everybody is still engaged and having fun let me know if you want me to switch it up and do something else uh here we go 350 yeah let's see okay let's get rid of the parcel disc then just because it's unnecessarily heavy water time no thank you spectrum right so we're going with like 300 ml long spikes with a bottom radius of 0.01 oh yeah now we're looking spiky and we can do the rotation in the rotation so things point out yeah random is a lot faster i guess it's because it's not needing to do the weld as well oh i should have put the top of this in i might actually make this differently so that it has a bevel because it's so close to the camera let's move you into there and you can be joined together these are the spikes right let's go and find the top of the shop which is this one and we're going to turn it into a curved line with a curved quadrilateral and the quadrilateral gets a fillet here we go and then curve to mesh there we go nice um how big is this is this one right no this one um so it is 11 meters long so minus five 5.6 and 5.6 there we go and um it's like 0.5 give or take oh does it i thought is pass on disk not just a world modifier with random i assumed it was just doing random and then weld like merge by distance but i guess if it's actually doing like a proper distance computation on every single point then maybe it is uh really slow like i guess that's why it's like exponentially slower as well the more points you have uh where is what am i doing here so we're going from oh i'll just i'll stick a transform after it's fine okay so this one and here oh boy why is going on [Music] there we go that's why minus 5.6 and then oh didn't mean to do that into that one there we go better let's go fill it back that's giving us that angle which will be good for our spikes because they'll stick out nicely always about adding spikes and we also want to set shade flat because i don't want it to be smooth okay now i just need to position it in the same place something basically like this oh that was really easy nice okay cool let's get rid of that and that's um perfect so now i just need to add an attribute capture on here so that's the one produce and spike oh that has like so many dark connotations terrible all right let's add this to this and in theory yes that will give us spikes everywhere good news i wonder if i could put spikes on the wires or is that like too many spikes maybe it would be but we won't know until we try so let's add some over here these are our wires attribute capture attribute set this again to one and we just need to add it this is where your multi-input socket would really come in helpful now we have one oh no we do have some that's all right maybe i go even denser 200 something like that nice it's what everybody always wanted pigeon spikes they're done i need um maybe i don't bother with fences i don't feel like people will miss them if they're not there we could do with some small foliage maybe like some ivy and stuff and the spikes really scream welcome they do don't they nothing says a happy home like every surface being untouchable i don't even know how visible they'll be in the render but it's all part of the fun do some cities actually have spikes on wires like that i don't think they would have them on wires but certainly in the uk basically every flat surface is either covered in anti-theft paint which never dries or or spikes glass spikes it's uh it's not very friendly let's grab this one in here all right next up is let's make some lanterns that's uh put a googly eye on the end of each bike that would look like people have been gouged that would be so horrible or just like just some of them anti-theft painting have you never heard the pantyhose space we have you'll see it everywhere it'll be like um like flat surfaces like uh people's garages and stuff like that they'll paint uh anti-burglar paint or anti-intruder paint on top of them and it basically stops you from well it makes it difficult to climb it because you get covered in paint because it's wet it's like designed to never go off to never dry um but also if you're like running away from a crime and you're covered in paint then it's gonna be very easy to identify you you read into the worst into everything um a giant kitchen for strikes wow maybe the uk is just like especially hostile i like to think we're friendly but actually i'm not sure how true that is at least in the north we're pretty friendly we'd like people gloves i mean gloves are fine as long as you've been not that i'm endorsing crimes or criminality uh not off-brand oh it's always so embarrassing whenever there's like football or anything in foreign countries or you read about like how the uk exports police officers it's like oh god like we have to send our own police because we're such drunkards in other countries america is hostile too is it i actually know basically nothing about anyway i'm a babe to the world all right lanterns let's just do with a couple of cones the cones are good because if you didn't realize they have uh top and bot and they're basically like a cylinder it's just a cylinder you have top and bottom radius control i don't know why this is not just the cylinder right there we go depth can be 0.2 radius can be a point point one and point one five maybe that's gonna be a little bit taller point three there we go uk is where i first heard the time corner it's actually awful we have loads of issues with um like side streets and things will have gates across them now uh like public places basically to stop drunk men going into the alleys to urinate it's like oh how vile yeah it comes better than cylinder it's just like you need all of these things but just on the cylinder i don't know why the cone is not the same node it's the cylinder there's no way to not do that if you go for beers yeah the public toilets you go to the public toilets or you use the bathroom in the pub you don't need to like go into a side street how nasty it's so unnecessary and it's so unhygienic all right set 0.3 let's go 0.15 0.1 and 0.1 there we go hmm maybe the bottom of this one should also be solid hmm i'm not sure oh i kind of need the top as well to be solid okay so this whole one oh it needs to be solid except from the top but it's fine because we have a mask let's make this an n-gon and geometry delete geometry face bottom are you serious what is the point in this selection that oh wait maybe it did work okay we're good and then we just need to do the same for this one and go on and we're going to do the top of this one and then i need to keep the bottom or maybe i make some side segments there we go something like that you're just a couple hours away from starting your vacation oh everybody needs a good vacay are you heading off somewhere or are you just having time without work i went on holiday for like the first time in yes this year it was great it was so nice to get away it's just yeah enjoy your holiday so nice to have a little bit of a break break and you just noticed that you use the snap magnet for nodes yeah oh my god everything has to be aligned i try and like keep and generally try and keep the same spacing for everything although you can see i don't do a very good job i at least keep stuff in rows and columns uh right then um i'm going to delete faces which are above a z height of something oops it's the wrong one separate xyz compare sad here we go i just want the bottom one there we go and i also want the top cool so top and bottom done now i've got this uh it's a bit more complex because you need the density to match oh really does the density actually get adjusted then i had never actually noticed that that was um oh i guess it maybe it does get denser when stuff or like it distributes some more points as others get deleted interesting what am i doing here oh this instead of delete geometry let's use a separate geometry instead uh oh no i can't do that either i need specifically the vertical edges so let's just subdivide it so uh texture no it mesh subdivision nasty but effective i could really do with a bisect node folk if you're wanting to make a new node we could really use a bisect where you just like set uh like a a cut matrix and then it will let you decide if you want to like delete above or below or both keep just like the cut ring fill it or just you know just leave it as like an edge loop uh boring login name i thanks for tuning in it's been uh it's been kind of fun today it's been a nice stream nice and show all right then delete so now i can just use this one curved mesh master curve here we go with a curved primitive curved circle and bisexually the bisect node is so useful like if you've made a load of random stuff and you're like oh i just want to cut it off of the ground so you like you make that cut and then you say that you want to delete everything which is below it you're golden and it's like so much faster than a boolean because the boolean breaks all the time um so yeah no bisect it's like we need that node point one maybe so it's like five or something do we come on no that'll do right so this is the metal which can join into this hmm maybe the bottom wants to be pulled up as well well maybe the whole thing was to be scaled in is there a way to export the geo system do you mean what do you mean by that do you mean like how can it be exported to like real mesh or can you export can you like save the node tree for later i'm not sure if your george knows knowledge would allow you to do it shame shame on you there's um there's so many nodes that like it's really difficult because i'm used to spurchalk so it's really easy for me to just be like oh i want i want all of these ones that i already know how they work uh just because that would make my life easier like in my toolkit i have loads of nodes like align mesh by mesh that's just straight from spur chalk because i'm like that node works so i just made it but i know that i know geometry nodes is not like a replacement for surchalk it's like completely different so it's yeah but it is tempting right what do i need to put in the middle of these what are candles not candles what do lanterns look like i'll turn uh looks like they have a lot of glass so i might need to stick the glass back in oh i guess that means i can just deal with like putting a little thing in the middle and not really worrying too much about um like a mesh inside i can just put like a glowing ball in the middle but exporting to the bisect modifier what is there a bisect modifier yeah you're playing the leg bisect is super useful everybody should have bisect um yeah if you're real if you're exporting stuff from georgina just stick a little realize instances node at the end and then when you do your like fbx export which is so export fbx you can just check on the side here make sure that you have apply modifiers text under geometry and you'll be good oh bisect on the mirror node yeah yeah i got you uh where is the oh wait so this could be metal material same material metal cool and where is the rest of my cone this one so this one can be glass but not just any glass yeah maybe just any glass it could be the skylights um right and we can also scale this all down cool looking swish now i just need to give it a little a little hooky up top and uh i'll use the taurus generator for that because i'm lazy could just use like a curve but um why not when i use this so major radius can be like 0.02 minor radius can be 0.01 now it's disappeared there we go a bit smaller there we go and i just need to make it less less of the whole thing ah that'll do cool he's making a donut have you seen um andrew is doing the donut 3.0 i saw the teaser for it so we should be getting a um a new donut tutorial which includes some geometry node stuff so that's exciting i need a glowing ball in the middle let's just use a lycosphere because it's pretty low poly not the demon donut yeah the uh i think it did get posted actually i wasn't sure if it actually got shared with the world uh this one needs to be emissive there we go i'm using blender two points two point nine three two point nine three i didn't know people still used that whenever you have an active geometry node modifier when you apply a material shader it never seems to work you have to apply the geometry noise oh yeah you need to um you can you can either set a material index like with an attribute or you can make sure that your material is applied to the data instead of the object no wait the other way around it needs to be applied to the object instead of the data because in 2.93 by default it's going to be applying it to the mesh itself and then if you're doing geometry nodes you're not using the mesh so you'll you need to apply it to the object so it's like applied to the whole container um how would you define the plane that bisects the mesh though um i mean the way that i do it in my selection plane actually honestly works pretty well um here's a center and an up vector so you basically just set like at this point pointing in this direction which is fine uh the way that uh sverchok does it is bevel bisect here we go um as you have a cut matrix where you can set the location scale i mean scale doesn't really matter um and the rotation axis so that by default is going to be like pointing up but then you can rotate it using the cut matrix um so that could work as well i'm not sure which is better um i think i'd probably just do like center and up like i use on the on my one just because then you've always got your normal right and you can always like read the normal excuse me you can always like sample the normal from a specific point and then use that normal as your up factor so you could always plug it into like a deeper procedural system hmm excuse me alrighty then i think we're like closing in on the end of this scene once i've got the lanterns and i'll make some ivy but then it's just going to be shader stuff spudgrock is so intimidating it is uh but hey i have a course that that teaches you spur chalk so if anybody is interested in search i do have a course it's pretty i don't know if it's like super technical the course but it's uh we go through some projects you learn some things you have a great time all right where's this sphere oh i can see it so it's too close 0.02 i guess maybe a bit bigger there we go something like that pancake you're because you're like a python person as well i guess for chuck makes so much more sense to you it must just be like way easier than a lot of other stuff right then how am i gonna um [Music] i need a bracket for this right it needs to hang off something so i need like a something like this and then a crossbar and then i guess um the beginnings can't you python and blender also you can you i mean you can just use python the great thing about sweatshop is you can use python in spercharc with the script nodes um so is it does this go like this oh man am i making something really fancy again maybe that goes the other way i don't know what the best way to do this is i yeah i agree that it is intuitive i think but i think spiritual once you get like a handle on where the data is going it's really intuitive but fields in geometry nodes has um like the workflow is it's different right it's less intuitive i would say for sure but at the same time it's got like a higher ceiling uh so the way that you can use fields and the whole like the way it does the callback through the field calculation means that there's like so many more places that you can because you can basically use the data in lots of places so it saves you on nodes because you can make one algorithm which does like a thing and then you can apply that to 100 different places whereas in surcharge because you're handling the data directly if you wanted to do 100 times you'd have to either loop it or which you can do or you could um do it that looks terrible um yeah or you'll have to copy the notes i don't really know how this should look let me find a bracket i don't want it to be too figurative unless oh actually maybe that would work how i made the stairs in the flower shop was basically you get a plane and then you instance a bunch of points on it and then you make a curve through the points and if you don't look at it for too long it makes it look like you've made something really figurative and beautiful but it's just totally random it just scribbles so let's do that let's grab a grid primitive grid transform on here put this into the right place more or less oops 9 90 degrees there we go and make it a bit shorter something like this maybe i also need to just squish it on one side so let's grab a geometry set position oh it would be great if we had like a 3d cache node um this is the way that you do that you plant the seed it's like insidious controlling the way that geometry nodes is developed no but honestly if you can make that into a node that would be so useful because as soon as we get stuff like extrude and like that's going to open a whole can of worms for people being able to make stuff but bisect like if you have a look at the swear trot one because it lets you delete specific bits of the mesh or keep the whole thing or like just keep the loop what you've cut and it's i know you could probably do all that with like selections instead so you could pass out like inside outside or just a loop um i don't know it's up to you it's up to you i'm not gonna i'm not gonna force your hand let's grab uh maybe do you know what let's just i can just if i do this then i can just move a single vertex that's probably easier so index equals something and we're just going to move it up there we go this one there we go cool now we can move this across and down and just make a bunch of points on it distribute points on faces let's go crazy use the node from my toolkit which turns into a bezier and then i need to turn this into a mesh which will let me raycast and delete points leaving gaps which is important because if you delete geometry with it as a curve it will like dissolve geometry it won't actually make separate things which is not always the what you want so curve to mesh and then i need to raycast so geometry raycast we're going to try and hit our original plane from here here we go it's our target our redirection is going to be uh you said earlier you were doing something with support tomorrow this is for the course that i teach so it's like a private live stream specifically for students of the course um yeah so if if you're interested in jumping onto spurchalk and you want like a supported course that course is linked in the description uh i teach search hock and then i also do the live streams each week or so i know each week every other week where we like review student work and have a look at new techniques and i think i'm doing that for like a year so that's actually quite a long support period i might have to remake some of the lessons at some point depending on whether nodes break or get depreciated nope i'm hoping i'm hoping things stay pretty much supported all right delete geometry i'm deleting where it is not a hit boolean math is hit change that to not hey that's pretty good actually that's just done that straight away um like that i might also just move this to the source position out slightly just so that it's moving in a good direction um input position always wondered why boolean subtraction is surprisingly laggy is it i haven't really noticed do you mean using it through a math node or using it through a boolean math node i will keep an eye out for it uh so if we're shooting in the positive y then i guess there we go moving the negative and you're good and then we can move this back so now we can do a mesh to curve now we've got all of our line segments and then we can uh skin it so just again curve to mesh again and use a curved circle here we go resolution can be like five uh and i can make this small 0.01 or something 0.005 when did you realize that your beard is stronger than most men my beard itself you mean my facial hair is thicker than the facial hair of most men or my beard is physically stronger than like men's legs like i'm i've got like iron work on my face my beard is actually uh it's pretty thin on the cheeks but i do at least have like a pretty good pattern like it joins up on both sides and it's fairly symmetrical so i guess i'm i can't really complain um right then i need to have like a top and a back piece here um grab this delete i'm just going to delete some edges here so we're deleting edges which have an index equal to well that's one of them actually that'll probably be fine uh so now mesh curve curved mesh and i'll join this one up here as well and on this one i'm going to stick a quadrilateral so we actually have a bit of a thing going on the old cartoon uh where are we going with this 0.05 0.01 there we go see if you don't look at it for too long you might think that i'd made something that was like intentionally flowy the great thing about this as well is i can just change the uh change this until i find something that's like more more better a bit more sort of figurative oh that one's probably quite a good like consistent density maybe i actually did like the first one yeah we'll go with that all right lanterns check and i need to make sure that it is um actually let's delete these let's do this and this and then we can stick some metal in here i need to make sure my offset is correct as well so they will instance correctly um so let's go across and down like this oh well that is a meter i might also be making it smaller a bit later right so what am i doing i need to put this on to the brick walls that like face into the middle so i need two different masks for the two different sides of the road or one for each side of the road um yeah okay so fortunately there's no overlap so we can do this nice and easy if we instance uh distribute points on faces here we go and realize instances and our selection for anything with an with a y value greater than minus four we're looking for normals of minus one in the y nice and easy people always think this stuff is difficult and it's like actually if you just look at the grid you know how stuff works like you can look at something and be like i want it there so it's just finding what what rule fits that position separate xyz hello um unicode known hi your collaboration with cg masters looks awesome but i think i already know everything how do you make the lava look 3d it's using yeah it's using adaptive subdivision we haven't done any um like parallel exclusion mapping on there yet i think it's like a maybe for the future i might go in that direction but yeah for the moment it's just adaptive subdivision just a regular regular subdivision so wherever this is greater than minus four and we can use a utility so we're just switching between our two rules here and then yeah normal excuse me normal maybe i should just use a node group uh mask just saves me a little bit of time it's probably more nodes using the node groups all the time but if it saves me effort i'm happy to do it has there ever been any word on when adaptive subdivision upgrades from experimental i have no idea why it's inexperimental it's ridiculous but it's still there um yeah absolutely ridiculous it should have been out of experimental eight years ago right so when it is greater it needs to have a positive one there we go alright there we go nice like this perfect uh just normal displacement or vector displacement it's just normal displacement in that one yeah it's a really standard shader it's just pretty it's just a yeah it's just a cool effect hey spleen vitals what a great name uh have you ever used the pipe node in chalk it's super useful in rhino but not so much in blender it doesn't work properly in blender yeah yeah i know what you mean because it uses like every edge is a curved segment or is a pipe segment um yeah it's a bit of a nuisance but you can use it and um the what's going to say uh if you use like an edge net i think that's the right one the edge net node and then you use like a curve viewer polyline viewer you can get a little bit more like consistency throughout although the edge net node sometimes does give some weird wait let me just show you so if you have like a suzanne let's view this and then if you were to use this with like the pipes node jump weird that's not connecting do some faces let's change this out for a solid one and you change the size so the z needs to be one so it's a full length and then these need to be shorter so they're like besides but yeah as you can see that's really weird oh it's because it's closing them so yeah it's open on every corner which is just really annoying um i'm pretty sure it's the edge net node it's actually been a little while since i've used um this virtual i should not really admit that but there we go so the edge net node creates like bits of edge stuck together so if i use the um curve polyline viewer another one and now i can join up these and this only takes the edges right so you can see that we're having much more like um lengthy things so it's a little bit it's a little bit cleaner anyway but yeah it doesn't always do a great job but it can pick them in a weird in a weird place but the edge net is uh probably what i would use generally if i can get away with it unless i'm in a situation where i can cover the corners oh did i just delete everything sorry pardon my expletives there we go let me delete that okay yeah i keep meaning to do a geometry nodes sorry i can't really do a spur chalk november prompt and i just keep like uh putting it out of my mind but i do i do want to do one uh right then let's grab a instance on points i want way fewer points like two i will also set this to pass on disk just so i have a bit of a bit of space around all of these you can use empty to transport elements in the 3d view yeah you can do but then you have to use empties everywhere and that's um that's kind of a pain so utility is align euler to rotation the normal is our vector their rotation is our rotation ae nice man that like fake iron work thing actually looks so good anyway this version of november uh have you ever tried parallax mapping to replace dynamic displacement uh yes i have i like parallax mapping parallax uh prolapse parallax occlusion mapping there's quite a few people if you uh if you want a really good add-on that does parallax you can find plx although apparently it doesn't google well let me let me find this here we go this is like a really creates by jc and oh sorry my internet is just a little bit slow with the stream going on but it's like really clean advanced parallax occlusion mapping and this is all like ev safe as well you can use this in ev it's very cool very cool let me copy that into the chat yeah parallax occlusion mapping it's very simple to set up a basic parallax map but obviously like the more samples you do the more the further you push it the more complex it can become there we go right then let's just add another joint geometry as usual i should probably be a bit more conservative with my joint geometries i don't know if they're slow or not have i tried gabe's dithered parallax i've not actually tried it but i have seen a lot of stuff with it um oh man are these on the windows well that looks dumb never mind i think this is like oh are we going to do the small foliage like the ivy i guess we probably should oh foxpin off programming nodes as soon as it's meant as soon as you mention things like little ideas to um to people like to people like that they they can't help themselves hostile lighting oh we don't have any spikes on the lighting you're right how could i forget let's um let's bring these up here right are the bird spikes to stop poop basically yeah to stop root birds roosting in places that they are unwelcome oh my god just literally just adding that node was so heavy that's so many spikes uh i just want it to be on the bracket itself and yeah and to stop parkour enthusiasts and the spikes on the wires we going we gon spike crazy i think it's this one oh man it's literally taking like a few seconds to position a node at this point why is this thinking it's so heavy come on so let's oh my god come on come on blender this is so unperformant it's actually ridiculous and this is just using a python add-on while blender is thinking like come on okay nice that little capture attribute trick is so good you can just like control stuff so easily all right the toilets must be very unwelcoming [Music] so hostile exciting but i know it's like so against what blender stands for um and do we have lanterns attached to the glass on the windows yes we do too many spikes are not enough you gotta commit to these things haven't you uh right foliage let's chuck in it's all gonna be black and white anyway and like nice and grainy it's gonna look hopefully great but uh let's see so i guess i want to make a bunch of points make a bunch of iv on the points and then make a bunch of leaves on the ivy is that drainage pipe here's a drainage pipe i was a bit slap dash with where i put them but it's uh i'm happy with that all right so we have this which is actually doing a good job because it's already got all of the masks and things to keep stuff in the street um so if we take this and i'm just going to set it to random and then i'm going to instance a bunch of lines on it now where are the cameras we're at we're keeping the i know like hostile architecture and spikes and stuff and not very victorian but i'm i'm keeping it a bit more uh sort of old style hopefully less less modern anyway no aerials and stuff yeah just because i did those for the five-sided one distribute points instance on points here we go uh yeah no that was intentional to put them on the cables just because it's kind of ridiculous although it's not something which i've never seen like i have seen stuff where they've put like barbed wire down the cables i don't know if that's to stop people from climbing on them or if it's actually just for birds all right if you want to instance multiple things on a single point you just add a mesh line with no offset and now i can instance 10 things on each point and then i'm going to need to realize those points so they're all individual and now i can instance a bunch more mesh lines which have two points and then i can realize these ones and then i can offset the positions um [Music] oh crunchy neck uh so set position everybody gankstar until the birds riot so true so true um what are we doing index modulo to that is my selection mask because this is just 0 1 0 1 0 1 so that's like already your boolean and now i can randomly place the end point so i need to like what am i doing did my neck just crack yeah sorry i try not to like crack things while i'm streaming but my neck has just been really stiff today um raycast so we're going to be doing a raycast towards um towards the wall i guess towards the other point and then we'll do it towards the wall i think let's do this so this is my target geometry and which way we're shooting and then maybe i should maybe i should just do it by proximity because it's um it might be a bit of a pain you feel seen it's crazy i've i always used to get told that um cracking your joints gives you always arthritis and i don't know if that's true but i don't feel like it's true but every time i do it my head is just like you're going to regret that in 50 years it's not great it's not good for you all right position oh i can just what am i doing what am i doing oh worth it uh okay position greater than right this is my mask and so i can just duplicate this one down alt p set this to a vector this is my ray cast direction um which way am i going so if the position is greater than minus four so if it's true it's positive and if it's false it's negative cool what are the good tutorials or courses for learning geometry nodes um i have some videos but if you as soon as you're here when you're asking that i guess you don't want mine um chris p chris prenninger he has some really good videos uh uh bradley bradley animation he has some really good videos um who else does good videos oh um bbbn19 ben he's just started making videos and he just like dumped a bunch of them so he's doing some good stuff cg mata also has some good videos um yeah oh my gosh there's actually loads of people who are making great content at the moment which is amazing obviously because it's great for students but yeah if i think back to like when i was starting or when i was you know in the first couple of years of blender it was like blender guru then that was it that was like you could go on to the blender artist forum and you could uh that was like it basically you could go on the blender artist forum right let's grab a random vector because i need to randomize the position which i will just add now i don't even need to i can plug it through let's take the input position like this this just does like an add and minus of your deviation so whatever you put in here it will be like plus this and subtract that uh source position so now i can randomize these a little bit give me a little bit of a little better wiggle and then that should be pointing back towards the wall and then the hip position should be the hip position oh my god i hope this works after all this amazing there's nothing oh modulo 2. okay well that's all right bad normals yeah he's done some good stuff even if you um like he's just popped up as well suddenly very frustrating but if you have um oh what was i gonna say um yeah if you want to just use like more advanced tutorials i know it's really tempting just to be like oh well i'm a beginner so i'm gonna follow beginner stuff and i also know it can be frustrating when you follow advanced stuff and you can't keep up but if you uh if you follow more advanced stuff and then um yeah basically just follow more advanced stuff and then if you can see what you've done and then you like reverse engineer it and you're like i don't understand why this works but i think it might be because of like this reason right so hypothesize give yourself a reason that you're like okay i think this might work because of this and then test it essentially the scientific method is going to give you like the whole hypothesis experiment conclusion or whatever i can't remember what the stages are but just uh just go through the process of being like well i'm not sure why this works but let me let me see why let me test it all right now we can subdivide and just randomize the points and then we can skip them and then you basically got iv this isn't the best way of doing it but it's um it's gonna work all right ah decoded yeah decode is great rob two minute papers is also great i can never remember his name though he doesn't do so much like blender specific stuff but he did some really interesting talks on light transportation uh which is like how render engines work what am i looking for randomize the position maybe i do that with a noise displace because i'm lazy and i've got the node there we go oh dear that subdivide is taking 70 milliseconds nice doing a good job well when this one is taking over a second carolyn are you just going through your entire oh sanctus yeah scientists makes good uh tutorials in both spanish and english so if you are a spanish spanish speaker you can follow him on his spanish channel as well which is always always great yeah chris pran's great because he also does animation notes which is always a fun time i need to limit my points to where they are close to pipes and the ceiling so let's do that and this is all driven off our original density over here the timer i expect it will be in 3.1 when it's stable but at the moment this is an experimental branch so you can just download the experimental branch it's not like a custom build it's just in the node timings branch let's grab geometry proximity and the pipes are up here downpipes here we go oh boy things are getting slow i wish we had like a total time for the node graph i suppose i could put the whole thing into a frame and that would do it but and i'm also going to need a good thing your voice is back thank you i have tied it out nicely today excuse me right geometry join geometry and we want to be grabbing so that's the down points downpipes i also want the canopy sections which are this yeah this section and there we go so i think i'll probably just do it around these i might also add the lanterns in here and i think i need to realize instances for the geometry proximity to work um wait let me just try it without first so we're going for a map range uh we want it within like i guess two meters and where it is zero we're gonna go for like identity two and then zero on the outside here we go plug this in up here that's pretty good oh yeah geometry proximity requires realized instances oh boy that just undid everything um let's go even lower one one meter there we go it's time to get a little bit closer to things now maybe we go a little bit denser actually three but only in those areas and node count 838 we're getting there we're getting there um there we go 0.6 right i'm going to go and grab another drink because i'm pretty much out of both my drinks and i should probably stand up because i've been sat down for the last five hours really bad so when i come back we will be finishing the uh the iv and maybe throwing out some renders or i might just like jump offline to do some shader work or something like that just so it's just so i've wrapped up the geometry nodes on stream right yeah stretch time i recommend if you've been sat down for a while you also stand up stretch your legs do some squats if it is if that is something that you are able to do and also have a drink of water right i'll be back momentarily good evening man so i'm gonna sort of rush to the end of this one now i just realized it's ten o'clock and i'm not at dinner so i will um yeah the excuse me the the time lapse of this one will include like all of the shaders and everything like that but just just for the stream just to keep everybody sane we are going to uh basically just do the iv and i might like chuck in the glass material and then do like a quick like here's what it could look like render um but then i'll do like a proper proper one after all right so the iv map it's there's better ways to do it i know uh jesse on twitter has some real good iv and a few other people i've seen making ivy products on twitter if you're not on twitter i recommend being on twitter because there is so many uh so many amazing bits of art coming through in the blender community it's like yeah basically blender community is very twitter centric so it's uh it's a good place to be let me just set up my camera call i don't want to make all of the iv that's off screen so i'm just going to call it based on my camera so 1600 by 2000 i'm not actually sure what the my field of view is let's just copy this 84 million degrees it's pretty wide so copy as a new driver come back in here paste that as a driver and then we can just do an and on that mask so uh boolean math on here chuck it on chuck it on and there we go now we are just constrained to the view might make this a bit bigger there we go twitter gives you great exposure it does i would say twitter gives you better exposure than instagram especially in the artist world sorry especially in the in the blender world if you're a blender person a lot of people are looking towards the blender community like the hashtag b3d or uh especially at the moment hashtag geometry nodes and november there's thingy you have the iv well there's a it depends if you need your iv to stick to stuff that's the thing like if you what i've done is i've basically made wire in one place like i've made two points of wire in one place yeah you can definitely start smaller so i've made like a a line with two points and i've taken the other end of it and i've just dragged it out somewhere random that's all this is doing i'm adding a random vector um and then i'm raycasting it at the wall so i'm making sure that both ends of the eye view on the wall and then i'm basically just randomizing the position in the middle basically there's obviously a lot more that you can do with it one of my 101 tutorials actually describes the process do i use an attribute transfer for that maybe i think in that case i actually used attribute transfer which is a way simpler method but it only does it like point to point in that case um so you would use like let me just show you it's probably easier right grab a cylinder where are we at trying to make it grow from the outside of the building inside to the window how would you do that i guess you have like a point that it needs to grow towards this is when the loops would get really convenient because then you could be like grow a little bit check if we're in the window grow a little bit check if we're in the window um where is at the moment that's a little bit more tricky i do not have an iv specific tutorial but some like i'll just show you the start of what i would do here and you can probably build on it from there so i've got my like base mesh right and because obviously you don't want to just make one iv you want to make all of your iv simultaneously so i would take a distribute points on faces which is just going to give me all of the points to make iv from and on these i would instance a line which has two points so mesh primitive mesh line with a count of two and i would also set the offset to zero so right now we just have a bunch of single points basically each point has two vertices on it you'll want to realize these as well realize the instances so that you have access to all of them as their raw data and then you're going to want to make a mask based on start and end right and you can do this really simply by taking the index which if you think about each line being like too long right if you do index modular two then you get a zero one zero one zero one which is basically the indices you want for your mesh line so and because they're all two vertices long this works absolutely fine so you just take your index modulo by two and now you have a mask right so now i can do geometry set position and i'm setting the position so the selection is basically like everywhere that has a one which is going to be the end of each line so now if i like move all of these out you can see that we have like a control for each of these now rather than them just moving randomly like this i actually want to move them and either stick them to the wall which is what i did on the previous one using the raycast or um stick them to another point and the way that you can stick them to another point is with an attribute transfer attribute from your distribute points and then we are transferring the position which is a vector by nearest to our position right and by default this is not going to do anything if i set the offset back to zero because the nearest point is where it currently is so you also need to randomize the position so you change the source position you add a random vector in here so you can just use a vector math node like that and then you can use a utility random value set this to a vector and now you can see that things are starting to join up if i go like minus 0.5 to 0.5 then that's basically saying that the range that it will um randomize itself in is like from within that bracket basically within that 0.5 radius from the original point so now you have your two ends right and you can just i mean what i was doing is i was just simply taking a mesh subdivide mesh to make more points and then i would take another set position with a texture node but you could use another random value in here just literally offset them um something like minus 0.1 to 0.1 just give them a little bit of wiggle and then add in something like another subdivide right uh sorry not certified mesh but subdivision surface and that's going to smooth them out okay so now you have all of these curly wires which is pretty good to go in for what you want if you want to make them denser which is what i did then rather than instancing on every single point like this oops what you want to do is you want to make a bunch more points on your points so to do this you just instance points with a mesh line zero offset right so oh that she looks really cool um realizing says there we go so now you can make more points right so now you're starting to get um a denser mass of iv you've got one of your things so just mesh the curve this is giving you your curve then you can do a curved mesh this is going to let you use a radius like a curve a circle curve on here so i'm going to set this quite low 0.01 is probably fine because it's the thickness here i'm going to set the resolution down to five because it's like the the lowest non-square and then if you want a little bit more control then you can also use like a curve set radius which allows you to use a field and then we're just going to use the curve parameter um and a i guess the nicest way to do it is with a float curve it saves you actually having to do the math so just plug that into your value it's important to plug it into the value because it will automatically jump into the factor which is wrong and then you can just do that so at the start we want it fat at the tips you want it narrow and then you can do something whatever in the middle and that's going to give you some nice little tendrils so that's always fun or you can even make it like little at the beginning and then get bigger if you don't want any square ends so yeah there you go nice and easy i say nice and easy i'm sorry if that was actually quite complex something like this anyway and uh that's recorded so you can always you can always go back and have a look at that again but essentially the process that i'm using on my node tree is instead of using transfer attributes and just randomizing the position i'm using a raycast because i'm not using points i'm just going like at the wall so i want to shoot it at faces at points i don't know if maybe the transfer hp way would actually be quicker because it could still use like the points of the bricks but either way it's essentially the same thing 20 nodes nice and easy no problem and it's that is actually fairly quick 20 milliseconds and it's generating a fair amount you can just use like a um actually let me just take this a little bit further for you because you might wish to put leaves on your iv so this is a a useful extra bit of information um you don't generally have leaves like right at the base of your iv the leaves are generally more towards the end of the branches and at the moment if i just go like point distribute points on faces and i say this really really high right so it's just like leaves everywhere and then we go instance points let's just grab something basic like uh um a circle i guess yeah mesh circle is fine uh with a fill and since these oh god that's too many um let's offset it radius of a meter so we're going to upset it by meter and then we're just going to scale these downloads like this right cool plug in the rotation sure whatever so it looks like leaves which is great but um you end up with like loads around the base because that's where your branches are thickest so you might want to actually control the density along the length of your branches however these are now meshes right so you couldn't use the curve parameter which is what has the values because this is now a mesh so you need to capture it before you lose the curve right so capture attribute this is going to be your curve factor and now we can just plug this out right so i can maybe use this with like a map range plug this in here put this in here and now where it's one we want to go for like a thousand and where it's zero we want it to be like zero right and you can push it out as well so i could like now push this out towards the end of the branches so now nothing will be below like the first half of the branch or you could even set this now to be like this scale as well so if i just move these out of the way um i hope this works this should work maybe i need to transfer it to the points i don't know maybe that does work actually uh yeah so now you can see that we're also getting if maybe i wanted this to go the other way so let's say 0.1 to like 0.02 or something so like it's really dense so it's kind of there's no point in doing it you would just do it as random and it would be fine um but there we go and also you might want to make them like have a general bias towards being set up so that you know leaves point towards the sky so you could also do utility align euler to vector just drop this in like this i'm going to go z towards the z and um now you have this on the factor right so you could like push them so that more of them push like face upwards and there you go nice nice and easy and then you can still just crank this right so you have a density of 10 here but like maybe you go for like a density of 30 if it's super dense maybe you go for a density of weight painted let me just add a new object and let's add some faces on here right so let's give this a simple subdivision apply so now we have loads of faces and i'm just going to bring this in so is that this yeah bring this down relative there we go mesh all right so if you're doing this coming into your window um this is way too dense right let's go up to like five or something if you want to have a weight painted thing then you're going to need to bring this in through your group front so grouping but excuse me um and i need a math node so i'm literally just going to take this as a factor multiply it by my maximum weight which is going to be 5 and i'm going to plug this in right so now it's like i don't know it's like 0.5 but i can change this over to this i'm going to rename this one to group because i know that's what my vertex weight is going to be called i can now select this go into weight paint mode and i can now paint on iv so that's just like super easy and the great thing is as well if you have like a high enough randomization on the positions you get these like branching across the regions uh so yeah there we go it's just a nice little way of working and you can always crank this up as well there you go cool hopefully that gave you a little bit of uh hopefully that was helpful anyway nice and easy iv was it stenger you asked that yeah okay well i guess now i have an iv tutorial so there we go i can do i clip that or does somebody else clip that anyway uh you found out that i have a course on geometry for beginners uh that course is for blender 2.93 which the nodes aren't really the same um i don't want to say don't buy it because it's still like good logic and there's still like good information in there um i would recommend i have some geometry knows 101 videos just watch those like there's five or six of them just watch those and you'll be golden and join my discord server because everybody is really helpful and nice it's just like if you ever have questions you can just ask them on there and people answer so quick it's great okay cool cool cool back to it what is this let's get rid of that plane as well i have no idea where i am oh here we go um and use an empty to control where the ivy grows yeah well you could do it by distance like fall off from an empty uh could you do it like growing towards an empty yeah you could because you could instead of using like an offset position which is randomized you could do it like a lerp so you just use like a mix rgb set to mix and then you put position into the first one and then the position like the location of your empty into the second one and then you have a handy little slider which can go from one to the other um so yeah lots of lots of ways that you can build it up all right mesh to curve curve to mesh and a curved circle i do actually have a pipes node in my add-on which does this like directly um but there we go oh god too thick too thick that's too kind thank you 0.01 ah that'll be fine i don't think i really need it to like taper um [Music] is this with the iv generated add-on no this is just using some nodes some basic nodes uh may [Music] not bother with the um curve parameter tapering because you're never really going to be that close to these they're going to be like one pixel and someone's gonna scroll past them on twitter in like a second so that's fine let's do this and then i'm gonna need some leaves so i have no clue about your nose would you 101 still be understandable the 101 is like what is geometry nodes so that's where you go they're the first lessons so yeah read go go and do the 101 videos they'll basically set you up to use geometry notes that was the idea anyway it was like especially the first one it's like actually tells you how geometry nodes functions so hopefully that one will be useful people seem to be happy with them i really need to get back on the thumbnail game like i haven't really bothered for this month just because it's like i don't think it's a lot of content so afterwards i need to get get making thumbnails it can be fun points on faces and i need to make a leaf oh we can use the curve method to make a leaf as well that's really easy so you use like a quadratic bezier which is just like a three point curve which is very nice now it's not an arc it's specifically a curve and then we can use a curved line which we will start from like minus one to one so it's centered and then curved mesh oh thank you the love is mutual and so now i can just set some radius on here and then we've got a leaf hopefully um that doesn't look so hot so starting at zero because we're going to be instancing this ending at like point two so point one in the middle but also like a little bit raised because this is useful um oh two seconds thank you christoph that means a huge amount it's actually amazing like how much work and stress and things you'll put into something that you know is just going to be a tweet and it's it like gets so compressed as well on twitter just awful 0.05 minus 0.05 there we go a little leaf now we can set the radius with a float curve curve uh what am i doing set curve radius here we go curve parameter utility um float curve do people find it more useful seeing me go through the menus rather than searching for nodes i've never really been sure because i know a lot of people just search for notes normally when i'm working i just search for nodes it's only when i want to be clear for videos i actually go through the menus so i'm never really sure if it's actually useful here we go now you can shape your leaf however you want nice and easy thanks to benny coverts if that's sorry if that's not he pronounced that uh for all of his amazing leaf work and foliage work on twitter it's always amazing to see his stuff killing likes menus i i don't dislike menus but when you've got stuff like the no tapper which is a really great add-on where you can just be like mr for map range uh it's very very useful uh you use the menu for the toolkit yeah searching is a lot faster searching is faster if you know what you're looking for um and i think that's why people get so scared of spur chalk because it's like how big is this menu and there's menus inside the menus everywhere so there's so many nodes inspector people are just like oh my god too much too much yeah no tub is great i think ivy leaves are kind of this shape maybe something like this this live is definitely staying in the channel yeah uh all of the lives from this november uh i was gonna i was gonna just only offer them for patreon people and now i feel but i'm not because uh i want people to like have access to the new geometry nodes and like understand what you can do with geometry nodes rather than it being like behind a paywall just because it's so new um but then i feel bad because like people on patreon aren't getting anything so if you are a patreon supporter uh thank you and i'm sorry i will start producing specific content for you soon i just need to um get some kind of like semblance of control over what i'm doing with my life and then i'll be all yours right let's plug this in so mesh instances on points here we go join these up where are they there we go get the rotation plugged in oh maybe i need to get them all pointing out from the wall uh stanky i've got another tip for you come in so we need to take the normals from the wall because your leaves they want to they want to stick out from the wall right they're not going to grow towards the wall there's no light there so we need to find the wall which i think is this yes it is and we need to transfer the normal from the walls here we go plug that into the transfer attribute leaves killing stop it you're gonna make me do it and then everything is gonna be covered in spikes um okay so we're taking we're taking attribute transfer from our wall it's gonna be a vector because it's our normal and that is what we're doing we're interested in the nearest face interpolated because it needs to be the face normals and excuse me sorry about that um a line rotation to vector here we go the vector is coming in and this can now go through this rotation all right so now in theory let's get rid of that rotation for a sec now everything is pointing oh i guess it's because loads of stuff is behind the wall what was a good way of learning about changes in geometry nodes um following the when was the last time i saved thank you following the developer logs the commits let me find a link for that and you can just jump straight on in oh my god where am i there we go so you can find this is just literally so if we find the geometry nodes you can basically if you sign in with your blender id you click watch project here and you will be emailed every time anything comes through so anytime somebody comments on a commit every time somebody posts a bug every time somebody commits a commit or emergency something to master you will see it on here every time you'll get an email so i recommend if you do set it up like set up a filter in your email folder in your inbox just to like push everything out so you can keep it separate just because you will probably get like 30 or like up up to 100 a day i guess probably especially when they have the developer meetings ivy is perfect for hostile architecture because it's one of the only plants that strangles and suffocates other things it's also poisonous so that's another reason to have it or to not have it depends how hostile you want to be oh man these because of all of my brick instances these are like getting really confused which direction they're supposed to point so generally you would use the transfer normals however in this case i'm actually just going to be using um my custom normals which i set up somewhere else why did i do that over here but i need to just invert it yeah so that effects math scale minus one pops your uncle sweet so that's half of it now i just need to plug through the rotation like this so we're going to use like most of the pointing out from the wall stuff like maybe half of it and i'm going to use another align euler where we're going to make the zed point mostly up and i will actually do this one after and the purpose of the leaves is to hide all of the surprise spikes what a what a beautiful little diorama we're making and what a hopeful view of the future all right let's go with something like this and then you're right let's make him dancer 20 60. yeah that's probably about right and uh random scale let's go for a random factor in here something like that i probably should have used random scalar just so it's not gonna make them weird shapes but never mind no that's fine cool and these can now get a material which is going to be poison ivy or just regular iv even though it's going to be black and white so it's actually just going to be like see if they need to be shiny hey any tutorial or advice to create a library with geometry notes um to create random tilt and position of different books tricky actually because you need non-intersecting books there is a node by johnny i don't know when it will be added to anything at the moment you'd have to build it yourself but it's like a specific um like an offset thing so if you have it basically allows you to like do stuff iteratively you know but i think they probably won't add it because they're going to get loops so i really hope we get loops soon because that'll make it really easy for us to build up our um things like bookshelves uh while we're doing leaves so how would you do it though i guess you would want to um probably just use like arrays the difficult thing is if you have different sized books you can't like squeeze them together no you couldn't offset them based on the size which is what johnny's book johnny's uh johnny's node did because it would basically be like okay this one is this wide so the next one has to go here which is how you would make it with a loop at the moment i would say probably just make a a manual specific number of books that is a specific width so you might do like five different manual groups of books all of which are like 0.5 meters in length and that way you can do arrays of your 0.5 meters picking randomly from those collections of books um yeah we will get a better way to do it but i think just at the moment it's probably best either done like with spurchock or animation nodes or done a little bit more manually with um like shepherding geometry notes along we should get something there and as soon as we get loops doing bookshelves is actually one of the tutorials i have planned so that will be that will be on the cards um i guess in like a couple of months i would expect to see them fairly soon although it is all still in the proposal i'm not sure if there's actually been anything made on it yet all right this is the iv let me add um what if someone creates a node that allows you to draw using a tablet a pen a shape you want and it turns into a curve i am about to blow your mind so if you add a curve a bezier curve in blender and let's say i don't want these points i'm just going to delete them um do you know what let me actually let me properly blow your mind so i'm also going to add a new geometry knows tree i'm going to just use the um [Music] the spline brick let's use this one and we're going to be using yeah this line that's fine um so on the left hand side on your t menu your tool shelf underneath annotate we have another one called draw and this is a default tool like blender just has this node you know what i mean like it's just in blender so you can draw stuff already um oh this is actually not doing it embarrassing uh but yeah there we go weirdly this is not oh because it doesn't like geometry cannot be retrieved from the modifier object interesting but also very rude let's do it this way there we go so now you can see we have drawing walls draw the walls and you can just keep on drawing them and they like totally totally work as long as you draw an even number of walls i'm not really sure why that is i haven't debugged it yet but um yeah you can just draw stuff and it will work and that's a default that's like a default tool i feel like not many people know that it's there if you enable it and you go to the tool settings you can either choose to draw on the cursor or on the surface so it's really useful drawing on the surface if you have like um let me just add it's not going to work so well for these because these work based on the lowest the lowest point on the curves so that's why they kept getting lower there but you can imagine like if you're drawing in a field or something you can make the wall follow the field itself anyway let me get rid of that and that cool big massive wrinkly brain i just like don't know how to take that but thank you um i want to add the cross beam the roof the canopy to my iv so i just need to find out where my iv geometry is and it's here and i need to add in so a join geometry goes here and i need my canopy is this it yes it is um i could have done the lantern pattern like that as well i could have done but it's not it's not procedural enough for me for this month i would have loved to have done it um drawn because it looks it makes it easier but there's cut there's something nice about also not drawing it you know like um [Music] uh like leaving it up to chance because i know if it looks terrible it's not my fault it's just it's just how geometry nodes made it and also because uh if i draw it i have to draw it once and i'm like i don't like that and then i have to draw again if i don't like how geometry is does it i just click next seed until i find one that looks better um yeah realize instances here we go why aren't we getting anything on the roof very distressing oh because of the the the thing the selection all right let me let me just do this then i can just do that there we go now we have points everywhere faucet um i wonder what you could have been right now if you were doing houdini um i would probably be financially a lot more stable there's a lot of people wanting houdini artists and i've definitely lost out on work because of not being a houdini artist oh good heavens that's a lot of iv in the roof there um what am i doing i need to reduce the density as it gets higher up because that's just crazy that's too much too much um maybe i also use a normal mask and i can just make it on the downward facing normals maybe there we go um minus one in the z here we go ah that's a bit better cool cool cool this can all join up join up here join up here ah it's beautiful all right i'll take it let's put in oh i need to do fog oh at least that's nice and easy um and do you know something amazing we haven't found a single like we haven't found a single new bug today which is nice i think any any time anything's been a bit weird like the coordinates in the node tree that's uh that's definitely a known bug all right what am i doing i need to add a big cube that can be used for the volume and that's literally just a cube and blender is a nice mix once you land 4 500 shortcuts there are so many shortcuts in blender i um i knew blender like i was pretty fluent with blender by the time i tried maya which was in like 2011 and um oh god it was horrible experience i know maya is good for character animation not something which i do but it's uh people like it for that but oh my god just the interface and back then as well blender didn't have any pie menus and everything in maya was pie menus and it was just like i had no idea what was going on okay 20 meters high by 20 by 20. when do you sleep eat or live in between learning and doing these things in blender i do eat at least not very well but i do i have like at least two meals a day thank you yeah it's all gone black i need to um i need to put my volume box somewhere let's maybe make that bit bigger oh my god he's going so slow come on blender you can do it oh that's too much oh too much again hey a cup i'm um you're coming right at the end i'm pretty much uh done for the actual stream portion here going too far again all right i might make it a bit narrower this is not really necessary to make it so big when i'm only actually doing a little bit of street no that's probably fine uh right mesh no materials that material oh i completely forgot we had a blimp up there let's make this a volumetric um here we go material so that's the volume smog or something alrighty then let's uh very quickly just mute these and do some stuff right shadow principled volume hostile season just everything our style um where is my volume the cycles x not v not render volumes if you're actually inside the volume great that's good to know is this a geometry notes thing or is this like a cycle text thing because that's not very useful to anybody so i need to put i need to put the fog in front of the camera there we go oh my goodness cool and density of like point two oh too much 0.05 i might do this with a missed pass because that's going to create so many um so many artifacts optics denoising or even like open image denoising it hates volume hates it so much now it's skylights this one i can probably use my other node which is like architectural glass so it has no refraction a little bit faster hey a mad let's grab this geometry node presets archi glass node tree there we go they're all looking great uh let's go into our emissive make sure we have a black body for the color never bother picking colors yourself because you can't do it use black body if you're doing lights not to be rude but like you probably don't pick good light colors just use the black body converter it's going to save you so much time our remission could be like five or something um if i go to the scene world a hundred it's looking pretty sick um nothing is really being reflected how i need but you know it's all part of it it's all coming together um what are the leaves going to be like i wish there was a filter that i could just make it like black and white that would i mean i could like pre-filter it with a plane a refraction plane but i don't know let's just keep going through these uh oh i have two emissives in here i don't know what this one was oh maybe skylight timber i don't know what was made of timber either okay all the windows nice let's just make that black and maybe a bit more shiny uh glass now this is for the window glass so let's go super shiny and i will add some like actual texture to this um oh maybe i'll just do it now what am i doing right if you need your uv map in geometry nodes and you're like where is it because it's not coming through my geometry knows my uv map you need to grab an attribute node in your shader the attribute is uv underscore map and now you can see that we have ue maps everywhere so very useful am i a wizard for real i am thank you for noticing i'm still waiting for my owl but uh i'm hoping that maybe there's just like an adult learning college hogwarts like a a separate part of it that you don't see in the films um right let's grab converter no let's use a distance node factomath distance and we are interested in point five in the x here we go and now we can burn this with some noise there we go oh it's all coming together it's been ages since i've done textures you good are you actually working there we go nice cool something like that and now we can use this as like a a light map um yeah map range i'll also use it with a mix so i have different colors uh if hogwarts had a red light district it's diagonally we are it basically is actually some kind of black and white filter in the corner of the 3d view oh my god you're right there's um a render pass it's not wait is it okay definitely not that one um i mean ambient occlusion looks great as always but it's not giving us black and white i wish there was just like a straight black mic because even in the color management stuff um even the color management stuff doesn't have it just has like different contrasts it's like well i want actual filters give me black and white so i can actually do my value checks don't make me like at the moment i have to like screenshot take it into affinity photo crazy crazy all right um this can go into our omission strength and the emission is going to be oh well it's black and white so it's just going to be white that's fine now maybe i'll make it yellow so we get an actual value difference um we're gonna go with five and zero five is definitely too much let's go with two and it's gonna be more orange as well what was that i just said about not being able to pick colors let's use a black body set this to like 2500. goddamn and we need a random per window so let's grab either object index is this one working yeah that's pretty good actually because it gives it a pair of windows which is actually nice uh maybe my pc monitor has a black and white color mode it does but monitors pc monitors and also the same for tvs like they gotta they gotta get better um menus like the ui is terrible and mine's got like this little rocker switch underneath it's just like a hateful thing um it's multi-threaded on the cpu geonotes multi-threaded cpu which is why it's better to use like the compare float less than greater than rather than the math node if you need a boolean because it's it's faster for the cpu um what am i doing with this oh right so i can turn some of them off uh greater than something like that which we can just like math multiply there we go there we go now some of the windows are off which is lovely and what else do we need i was going to plug in some colors but i don't know what this is actually useful for i guess maybe like a darker yeah something like that is pretty fine um if you have flux you can hit windows oh really i don't have flux actually because windows 11 has its own um color management thing and actually i don't use color management things because my i do a lot of stuff with color it's really annoying when something suddenly goes orange it's like ah it was like oh if you don't notice that it's like starting to change and you're in the middle of a color edit and then everything goes like completely blue the blimp needs lights absolutely right let's give it its own material and um we'll make it look spooky where is the blimp let's uh let's search for it there we go oh that search is so useful oh we didn't even give it a material foolish set material add a new one blimp there we go hey chicken oak how's it going thanks for thanks for jumping in i wonder if we can make it show its face with pointiness that would be horrific i think that's on the geometry node oh you have flux on i don't know how you manage to like live with flux it's such a uh a nuisance even if i'm like watching videos i don't even like it when my phone changes color and i only really use that like a little bit um all right let's go up let's go up by hmm i don't think this is going to work so well having the uh oh maybe it will oh yes oh god it's awful oh my god you can still see it suzanne ah right this can go on to i guess it needs to be like just a little bit glowy maybe let's do it like this so color it can be a seasonal leader literally um this one you can't really tell that it's a blimp i'm not really sure how to make it more uh blimpy did you actually you've made the mesh bisex node we thought you had been quiet for a little while i can't believe you've actually done it that's does it work does it like actually does it cut the mat what what does it do oh my god if you've got it working that'll be so freaking good all right i'm gonna do um a dot product between the normal and add a any way to add a search light yeah i can instance a spotlight on it that might be a good way the code compiles if it let that keep us posted cuba's place i'll keep streaming until um until you let us know uh maybe we could like minus one here 24 hour streaming coming yeah literally let's uh let's add these together clamping them there we go you kind of see that there's something going on up there i might um kind of want to add this to my lighting uh maybe overlay or yeah hopefully all right i see i see yeah it definitely does want some kind of searchlight your render is beautiful thank you it's covered in spikes literally spikes everywhere um i need to make some of these buildings different oh wait where am i where am i maybe the buildings are just darker we can like isolate them by um by position right so i need input object info that's all the bricks we don't have a material on the cable i don't even know where the gable is here it is add a material set material i'm also going to turn off auto offsets that gets really annoying when you have big note trees that's the uh it's like when you drop something on and it makes room like sometimes you just don't want that all right um ah the towers i completely forgot about those we need to instance a few lamps do you know what i'm gonna hand position lamps because i'm i know it's rebellious but it's uh it's just such an unnecessary faf actually positioning them in in the uh in the thing right let's plug this into a mix rgb i'm just going to go two shades of brown kind of maybe one needs to be a bit darker i want to be able to see the contrast even though it's basically going to be black i know it's like really arbitrary man we've put so much detail uh well where shall you post it oh wait have you got it working wait are you on discord are you on um yeah post it wherever all right if you've got the you'll be on the blender chat won't you you could always just drop in the junctions chat if you post in the geometry knows chat then i will or on the discord wherever then um i will i can bring it up on the on the stream oh my god i wish i could make notes that sounds like such a fun thing to do oh my god how exciting you're like making blender millions of people are going to use this i think that's such a wild thing to think about uh the auto offset oh wait did i do something oh the auto offset oh yeah yeah oh my god yeah it's so useful when you have like 20 nodes and when you have um what are we at now 800 904 nodes it's so annoying you put something in at the beginning and it like shunts half of your nodes not everything to the right just everything which is directly connected it's like if you're gonna make space make space don't just like push in very annoying um i'm just like keeping an eye out for if the the bisect notes gets posted all right um who's up next we need to do oh right the towers let's put in some lights first oh so this guy oh yeah he's above the fog so as to fill in the cut oh that's nice so it's going to be like um it actually works then let's use a oh if i'm not doing lights i can't really right okay cone fake emission uh geometry mesh primitive cone and what is this oh my god come back i need another transform node in everything nodes oh hell yeah oh my god it freaking works how am i gonna bring this up open in a new tab ladies and gentlemen a bisect node that's so good so i think if i had um i think what it should do what i would make it do would be rather than it cutting um so it basically just puts a cut around the mesh but leaves the mesh intact but maybe have like some boolean output so you've got like the inside and outside based on your normal um and then you could like use a delete afterwards or something like that and to fill it maybe because you could just convert it to a mesh and i guess we're going to get i'm like convert it to a curve and then um fill the curve on that specific band and then join them back together and it's a bit of a workaround but i guess we'll get fill holes at some point anyway but damn how does it uh how does it feel using it with that normal and offset thing because i know you weren't you weren't sure about that to begin with i can't believe you made it work you just like vanished for half an hour and came back with a node so good all right let's get this transform in here fill could be a boolean checkbox it could be i think the like delete upload to the lower should be an option and then like if you select both then you should just be left with that edge band oh yeah you could put a convex hole on it although that is reliant on the rest of the mesh being you know like if you were to do this on a suzanne if you're to buy sector susan it wouldn't it wouldn't stay clean where is this all right open this up down in the x and out in the in the y here we go depth should be like 10 meters maybe oops that's like a spike through our head here we go and um yeah i'm not sure what the best way to do it is i was just thinking of like on the cone node where you have like top bottom side as selections um but then sometimes you do just want to use the bisect specifically to grab a thing but then maybe you know maybe you just make node groups for that as like as custom things um killing hostile light let's rotate this like this and i guess as well in this axis nice that's pretty close suzanne searchlight all right let's grab this with a material set material uh this can just be a new one called searchlight i hope we have good um uvs on the cone see you later lithium thanks for jumping in you are you're not gonna miss much we're basically done now so jump back into eevee let's get rid of that let's give it a attribute we can use our uv map one here we go looks like we may have a reasonable one uh separate xyz that's not good they're useless useless ones uh creating the code is really simple because you knew the code that does the bisecting ah well you have to first of all know the geometry nodes api and you have to know how the bisecting works to be able to find the code that does the bisecting it's no small feat that you just like whapped that one out really quickly so honestly well done for doing that that's and it's such a useful note as well so good that that uv map is actually useless um is this one any better no right then let's do something different then we need maybe this ad just god damn it this is really difficult um now i can just use the same rotation because i've got it right here yeah so we can just take our generated and then we can just use like a vector wrote a mapping node man my brain is like it's beginning to go it's beginning to give up all right let's grab this so minus 43.6 27.4 and zero um please be one of these now that's fairly close that'll do me all right um let's grab just a map range instead and we can plug this onto an emission and a transparency and just like mix them nice and easy using the b mesh okay is there a way to do it without be mesh though because i know i've seen hans saying to avoid and i think jack's saying they don't like be mesh if possible to not use it because i think when one has made the dual mesh note they were saying like oh is that b mesh uh shader emission shader transparent join them together chuck in our good old black body node into the emission there we go and uh we can just switch these around cool there we go and was there anything else we were doing oh right lights inside the tower that was the last thing the last one and i'm just going to manually position these because um kind of out of uh patience for using just like the endless numbers of transform nodes so let's put a couple in here and we'll just alt d for these there we go they're all the same blackbody is kind of useless but it's just so that i know that like if it looks right then the like the relative values will be correct in black and white which i know is like ridiculous i can just tweak the uh the actual like emission strength you're right now i can just tweak the emission strength that's uh alt d y g x that there we go is there any visibility it's pretty dark but there are some lights in there all right well this is kind of uh kind of it thanks thanks so much for tuning in uh there's yeah there's not really much i actually really want to do more to this other than render it and like do a few level tweaks and things um but yeah ultimately it's just gonna be black and white hence the black and white prompt so thanks everybody for coming and thanks thanks folk for putting together that bisect node in record time if it gets uh if there's like a buildbot version i'm probably going to be using that tomorrow or like whenever i can next use it actually i've got a build that i can just build myself so i can i can build the patch um there we go time to drink and smoke like you've already been doing cool stuff yeah thanks uh thanks for your company and uh i will see you not tomorrow tomorrow's sunday and then i guess i'll probably do only either monday or wednesday depending on whether or not i'm rolling prompts together we'll have to see i'll try and do it on monday though there we go great stuff see you later folks let me actually find my uh find obs here let me
Channel: Erindale
Views: 6,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5h9k64uVsEs
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Length: 456min 22sec (27382 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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