NodeMCU - Arduino Core 3. Upload LM35 Data to THINGSPEAK

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hello all this video is on sending along the defect temperature data on to your cloud server like things speak from node and see you the lm35 temperature sensor and no dempsey you can be easily plugged on the a breadboard the lm35 is a three pin device the first pin is supply voltage for 220 volts second pin is output and third pin is ground will will be connecting the first pin to 3.3 volt of node MCU the specification of LM theta phi is supply voltages from for old but it operates fine with the 3.3 volt the second pin of lm35 is connected to a zero the one and only analog pin of node MCU and pin three to ground now let us start with the things peak open an account with things peak just by providing your email ID and then open your account under channels click on my channels and then click new channel provide a name for your channel along the different node and see you them and then provide a description and create a field named temperature we are going to upload only the temperature data so we create only a single field field one and then click on Save Changes now the channel is created you can click on the APA keys tab to Rio to know the right APA keys here you will see two keys write API key and read API key we'll be using the write API key copy this write API key this should be used inside your code let us crack the code with the esp8266 Wi-Fi dot H header file the write API key is assigned to a string variable this is the write API key we obtain from the things speaks server and then we assign the SSID and password of the router to char variables next we assign the a pa da ting speak comm URL to a chart variables server the resolution is a float variable which is assigned 3.3 by one zero two three three point three is the supply voltage and one zero two three is the maximum analog read value we start the client object new client object and under setup we start the serial monitor with eleven five 200 baht we disconnect any previous Wi-Fi connection and then Wi-Fi dot begin function is used to pass the SSID and password we wait till the Wi-Fi dot status becomes W L connected until then we print a dot every 500 millisecond once the connection is established we print the SSID name the analog value at the a zero is multiplied with the resolution and then assigned to a temp float variable the resolution is 3.3 by 1 0 2 to 3 that 3.3 is the supply voltage and 1 0 to 3 is the maximum and a long great value and it is assigned to the temp variable and then we use the client dot connect function to connect to the server at port 8 0 the client dot connect returns a true value if connection is established and then we upload the data a string as things speak will accept data only in string format we upload the data in string format the th data is the string variable and VA first we assign the APA right key and then append the Tempur reading to the field 1 notice the two carriage returns at the end of the data then we use the post method to upload to the server the post request is a bundle of strings separated by new lines the first ring is message start line with three elements separated by space the three elements are post of and HTTP version 1.1 then follows the header fields the header fields contain information about post request the header fields are a host and then connection and X things speak the non-standard header is preceded by X and then the content type the content type defines the body of HTTP message sent to the server and the content length the size of the media sent and finally the message body separated from header header fields by two new lines the two new lines indicate that data is going to follow the head of header fields finally we use the client dot print to send the string data to the things speak server a delay of 15 seconds is record for the next reading to be uploaded now let us upload the code onto node MCU and then open the serial monitor set the bar 8 to 11 5 200 now you can see em seen Odom see you being connected to the Wi-Fi network and then the temperature reading is being uploaded if you touch the lm35 device the temperature will increase and the current data will be uploaded now let us place the soul ring on Allah LM terrified to increase the temperature you can see the real-time data being updated uploaded now let us open our things speak account and open our channel LM the define node MCO tempi server channel open the channel stats to see the temperature reading being printed in real-time every 15 seconds the temperature data is being uploaded and it is printed as a chart thank you for watching you you
Channel: Saravanan AL
Views: 45,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -oLfthiXieU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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