Nobody Cares About Your Coding Projects

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nobody cares about your GitHub projects and it is your fault the good news is you can easily solve this problem first I will give you three steps on how to elevate the value of your project then I'm going to give you some actual examples on what we are talking about here I will show you some gold standard topnotch GitHub open- Source projects and last but not least I'm going to explain to you how your projects are evaluated during a job application now before I start cooking please take a second and hit like And subscribe to support the channel okay now let me cook step one what do you think most projects lag coding skills honestly nobody's going to first dissect every line of code this is not a coding interview right a cool name hell no you already nailed that with the string Blaster 2000 or whatever so what's wrong with your project your project lacks frame a business case and that's the main and only reason nobody cares about it what do I exactly mean with this your project needs to offer some value in a real life scenario a Showcase of an optimization algorithm is okay but imagine the same algorithm developed as an independent Library which then can be used in other projects so let's say as a library to speed up some simulations now that's where we want to go so first step it needs to offer some benefit for already existing products or problems only these kind of projects get attention nobody cares about something where strings are reversed or I don't know colors are printed on the screen step two you need to understand only because you see value in it that doesn't mean that others will see it and that's why you need to make the value obvious right from the start beginners often ruin really cool projects by not delivering it in a nice package imagine you order a new iPhone and then they deliver it without a charging C wait anyways and not not only that but also the mailman slam dunks it in front of your door you get my point so how you going to do this I'm going to give you the main points that you need to take care of so it doesn't go unrecognized because of bad packaging first your code needs to look as clean as possible your code has to look professional if your code looks like some school project people will open it and close it immediately they will literally swipe left on you no un necessary code and no dead code your code needs to be commented so that someone can understand it from the first read that being said not too much commenting but also not too little comments keep the sentences short and concise take care about indentation make it look readable and also Pleasant to read if it looks like this people will not read it nobody wants to decipher hieroglyphs try to use good coding practice throughout the whole thing that means single Source no double code don't leave code in it that isn't being used especially take care of things like memory leaks if you have memory leaks in the code or dangling pointers I'm talking now about CN C++ take care of it use Smart pointers of course you can deliver the perfect code and nobody expects it especially not from you but these small cues can Elevate you from the competition now second thing make your GitHub read me page readable right the introduction don't try to over complicate keep it simple the reader should be able to understand what the project is about in the first few sentences if someone reads it and doesn't really get what's going on don't expect them to try to decipher your spaghetti code nobody expects great code after reading a disastrous documentation write that down the read me should include the following points intro what I'm looking at how to build a project how to get it running usage how to use it some release notes something like version new features uh noun bug undefined behavior and so on step three now the third thing is try to implement the testing in your project automated testing Frameworks show your test cases results and so on doesn't really matter what testing framework you using it is only important to show people that you are delivering not only a world changing project but it's also tested you can either use Google test catch to or whatever if you follow my three steps I guarantee you your projects will look much better okay as promised let's now take a look at some gold standard example project there are thousands of very good and useful open-source gate projects we will together take a look at little FS first some obvious tells that a project is good R the project has been around for a good while and is maintained regularly you see sometimes project that have been around for 10 years and still get updates every few weeks the project has a lot of contributors this doesn't mean necessarily that it's good but usually projects with a lot of contributors are maintained and documented well it has a good documentation you can easily navigate through it understand how to build and deploy it and how it actually works little FS is a little fail safe file system designed for microcontrollers let's now together scroll through the repo okay you see the source code here but also a testing folder some scripts and bunch of other stuff at the top we have a brief explanation of what we are looking at a very nice small s key drawing and the main characteristics of the file system then it goes straight to an example as you can see here it shows how to include it then comes the usage section some notes then a section with how the little FS is designed then we have testing licensing and related projects this is a top shelf opensource project I mean compare this to some garbage low effort project with no practical value that's not documented not tested and so on so as you can see it's not that nobody values projects but it's more like most projects don't bring much value to the table now listen I'm not saying that every project should be on this level this is not even possible most people will never in their entire entire life start a project with 100 contributors and maintain it over 20 years but you can use projects like this as an orientation on how projects can look like and what they can become over the years some other superb projects that you can take a look at are for example flat buffers or catch to okay so now that you know how to create really good projects but at least I hope you do here are some action points that you can start doing immediately you can first go and take a look at your existing ones if you don't have any you can start of thinking about what would you like to create is it some embedded project or is it some kind of algorithm stuff but also think how can I make this so good that people can't ignore it put some practical use cases in the description of the project compare it with existing approaches and also provide some data how it performs your project portfolio needs to be like a sales pitch I know a lot of great programmers that are literally moars with a keyboard but their presentation skills are noia ring tones I had some great ideas in the past but they have been overlooked because my documentation was clumsy or my Cod was all over the place so don't ruin great ideas by not wrapping it in a great packaging now go over the points I mentioned above and think about ways how to make it more appealing does it need more documentation does it need unit tests what about some visualization of the results can this be integrated in some existing products your projects are probably already good but they need some nicer box you need it to be wrapped properly trust me this will make your git projects get the attention they deserve which also means you will Elevate yourself from the competition okay last but not least let's talk about how tech companies look at your in projects Tech recruiters tier list looks something like this experience degree internships other certificates and own projects but this is also hard maybe but since tech companies love publishing Junior positions we can remove the experience criteria if you're ever wondering why do companies do this junior position thing the reason is companies want to save money and with the word Junior in it it's basically the same job but now with a 30% salary discount okay anyways as you can see your own projects are already not the most important criteria so then if you calculate in that most people do projects that have nothing to do with the industry where they are applying to they get even more invisible and not invisible in a cool Harry Potter invisible capeway it's more like invisible like in high school so you need to be able to convince other people that they think that you have developed has some value in it it's like convincing your parents to buy you a new laptop so you can do stuff for school and yeah like going to the library in GTA Online you have to create something in the field of interest of the people to whom you are presenting your work this is the most important thing my advice is if you already know in which industry you want to work then it makes absolute sense to create something in that field making something that nobody has interest in and then wondering why you don't get any positive responses doesn't make sense it is a good exercise but don't expect people to throw money at your string flipper 2000 you have to keep this in mind it is better to have one really good project than 10 smaller useless mini repost with no real value let's say you have interest in computer vision and machine learning and you could imagine yourself doing this for work you can grab some microcontroller get a camera and start coding and tinkering around if you put every day 1 hour in this instead of Doom scrolling after 6 months I guarantee you you will have something really cool to show people the key is to work consistently on this for a longer period of time so if you manage to create two good projects or even one really good one I guarantee you it won't get unnoticed so that's it for today if you like the video please hit like And subscribe and see you in the next one Tariq TX
Channel: Tariq10x
Views: 4,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software, software engineering, software development, development, coding, coding tutorial, stop watching coding tutorials, tech support funny, software jobs, software project, software projects, project, projects, git project, GitHub, easy software project, beginner software project, application software, software recruiting process, devops
Id: 0yORLdaSEXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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