Noam Chomsky - Wilhelm von Humboldt and Classical Liberalism
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Chomsky's Philosophy
Views: 16,701
Rating: 4.9449034 out of 5
Keywords: Wilhelm Von Humboldt (Academic), Liberalism (Political Ideology), Philosophy (Field Of Study), Classical Liberalism, Noam Chomsky (Author), Karl Marx (Author), Political Philosophy (Field Of Study), Libertarian Socialism (Political Ideology), Libertarianism (Political Ideology)
Id: JmbLXl-mlL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2015
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Liberalism (in the tradition specifically focused on increasing an individual's freedom --- EMANCIPATION) and socialism are not opposed; the REASONING in a philosophy like classical liberalism is a true example of this process of liberating an individual or class of individuals from oppressive ideology. And that process continues; one outgrowth is socialism, and that is a tradition started by Marx...