Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...
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Channel: 43alley
Views: 1,123,083
Rating: 4.5439539 out of 5
Keywords: 43alley, Creationist Cat, Star Wars (Film Series), Noah's Ark (Exhibition Subject), Noah's Ark, Atheist Reads the Bible, Atheism (Religion), Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh, Flood Myths, Noah's Flood, Noah Flood, Bible, Religion, Star Wars Religion, Star Wars Spirituality, Jedi (Religion)
Id: _um69RqBpSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Oldest surviving genesis manuscript written in 4th century AD.
Oldest surviving Epic of Gilgamesh manuscript written circa 2000 BCE - 1700 BCE.
Claim checks out.
I love pointing out the story Gilgamesh to believers. And then tell him that the story of Gilgamesh is also ripped off.
Many stories of the Bible are plagiarized or borrows from other stories. Or the similarities are coincidences, I guess.
Since it's on topic, sort of, one thing that always got me about Noah's Ark story is the rainbow at the end. Is this describing the first rainbow? And if it's not, what so special about this one? Surely light refracted the same before the flood as it does now.
Top notch
Plagiarism? In the Bible? Truly shocking, who would have thought.
gilgamesh... is that anything like Gargamel from the Smurfs?