The Unreliable Birth Story of Jesus
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Channel: 43alley
Views: 526,149
Rating: 4.8327093 out of 5
Keywords: 43alley, An, Atheist, Reads, the, Bible, dprjones, DarkMatter2525, Nativity, Christmas, Jesus, Birth, story, stories, Atheism, holidays, gospels, religion, Sabbath, Christianity, debate, morality, intelligent, God, Richard, Dawkins, Christopher, Hitchens, Sam, Harris, Daniel, Dennett, Victor, Stenger, evolution, Old, Testament, design, Darwin, Creationism, Creationists, DarkMatter, 2525
Id: oli0DTmPmGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2010
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Jeez. I was sitting here with my popcorn, all jazzed to see the Nativity myth ripped to shreds, and the video is broken at about 2 1/2 mins. Crap. I hate popcorn.