No Weld Knife Making Bevel Grinding Jig

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so continuing the theme of knife making I decided to make a bevel jig with these bits left over from the knife vise and a couple of brass hinges that I've had kicking around for ages as the description says it's a no world build I'm gonna weld it so that's the only welding I'm gonna do and you don't have to do this you can easily clamp them together or just do them individually but I just for the sake of time it just makes life a lot easier if they're welded together so I was marking about 5/8 in from each end where I want the hinges to go these hinges are a little bit overkill but and so I've had them kicking around in a workshop for god knows how long I think I found them in a skip when the next door's moved out he used to do a lot of joinery it was all sorts of stuff like this in there but you can only keep so much rubbish but I knew they'd come in handy one day so I put them about there and say there are a bit overkill but they're good solid hinges and that will leave me a nice little space in the middle to put the adjuster I think that will be about right and it's mark where these holes are gotta go that's just about got it go to the anvil and sent it up there to try and get these quite accurate that one isn't the first one cuz I really want these hinges to be in the right place I'm drilling them and we're going to use them five mil in five countersunk set screws so this is a full point two mil tapping drill I use these a lot on what I'm doing the windows at repairs and manufacture so I've got a rake of these right now before we finished drilling I'm gonna put some holes along the bottom there we're on the top for the stop where the blades gonna rest now I'm only doing one row and putting a couple of Center dots there at the bottom that's for the handles I'm only gonna do one row here because I'm generally gonna I don't do a lot of knife making and I will generally be using sort of like a rasp six of them could put more up here depending on the width to your blade but like say this is what I'm gonna make it for because that's generally what I use for a knife making because I've always got tons of kicking about obviously if you're using a lot narrower you're gonna need some bolts further up I'll just go drill these big ones for a 10 mil that's the size of the thread on the handles I've got just tap in these and so I use these a lot on the windows so there's taps probably getting a bit past it but I've got plenty of others I bought box something so that if I did wear one out I just get out a new one sometimes I'm using dozens on these windows when I'm putting I use and put the hinges on you go I'm just gonna put the 10 million I can't really do that with the drill it's not man enough but just quickly wisdom reminisce and tap right so that's got that look drilled let's put in these stops now using hex head no Allen headed set screws here again five mill and only because I've got a rake of these along with the other ones I've got them in just gonna whip the ends off as you can see I'm still using the girlf cutoff disc it's still going it appears that after the initial real sharpness goes it gets a little bit blunt but it seems to stay like that it doesn't deteriorate as fast after the initial bit so quite pleased with that I'm just going to whip the hinges on again these are the follows mill bolts I use for the windows down nice I'm just gonna check that the stops are aligned nice and straight that's pretty good nice line that's quite important to get them in a line because when you turn the blade over it wants to be the same both sides that's pretty good pleased with that so let's take it apart now it's growing the world up right so on to the adjuster decided to use this bit of I think it's tuba quarter tuba tuba quarter angle I'm something again are they're kicking about what this came off I'm just gonna cut about five-eighths of an inch off one leg just soak it a bit more room or enough room to get the adjuster nuts on you'll see what I mean in a minute that's what we've ended up with and put a couple of bolts in this one now just for the adjuster I'm going to use a bit 12 mil studing now I was thinking I might have to sort of put a slot for it too because as you move the thing open and closed it's gonna go up and down I think if I just put bigger hole put like a 14 mil hole or something rather I think we're gonna get enough play because it doesn't go up and down that much you know you're not going to alter the angle of the bevel to such a degree that it's gonna affect the bolt up and down but we'll see we'll put the hole in another go I'm just put a bit of a clearance hole in these are it I think it's about six mil clearance on the it's not long enough caption that's it and there's me clearance 12 mil I'm just gonna put a flat on the end of here and that's what's going to attach to the the movable plate again you'll see it become obvious what I'm doing in a minute I'm gonna use a couple of small angles there's another good thing about this cutting disc you can actually use it like a grinding disc that's quite handy sort of thing you wouldn't dare do with an ordinary cutting disc there you go so we've got this bit sticking out alright I've drilled and tapped the holes for they don't want to bore you with that so I'm just gonna quickly attach that and that's where the 12 mil sterling is going to go and that will attach then to the back so let's just stick this plate on just whip those off with a grinder right so now that's roughly how it's gonna go get the idea it's gonna be quite heavy cheek but I like jigs like this to be heavy because it gives you a feeling of control when you're moving the stuff about so that's gonna go through there so on a couple of angles down here that I can drill through and bolt to the plate they're all - they're studying there so let's see what we can find so this is a bit of 5-8 angle line 5/8 by Bates I'm going to cut couple of them go down there so I can get good fixings and then drill through to attach to the study I'm just gonna mark for the boat house then for the center hull don't know why I'm babbling on because it's becoming quite obvious what's going on yeah I put piece of quarter-inch spacer in between them I'm just marking them just spotting them with the drill and then we'll gotten drill and tap as per so drilled and tapped that's where they're gonna go we'll get them attached I have plenty of free space there hopefully so there you go and the rods gonna go in there and just be enough movement with a pin in there so that's about where it's gonna go and now I've just realized I've made a up I've put those angles way too high I've just put them I don't know why I didn't measure them I put them where I put them I don't know why but they need to come down at the least quart one inch if not five six date so that's straight that bit of sterling straight that's high oh there you go up again so this time what I'm gonna do I've drilled the studing I'm gonna put a little no I lock nut on there to hold it all together so I've got still free play you know free movement without it coming apart I'm going to cut the studying off and clamp it all up where it should go which is what I should have done in the first place what an idiot alright so cut it put the nuts on and that's about where it's going to go now so it's resting in the right place so I'm just gonna try and remark them re-- drill and tap them but before I do that I'm gonna weld up the old holes they're not they wouldn't show but they are actually quite close to the new holes so I just blasted knock these out a second - I can't really get to because I don't want to take these hinges off so I'm just gonna file those doing with a file so there you go just filed them roughly down and remarked where the holes want to go properly this time I'll drilled and tapped him and now we can put it back together proper taking it apart because you wouldn't get the Sterling through the hole one of the bits would have to be taken apart so it's easier just to take the sterling off put these back together then put the starting back in so that can now go in there and that can go back it's a little bit one way so that's alright put it like that so put me washes in I've got just enough room to get a washer in there so that's essentially it I've got these handles I've got a brand new one here in a packet I had two of them and I used one of them this one for my bench grinder the belt grinder for the tensioner so I've stolen it off there and I put another one on a different one so I've got a pair of these handles you don't need to have handles you could quite easily use couple of big bolts but I've got them so I'm using them now it feels quite nice I think we're almost there yeah that's quite heavy but I'd say I like it like that because it gives you the feeling of control it's not flying about all over the place so let's find something to put in it and give it a go I'll set that at 8 degrees I don't think that's a bit much but I just want to give it go so I'm gonna leave it at that now haven't got a knife blank so I'm just using an old rasp because I've got plenty of them kicking about and literally it's just resting on the stops there on the bolts and clamped on with a clamp and that's all you need to do it's get the grinder going see how it works I have actually ordered a piece of plate that's six inch by 16-inch that I can bolt onto this plate on the grind of the base plate there just to increase the surface area to work on but sometimes you do need a bigger area to keep things level and keep them flat it's just about working on here but it we've much nicer if it was a bigger surface area now who didn't never used one of these jigs before so I'm learning as I'm going along so that's literally the first time I've ever done something like this with a sheet and I think it's working quite well I will have a bit of a play I have to find out what angle I really need this at first of all so that was set at 8 degrees sitting nicely on that base plate feels nice comfortable feeling control of it oh yeah pretty please so far obviously this hasn't been in a order anything this brass this is literally straight off the floor nothing that's working reasonably well let me see I say once it's a neo Dan all the rest of it it'll tear that off a lot quicker and then when you want to do the other side I literally just unclamp it turn it around sit it on the stops again very clamp it and away you go from the other side just go back the other way so that's it quite pleased with that a couple of hours work it's nothing fancy very simple something anyone can do in their workshop I think there's anything I've used that most people can't get hold of so that was the bits of used was scrapped from the knife vise build it's all in all it's cost me virtually nothing so I'm pretty pleased with it this hinges came out the scrap all the other stuff I had so I'll get me traditional red paint on and see what it looks like I'm gonna have to repaint it I did it in the cold up in the shed when I got home and it's gone frosted so I will have to repaint it unfortunately but I'm very pleased with it I'm think it will come in handy thanks for watching and we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Gary Huston
Views: 198,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tongs, blacksmith, horseshoe, DIY, blacksmithing, jig, knife bevel jig, Gary Huston, knife making, welder, hammer, anvil, smith, bevel jig, UK, forge, farrier
Id: w4VQD8bQpnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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