Incredible bevel Jig for the Knife Maker!

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and everybody Robert wheeler here is white bone knives and today I wanted to share something pretty special with you that's a good friend of mine mark Shelly and I have been working on for the past year and a half two years it's a brand new bevel jig for knife making and originally mark came to me and said hey I'm a tool maker for I've been a tool maker for the past 36 years and I think I can help you with some things that you're doing through your knife making make things a little bit easier for you and what he did was he brought to me this jig right here and he said can you use this for knife making and I said well you know let me test it out and and see how it goes and also I'll give you my stamp of approval and basically I already thought it was a really great jig it was robust it was heavy-duty which which are good things to have when you're grinding because you don't want a lot of wobble or anything having the extra weight on this jig look that's like half an inch thick I just have to say it's been great on these three set screws you can adjust your bevel accordingly if you want to do an angled bevel you can by adjusting one over the other or you can adjust them all at the same plane that way you have a nice straight bill and the bevel lines have been coming out really really good on these and later in the video I'll show you a demonstration of using these jigs but just to get to know the jig a little bit better you have all these three that you set before you go to start your bevel and then you want to put your knife in all you have to do is get that little going out stick your knife in here let me set this down and I just kind of line the top up with the top of the jig right here so I'll just line it up pinch it then you take this dial here this knurled dial and you just tighten it up and that puts a pretty darn secure grip on this blade but what you can do even further take a 3/16 allen wrench which comes with every one of these jigs he's included them and that's always a nice plus but what he did is you just take your allen wrench and put it in this little screw right here do about a quarter of a turn is what I find works the best and another quarter turn on the bottom one and you know that guy's not going anywhere see how it's still lined up with the top of the jig it didn't move it's not going to move on you I have solved with this thing really really hard against the belt and it does not deviate from this standard right here it's not going to move which I thought was amazing the other things that I really just found to be beneficial is just putting the knife in here and taking it out it's it's really easy to do and he's made it really easy to do with this big dial right here you know I just love the design of this and it's all of just friction holding from friction you know there's no I guess mechanical hold or there's no physical hold on this other than friction and and it just does it so beautifully well um I absolutely love it because of speed times so you know and as a as a maker that does this for a living I really heavily depend on my times for getting a knife produced in this little system right here really really helped us look at it from the side you know I really really enjoy that speed factor and I said well mark you know this is a this is a phenomenal jig I can get really good bevels off of it is there any way that we could make it faster and you said well what do you have in mind and I said well sometimes I I don't like to set all three of these at once and I just prefer to have one little set screw in here or something but you know in the past a couple of guys on my channel have said well I'd like to have more stability than just one set screw here and he said okay well you know what can we come up with and I said well you've been the tool maker for the past 30 here's let's see what you got in mind and let's see where we can go from there and what he came up with after a few after a few tries was essentially the same jig but now he's got a bar here like a little roll bar that's tied in by these two ends this one's bolted on by a smaller hex head and this one right here is a 3/16 sex head and it's just something that you can move with your hands if you want that's how I like to do it mark says it's designed to unlock right here then you can set your bevel let me adjust my camera here and you can adjust your bevel anywhere you want real nice and quick so you got this much of a room all the way down to zero up to this high of an angle and all you have to do is come in here put your allen key in and then you have it nice and sturdy it's set so but what I like to do is I like to tighten this down and just let this ride because that way I could make super minut adjustments if I have to like I can just barely move it that was I barely move the angle on it because when you're trying to do a blade on the fly you can just barely adjust the stack piece and get the exact angle that you want you can find it exactly on your belt and I'll show you how I do that but when mark made this piece right here I was just absolutely in love with this jig it does everything quick for me that's what I really really liked about it and you know I didn't have to fiddle with little small screws or anything and worry about losing those or anything you know they're all right here and really they never have to come out so that's great because I hate trying to find little screws in the shop or anything like that and um you know he's knurled this bar along here and he's knurled this big knob and when when you're grinding in water and oil all day it's nice to have that so that way you can move it and it's pretty stuff to move when I tighten it down like that so let's see how see each one I just did like three tips you probably didn't even see that's on mine you you can adjust it but it stays in this it's all friction again but you can put enough pressure on here that it's not going to wobble around and this is what I've used to make all my knives within the past couple years and just to show you this Hill it up this is the girl right here that's been making it all happen and you know a little dirty and everything but over you know I've never cleaned this jig so over the past few years and it's held up great and that comes from the aluminum elbow right here that's all it's all made out of and there's this you know angle iron but it's made out of aluminum half inch thick so that weight is there and you can get a really really good stability out of it so this has all been aluminum he's got all stainless steel screws and fittings on here and let me tell you something that is really really nice to have especially when you're dipping this whole thing in water like I've dipped this whole jig in water many times over and just you know it's set out to dry and I've never old it nothing I don't have to worry about it resting actually if you can see here all this well it looks like rust that's not from the jig this is all aluminum and stainless this rust is from the knives that I use in its the dust that comes off of the knives and then dries on there and then rust so the jig itself is not resting its hope it's held up over 200 knives it does really really well now the I can't even get that out of there one second gotta loosen these up that's you know I love that that it's things in they're so tight so we have two models here and this is the GF one and this is the GF 2g f stands for grind fixture so grand picture worn grand picture - when you pull out the new one here that way you can see what you're really paying for it but when we come to price the GF one is one hundred and fifty dollars plus I believe believe you said ten or fifteen - ship off to check on that but one hundred and fifty dollars for this jig and for the GF - it is going to be two hundred and thirty seven dollars and fifty cents and the reason for the price increase on this jig is just simply the amount of machining that mark has to do and he makes these all himself by the way you know this isn't produced that out of a factory you're also supporting a guy who is trying to do things on his own and produce things his way so the the extra cost is simply for the machining but with disc jig you have to you have to understand the time factor that this bar alone can save you other than these three points on this jig this is a wonderful good but this is a faster one you know so just like cars you pay for the performance and I have absolutely preferred this one since you know time is money for me and I just absolutely love this jig however this jig is great so 150 on gf1 and to 3750 on the GF - absolutely worth the price upgrade for this one but we still have a model available for for somebody who may not be making a bunch of knives or something and you have the extra time to to deal with the the bevel adjustment so you're really getting the Cadillac here though and I'll show you on the grinder how that really does save you the amount of time so why don't we just go over to the grinder and I'll show you how they perform I know this is a really long intro but it's really about the jig's and how awesome they really perform I've been getting such great double lines but let's go over to the grinder we'll show you that alright guys it's a little loud in the grind room so cuz I got my fan running in the background but it's going to keep all the dust out for me I just wanted to show you just from you know we got a bevel on this side we still going to put a build on this side of this knife and I just wanted to show you not all set up just how fast you can really get in here and put a bevel on this knife so I won't speed up the time or anything I'm actually using a bit of a worn-out belt I got to put in another order for those sometimes soon but this is like a it's originally a 36 grit belt but I'm probably operating at a hundred grit belt and just to even further show you how much we're going to be able to do here now I did actually scribe the line on here this is a this is an older piece that I have that I haven't worked on in a while but you can see the scribe line is right here and maybe I'll just read that for you so you can see it a little bit better alright guys there ascribes a line on this knife you can see it a little bit better it's right here at the end of my thumb runs all the way down and curves up right here so we're going to slap this into the jig and get the grind in hey guys don't forget your respirator and eye protection all right so we're going to grind now and get this puppy in the jig pull out the back piece liner up lock it in and just to let you know we're going to be using this good Old Faithful jigs I've used over the past couple years and just to let you know it's still holding up strong we're not going to be using a new one so all right or goods in there are nice and the jig be a quarter turn quarter turn all right we're ready to go you alright guys just to show you a quick break we got that much as a knife done we see the bevel on there it's already pretty darn nice you ain't even done yet and this is a worn out belt so the jig is actually keeping it pretty darn stable despite the port cutting performance of this belt and that's why I wanted to use a four belt just to show you how how well that did keeps that knife in place and you can see it when I'm rubbing it across here just how smooth it runs so I'm going to keep going finish it up and show you where we're at also by the way since I got to move my grind up to meet that level I have to back this off just a little bit now over time you may have a tendency to stick in there so I just take some pliers right here and get a little bit better grip on that and back it off and this gives me immense control on the bevel that I want so I can I can adjust this this rod right here to exactly the line and angle that I want to give so I'm backing it off just a little bit there we go [Music] [Music] all right that's where we're at right now we're stopping about how about knees an inch to a quarter of an inch away from a final grade line so we're going to move up and stage and grit that way we can move to a final piece to show you how straight we can actually get these bevels what I do is I'll just stick your whole thing and dump it right down in the cool of the steel but you're getting a really nice double on a really poor belt with a great gig all right guys now we switched out our belt we got a really Melanie let me show you here is that a really nice fresh though 150 grit and that's typically what I use to Sage up my grits to send out for heat treat so we're just going to use that we're going to use that and show you how much that really makes this double come together in this jig [Music] you alright now when you get your final bevel to where you want to take your allen wrench just come over here undo your little set screws back them off a quarter turn and then loosen up your big knurled knob here and you have your bevel now this is ready for heat treat ready to go in and you can notice I didn't take it all the way up to that line that's simply because when it comes back from heat treat there's going to be grinding to do left so we didn't want to quite hit this mark yet but as you can see that is one awesome bevel on this gig alright guys so there you have it a wonderful bevel put it on a knife and no time at all and you know that is your main hogging material that's that's all hog off and then you know what comes back from heat treat you'll really clean it up get this bevel looking nice and hand sanded if you want but that that bevel right there produced on these jigs and it's just awesome I use it for all my knives I love using a jig just for the simple fact that you don't have the the stresses of freehand grinding yes a lot of knife makers freehand grind and yes sometimes there are scrubs but I have had next to zero screw-ups on two hundred knives done with this and I don't know some guys may think that it's cheating cheating using a jig I think it's just a way for us knife makers to produce a better knife for you guys or if you're an ice maker watching this it's a little bit less stress on making your blades and and really just putting out a better product so that's really all there is to it I wouldn't call it exceeding at all it's just helping you guys out and like I said before the GF one is 150 the GF 2 is to 3750 you can pick them up on my website personally over at ww-why boom nice calm order whatever you like and then all on the order to mark and he will ship out as soon as he receives the order so I hope you guys enjoyed this just go pick yourself up a jig if you're serious about knife making I I just absolutely love these and and plus you know to top it all off you're helping a guy that's trying to make his own tools and trying to make a difference for all you knife makers out there or hobbyist to like and that about wraps it up guys I hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching and God bless you
Channel: White Bone Knives
Views: 328,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knife, bevel, knife making, knives, how to, diy, do it yourself, hobby, tutorial, 2x72, grinder, kmg, make, metal, work, filing, sander, angle iron, bolt, blade, trollskyy, ekim, skelton, grit, belt, belts, maker, custom, Incredible bevel Jig for the Knife Maker!
Id: Xk3EgXgNle0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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