NO WAY my MOM made me DO THIS! | Roblox

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guys how my mom's forced me to go to the princess academy and look at this why do i walk like that oh it's so pink and gross and girly i don't know if i'm a big fan of this but my mom said i have to do it otherwise she's taking away my phone she's taking away my pizza and she's taking away roblox i don't like that so if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like subscribe and use star code pizza if you look at the five robux all right fine here we go what what are these what are these glowy things i don't know we're doing the princess academy oh i think we could jump here why why do we have the bubbly jump i don't like this oh i feel so gross i fell already but we have to try to complete this otherwise my mom's gonna be really mad and i won't have roblox anymore and then how will i make videos for you guys it won't be possible okay beautiful you haven't locked hairs let's get glam oh gosh there's hairs oh this one's not bad can i equip this one oh uh my face is gone um okay what about this one this one may be a little better i look a little strange i won't lie to you but it's fine let's keep on going i assume we have to customize our character become a princess otherwise i mean if my mom doesn't see like full-on proof that i did this it's gonna be bad so let's try to decorate as we go hopefully we don't have to be wearing pink the whole time would be great we have a hundred stages okay so we've done four out of a hundred look at these little hearts right here why aren't there any red ones what's wrong with the red hearts okay we have to guess which one's the correct one and already i found the correct one for there and here we go you just got use use hacks this is this is a roblox hack let's jump here okay i wonder when we're gonna unlock more customizable things i am guessing every 10 rounds that's just my guess though here we go oh gosh i fell already this is gonna be an adventure today isn't it right there okay well now we have to jump on these glowy things that is like the opposite of what you should do in obvious is jump on glowing things but it looks like that's what we need to do here okay let's go here rejoin to activate oh gosh we're trying to activate what let's go this way this time um i guess those thingies well i'm not getting those anyways look here's a crown okay well my judgment of like things happening every 10 levels it was incorrect um gosh we're gonna get a bunch of stuff later on this is gonna be great i am already uh not moodyfied without my red hair let's go here there's a checkpoint i do like how the little princess crowns are checkpoints that's very unique and they're not just the normal checkpoints oh sorry i didn't mean to jump on the red thingies sorry sorry oh we have something else here okay we have clothing let's customize that here we go so this is all the clothing that we have i mean is this red or is this pink oh gosh that's pink that's pink oh kinda like that one this one's red pretty sure yeah that was pretty nice i mean i wouldn't be the one to want to wear dresses per se and there's also a black one and this one as well ooh i feel fancy in this one you know what let's go with this one our walk i forget that we walk like that oh look at us we're fabulous [Music] oh gosh okay let's go this way instead because the other way was just instant death let's go over here it looks like we're gonna be getting skirts and stuff so i guess we can adjust the clothes as well later on to match the skirt better we're fabulous i can't believe we walk like that it's great it's honestly great i just can't wait for this torture to be over once this torture is over then i am definitely can i like no i'm definitely never ever oh gosh gonna be touching any skirts any cutesy girly things ever unless i have to in order to save my my accounts my roblox accounts and my phone and pizza i mean what are we gonna do without pizza okay let's walk around this way just climb right up we don't even need to do any more parkour i think we could just probably just walk along this yeah don't even need to jump on that one um is this a night right here hello knight you are huge oh my gosh is that what nights and princess places look like they are humongous okay walk walk walk fashion baby uh can we touch the stars yes we can because we are a star hello let's go this way let's walk i better not find out at the end that you could have changed this walk because i'm not i'm tr i'm just trying to get this done and over with i mean we've barely made it that far oh wait is this the one dress wait you can actually buy these clothing items wait that blue one is pretty cool looking did i miss that well that's this one okay i don't mind the blue one the blue one's actually pretty cool let's do that one instead okay we died we're gonna do blue today we are gonna be a blue icon no more moody red but blue okay i knew i was gonna die there my mom is more of a fan of red so maybe we can we'll decide by the end okay we still have a lot of time to decide we need to get more accessories and stuff we'll decide by the end and hopefully it can be legit enough that my mom will be okay with uh the end of this oh gosh your skirts i hope all the skirts aren't pink that would not be good i mean they have so many unique colored outfits they have to have a bunch of colored skirts right that would only make sense oh gosh here we go here's the makeup oh gosh it's gonna change our face isn't it sure is okay what's a good face for us they have a lot of faces in here actually let's try this one first oh gosh it's gonna yep i knew it it does not look right on me okay well since that one didn't look right i mean this one's definitely not oh pink too much pink okay well we have this one what does this look like i mean it could be worse i we have to we have to make it seem legit we have to pick something what about this one oh gosh that's that's even worse what would the best one be this one's not too bad but i don't like the pink and the blue eyes yeah this is this is already proven to be difficult i think we're just gonna go with this one and work with it we cannot like i said we can always decide at the end if we want to change anything we don't know what the full outfit is going to be we're only 30 levels in we aren't even halfway there this is gonna be great i love this for us oh i almost fell there oh look there's horsies here i was gonna say unicorns with their horses hello little horsies okay we can touch the hearts yes we can touch the hearts i knew i was gonna do that there was gonna be one where you fall through am i gonna fall through here yep i knew it ah fine it's fine it's fine oh gosh okay let's keep going we're a star we're a star look at us go all right jump here just just keep on going okay well we can't keep on going if everything wants to kill us there we go oh that crowns oh they have a red one i love it and the yellow one looks pretty cool too i mean the pink one is fine too i just don't prefer pink myself [Music] look at this they have like experiment goop all over the place there's that like perfume or something and this is lipstick maybe oh gosh lava is this my level this level was specifically in here for me black and red perfect okay let's climb up here i didn't realize it was a ramp oh gosh i almost jumped to my death that would have been awful okay we just need to jump over oh gosh oh gosh [Music] oh gosh okay this is great this is great [Music] oh god that was scary that was so scary i didn't like that at all please can someone help me i just want to get out of this get out of this can i just you can't i tried okay i tried it was impossible once i think we need to probably need to get a checkpoint up here don't we probably maybe no literally just a platform to walk over here but we unlock something new skirts we have skirts now okay so it looks like we could do the skirt and then pick the color this is perfect okay that that skirt does not look right okay this is a process okay this one's not bad wait a minute i kind of like this one i think i'm gonna go with this one i don't want any of the tinier skirts i feel more like a princess like this and it's more believable right oh gosh imagine imagine i send this to my mom and she doesn't like the colors oh no i'm actually nervous i'm actually nervous she's not gonna like it okay this is the one and then go to the left and then to the right there we go we managed to do that and now we're moving on and i almost died i realized they're supposed to avoid the swords we're almost halfway there i'm super excited i wish this walk wasn't a thing would you like to buy skip stage no i would like to buy not walking super slow and being able to run that would be great i mean i guess there's speed coils oh you have to rejoin to activate never mind halfway to the castle woohoo there's still more outfits here okay it's fine we're halfway to the castle we're gonna make it that looks to be the castle right there okay perfect we're gonna be there soon enough oh still so far away where am i oh we gotta go this way okay we did it this time we're gonna make it to that castle we're gonna do it i promise y'all probably shall we oh gosh run okay we can touch these okay it's uh these are just so weird there's some things you can touch some things you can't it's just it's just a hit or miss it's just hit or miss it's it's just how the creator decides to make their hobby honestly okay let's do this i don't know if we can touch the walls or not so let's try to avoid it oh i think it just might be a maze yeah i think it's just a maze yeah you can touch the walls that was very risky for me to test out but it's fine let's just jump this diagonal okay well i died let's every time i jump it looks like i'm jumping backwards you see that that's an optical illusion it's the bubbly jump is this the bubbly i think this is the bubbly like jump i don't know there's so much going on i just want to make it to the end please please oh more crowns we have to walk on and we get something new now we're getting an accessory okay what about this hat that hat matches us um yeah i think that was the best one look at that we have a hat on now it's floating but it's also fine let's go this way oh gosh i almost fell there you guys didn't see that you did not see that lipstick lipstick lipstick now this is lipstick i don't know what was over there just probably a shape but that's definitely lipstick oh gosh level 63 we got this we are going to make it to the top [Music] i fell what am i supposed to do down here nothing fall again here we go let's try that again without falling would be great why why did it push me off this is a scam becoming a princess is too hard okay let's just walk this time i guess no jumping no jumping is allowed as a princess apparently oh gosh that that window was gonna kill me because it was glowing are some of these gonna be like invisible no you just walk okay it's fine it's fine it's fine we got this we got 35 more levels to go we have little hearts right here it's great life is great i just want to be done of course she picks the most torturous game to play super long these this dress is just too much i just want to get out of here i just want to prove prove myself and get out of here we have a little maze thingy here we can jump the corners see jump over that elbow that level's complete 30 more levels to go we got this we just got an award too okay is this like an ice cream tower it literally looks like an ice cream tower can i just go over this guy nope i guess not he's a guard he's there to protect the ladder apparently i wonder if i would have touched that other guard over there when i've also died like that i never thought about that okay we're gonna get off of this ice cream tower here soon i think okay there's a guard that way yeah there we go we're off the ice cream tower oh gosh oh gosh there we go those arrows did not face the way that the thing was pushing you that was very much a scam gosh jumping through these and so bad there we go now we have to do the little hearts and i almost fell oh gosh another thing hills you need to have the finishes and heels okay fine um these ones i guess make us a little taller they're kind of flat so it's not the worst you can't really change the color of the heels it seems like i think they're all pink what about these ones can you change the oh gosh i don't like these ones at all they're too tall okay fine you know what let's do these ones these ones are most like boots the other ones had more of a hill to it than these ones okay here we go we are going up here and did i is that star checkpoint did i get the checkpoint i don't know i don't think it is a checkpoint i think the only checkpoints are crowns and the stars are just there for show uh whoa that's like a silly a silly heart fall this reminded me of her speaking of silly i need to play some games with her i'm gonna have to uh find some time to play some stuff with her okay we've made it past that level can we just walk on the side we can we broke the system here we go oh um was that not how i was supposed to do that oh gosh okay we have 20 levels left oh gosh we're almost there books i love books i love books i'm glad we got to see that look there's a castle right there we're so close oh gosh i'm not paying attention to where i'm jumping because i'm staring at the castle here we go go this way all right we need to be careful not to touch any of these glowy thingies this kind of looks like a mirror with like lights on it but i don't think that's what the intended design was it was probably just a circle and death um we have none ones we can jump on i already lost the pattern i think it's just these ones the ones that are lighter yep it is okay we can get trails now customize what trail do we want probably white because the other ones aren't ew do we have to do the trails i mean she's not gonna see it can i unequip it oh gosh don't tell me oh wait that's everything okay well we're not stuck with that we're now stuck with a trail that we cannot get rid of ah which way this way we're almost to the end though so i guess the trail doesn't really matter too much oh that one's scary oh gosh there's battle axes here that's not terrifying at all we made it all right where are we going now we're teleporting over inside the castle okay how do we get out through the window oh gosh is this no this isn't the castle this is just part of the castle i guess maybe this is where they hold uh enemies i don't know what is this okay we're down here now we can do this we can make it to the castle we can make it where do i jump oh gosh this is hello i just was not i was just down there but not dead okay let's jump this way i think i could just make it yes there's doors oh gosh doors of death probably oh that's great that's lovely i'm glad that that was a thing where am i hello oh i'm like what is going on now we're like in the sewers oh gosh this is not a place for princess just saying oh we're at level 94. we're almost there yes there it is oh gosh hurry i'm almost done and i can be done with this stupid game okay wait for that jump wait for it jump oh gosh okay we need to go on the green one because it has no glowy thing and then this one oh gosh um am i supposed to jump here i think oh um jump here and then here so much going on here now what's the final stretch there it is the princess academy okay let's go we did it 100 done yay we did it we're here okay well let me see here okay perfect i'm just gonna send a picture to my mom really quick letting her know i'm done 100 done and yeah so let me just send that to her oh no she just responded she said that's not girly enough and so we're pink oh okay um i guess we have to change our outfit a little bit let's go outside where it's a little bit brighter oh gosh i can't believe we gotta wear pink for this this is awful this is awful okay um is the hair fine at least i don't know blonde i guess we're going blonde today okay pink iris i like i really like this one but there was this one too oh gosh or we could do the actual like princess looking one yeah beautiful makeup oh gosh we're gonna have to choose a pink one aren't we is there one that's like good enough i assuming she wants this one oh gosh and then the skirt is fine we just need to change it to pink okay oh gosh that's not the right color it's gonna bother me i don't care that it's pink it's still gonna bother me okay there we go that's better and then the accessory a pink accessory which one's fine this is this good on the back of the head i can't really see it she's probably not gonna accept that what about this doesn't even match i'm so sad now if you can't tell there you go that matches and then um i don't know there's no pink in this you can't even see this with the purple how about that i'll even take the picture right here so she can see me in front of the castle of the princess academy there we go all right sending this off to her now and she approached it oh is she a bird and i'm so now i'm gonna take all of this off and never join this game again this was awful so if you enjoyed this video please leave a like my suffering was enough okay please and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and i'll see you guys in the next video bye-bye
Channel: MoodyToo
Views: 5,678,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, twin, twins, unicorn, unicorns, moody, neon, legendary, adopt, me, adopt me, bloxburg, flee the facility, obbys, royale high, rare, new, update, roleplay, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox brookhaven rp, brookhaven roleplay, roblox brookhaven, unicorntwins, moodytoo, towerofhell, toh
Id: t_EM_BDX4U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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