NO WAY HE'S 60!! Danny Carey | "Pneuma" by Tool REACTION

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yo welcome back to the channel guys it's your boy Mr Doge and listen the last reaction we did to tools which was our first reaction the pot man you guys went crazy and I went crazy too because that oh my the intro the guitar the drums the delivery the lyrics everything was so Sublime but on that video uh thank you guys also for 3,000 views on that video that's just two days ago on that video I had so many people ask me uh to do a reaction to Numa all right and you guys were giving me some information on the tools family you guys basically said we you guys don't care if we pause or anything of that sort and make sure we do the lyrics video so we can get like the deeper meaning of the lyrics I'm like I'm totally fine with that but on this video we will be reacting to Numa uh by tools this is the drum um I guess it's a drum uh uh uh cover or I don't I don't know I don't know what this is but all I know is is I can't even talk all I know is that it is a drum instrumentals I guess [Laughter] anyways I want to give a shout out to Sarah C she um recommended she recommended the first uh Tool song uh the pot um shout out to uh Steve Zer also he recommended this one um shout out to Jason Werner 4335 and it was nine P people that recommended this song Let me just shout out one more uh shout out to Road dog SC super excited to see what this is all about because man I was blown away by tools the pot man I had that song on repeat like I even used it in my live stream like the for the uh intro I had that song I repeat ever since man but if you guys like this video do give it a thumbs up comment down below and tell me what other songs you guys want me to react to I really appreciate the love and the support let's get right into it um new M by tools and this is a live concert let's get it shout out to Danny KY [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what is [Music] [Applause] [Music] that I don't think I ever saw that on the drum before [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I just know he's about to go crazy [Music] oo that get off [Music] [Music] that [Music] F we are oh I guess I'm sorry I I forgot to explain because I did look up what um Numa meant um I'm so sorry so it means breath or or to breathe or um ear in motion or the spirit of life um according to Christians at least breath Spirit of life um somebody said in the comments that he was 60 something when he did this current me if I'm wrong let's take it back a little [Music] bit let this fles go around one for nail down about you reach out beond this flesh that's a nice [Music] K we are well and wonder about you remember one breath one word One SP Sun be coming [Music] oh that TI the back [Music] though D hold on if this guy 60 something bro like he's he's ripping compared to me what am I doing with my with my hands like I don't even know how to play the drums like that um oh man I I was okay so he's saying uh becoming more than I guess I should have I should have put the lyrics I'm sorry but he's saying like become more than just like like it's like a coming out of your body experience I'm guessing be more than just your body um your breath coming to life is like an outof body experience in a [Music] sense oh they're sponsored by G [Music] the transition [Music] child wake up child really the Wake Up Now child wake up child W up up now child [Music] spirit [Music] Spirit spirit Spirit B to this flesh this gu and this man this dream wake up remember we are of one bre one word One sunbe [Music] Jing oh [Music] oh I like that [Music] [Music] that sounds kind of [Music] tribal the base in the back too that sounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] woo what Hine how did he get in the groove so good what okay so I guess um the whole purpose of the S is like transcending from just like your your your materialistic body to a spiritual awakening I'm guessing well that's what they're portraying here a wake up child but um I'm not don't sleep on the guitar the uh bass guitar in the back the the bass guitar and and bro of course out front that is singing with his um electric guitar and then the drums kicking in it's like it all ties in so well [Music] [Applause] h [Music] [Music] bro bro made the the guitar sounds [Music] different Dam [Music] [Applause] [Music] sheez how does he keep the beat going so well bro ad memorize all of this [Music] time [Music] [Music] oh [Music] man wait I just realized that I looked at his shoes earlier but I didn't realize that he's using two kick things bro what do you call this normally one drum has one of this right the other one for the uh uh the the tambourine thing oh he has two right here yeah one for the tambourine one for the kick drums on the left and I guess the the base um uh whatever you want to call it I don't know the kick kick something I remember it's called but anyways he has two of them that's why he keeping such like great um like that uh T sound like I'm I'm sure somebody's going to tell me what it is call how these Dude too bu like he's riding a [Music] bike this is off topic but why does that red container in the back look like look like gasoline like he's ready to like set the drums on fire [Music] huh transition [Music] reach [Music] down wake up remember for one one word once more I full of [Music] wonder damn [Music] oh did you [Music] to taking it down [Music] that sounds so good with the guitar wow wow Danny Cary okay that was dope that was that was really dope like I was thinking to myself like I was thinking to myself this when when you watch like animes or amvs you think of um something like this basically or tools um uh the last one that we did the pot these songs are like perfect for anime uh like for amvs um I was thinking about about like I don't know why I had this like picture in my head when he was like Numa and then the drums kicking in and everything is like it's like they're trying to bring somebody from from the dead bro I don't know why I got that like thought like it's like they they're beating and it's like somebody just rising up their body coming back together and it's like transcend come back to life like but it's also like in a sense talking about like going from just your physical self to like a spiritual self is like an Awakening in a sense but for this guy to be like 60 something years old bro you see his physique it looks really really good damn and for him to keep up like that and to like man I absolutely love the transitions that made also like it's like it will sound a little bit tribal and then it'll sound like rock and then it'll sound like I don't know like a mixture of things like it just sounds like crazy but um let me know what you guys think in the comments like is this like when when was this and he should still be around right but I didn't I didn't check when this come out hold on four years ago okay hopefully they're still around man tools like I absolutely love how phenomenal the drums sound like I don't like I'm trying to put word I'm trying to bring context out but it's not working um very awesome performance by Danny Cary um let me guys let let me know guys like in the comments down below like what other songs or what other instrumental you guys want me to react to um this is the second video reacting to tools and man I'm so invested let me know in the comments below and uh of course um hope you guys been having a wonderful day um I will be streaming either this Saturday or Friday night if you guys want to tap in um be there or be square okay all right don't forget to like share subscribe all that good stuff I'll see you guys in the next one bye-bye
Channel: StillMrDoge
Views: 3,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stillmrdoge, Danny Carey | Pneuma by Tool (LIVE IN CONCERT), NO WAY HE'S 60!! Danny Carey | Pneuma by Tool REACTION, vic firth, danny carey, SDC, tool, pneuma, fear inoculum, tool pneuma, tool pneuma live, tool pneuma reaction, tool reaction, Tool REACTION, Danny Carey, danny carey tools, danny carey pneuma, danny carey drum solo, stillmrdoge reacts
Id: 9DtHvTl13mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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