No Trace: Strange and Unexplained Disappearances

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all over the world many people go missing every year but some seem to do so under highly unusual circumstances while these kinds of disappearances are uncommon they do exist and they often leak searchers and investigators scratching their heads wondering what has happened the disappearances we'll be exploring today in this video all have one thing in common they left absolutely no trace behind at all but before we get into this video I just wanted to shout out and thank Surf Shack for sponsoring this video I care a lot about my privacy online and if you're anything like me in that respect then I would recommend using surf sharks VPN if you're not sure what's a VPN is it's essentially a virtual private network this is a protection tool which guarantees incidents online safety and privacy surf sharking Crips all of the data you send online so that no one could see or steal your passwords private messages photos videos or other sensitive information but that isn't all if you've ever tried 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[Music] in the early part of the 18th century öand path fits along with his family lived in a small town in the West of England known as Shepton Mallet Shepton Mallet is a civil parish in the mendick districts of somerset with a population today of approximately 10,000 people though that will have been far fewer over 250 years ago it's unclear how many siblings Owen actually had but this is understood that he did have one older sister named Mary who is 15 years older during his younger years Irwin was apprentice by his father and put to work as a tailor it was stated that he learned this trade well but hated sewing day in and day out Bowen grew tired of this and eventually enrolled as a soldier for many years after enlisting Owen was somewhat forgotten his parents had passed away at this point and all it was left was Mary sometimes she would receive reports stating where in the world he was on active duty but by and large she often had no idea where her younger brother was what's eventually Owen did return to Mary though many years had passed and he was now crippled and suffered harshly from rheumatism he did say that he loved his time serving but it was clear that the time spent fighting had taken its toll while Owen was still able-bodied in the sense that he could still walk his movements were very slow his plan was to get back into tailoring to help support himself and Mary who were now back living together their house was just off the main streets whether God had connected to it this was quite a rural home at the time and it was completely surrounded by forestry and fields for miles in every direction there was a nice small community in the area and Owen would often sit in the garden and talk with some of his friends who he met there however over time Owens rheumatism only got worse and in the end he couldn't walk or even move much without help towards the end and for years now he could barely even move his hands never mind his feet sore legs which makes his disappearance just that much stranger as said Owen was 65 years old and Mary was now 80 so she was quite a bit older but did care for Owen however she had got a much weaker and struggled to move him by herself so in the afternoon of a June day in 1768 Mary asked one of her neighbors by the name of Susannah snuke will live no more than fifty yards away to come and help her together they managed to take Owen to his usual chair in the garden a win always walk comfortable night clothing at this point and always had his coat with him in the garden after Susanna made Owen comfortable she went back inside to Mary and then left for her home through the back door now this is where things get bizarre Mary had plan to sit with Owen outside in the garden but first wanted to tidy the cottage this took her approximately 30 minutes and when she went outside to join our win he wasn't there she looked around briefly but she was nowhere to be seen she then went to retrieve Susannah who was left dumbfounded and had no idea why could have gone remember this is a man who can barely move at this point and yet somehow the garden seat was empty and Owen was nowhere to be found to make matters even stranger was the fact that the nearby field surrounding the cottage were full of people as it was the haymaking season and yet no one had seen anything Mary was obviously distraught and Susannah had another look round and asked Mary if she had heard anything but she hadn't Susannah also detailed that the chair was left in the same position as she had left it's the pair raised the alarm and the neighbors alongside those working in the fields got together and made a thorough sweep of the area this included around the cottage the fields the nearby forestry and the town but there was no sign of him this was regarded as highly unusual given his condition and the fact that he really shouldn't have been able to have gotten very far in addition to this nearby ponds and wells were dragged ditches were scoured along with outhouses but these searches didn't find as trace as to where Owen had gone he is a quote from author mrs. Lange who wrote about this disappearance in her book titled the strange story book why would anyone wish to hide a harmless or crippled man in any of these places it didn't make sense nobody stopped to ask how this could have been done in broad daylight but in spite of the thorough nature of the hunt which did not cease even during a sharp thunderstorm and went on all that night and the next day neither then nor later was any trace ever found of Owen profits thus was an old publication that dated back to 1912 and was the oldest piece of documentation that I could find in regards to this disappearance David Politis often talked about bad weather hitting the area when a disappearance like this takes place and I thought that was interesting dr. Butler who would be the future Bishop of Litchfield took a particular interest in this disappearance though it isn't clear why dr. Butler led the investigation a sort may have happened but unlike today's times things were not documented so thoroughly dr. Butler first questioned as to whether Owen had been taken by someone but conceded that it was very unusual that nothing was heard he also detailed that if that was the case then the many people in the fields should have seen or heard something he also inquired as so that Owen was actually crippled or not on whether he simply intentionally disappeared however this was disputed pretty much immediately with locals telling him as he hadn't been on his feet in years bizarrely there was a rumor that's a personal feelings description had been wandering near Frome roughly twelve miles away in a field but that was deemed as impossible some bones were eventually found near the area in 1814 but they were discovered as belonging to a female would passed away years prior the locals attributed oh its disappearance with demons stating that they believed that he had been taken by them to this day no one knows what's happened to all wind path fits or where he went dr. Butler said that he gave up and stated as it was an impossible riddle to quote many articles on this disappearance Owens seem to have disappeared into thin air [Music] [Music] rosemarie kunst 70 years old at the time of her disappearance was a confidence and experienced outdoors woman who loved to go hiking and camping rosemary was married it's a boot Const unfortunately the pair were involved in a car accident in the February of 1999 this incident would lead to bud passing away needless to say Rosemarie was left devastated by this loss and spent most of her time alone or with her family but over time she did start to open up again 18 months after this incident rosemary decided that it was time to get back out into the world as she felt that it would be therapeutic and would help with their recuperation so on the 18th of August 2000 rosemary decided to make the trip to Spirit Lake in California to hike in the wilderness around the area this was a backpacking trip with the earth circle group based in why occur California and is an organization run by Native American carrot chief an elder Charlie redhot Tom this group would annually visit the remote Spirit Lake area of the Marble Mountains wilderness part of the Klamath National Forest and west of Mount Shasta bull lake is only accessible from one direction with steep banks around it and tree cover making axis difficult apart from the trail at the northern end of the lake unfortunately I couldn't find out much about this lake and why it was named as search only that it's a 21 mile lightly trafficked out and back trail located near Samas bar California all trails calm states that it features beautiful wildflowers and that it is rated as moderate in terms of its difficulty Redhawk and his group traveled to Spirit Lake once a year to hold spiritual ceremonies at the site it was reported that Rosemarie was eager to do this as she was hoping to reconnect with her late husband spirits these ceremonies consisted of dances and other such things with the intention of helping to bring their Native American ancestors back down to the earth on the 17th of August 2000 this ceremony would be repeated with rosemary presents the group set up camp around the lake and having done this for years were very prepared they had plenty of food and water and everyone present had pitched their tents after preparing the site the entirety of the group including rosemary participated in their spiritual practices which they believed would make contact with the ancients I'm not sure what time the ceremonies ended what's afterwards the group took to their tents and went to bed the following day Red Hawk laid up plans for the day and said that they were going for a day's hike and would return to the camp that's evening it's not clear why but rosemary declined this invitation and instead wanted to do her own shot a hike perhaps she didn't feel like she could hike for the entire day but whatever the case may be Rosemarie asked Redhawks 12 year old son Shalit's if he wanted to do some lighter hiking with her instead charlotte declined however preferring to go with his father with that rosemary got some of their belongings together including a nelly prepared lunch and some water and headed off to what Willy's Creek which is on the southern part of Spirit Lake it was at some point during this hike that rosemary went missing what was particularly interesting about this and what made this disappearance somewhat unusual was that the southern part of the lake had no obvious exits other than going back the way in which she would enter that section the only other way after the wise would be to first travel much further south and ascend steep hillsides of up to a 70 degree angle something that no one could believe this 70 year old woman could have achieved perhaps not even with help Redhawk and the rest of his earth circle group returned to the camp at around 5 p.m. and quickly realized that rosemary wasn't present Red Hawk dispatched some members of the group to Woolies Creek and they searched until one I am the following Saturday morning but they returned and said that there was no sign of her the group struggled but did manage to find a phone signal and it was then reported to the Siskiyou Sheriff's Department and they were now aware of the situation the Sheriff's Department acted quickly and search dogs helicopters and rescue crews from three separate counties arrived on scene at this point I'd like to read a short extracts from an article by SFGate comm who covered this incident the official search which began at daybreak Saturday involved two helicopters search dogs and about 50 people from Martin Chester and Siskiyou counties grit Adams said mountain lions and black bears are common to the area but attacks are almost unheard of he said that it is more likely that she had fallen and was unconscious but we should have found evidence of such an occurrence she's not close and not in any obvious spots the search dogs have not picked up their scent nor has a dog that is trained to find bodies one of Rose Marie's family members known as Vicki stated that it just seems like she disappeared it's a thinner than not finding any signs nothing it just seems unreal the area was scoured but no trace of Rosemarie was ever found the incident commander of this search was Grizz Adams and this is what he had to say to go out for a short walk and to just disappear without any trace is difficult to comprehend usually there will be some kind of a trace I'm not sure what's happened here this disappearance occurred 19 years ago and to this day no trace of Rosemarie has ever been found so what exactly happened here there was no evidence of a struggle or animal predation the dogs never picked up a scent leading Grizz to state that that must mean that she couldn't be close but that raises a strange question where did she go in the end there are no real answers to Rosemary's disappearance and the searches present will left unfounded on the 4th of July 2012 65 year-old paul michael la Mettrie disappeared from Mount marathon in Alaska as you might imagine given the name of the mountain this is a mountain used to host races on it however despite its name this area isn't famous for how far the race stretches what's rather how unforgiving the route is the runners start in the city of Seward and run approximately half a mile to the foot of Mount marathon upon reaching the mountain the participants have to make the ascent of the mountain which I've read as being described as more of a Scrabble of 2900 feet straight up cliffs mud and shale at which point they reached the checkpoints before having to descend the mountain again and reached the finishing line back ensured according to runners worldcom all of this occurs in 3.1 to 3.5 miles depending on your routes and on trails so close to town that spectators waiting at the finish line can follow nearly every step even high on the mountain we'll get into this later but I found that to be particularly noteworthy and it's probably something worth remembering as we go forwards given that they are effectively stating that the runners can be seen by the crowd even up on the mountain it's worth mentioning that injuries are not uncommon during this marathon but no one has ever passed away or gone missing until Independence Day of 2012 the weather on this particular day was not good it was windy rainy and cold roughly 8 degrees Celsius or high forties fahrenheits Tom Walsh was a race steward who had completed this race every year for 16 years prior 2012 and was a passion of his Tom was president on the day that Paul went missing given his experience on the mountain Tom would always wait at the top to ensure the others had made it the race started at around 3:15 p.m. that day and saw managed to reach the top that's around 554 p.m. as more racers made it to the checkpoints at that ha lots of them waited together for around 45 minutes to ensure everyone was presents they then made their way back down the mountain and saw Paul Paul asked how far away was from the top Tom and the others told him that it was around another 200 feet and with that he went on his way they estimated that it should have taken him around an hour and a half to make it to the top and back down to the finishing line however Paul never came back down and after waiting for some time he was reported missing so the authorities and the search was on the area started to get foggy Ron the time and as mentioned the weather already wasn't great according to strange opcom search-and-rescue teams were called onto the mountain at around 8 p.m. by his wife Peggy with temperatures falling and rain worsening by 2:00 a.m. an Alaska State Troopers helicopter equipped with infrared radar was scanning the mountain searchers worried that if he wasn't already injured he probably had hypothermia because of his light clothing exhaustion and freezing weather the next morning the 210 'the rescue squadron of the Alaska Air National Guard which specializes in searching for crashed pilots and missing hikers arrived with its hh-60 Pave helicopter for another infrared scan a team of up to 60 searchers crawled around the mountain looking everywhere even the other side of the mountain away from the race course four days after Paul disappeared the official rescue attempt was called off though the shouid volunteer fire department kept looking a cadaver dog was sent into the area and friends paid for and analyzed high-resolution photographs of the mountain thousands of hours west spent on that mountain fire man no state troopers search dogs or anyone else found even a single trace as to where he might have gone no footprints were reported no signs of a struggle no items belonging to Paul there was nothing found and the searchers commented that this was highly unusual they said that they expected to find something that would give them an indication of what happened after the official search reached its conclusion sometime in mid-july volunteers continue to comb the area but nothing has ever been found let this sink in for a moment the route is approximately one and a half miles up followed by another one and a half miles down there were hundreds of runners within the view of the thousands of fans watching and yet Paul managed to disappear leaving no trace behind what happened the dogs never picked up he sent thermal detection equipped helicopters never found anything and as mentioned there were no clues left behind while Paul hadn't ascended mounts marathon before it's not like he wasn't experienced with the outdoors many of his friends stated that he was a very talented outdoorsman and couldn't believe that he had gone missing Paul and a turkmeni wilderness races and entered into cross-country skiing competitions despite not having much experience what's always managed to finish in the end he was always out sailing and camping with friends and somehow managed to find the time to achieve a PhD in business and administration and worked at a local Air Force Base for 18 years Peggy recalled that when Paul's envelope arrived confirming that he'll be taking part in the marathon it's red do not make July 4th race your first trip up Mount marathon after reading that she and their youngest daughter did try to talk him out of doing it but he was already set on it another attempt was made the night before the race the runners were called to meet up at the local school's gymnasium where they were told if you have not been up that mountain before you should consider going home right now and you should not be in the race obviously the organizers did feel that this event would be too much for someone who hasn't been on the mountain before despite the trail being clearly marked for the run at some points early on during the search it secretly became a recovery machine rather than a rescue mission because of the weather conditions one question that came up frequently was where did he go this might be an obvious question but the searches couldn't figure it out even after plenty of time had passed as the snow had melted nothing was revealed best the team could come up with was that something certain must have taken place the final hope was that when autumn hit the area this would allow for more visibility but still nothing was found Paul was the only person that has ever gone missing during the mount marathon run and not only did he disappear but the circumstances buckled everyone involved where did Paul go please do leave a like if he likes the video or a dislike if you did it feel free to share your honest opinion I'd like to hear your thoughts and I'd just like to take a month to thank all of you that have subscribed to the channel and will share these videos I appreciate it a lot and I can't thank you enough and I'd like to say a massive thank you to my patrons who make these videos possible so thank you very much to those who have signed up anyway do let me know what you thought of this one and you'll find all of the sources and links in the description below and remember to check out surf sharp they are offering a limited time deal now for top Mysteries viewers available in the video description it's 83% off a two-year plan and an additional month free at surf sharp deal slash mysteries with the code mysteries get yourself protected and enjoy the internet free from censorship and remember there's a 30-day money-back guarantee so there's no risk to try it out as always thank you very much for watching I hope that you enjoyed this video and if you did remember to like and subscribe if you haven't already it helps me a lot I hope that you have a great day or evening depending on where you are be safe guys and I'll catch you soon peace [Music] you
Channel: Top Mysteries
Views: 184,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STRANGE and Unexplained Missing 411 Disappearances With No Trace, missing, missing 411, missing person, unexplained disappearances, missing persons, mysterious disappearances, missing 411 disappearances, unusual disappearances, strange disappearances, strange and unexplained disappearances, missing people, missing 411 strange cases, unexplained missing persons, unexplained missing person cases, national park disappearances, worldwide strange disappearances
Id: RofwNsbTe2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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