1 Hour of Strange and Unexplained Disappearances

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mtnqueen 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Easily one of my favorite channels and one of the main reasons I found out about Missing 411!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JenS78 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
foreign [Music] we've been exploring unusual disappearances from all over the world for just over a year now and in that time we've covered many countries from almost every continent now unfortunately because of the time of year I don't have enough time to produce new research and this video is going to be a compilation of some of the strangest cases that we've covered we'll get back to normal after the new year and I'll carry on researching disappearances alongside other topics too so do let me know if there's anything specific that you'd like to see feature on the channel next year anyway with that being said thank you very much for your support over the past year and I wish you a Merry Christmas do be safe over the festive period William Jones a minor from meride located at the head of the Ronda Valley in Wales had planned a trip to take his five-year-old son Tommy Jones to see his grandparents who lived on a farm near the town known as Brecken on the 4th of August 1900 which was a Saturday before a bank holiday Tommy and his father set off they traveled by train and arrived at the town at 6 PM that evening from there they had to walk roughly four miles to reach The Farmhouse which was located deep in the valley and north of the beacon mountains after walking for two hours and at 8 pm that night they reached the login which is now in Ruins this is a place where soldiers wearing camps for training at the rifle range further up the valley the exact temperature that day is unclear but it was reported as being very warm and as a result of this despite only having a quarter of a mile left to travel William stops for refreshments and bought Tommy some biscuits at the canteen by chance Tommy's grandfather and cousin Willie John 13 at the time also arrived at the canteen Willy was asked to go back to the farm and tell his grandmother to expect Tommy and William Willie did so and began to run back towards the farmhouse Tommy wanted to go too and ran off with him up the valley it was beginning to get dark at this point and the boys had to cross two rough plank Bridges one of them was without a handrail it was thought that at this point with the light fading away that Tommy got frightened the boys were halfway to The Farmhouse and because of his fright Tommy began to cry and decided to head back to his father at the login Willie on the other hand made it to the Farmhouse and then returned to the login within a quarter of an hour only to find that Tommy wasn't there Willie the grandfather and William immediately began searching the area for him around 20 minutes after the initial search they were joined by the soldiers from the camp midnight came around and the search was halted presumably to ensure that no one else got hurt or lost at 3am the search started again only this time the searcher's numbers soared as the police and the general public got involved despite having many people out looking for Tommy he wasn't found that day and there was no sign of him at all the search continued for weeks afterwards with many people searching tirelessly for the boy every single day the search parties were formed of police soldiers farmers and other civilians who comb the entire area systematically but still could not locate a single trace of Tommy authorities began to suspect that Tommy must have fallen off one of the footbridges and into the stream below or alternatively had wounded straight on down the valley instead of making the direct turn and going across the second bridge taking this into consideration the search concentrated in the wooded country around the login and down the valley as far away as Brecken water works but despite this they could still find no trace of Tommy at this point the police began to suspect that Tommy might have been kidnapped which was also thought was the last hope that Tommy might still be found alive many gypsies had settled in campsites around the breckenshire area along with neighboring counties and the police had ransacked many of them but this was unsuccessful news of this incident spread like wildfire the Press picked it up and was soon being reported across the country The Daily Mail took an interest in the matter and offered a 20 pound reward which is the purchasing power of 2336 pounds in 2019 to anyone who could solve this case The Daily Mail sends a special commissioner to Brecken whose influence made the Gypsy kidnapping Theory lose ground and instead the thought it more likely that Tommy had been abducted by a childless woman or couple or alternatively had been murdered though also said that he did not believe that this was the case after several weeks of searching William's family pleaded with him to return home to merody and he did so but soon came back as he was unable to cope with the fact that his boy might still be out there in the wilderness after Williams return he was one of several people who climbed to the top of the beacons in their desperate search at this point breckinsbeacons.org reported a Mrs Hamer a Gardener's wife at Castle maderk some miles an oath of Brecken having read accounts of the search is said to have dreamed of the very spot where Tommy was to be found she spent a couple of restless days before finally persuading her husband to borrow a pony and trap on Sunday the 2nd of September to take her and some relatives to the beacons which they had never climbed before Mrs hamer's husband was not convinced that they would find anything and went through with it to put their mind at peace however later that day they reached the top of a ridge and made their way towards the Peaks across some open ground where the husband who was first in line found the body of Tommy Jones the death was reported to be as a result of exposure and exhaustion however one problem remained no one could explain how this small five-year-old boy tired and hungry managed to reach the location his body was found according to breckenbeacons.org the location was 686 meters above sea level a climb of 400 meters from the login at least two miles of a difficult ground and probably in the dark during the search it had not been considered worthwhile to make a thorough search of High Ground as authorities thought that it was an impossibility that a five-year-old boy could have made it up a mountain not only that but children who go missing typically walk downhill interestingly it was also mentioned that when Tommy's Father William climbed up the mountain himself he must have been within a dozen yards of the body but didn't see it does this indicate that the body was not there when the father searched the question must also be asked how in the world did Tommy manage to get up there does this indicate that he was not alone and someone took him up there it's unclear and the circumstances of his disappearance remain a mystery today over a hundred years later the location where Tommy's body was found is marked by an obelisk out of respect for this incredibly sad passing foreign [Music] ly speaking lighthouses are known for being extremely secluded places which dictate a solitary lifestyle which is not for everyone obviously this is not the safest work environment as emergency services are often not able to respond quickly to any accidents that may occur so when three experienced men working the lighthouse on the flannon Isles disappeared Without a Trace questions began to arise this incident occurred at the dawn of the 20th century and quickly became one of the most disturbing Mysteries of the time the lighthouse in question was built in 1899 and was on the aisle known as Eileen Moore the lighthouse itself was 75 feet tall and served as an important link for guiding transatlantic ships towards the harbor in Leith Scotland the lighthouse house three workers two regular and one occasional who rotated from the mainland apart from the three men the rest of the island was uninhabited except for a herd of sheep headers from the mainland who referred to the island as the other country and believed that the island had been touched by something paranormal something I found interesting about this place was that the island of alien mall was home to a very old chapel built in the 7th Century by Saint flannon it's said that the island itself elicited a fearful reverence in its visitors it's also thought that even those who did not pray were moved to while on the island the island was home to many superstitions and rituals such as circling around the church on your knees which was adopted by many visiting on the 7th of December 1900 Donald MacArthur Thomas Marshall and James de kartes arrived at the flannel's Lighthouse to begin their two-week rotation as keepers of the lighthouse this Lighthouse was regularly monitored from the mainland by way of telescope this was to ensure that in case of an emergency the men could signal for help unfortunately thick Mist hit the area and the lighthouse could only be seen clearly on December the 7th and December the 12th from the mainland on the 15th of December 1900 however something highly unusual seemed to have taken place on that remote Lonely Island all three men had seemingly disappeared off the face of the Earth and not a single shred of evidence has ever been found as to what may have happened the steamer actor which had traveled from Philadelphia passed by the flannel Lighthouse and noted that its light was not operational on the 18th of December the actor docks in Leath and the lighthouse irregularity was reported because of bad weather conditions the relief boat Hesperus which was stationed nearby on the island of Lewis had to postpone its investigation until December the 26th where it was found that the lighthouse had been unmanned for days Jim Harvey was captain of the Hesperus and upon arrival stated that the men were nowhere to be found procedure dictates that the men should have waited for the Hesperus to dock but they never appeared however what the crew did find was nothing short of perplexing Joseph Moore was the replacement keeper and was first to investigate interestingly upon setting foot on the island Joseph reported feeling an all-encompassing sense of dread once Joseph had ascended the cliff and entered the lighthouse he found that the kitchen table contained plates of meat potatoes and pickles he said that the clocks had stopped and there was an overturn show nearby in addition to this he found that the beds were all unmade he went on and described that the lamp was ready for lighting and two of the three all skin coats belonging to the three men were gone finally he noted that the gates and door were firmly shut these findings raised a lot of questions especially because they indicate that the three men had broken protocol the rules forbade all three men from leaving together as someone needed to be inside the lighthouse to manage at all times so why did they all leave at the same time and why did one of the men leave their coat behind were they drawn or enticed outside also given that the beds were unmade does that suggest that something could have taken place during the night though that does not explain the food left on the table as they surely would have cleared that up before turning in for the night Joseph returned to the Hesperus with his report and informed the caption that something terrible had occurred on that island Captain Jim Harvey then sent this telegram back to the mainland a dreadful accident has happened at the flannels the three Keepers ducat Marshall and the occasional have disappeared from the island on our arrival there this afternoon no sign of life was to be seen on the island fired a rocket but says no response was made managed to land more who went up to the station but found no Keepers there the clocks were stopped and other sites indicated that the accident must have happened about a week ago poor fellows they must have been blown over the cliffs or drowned trying to secure a crane or something like that night coming on we could not wait to make something else to their fate I have left more MacDonald boy master and Sue Seaman on the island to keep the light burning until you make other arrangements will not return to Auburn until I hear from you I have repeated this wire to move ahead in case you are not at home I will remain at the telegraph office tonight until it closes if you wish to wire me a further investigation was spearheaded on December the 29th by superintendents Robert merhead Robert concluded that the oil skins Left Behind were intended for Donald MacArthur otherwise known as the occasional Roberts analyzed the Keeper's log and found that the final entry was made on December the 15th where he found that the Western Landing had been damaged prior to their disappearance Robert reconstructed the events and suggested that Thomas and James went to repair the landing sites around dinner time of the 15th while Donald remains among the lighthouse as per protocol Roberts stated that it was at this point that something made Donald leave the lighthouse unmanned and left his all skin coats it was at this time that the three men went missing other than this further investigations never LED anywhere there are some of the very interesting things mentioned in the logbook that seem to depict the men acting strangely before their disappearance which I've also documented in many cases prior to The Disappearance on December the 12th an entry from Thomas red severe winds the likes of which I have never seen before in 20 years he went on to state that James had been quiet and Donald had been crying which is very unusual for men with the reputation of being tough and experienced seafarers the following day an entry by Thomas explained that all of the men had been praying together which seems to be odd behavior from well-seasoned Keepers in a brand new safe Lighthouse if this isn't strange enough let's get really bizarre these entries confuse investigators because there were no storms reported in the area on December the 12th 13th or 14th the weather should have been calm up until the 17th except this didn't seem to be what the men were experiencing and we're all obviously terrified by something the last entry was made on the 15th and red storm ended C calm God is overall Donald MacArthur Thomas Marshall and James ducat have never been found and it's unclear exactly what took place on that lonely remote island [Music] Sigmund adamsky was born in August of 1923 and spent 34 years living in his native Poland where he married in 1957. in 1960 Sigmund and his wife Lottie moved to tingly which is a small town located near Wakefield in Yorkshire England according to the locals Sigmund and Lottie were hard-working people they were friendly and unassuming and by all accounts got along with most people well at 3 30 pm on June the 6th 1980 Sigmund went grocery shopping and walked to the local shops on the way to the shops zigmund was seen by one of his neighbors which would be the last time he was ever seen again sigmund's disappearance was bizarre and by all accounts he was a family-oriented man and for him to go missing without notice for days was completely out of character especially since his goddaughter's wedding was taking place the following day which Sigmund was looking forward to five days later on June the 11th zigman's body was discovered by Trevor Parker who is the son of the owner of tomlin's coal yard zigman's body was found at 3 45 PM that day which was around five hours after the yard had last been used strangely Trevor was at the site from 8 A.M to 11AM that day and said that he didn't see anything unusual at 4pm PC Alan Godfrey arrived and examined the body and said that he believed that Sigmund had passed away as a result of a heart attack everyone involved realized just how bizarre this finding was and questioned how this could be a straightforward heart attack sigmund's body was face down at the top of a 12-foot High pile of anthracite it was suggested that the body was most likely placed there from above as no evidence existed to suggest that anyone had climbed up or down the Heap another interesting question is how could he have been lowered from above without being seen in the middle of a hot summer's day if things weren't already bizarre enough it's about to get stranger when found there were no signs that Sigmund had been sleeping rough on the streets and did not appear to be suffering from any medical conditions it was detailed that he hadn't checked into a hospital during the time he spent missing and not only that but it was found that he had also eaten well during the time he spent missing it's also important to note that there were no signs of a struggle at all and even stranger still was the fact that sigmund's shirt was missing his pants and shoes were fastened scruffily as if it had been done by someone who didn't know how to do it also noted was the fact that his coat was fastened up the wrong way and despite being missing for five days there was only a single day's worth of beard growth but most strange of all was the burn marks around his neck and shoulders which were also covered in a gel-like substance that couldn't be identified Dr Alan Edwards performed the autopsy and concluded that Sigmund passed away between 11AM and 1pm on the day that he was found while the burns were two days old Dr Edwards was so confused about this case that it took him several months to come to the conclusion that it must have been as a result of a heart attack this is just an unbelievable case that's very hard to explain what do you think happened here I'd love to your thoughts in regards to all of these cases foreign on April the 29th 1981 84 year old Dr Maurice Thomas went topaz hunting with his friend David McSweeney interestingly dammits had a PhD in Theology and had many Publications to his name he went on to become a pastor of a Presbyterian Church in Littleton Colorado and hidden dean of rockmont college in Northern Colorado they drove down to Pike National Forest in Colorado from Longmont in Boulder Colorado arriving on a Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock once they arrived at the park there was another 16 miles they had to drive which was down a dirt road until they reached the destination known as topaz point Native Americans believe that this location was haunted by evil spirits early settlers dubbed this place the devil's head which is a startling coincidence considering his theological background unfortunately in his old age Maurice could barely walk and had very bad knees along with a blood disorder he was considered severely disabled and required the help of his friend David to help him down a small hill to get to the Sandy digging spots in the forest after a while spent searching for topaz it was Now noon and the men got back together to have lunch now they decided to get back to work but did so together for an hour after this they split up and David went roughly 50 yards away to search another spot Maurice spent most of the afternoon at this location and at 3 25 PM David came back to check on him and he was fine they made small conversation and David made Marisa where that they were leaving in 15 minutes David went back to his spot tidied up his equipment and packed them away fifteen minutes had passed and David returned to Maurice once more except this time he was gone along with the bag he was carrying which contained all of his garden tools there was no evidence of a struggle no blood or disruption of the earth he had just seemingly vanished David obviously baffled had no idea where he could have gone David noted that it would have been impossible for Maurice to climb up the hill on his own and couldn't have gotten far despite this David went back to the car to check if Maurice had made it back by himself was he wasn't there David Hunt the horn called for him and searched for a long time but he didn't get a response beginning to panic he flagged down a nearby car and asked him to call the sheriff while he continued to search at 7 30 PM the fair Sheriff derived named Deputy Allison who searched the area but similar to David he could find no evidence of anything taking place the sheriff then called search and rescue and they came in force with canines under search team this started a five-day search that politis noted as being one of the most thorough searches in the area the authorities involved said that they did everything they could and literally couldn't find any evidence that Maurice had even been in the area Maurice's wife sent a letter to the governor of Colorado to reopen the case but never received a reply whatever happened here was highly unusual and an animal attack was ruled out by the search and rescue team David was only 50 yards away and didn't hear any screaming yelling or Christ for help the question remains where is Dr Maurice Thomas and how in the wealth could a man that could barely walk get out of the area what happened here his remains have never been found [Music] foreign [Music] 48 at the time of his disappearance known as Booksy by his friends and loved ones by all accounts was a very good man he took his 13 year old son Colton alongside his adopted son Brent with him on an elkensing trip in the Crow Indian Reservation this spot is in the Bighorn mountains in the southeast state of Montana Robert and his family were members of The Crow Nation Indian reservation and they were hunting on ground owned by the tribe on this day Roberts had come dressed appropriately and was wearing heavy winter clothing with his weapon of choice which was the bow and arrow the details of this next part are a little hazy but it appears that the group split up during their hunts it's unclear if the two brothers stayed together but Robert was by himself before splitting up they agreed to meet back up at a pre-allocated location the brothers arrived on time and waited for their father but as the darkness began to set in they panicked and called the Bighorn County Sheriff's Office and members of the tribe hundreds of Searchers began to pour in alongside highly trained search doc teams and thermal imaging equipped helicopters but the search failed and Robert was not located in fact nothing was found no body bones blood or equipment leading searches to believe that animal predation had not occurred in this case just over a year later in October of 2005 Roberts remains were found by elk Hunters the billingsgazette.com reported apparently a group was hunting in the area when one Hunter had a crow in a tree screaming like a woman the man went towards the bird but then shifted Direction the family believes that the spirit of Springfield's mother who died just before Thanksgiving 2004 may have helped guide the hunter who found a vest and then the remains bizarrely as the hunter approached the Crow's location he said that the scene was strange there was a partial skull a female an untouched wallet a neatly rolled up men's belt next to the skull and Two Boots Robert's bow and arrow was never found the Sheriff's Office initially felt that a tree must have fallen on Robert but didn't really know how to explain these findings and the evidence at the scene didn't support the initial hypothesis it was at this point that they notified the FBI given the strange findings and FBI involvement I thought that it was very interesting and wanted to do some further reading at this point I'd like to read a shot extract from newmaven.io who documented something very strange the coals are joined in the lawsuit by another Crow family that feels the FBI has failed them Veronica Springfield's husband Robert Springfield 48 disappeared on September 19 2004 on a bow hunting trip with his 13 year old son Colton in the Bighorn mountains an area he grew up exploring Searchers used a grid system to come the area for any sign of Springfield while a volunteer helicopter pilot used an infrared sensor but also came up with no results at one point more than 200 volunteers and about two dozen trained dogs scouted five square mile area they came back during the Spring and still found nothing Springfield's remains were found by hunters in October 2005 in an area the family says was 50 yards from where they had capturing the search they insist searches had looked at the exact spot where the body was found the family wonders if Springfield an ex-marine and Special Forces member had met Foul Play and his body disposed of later Veronica said if he was actually up there in that area to put it bluntly we would have smelled something the animals would have been there the birds would have been there but what happened next is almost as upsetting as knowing he was gone the FBI AI set the remains to Quantico Virginia for DNA testing and identification it took two years for the FBI to return the body to the family so that they could bury the remains and over those two years the family alleges that the FBI never made contact with them we went to hell Robert's sister Myra said they hope that in defending the lawsuit the federal government will at least have to answer for their actions this is just absolutely bizarre Robert was found 50 yards from where the family and the Searchers were camped which means that he was found in an area already searched so where was he the dogs couldn't find him and the helicopters never picked up his signature again this is another disappearance where the shoes were removed but by whom and for what reason where did Robert's bow go the boys never heard anything to indicate that something was wrong no shouting or gunshots or anything of that nature Confusion by the Sheriff's Office ultimately led to FBI involvement who took the body for testing over a period of two years which seems like a very long time surely they must also have felt that the circumstances Behind The Disappearance were very strange but as far as I can tell they remained silent so what in the world happened to Robert Springfield [Music] Sean Ritchie 20 years old at the time of disappearance went missing in a remote patch of Woodland after a Halloween night out with his friends shown alongside his friends traveled in a van from the town of frasierburg located in the northeast of Scotland to a location near the small village to the South known as stritchen Sean was seen twice on the day of his disappearance once by his mother before leaving the house and once more in a convenient shop in frasierburg where he was captured on CCTV in the afternoon specifically the group had traveled to a remote Farmhouse for a Halloween party at some point during this party something went terribly wrong in an article by thedailyrecord.co.uk Sean's father had this to say something happened that led them to run and split up into two groups each group thought that Sean was with the other it's unclear exactly what led the men to splitting up at The Farmhouse but it seems that they become spooked by something Sean's father continued I just find it bizarre that this group of ancient Lads split up and run but there's no evidence to say that Sean disappeared due to criminality at some point during Sean's time missing the police received two phone calls but they were not from Richie as he had forgotten his phone at home the first call requested help from the police and the second call phoned in to cancel the request it's unclear exactly what was taking place but there seems to have been some amount of confusion Sean failed to return home the following day but she wasn't reported as missing that day as it was thought that it was simply with a friend but when he also failed to return home the day afterwards he was reported missing by his family at 8 45 pm this would spark what was reported as one of the largest search efforts in Scotland's history at the time inspector Alan Brown had this to say the last known sighting of Sean was in the area between stritchen and the a98 frasierberg to Banff Road significant resources have been involved in the search for Sean with extensive searches in open areas Woodland and waterways in a bit to trace him and during the course of the inquiry items of clothing have been recovered more than 200 specialist search officers and 27 dogs have been involved now this is where things get bizarre as Inspector Alan Brown mentioned some clothing items were found in the rough greenburn area these included his shoes and his belts Sean's father had this to say some of Sean's clothing and belongings were discovered close to the farmhouse in a boggy area but that was the last evidence of his movements that night the police have conducted one of the largest searches in Scotland's history but one year on we are no closer to finding Sean or to finding out the full events of that night the police had gram penetrating radar and they found stuff in the Box tiny little artifacts and loads of animal bones but no choice of Sean detective Chief Inspector Matt McKay who is leading the inquiry into The Disappearance said that the police have not ruled out Foul Play but that there was no evidence to indicate that it had taken place he added all I would say is that we have left absolutely no stone unturned and that I will never ignore the prospects of criminality but I have found no evidence to suggest that Sean has been the victim of any crime it is surprising in one respect that we haven't found Sean given the resources we have put into it it would be difficult to see how someone could get beyond that area but we haven't found him so he could have gone beyond that it's important to remember at this point that Sean didn't have any shoes on and the terrain was rough so I do find myself agreeing with Matt's initial skepticism in regards to Sean traveling outside the search area on foot Professor Dave Barclay a forensic science lecturer said that the police efforts in this case have surpassed those in a normal missing person's case this could mean that the police understood that these findings were highly unusual and suspected something untoward almost five years later now and Sean has never been found what happened that night and why did Sean remove his shoes and belts if Sean was still in that area he should have been found so where is he what do you think happened here foreign Gibson went missing while hiking in the North York Mall's National Park he was last seen on Wednesday the 11th of November 2015 at 4pm by the group he had been us hiking with despite being 73 Stefan was very fit for his age and went on regular hikes and knew the area well on this particular day the Moors were hit with heavy fogs and Stefan had gotten separated from the group while walking along a footpath between a small village of lastingham and the chimney bank it's unclear exactly how Stefan managed to get separated from the other hikers but the group did not report hearing anything that would indicate Stefan had gotten into any kind of trouble Stefan was reported missing at 7pm that evening when he did not return to his vehicle the search for Stefan was massive and the initial search went on for 30 hours straight many mountain rescue teams were out looking for him including teams from Scarborough Rydell Cleveland and swaledale but despite searching for a lengthy amount of time Stefan was not located the teams were joined by the thermal imaging equipped Coast Guard helicopter and after failing to detect him the Royal Air Force got involved and provided air support which also failed to locate Stefan this was a desperate search that provoked a simply unbelievable response and it's very strange that Stefan managed to somehow evade all of the Searchers and thermal imaging equipment the search and rescue dog Association also got involved from across the country and it was simply astonishing that nobody could locate this man on the 14th of November three days after Stefan went missing he was found east of lastingham and south of the Mars near the village of cropton it's unclear precisely where Stefan's body was found but cropton is not inside the national park but is to the South and surrounded by Countryside with Woodlands to the north I do not know how long Stefan had been deceased and could not find any comments made in regards to a cause of death after getting lost why did Stefan not shout to allow the group to locate him if Stefan was found near cropped turned why couldn't he make it back to the Village could Stefan's body have been placed there after his passing how did he manage to evade thermal imaging equipment search dogs and many search and rescue teams scouring the area for him for three days Stefan's disappearance was highly unusual and doesn't make a lot of sense now here's another thank you on the 13th of December 2015 the Scarborough news reported the brother of an intelligence and adventurous Scarborough man who went missing after going hiking in the North York mall said today his family was extremely anxious about his disappearance 38 year old Kieran Chapman was an avid hiker and his family believed that he set out for a long day hiking trip starting at howarddale Forest but she never returned kieran's car was found on December the 2nd and his mobile phone was found lying on the Bonnet of the car it is thought that he started his hike a few days before the discovery of his car potentially on the 29th of November the authorities initially believed that Kieran may have gone hiking on the Mars and his brother stated his disappearance is totally out of character and we are extremely anxious about his failure to contact his family after an unsuccessful search by authorities the Scarborough and Rydell Mountain Rescue Team were called in to assist with the search the following day not a single trace as to kieran's whereabouts was found and the search was stood down three days later law enforcement began to suspect that Kieran may have set off with the intention of not coming back though Karen's brother swiftly disputed this and told the Yorkshire post it was fairly obvious to us that the police suspected Kieran had done something to himself despite how a protest that although a bit of a loner he was level-headed happy and about as far away from that as you might imagine nothing has ever been found to suggest that this was actually the case despite a police search of kieran's property in Scarborough Kieran is a Keen hiker we strongly believe that this was the reason he was in howarddale we also believe that he would never leave his car unattended for more than one night we believe that he embarked upon an all-day hike and something untoward an accident a heart sack Etc has happened to him and he is lying somewhere on the North York mall severely incapacitated or after 13 days unattended dead inspector Graham Hinman of North Yorkshire police told the Yorkshire Post in the case of Kieran Chapman police teams have conducted a number of searches within a radius surrounding Mr Chapman's last known position which is where his cow was found in the area of howarddale the searches have been extensive and police have been assisted by the Scarborough and Rydell Mountain Rescue Team the Royal Air Force Mountain Rescue Team and the n-pass helicopter ground Searchers have been challenging despite difficult terrain harsh weather conditions and reduced daylight hours however police and agencies have been Relentless in their efforts to find Kieran it seems to me that after kieran's family complained the police enhanced the search effort police dogs also got involved in the search but they failed to pick up his Sense on the 21st of December the Scarborough new news added the ministry of defense is even understood to have assisted I have personally never heard of the ministry of Defense being involved in any civilian missing person's case before did they suspect something if this was the case the Press was never made aware and the extent of their involvement is largely unknown kieran's body was found five months later on May the 3rd 2016 by a couple who were out walking their dog in a secluded area of howarddale they first thought that their dog was sniffing a pile of clothing but came to the realization that it was in fact a body Kieran was in possession of a backpack and a digital camera with photos of himself on it forensic pathologist Peter Nigel Cooper stated that the body was in a state of decomposition and had no broken bones or damage to internal organs and no evidence existed of natural disease Mr Cooper said that there was a low level of alcohol presence but said that it was most likely caused by the decomposition there was an amphetamine drug present but it was not at a high enough level to explain his death and Mr Cooper ruled out an overdose Mr Cooper added I do not have a definitive explanation but there is a probability that he died from hypothermia afterwards the coroner concluded that it was an accidental death kieran's disappearance was highly unusual and out of character as mentioned by his brother why did Kieran leave his phone on the Bonnet of his car thermal imaging equips helicopters failed to pick him up and police search dogs failed to pick up his scent why did the ministry of Defense take an interest in this case this incident has never been fully explained [Music] foreign [Music] the Bolivian Amazon or specifically the mediti national park according to nytimes.com goes from lowland to Mountaintop from 600 feet to almost 20 000 feet above sea level its covers more than 7 000 square miles of wildly different habitats it has Cloud forests lowland jungles Rivers streams Wetlands it's even as glacious the local states that this jungle can swallow you whole in a matter of seconds and they say so for good reason rivers are vast and go through mountainous terrain with thick blankets of fog creeping throughout the jungle surprisingly despite its vastness and low visibility disappearances inside the National Park's borders are fairly rare there hadn't been a single recorded Disappearance in the park for a long time until late February 2017 at 8 30 pm on this particular night the medidi park rangers received a radio transmission in which it was relate to them that 25 year old Mako Lacuna had disappeared under highly unusual circumstances and left no tracks behind they were made aware that maycool had been on a rainforest tour with the local agency Max adventures and that he was last seen sitting on the steps of his cabin at around 8 30 PM the night before the park director Marcos uscuiano said this is a really strange case for us we're not sure what happened last night but we need to find out the Rangers on scene made comparisons to a disappearance that took place in 1981 where a tourist by the name of yossi Ginsburg was lied to and given deceitful information by a fellow traveler this led yossi to being stranded in the rainforest for three weeks but this incident was different after the individuals in the group were questioned it was thought that this was not the case the ranges were described as being quiet and looking very determined they quickly set off and began to search the immediate area inside the rainforest thinking that Mayco couldn't have gotten very far given the harsh terrain and he was wearing sandals phaser a guide for Max Adventures relayed some interesting details fazer said in regards to make all that he had returned to the camp acting noticeably excited he was acting a little bit strange his face just didn't look normal phaser was keeping tabs on maycool and invited him and the other tourists who participate in a pachama ceremony which is an ancient tradition thanking the Mother Earth for giving them permission to enter the forest maycool refused the invitation and remained at his cabin from the point that Faisal left with the other Taurus another guide had made the visit to may call within five minutes but he had gone phaser and the other guides equipped with flashlights scoured the lodge and calmed the immediate area inside the nearby Forest to no avail fazer said that they were searching until five in the morning and was surprised that he couldn't be located fazer said and I quote it's because he offended the Patcher mama he didn't want to participate in the ceremony after doing a bit of further reading it seems like the locals are very superstitious of the area and they say that the rainforest is filled with mystical entities both good and bad locals believe that to disrespect the Pacha mama is to put yourself at risk from being driven mad by doing day which they believed to be a spirit that lurks in the forest and has the ability to take and hide its victims one of the guides who had spent most of his life in the area had this to say for myself and the Rangers this is our culture we believe that the doender is real and we think that it's possible that Michael was taken by him if the this incident wasn't already strange enough for you let's get bizarre because they didn't know what to do the guides called for two shamans by the names of romulo and sabushier and asked them to bring May call back the pair arrived and brought various ingredients with them including cigarettes beers wine bottles cocoa leaves sugar candles Sparkle and confetti and a large wooden cross they said and I quote we believe that duende has been harnessing the energy of mapper Joe a powerful tree Spirit to hide may call he's far away in a place we can't reach but by performing the necessary intricate ceremonies we may be able to bring him back at this point Michael's family including his father stepmother and sister had flown in from Chile under the guidance of the park rangers and other professionals they joined the organized search efforts the Rangers thought it best to work section by section coming multiple kilometers around the lodge by walking and sweeping horizontal lines I may be wrong but I get the feeling that some of the Rangers didn't care much for what the shamans were doing and the shamans didn't believe the Rangers could be successful until the spirits were appeased nevertheless despite the differences the Rangers searched for 10 hours a day in different sections of the rainforest desperately trying to find maycool as they knew time was of the essence the shamans also stayed up until dawn every night making offerings and performing their ceremonies in payments to the pachamama interestingly and perhaps even bizarrely the Rangers did concede that they were surprised that they couldn't find even the slightest sign of him no tracks or any Trace at all they said it was like he was never there the experienced trackers among the Rangers said that they couldn't believe that they hadn't found a single shred of evidence and one of them was quoted as saying in 20 years we've never experienced anything quite like this before for those familiar with the channel this next part may not come as much of a surprise anymore six days after the initial disappearance and Tyle is searching by all involved one of the Rangers found one of Michael's socks on the rainforest floor seemingly abandoned this gave the Rangers a location to focus their search efforts and a new plan was produced to Zone in on the area which they immediately began to thoroughly comb the shaman said that this was a good sign and that the findings changed everything they were of the opinion that the sock represented a way to reach out to make all soul to bring him back the shamans then spent the next two days and nights without sleep performing their ceremonies and presenting offerings to the pachamama the following day they said that their payments had been accepted and that the following days would see more signs of maycool the day after this would see the Rangers taking a boat down the river where they hid the guide shouting at them to come over the Rangers docked and the catch called out that they'd found may call surprisingly while he was somewhat dehydrated and had a lot of bites he had swollen ankles and he was otherwise okay make all joked and said that he wanted a Coca-Cola at this point let's get bizarre again why not Michael was brought back to Camp where he told of what happened to him during his time missing I was trying so hard to find the river but I just couldn't find it he told The Rescuers he went on and said that he was only able to make it because he was following a group of monkeys that were dropping fruits and lead him to shelter and water when asked why he went into the rainforest this is what he had to say I was having strange terrible thoughts about the rainforest and I just wanted to get out I started running I was wearing sandals and I said no they would slow me down I threw away the sandals then the cell phone and my flashlight and after so much running I stopped on under a tree and I started thinking what had I done what was I doing and then what I wanted to get back it wasn't possible Michael said that he's completely sure what happened to him that night or why he made the decisions he did obviously the shamans on the other hand alongside the locals maintained that it was the duendees doing they said the science fit his strange Behavior pattern the maddening thoughts that's what duende does ultimately though this circumstance is leading up to and during Michael's disappearance remain a mystery what are your thoughts about this truly bizarre incident I don't think I've ever come across an incident like this before foreign [Music] first of August 2018 27 year old Sam Sayers made the trip to the mountain known as vespa's Peak by herself this is a peak along the Mountain Loop Highway region of the North Cascades of Washington State it was on this mountain that some disappeared Without a Trace and almost 10 months later now her disappearance is still a complete mystery the last concrete sign of Sam was her name scrawled onto the register at the trailhead just off the Mountain Loop Highway unfortunately at a young age between her Junior and Senior year years of high school some developed alopecia which is an autoimmune disease that results in hair loss according to her mother Lisa some was a strong person and dealt with the loss of her hair very well she said some try to wear a wig in high school but she hated it she took her wig right off in front of everyone she has really empowered a lot of people through that Journey because of this condition Sam had a distinctive look and other hikers were able to place her on that mountain as her head was crowned with a star tattoo Lisa said that for some reason she wasn't quite aware of she felt nervous about Sam going on that particular hike Sam was an avid hiker and this was not her first time at the Vespa Mountain she began her hike at 8am on the day of her disappearance this was supposed to be a routine trip and she was expected to be back home to her boyfriend Kevin dares by 6PM that evening as reported on nbcnews.com Kevin said the last text I sent her that morning was me saying I know you don't need me to tell you this but the terrain can be dangerous and she just replied telling me that she knew and that she loved me unfortunately some would never make it back home that night some were seen once after she had ascended over 4000 feet up switchbacks and across Boulder Fields before reaching the summit one hiker recalled that she was eating a sandwich while talking with the other rock climbers who were ascending some of the more daring areas of the mountain according to seattlemet.com the last few hundred feet of Vesper is more of a scramble route than it is a defined path once the proper Trail Peters out in the dirt it's common for every hiker to pick their own way one high care remember seeing Sam fear down towards the peak's southwest side around 3 P.M this was the wrong side of the mountain he would later relate to the Sheriff's Office sergeant this was the very last time that Sam would ever be seen as mentioned earlier Kevin was expecting to see Sam at around 6PM that day but says late evening fell he still hadn't heard from her Kevin began to panic so he got in his car and drove from Belltown all the way to the trailhead which took just over an hour and a half during this drive the light was fading quickly so he made one stop to purchase a flashlight upon his arrival to the trailhead he noted that the place was very dark at this point but he could see that Sam's blue Ford Fiesta was still in the gravel parking lot this was obviously not a good sign and Kevin said that he grew very nervous with this flashlight he made his way up the trail at roughly 10 pm Kevin essentially speed hiked the trail and made his way through the thick forestry and hopped across Boulders sitting with distiller guamish River this led into a box canyon surrounded by incredibly steep walls at first Kevin was confused and couldn't figure out where she could have gone but eventually found that there was one other way out it was a trail that runs through a Boulder Field which was very difficult to navigate this was the last push to the Vesper but at some point along this final stretch Kevin tripped and broke his flashlight which forced him to turn around and walk the three and a half miles back to his car thereafter he drove 20 miles to the Villa Public Service Center which was closed but she used the Payphone to contact the authorities this would be the beginning of one of the largest and longest search efforts in the area's history over 8 000 hours West spent scouring the mountain for Sam according to strange outdoors.com 70 searches 14 dog teams and helicopters search the area to no avail at one point drone operators and the sheriff's Marine units were involved in addition volunteer Searchers from around the state spent thousands of hours leaving bags with notes saying stay strong we're looking for you everyone is thinking of you the bags included a poncho socks energy bars a compass a flashlight fire sticks and a lighter the Sheriff's Office spoke with Witnesses who saw Sam the day she went missing but none saw her come back down the trail the sheriff's office would later state that starting from the day following The Disappearance search operations had included 357 hours of air operations 105 hours of drone operations 82 hours for the Marine units 329 hours from the Sheriff's Office and thousands of volunteer hours spent searching for Sam many were left feeling confused as to why they couldn't find a single trace of her Sergeant John Adams led the search and rescue response he said that when a person is reported missing many times you'll receive a call from a loved one saying that the missing has returned home he knew this one was different somehow and he told Deputy Peter tesk we better throw everything we've got at this one at least for a couple of days Sergeant Adams was on the scene at 1 30 am following Sam's disappearance and he advised Kevin not to go back alone but he realized he couldn't stop him and loaded him up with a helmet food and a headlamp volunteers arrived at 6am and were grouped into various teams they took off along the trail and were joined by the snowhawk helicopter fitted with thermal imaging technology but they couldn't find a single trace of a over the next few days the volunteers were joined by other search and rescue teams from surrounding areas trained dogs began looking for a sense human trackers were trying to locate Footprints and the bodies of water were scoured this was an extensive search and volunteers were surprised that they could find no Trace at all Sam's mobile phone provider was contacted and they said that her phone last pinged on that mountain which made the Searchers double down on their efforts the official search lasted 22 days and no signs ever surfaced a number of footsteps were found on the Southeast side of the mountain and West said that they might have been Sam's but ultimately they LED nowhere and this wasn't helpful during this time the Searchers scoured just about every place imaginable that a person could fall from but again they found nothing Kevin would not give up hope and The Unofficial search began this effort was led by an eagle scout named budkar and Kevin spent the entire Autumn of 2018 on that mountain searching but Sam was never found and to this day it is unclear as to what happened many have said that this disappearance was highly unusual especially since the search started very quickly and somehow Sam managed to evade a large number of Searchers search dogs and thermal imaging equipment what do you think thank you on the 7th of February 2018 49 year old firefighter Danny philippidis was on a skiing trip to Whiteface mountain located at Lake Placid in the state of New York Danny had been skiing for many years and was considered to be very experienced this skiing trip was when Dany went on every year with his co-workers and he knew the area well on one particular day of the trip the rest of the group finished up skiing at around 2 30 PM but being very healthy and in good shape he wanted to continue on for a couple more runs however Dany was never seen again he never returned to his co-workers after realizing that Dany had been gone for too long the group went to retrieve him but there was no trace of him at all bizarrely his skis boots passports identification and car were all Left Behind seemingly abandoned without a reason the authorities were quickly made aware of this situation and this would be the start of a massive search effort hundreds of people including helicopter teams drones sniffer dogs and other professional Searchers joined the search and would scour the area for six days strangely despite the scale of the search effort no sign of Dany was ever found the authorities involved went on to note that there was very heavy snow at the time of The Disappearance and that there was no way that he could have gotten very far especially without his skis or boots also if things weren't already strange enough this was a particularly busy day on the mountain and many people were out and about skiing yet no one seemed to remember seeing Dany at all that day the authorities were left baffled they assumed that Dany must have taken his skis and boots off and ventured out into the Wilderness though had no idea why he would have done so shortly after this conclusion the search was called off and Danny's Family back home were left to wonder what kind of Fate had befallen Danny now this is where things get bizarre six days after The Disappearance Danny's wife received a call and she noted that the man on the other end sounded like her husband but was groggy and disorientated during this phone call she noticed it was Danny and repeatedly begged him to call 9-1-1 so they could find him strangely this call was traced from coming over 2500 miles away at the other side of the country in Sacramento California the authorities went to retrieve Dany and he was found at a rental car area of the Sacramento International Airport the authorities went on to note and I quote on our end it left a lot of unanswered questions it was apparent that there was a lot of issues going on with the gentleman he was very disorientated and obviously in need of medical assistance needless to say they were absolutely baffled and had no idea just how on Earth he reached this location everyone thought that he must surely be dead initially it was thought that Dany must have been kidnapped but there was no evidence of this at all he hadn't been robbed wasn't injured and was still wearing his ski clothes while being questioned by the police Dany noted that the only memory he had was being dropped off by what he thought was a big Rick truck in Sacramento this was followed by purchasing an iPhone to call his wife and then going for a haircut interestingly he specifically mentioned that he felt compelled to accomplish these goals which is somewhat strange bazali he had no other memories of his entire ordeal over the previous six days he couldn't remember what the truck looked like who was driving or even when he was picked up in addition to these facts to make things even stranger known at the ski resorts ever saw a rick truck during their entire stay it was noted that Dany was very Cooperative when questioned by the police who were just as confused as he was he allowed the authorities to check his bank and mobile phone records as well as his medical records but they didn't offer a single clue as to what happened upon being found by the police he was also in possession of all of his belongings and had sustained no injuries which suggested that no suspicious activity had taken place interestingly despite receiving a medical examination and not actually having any injuries Danny reported feeling as though he had sustained a severe head injury he literally shouldn't have been experiencing any memory problems Dany had no history at all of psychological problems and by all accounts was a very family orientated person and was also a dedicated fireman this incident baffled everyone a New York State Police Major John Tibbetts Jr said that the incident was a head scratcher this whole incident makes no sense at all and many questions remain unanswered why did Dany take his boots and skis off before The Disappearance how did he travel anywhere in such deep snow and without boots or skis Why did no one else ever see this reported Rick truck why couldn't she remember any of the time he spent missing who took Danny in the first place and what was the motive behind any of this he wasn't robbed or injured and finally how in the world did he manage to travel 2500 miles away from the location of the disappearance it's just absolutely mind-blowing and I can't think of an easy explanation for this case please do leave a like if you found the video interesting or a dislike if you didn't feel free to share your honest opinion I'd like to hear your thoughts and I'd just like to take a moment to thank all of you that have subscribed to the channel and who share these videos I appreciate it a lot and I can't thank you enough I'd also like to say a massive thank you to my patrons your support is crucial and it's massively appreciated so thank you very much to those who have signed up anyway do let me know what you thought of this one and you'll find all of the links in the description below as always thank you very much for watching I hope that you enjoyed this video and if you did remember to like And subscribe if you haven't already it helps me a lot I hope that you have a great day or evening depending on where you are be safe guys and I'll catch you soon peace [Music]
Channel: Top Mysteries
Views: 1,190,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1 Hour of Strange and Unexplained Disappearances, strange disappearances, national park, national park disappearances, missing persons, missing 411 national park disappearances, bizarre disappearances, unexplained disappearances documentary, strange and unexplained disappearances, unexplained disappearances, missing 411 disappearances, strange disappearances in national parks, unexplained disappearances in national parks
Id: MO4twMo7QF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 4sec (3844 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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