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[Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] the biggest change can come from the most unexpected individual with the audience at your fingertips all you need is a little push [Music] this is my moment this is what it's all about relax matey you got this okay is this recording i guess so hey zuke uh give me a minute shake it off shake it off your hair is fine come on this is our television debut yeah uh yeah i'm here are you guys ready okay zuke stand here right here good and i'll be at this corner just like how we practiced gotcha all right this is gonna be awesome i'm going to start the recording now it's happening time to get famous please state your name and introduce yourself briefly hey the names maybe i wield a guitar and he is zook and he plays the drums and together we're funk fake junction [Music] hey zuke there sure has been quite a lot of electronic music in this city lately that's true me but you know this city still lacks a certain something don't you think absolutely mate luckily for you guys we have the perfect fix why don't you tell him zuke why me we're bunk bed junction and we're going to we're going to chanka um in their bunker no wait it's that's right zook we're gonna bunk up we're gonna junk up and we're gonna bam in your faces we're bringing back rock this long forgotten art used to be the backbone of vinyl city you know so be ready to listen to our super tasty riffs off okay cut that's a good take oh that's it yes we got what we needed now please make your way to the audition stage just follow the arrows thank you no thank you so much that was my dc next [Applause] [Music] are you ready why hello youtube wow hello tatiana right and you are we're bunk bed junction bunk bed junction yes because you see nsr needs more fans so we're gonna build a new junction right into your highway so that more people can join this awesome full party bunk bed junction clever i hope you put as much thought into your music as you did with your band name so what will you play for us today oh it's something the city needs we're playing rock say again rock we're here to bring it back to the top just like how cool fyra did a long time ago really very well then show me what you've got it's time [Applause] rock the too [Music] yes we did it we finished the course thank you thank you oh there's so much electric in this room how do you think it went brilliantly thought you'd say that fellas what do you think well one out of six ain't too bad hey now wait a minute there [Music] can you just listen to [Applause] zook say something um okay this is hold on hold on i'll be blunt you came here for us to judge you and it looks like my artists have spoken you have no future in show business what but but we we managed to finish the arena and we we reserve the right to reject you even if you finish the course we have the final say in everything that's not fair please we run on talent not fairness this edition is held to find the next best musician who meets our standards of excellence and you certainly didn't qualify well that's rich coming from a bunch of wannabe artists say that x it means you're done if i were you i would swallow my pride and use this time to rethink my career you can't do this to me i just did no i'm an artist i'm a performer a performer i belong on this stage okay i've heard enough thank you very much off you go you haven't heard the last of me okay what do you know about rock i bet you never even held a guitar in your life okay listen honey you think you can just walk in here and drag us all into your silly fantasy you are so naive to think that rock is still relevant stop living in the past there is only one music in demand right now and that is edm the age of rock is over edm rules this city [Music] oh yeah well how about you take all these exes and shove them up they can't do this to us it's not cool super not cool can't believe they called us naive right that was bulldozer bulldozer you hear me i feel you man i do listen i know this didn't go as you planned you think but it's not good getting worked up over an empty stomach why don't we head back first and grab some burgers on me fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] you to join us [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look we're on tv isn't that great i think this is a good time for us to reflect back at our shortcomings knowing an sr they probably have unimaginably high standards when it comes to picking their candidates [Music] wait did you see that we powered the quasa to almost full capacity hmm that is odd those lying idiots how could they scrap us when we outperformed all the other contestants this is totally raped we need to take action but there's nothing we can do about it there's always something we can do zuke believe me if you say so me [Music] ah vinyl city i'll never grow tired of seeing this you know maybe we're being too hard on nsr just look at how much this city has thrived ever since they took over oh no zuke you did not just say that come on i know it sucks that they didn't pick us but i like to believe that they did it based on fair unbiased judgment people of vinyl city this is tatiana in light of the recent abysmal performance of a certain door that we all had the unfortunate pleasure of having to sit through i would like to announce that rock music is hereby banned from future lights up editions for a better prospect of winning we suggest that you stick to what works edm remember we strive through order order leads to progress in vinyl city that is all have a pleasant evening what what the slimy possum did she say oh dear zuke this discrimination is so obvious nsr can't do something like this who do these people think they are wait it's freaking unfair there must be a rational explanation [Music] so dopey we gotta fix this right now hey stop overreacting look around you nsr may be jerks but you can't deny that they're doing a great job at governing the city yes if i could see your face i'd punch it [Music] [Laughter] what no way you see that i don't believe it our city's backup energies only supplied to the elites of nsr that's messed up first they rejected us then they denied a right to rock out and now they think they can keep the energy from the general public this is wrong this is an absolute abuse of power i hate to say this but i think you might be onto something finally you're making sense so tell me tell me what are we gonna do to someone who messes with the good people of vinyl city oh we're gonna bunk up we're gonna junk up and we're gonna bam in their faces yes now you're talking [Music] down there looks like dj's subatomic supernova is prepping for a performance perfect all right zook this is it today we stand up against nsr are you with me to the very end may what do you propose we do we are gonna hijack their concert no more injustice it's time we fight edm with the power of rock the music revolution starts right now let's rock a talk billions upon billions of organisms reside on this tiny planet each meticulously designed to fulfill their given purpose yet you barely reach the cusp of mediocrity you can't even handle simple satellite launch procedure such incompetence it's not rocket science i mean it is but can someone fetch me some fresh mr dojo ice pops this one's all melted great what else could possibly go wrong today what are you nsr people doing we're not getting enough electricity and all you guys do is party who are these two have they purchased the privileged parts to converse with me huh you don't remember us bunk bed junction that's who we are and we're here to stop nsr from controlling everything the people of final city deserve to know what rock is about rock fascinating that is fascinating your limited aspirations your misplaced efforts you remind me of pluto once thought to be a planet of the solar system but no longer is what what he just said about us was bad right well being a dwarf planet is not necessarily a bad your intellect is strikingly shallow as everyone else's what i'm saying is that you plutonians are no longer relevant say what so you think your music is so relevant lies it don't you know who i am i am dj subatomic supernova my music will reach the furthest corners of the galaxy what have you done today simpletons nsr's dominance over final city ends today maybe my music highly unlikely [Music] all my music will ripple to the rims of the universe and back impossible impossible impossible impossible just surrender dj broken record silence you have barely barely scratched the surface of my brilliance i am done stooping to your level of idiocy hey come on man i understand perfectly what you're trying to do [Applause] [Music] or your endeavors mean nothing when a billion stars and a thousands upon thousands of planets there's only one way to end this [Music] green life [Music] [Music] shotgun [Music] billions of billions of trillions [Music] and pluto is still relevant ya hear me what's a pluto anyway dj subatomic supernova come in what is going on down there i'm sorry but the dj is currently out of commission would you like to leave a message what who do you guys think you hold on i remember you you're those troublemakers from the lights up edition uh-huh junction and we're here to bring back rock [Music] you can't be serious you better believe it we're not stopping till we claim our faith and bring change to the system yeah that's you oh this city has had enough of your tyrannical control it's time we give the people what they want stop at the theatrics you think you're better than me i've said it before and i'll say it again the age of rock is over that's where you're wrong and today's win is proof that the power of rock is stronger than ever what do you say to that huh persistent piece of well fine you want to take this road i say bring it on we have the force to deal with the likes of you we fight with order and you have no place in our system if that's what you stand for then we want no part of your stupid regimen it's time we fight for fairness for the people of vinyl city we fight for the little guys zuke come here put your hand next to mine huh oh uh okay what are you doing just hold up your pinky finger oh like this no put your hand next to mine no the other side oh okay a bit more to the right no my right but i was moving to your right no you just ah never mind move left like this more left left left left for the little guys last night a sabotage at club planetarium has resulted in an unexpected change of leadership the authorities have identified the group behind the interference as bunk bed junction jiangshit an indie rock duo the band was led by a guitarist who goes by the name of mayday followed by her drumming accomplice zuk sources say they hijacked dj's subatomic supernovas concert close to midnight which subsequently led to nsr's first district loss in years however tatyana reassures everyone that the launch of the new nsr satellite supervised by dj subatomic supernova went smoothly despite the takeover the loss of the kostek district is but a minor setback to nsr our launch was deemed a success the nsr satellite is set to reach its course in orbit soon which will mark a major milestone for us in great you owe me a tv mate those nsr buffoons we managed to defeat an artist of theirs but somehow they still win did you have to punch the tv though we ain't got money to spend on another one listen to me zook our revolution is set on a long and difficult path so sacrifices must be made for the greater good no tv is going to oh hey i got a text message zuk zuk i think we just got our first fan say what now his name is cliff and he has a lot of nice things to say about us listen to this your exceptional skills at playing your instruments while simultaneously entertaining the crowd is absolutely astounding why are you making that accent he says he wants to arrange a meeting tonight isn't that exciting zuke our first fan meetup yeah that's nice but right now we need to figure out our next plan of action like how to defeat nsr he says he knows how to defeat nsr oh he did zuke this guy is our biggest fan atm i propose we see what he has to say we have nothing to lose right well um yeah sure why not awesome let me just reply [Music] so how did he get your number i don't know okay cliff says to find him at festival plaza alright let's go see what this guy is about greetings mayday and zuke you're cliff indeed i am oh i almost didn't recognize you your photo well never mind hello glad to finally meet you both in person a real pleasure pleasure zara's clue i'm a huge fan of bunk bed junction or you can say i'm your biggest number one fan i just wanted to let you two know your gig with the dj was beyond cool i'm all for what you're doing nsr's wake-up call is long overdue right i knew we weren't the only ones who felt this way definitely not in fact there is much i'd like to offer in support of your efforts speaking of which didn't you pick up something after defeating dj subatomic supernova you mean this yes yes the platinum disc every nsr artist has one having it in possession means you are the new charter for this district and you have complete control over it go ahead place the platinum disk over there at the dock then play your music [Music] we can do this cool stuff congratulations you now own this district now all you have to do is hijack the other concerts other concerts in the other districts by doing so you can gain the power to control them as well you want a free vinyl city from nsr right of course then you need to beat the remaining nsr artists and take over their districts doing so will significantly weaken nsr's control over the city remember once you've obtained a platinum disk just head towards the next dock got it all right that's all i have for now meet me here again if you require my future assistance here you've done so much for us cliff come to our secret underground path yeah you're always welcome to hang out with us there really now don't mind if i do it's over at the don't worry i know where it is i'll see you there uh okay isn't this a great start zuke we're not alone in this we have allies now before you go it would be an honor for me to brief you on your next fight maya i'd love to hear your intel cliff what do you have for us right acoustica will be your next stop i hope you're up to date with the digital space because saiyu has been making waves there as an idol wait that photo i've seen her on the billboards with her squeaky voice and music ah the digital idol she's really popular of the younger kids did you say digital so she's not even real and she's topping charts nsr signs on anyone who has the fame to benefit them but youtube can make a difference just to be clear we're fighting a fictional character right yes sayu will be tricky to get close to considering her form but behind every creation is a creator and this applies to saiyu too and that's how we'll beat her take these and head to akusuka when you're ready they'll get you to where sayo is remember she is not constrained by real world logic so be prepared for anything all righty good luck by the way can't help but notice that poster you have up there yes cool fire up the legend the one and only ah cliff you just opened a can of worms the band she started the ghoulings was way ahead of its time nobody took rock seriously until they came along they trailblazed to stardom and immediately took vinyl city by storm oh man sometimes i wish i was born earlier oh oh hang on you would have been old enough to see them during their prime were you in vinyl city back then yep please tell me you went to their gigs i did you got to see the ghoulies live i'm so jelly so jelly tell me what was cool fire alike what was she like she got the jeans she's got the sunglasses she's got the flaming hair she's got the looks the spunk and she had them all that girl was rocking it i tell you shook the stage like she absolutely owned it she didn't need to change she was flawless oh cliff you're my new favorite guy such a shame that the ghoulings got disbanded and cool fyra faded into obscurity shortly after she deserves better she does deserve better and you know what cliff that's where you come in you supported the ghoulings back then now we need you to bring that same energy to our fight oh that's the plan young lady we're gonna smack tatiana to the side and reignite cool phyrra's legacy once and for all yes [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] wow what a dreamy place oh my welcome friends are you here to receive the sweet honey bubbles of my angelic voice what sweet honey bubbles no way we're here to bring rock back to vinyl city and wait this is ridiculous i can't believe i'm talking to this thing she's not even real shh mei don't say the r word it's a very taboo subject in this district the r word you mean real look at her silk she's not real but i am real as real as your love for each other hold on i can see it in your eyes your hearts are pounding like the beating drums of the ocean bubba there are many factors to consider so uh we're here to fight all right snap out of it and you you're still not real less stop more rocks oh you're so mean how could you not take me seriously look at me i have no choice but to defeat you with the power of love [Applause] hey how about you come down here and face us i hate when we can love love is the most powerful power in the world [Music] yes she looks cute trying trust me hey come back here [Music] [Music] sing and dance with me okay one two three [Music] stop running away from you aren't these ones and zeros wonderful through them i can relate to my feelings with all my fans around the world everyone are you ready [Music] we should link our intangible feelings [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] here whoa what is this there's only one way to end this okay okay let's just get rid of this thing green light oh [Music] oh why that door sure looks inviting shall we then junction on the bridge you guys are quite a talented bunch but there are bigger things at play here and you kids shouldn't get involved stay in school do your homework and most importantly don't ever turn sigh you into that thing again come on may let's go home all right sayonara once again the group known as bungbet junction has hijacked yet another concert even the cute and bubbly saiyu was not spare from their plan for total dominance we managed to get hold of these two elusive rockers while they were cowardly fleeing from the scene at akusuka last night mayday zuke why are you hijacking nsr's concerts huh wait are you guys from the news am i on tv right now yes a lot of people are distressed by your reckless behaviors do you have any remorse for your actions wow i am on tv great you owe me a tv tatyana i don't even know why you put your tv in my office in the first place anyway we need to fix this right now bring me the horn of mending the horn of mending please do not tell me you are thinking of asking for that guy's assistance desperate times calls for desperate measures we'll lose more than just a district if we don't act immediately now bring it [Music] [Music] west on the way yeah nice to see you too dk west summer and hello miss akuma i am going to check if the editors downstairs need my input to edit gross all right i take it you're unaware of the events that have transpired within vinyl city in the past few days i thought so a band called bunk bed junction has been slowly claiming our districts they're now moving up to tatiana simones did i mention that one of the members of this band is a drummer named zuke thought that might be of interest to you oh go got the zook oh [Music] what's up cliff spectac performance at akusukai youtube simply impressive thanks your gadgets and hints were helpful yeah what have you got for us next i'm still in the midst of preparing but there's been quite a commotion in the alley nearby perhaps you could go see what the fuss is about while i finalize these i'll be done soon no rushcliff yeah take your time we'll go see what the hoo-ha is about for you oh brother so fast dk west with my bayang super guy oh brother exactly zuk's big brother salam for canalan musty mayday oh so this is your brother how come you don't share his accent well i don't know how come your hair is yellow what's that gotta do with west what are you doing here earthy music real stop it west you're disrupting our music revolution man we've got tons of things to do and i don't have time to play around with you you understand [Music] relax relax battle i said i don't have time to play okiela fine then let's get this over with bro west out hey where are you going i want this battle fair and square you hear me hey hey right okay leave just leave okay i'm sensing a lot of anger here what happened to zuke the chillest music man in vinyl city yeah i know i know just that the sky is so so ah [Applause] so did you guys manage to deal with the alley problem yep turns out it was zuk's big brother this whole time huh well that doesn't sound too bad oh it's bad alright excuse me nothing um let's just get on with the next mission shall we right to business today we'll be dealing with something quite unique are you guys ready for the classics will my master's degree be helpful for this you bet head towards the natura district i've prepared some tickets for you tickets what are we watching the question is who a performance by vinyl city's greatest pianist yini truly a child prodigy child will be going against a kid um that sounds don't underestimate her just because of her age i would advise you to approach yinu with extra caution despite nsr's bias it's no simple feat to be where she is at her age got it well i'm not one to refuse a gig invitation let's go zook and thanks for the tickets cliff my pleasure [Music] i knew it you guys thought big about music but the only thing talk big about what uh yeah you need to speak up the acoustics here isn't designed for speech clarity talk big about music but the only thing you guys seem to be far it's breaking stuff what's that we're good at music stuff why thank you no i'll show you why they call me the golden minister of the city [Music] you gotta be kidding me i've heard there's a cracked initial [Music] away from my piano [Music] mama [Music] mama you knew my dear please stay calm these bullies are nothing compared to you now close your eyes listen to my voice and show them you're magnificent okay this is too easy [Music] mama how could you do [Music] there's only one way to end this way ahead of you greenlight [Music] [Music] i hate you all i hate you all i so hate you all whoa triplets she's going all out massive damage massive damage [Music] so [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] uh no [Music] [Music] you've ruined everything do you have any idea what you've done oh you're still talking why don't you come here and say that to my face break it bring it [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're back that's a huge pile of notes what have you got for us cliff this next one might involve a lot of legwork introducing the spiffiest boy band around the city right now 10 10. oh i've seen them they're very shiny and they look quite handy i mean they look quite inhuman 1010 is nsr's robotic boy band complete with the look style and moves the size of their fan base is simply astounding security for them is tight i'd imagine but don't fret they're on a city tour right now and i found a certain spot where your paths could meet with some effort on your end you'll be on their flying limousine in no time holy moly we get to ride in their little too sweet may what [Music] good luck you two [Music] your flying circus ends now 10-10 boy we're crashing your party hello 10 10. look boys our one true love is finally here let's be the ideal boyfriend and give her our utmost attention what why are we saluting again we salute you for gracing us with your exotic beauty your lustrous hair your beautiful gaze even your lips which form that radiant smile [Music] you think you can sway her heart that easily she's not going to fall for those cheap compliments you tell them eh you're just jelly that all these pretty boys are fawning over me did you hear what they said about my lips though [Music] what have you done to our sentence haters gonna hate when we show up we get the sexy we should done you better put on your tactical thermal goggles because [Music] whoa what was that intruders where oh you mess with my troops you mess with me tantan never surrenders deploy maintain operation party all night [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right good work i think we're done here or not as long as the flag of freedom stands i will keep on fighting commencing all kills [Music] there's only one way to end this i don't know if i can do this green light [Music] i'm sorry [Music] ah [Music] abandoned [ __ ] abundant [ __ ] you got me soldier you got me good go ahead finish the job we're not here to finish you i know you broke use piano you're here for my factory aren't you just do it then do it what are you talking about just want to fine go ahead and break my troops but know that you'll never break my spirit do robots get injured how is even coughing i am a cyborg and coughs the blood that i spilled through my mouth mouth i do it for nsr okay we're just gonna head home now home i remember what home was like i dream of a day where the children can run innocently on the streets again their eyes glittering with jubilation so i made a promise to myself a promise to bring peace back to my people and until that day comes i vow to serve this city with my utmost dedication because that is who i am i got soul i am a soldier oh what have i become i have changed so much the things that i've done in the name of nsr i will not wish it to my worst enemy when i hey i'm talking to you two where are you going do you think what you're doing is right what is it that you guys fight for what is it that you guys want well i don't mind a sign poster of 10 10 me hold on i have not reached the part about my deployment to the ascot fashion in 68 it was an unforgiving journey to the ridges of quan that shell was enough to brittle the spirit of any battle-hardened warrior as i trudge through the mountains with only my compass and the parachute on my back [Music] start with one quarter cup of water bring that to a boil and add your aromatics which consists of two cloves of garlic and two shallots peeled and cut into quarters some red pepper flakes very essential by the way and sex can you please stop punching my tv why did you even punch it this time hey look i've already scrolled through all the channels and i couldn't find a single news about nsr that chef had it coming is that really the excuse you're going with yeah i mean what's up with her hair man ugh and she kind of looks like tatiana's sister forget it hey cliff whoa those are some intense scribbles a one-of-a-kind musician awaits oh i've seen her videos she seems very loopy that's eve for you known to be the most eccentric artist of nsr nobody knows what goes on in her mind well nobody but zuke i reckon huh oh he didn't tell you tell me what even i we had some history together what they used to be in a band what and if anyone knows her best it's probably zuke she was your ex bandmate zuk yeah we didn't leave on good terms though now that rules out the possibility of dropping by as a visitor then but don't worry i've got a plan there's to be an exhibition at her gallery she'll be there so head over and i'll make sure the security system won't be a bother to you and please be careful eve is without a doubt the most dangerous artist nsr has to offer there's a reason why tatiana keeps her as the ceo's right-hand woman got it cliff you ready zook zoo go up yeah hey west look we must stop this there are bigger things we need to deal with here like what is i'm here trying to be civil about this and you you your mouth just keeps spewing all kinds of garbage zook chill no me this guy needs to know that it's not my fault he became a freaking loser that had stop it you're not going to pull that stun on me again i'll go first ah damn it zuk i'm no brother huh quit out yeah that's right you better leave geez zook what you're no brother oh can you get any more emo than that hey look i tried to be nice okay i've looked up to him all my life and for no reason he treats me like garbage who do you think has been trying to reach out to him all year all year long and now he just pops up from god knows where and he still has the gall to say that all this is my fault now uh-huh you keep this up and it'll definitely be your fault zuke [Applause] [Music] yes sir [Music] why hello zuk hello eve where are you take a seat zuke take a seat oh right remember this chair or has it fled past the walls of your memories not that i would be surprised if it has a chair by design is never made to hold such sentimental values this chair was once yours zook but you threw it away eve all is fine you are forgiven now lay yourself upon this vessel and accept my gift feel the sands of time flow through your body as you once had [Music] yeah seems like the chair is pretty occupied with tatiana right now she embraces me for who i am i love her but a chair without a sitter is left with no purpose to exist [Music] you can see her where is she she's right there where [Music] just as i thought you shared nano zuk's artistic perception girl do you not see tatiana holding the backrest to her bosoms hello do you not get what it is meant to represent uh no ah why must you pick such a pedestrian girl you zuke remember college remember when i was the tectonic plates and you were the sea the heat we channeled when your waves broke upon my earth was euphoric we were untouchable do you not miss those times do you not yearn for that feeling again instead you left me for this this girl have you dropped your standards hey that is sad so so sad but you are here now you are in front of me we can save each other as today we celebrate your redemption zuke so open your mind sink into my gaze and let yourself be repaired again [Music] i feel an immense energy between you and pedestrian girl she does not deserve this she does not deserve any of this if i cannot have youtube then neither can she [Music] what's going on here soup where are you i'm still here mate don't panic she's done this before we just need to keep playing as we were what no no no no how can your links be ever so strong unless unless the two of you formed your bond to mutual hate your hatred for me i ah what you are one of them duke you fear me as you should but no one escapes the [Music] i think i see you at the other end of the tunnel i do too let's move [Music] [Music] better than you [Music] there's only one way to end this let's show her soup green light oh [Music] ah you you and everyone else are just intimidated by my talent all of you are cowards always [Music] there is no one not even him none in this world to weave their senses with mine i should go talk to her go everything is nothing why should i continue to entertain this void eve so much to do yet nowhere to go i do not belong here eve please [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will close my eyes now goodbye [Music] eve i'm sorry i'm sorry i couldn't be the person you wanted me to be when we first met you immediately saw potential in me i gave you hope that perhaps i could eventually see the world as you did but i'm not like you i wish i was but i'm not but if we just try again eve please i was a coward for running away i know that now but seeing you today reminded me of how alive you can truly be when you're performing your craft i know how terrifying it must be to face the possibility that you might never meet another like-minded person in this world but you're better than that you don't need anybody else to complete you you complete yourself it is not comfortable to hear this i do not think i am strong enough to you have always been stronger than me if anyone can do it it's you nadia well i have to go now take care mayday is not pedestrian by the way if you know her as i do i think you'll like her too thanks buddy [Music] [Music] today i am going to sculpt the armature first build the profile now block out the skull then the features it is not done yet i hate you wow [Music] it is done you've both made it so far i knew it from the start i'm proud of what you've done bunk bed junction has the power to return the rights of final cities artists to them great just a bit more to go only one more to go in fact the last pillar of nsr tatiana easy peasy she doesn't even play music that does seem to be the general impression but she does in her own way huh what do you mean you'll know when you face her head on anyway onto business tatiana may seem unbeatable at first glance but i happen to know her greatest weakness her past if you come across fragments of her memories i would suggest using them against her that's the only way you can beat her [Music] use her own past against her yes yes you get it you'll do well it all comes down to this fellas beat tatiana and victory is ours okay this is it cool fyra thought you should know that we are close to bringing down nsr i wish you were here with us now i wish you could see that some of us still care about your legacy i'll be heading out first see you guys at the nsr tower tonight we're bringing your music back long live rock cool fire long live rock [Applause] sook i'm done with your games west you no longer listen to reason you act like we're still in secondary school whoa is that my old tape recorder you fixed it yeah scratch on me promise you'll never ever play this again okay [Music] [Laughter] uh [Laughter] [Music] you see me you see what i have to deal with then let me deal with him how about that mr big brother this time you and me rap battle [Music] yeah you know i joined the music scene because of you right how about a truce sorry bro huh leaving already why don't you join us we can take down nsr together vinyl city oh okay will you remember to reply my messages this time yeah akubalas [Music] youtube missy man next time west [Music] bye west that was some legit wrapping skills you got there me you're welcome buddy [Applause] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] people of vinyl city this is tatiana you have all been brainwashed by these so-called music revolutionists all they've done is promote uncertainty among us which has resulted in huge congestions in the junctions of progress in other words they've left us with nothing but chaos and with chaos comes destruction look around you see all the districts these rockers have invaded and now they're using you to start an uprising at nsota in order to pressure me to step down but i will not do so because despite the darkness that has enveloped this city i still see hope a hope for us to return to greatness i believe that deep down this is what we all want for our city thus i stand before you to ask for one final request you still have their power to rectify this anarchy reinstate the nsr artists and bring back true democracy in the meantime for the good of the city i will hold my ground and i urge you to trust in my judgment together we will restore order order leads to progress in vino city that is all have a pleasant evening [Music] i can't believe someone like you two were able to beat my artists it's over tatiana step down from the throne never the way you kids influenced the votes was deplorable i don't give a freaking cupcake about what you think you have set a bad precedence for how the politics in the city will function from here on out through chaos yeah and what's so bad about that short-sighted as usual i see because of you any future opposing parties can just start a ride if things don't go their way how are we to build a progressive city if it's in constant disorder you started it you banned us rockers from performing i only restricted rock after you misbehaved at the audition the fault is on you that's that's not fair you tricked the people into voting for you by instigating their hatred towards us tell me if that's fair they voted for us because your energy output is crappy the people have had it with the blackouts there you go again so zealous about being able to supply more energy than us where in the world did you get that notion from your rear end hey we've beaten your artists surely that means something it means you have no clue how this city works you didn't compete with my artist on a level playing field you merely set up a circus act by hijacking their concerts it swayed public opinion all right but it was all flash in truth your music revolution agenda is nothing more than an act of impulse tell me how do you intend to run the city if you win what about the hundreds of nsr employees will be thrown out of work have you considered the inevitable insurgents from the people who still genuinely love edm can you really run the city under those circumstances well i'm sure we'll figure something out after forget it this is going nowhere i'm just gonna finish you off right now whoa wait what you have no chance against me for i have time on my side [Music] what you two are getting on my nerves [Music] i don't believe this no [Music] enough there's only one way to end this let's bring back the glory of rock green life uh [Music] ah [Music] no whoa whoa it's cool virus guitar oh the guitar was powering the crown hey hey why the heck do you have a guitar are you the reason cool fyra disappeared this makes no sense why would she answer me i swear you did anything to her i can't believe you guys had this up tears why do you think i have cool pharah's guitar cause you're her mom no her best friend no her babysitter no no me she's i'm cool fira you nitwits what what no seriously what it doesn't matter anyway what's important now is for the city too it matters to me damn it you're cool fyra the cool fyra how did you end up like like this is it because the ghoulings got disbanded if there was one thing the ghoulings taught me was that a good leadership requires strength i was too soft back then always listening to my bandmates always welcoming their ideas and what did that amount to nothing but utter chaos nobody could agree on anything and that's the reason why we disbanded but that is all behind us i've learned my lesson and now i lead with order and look how vinyl city has flourished under my new rule you hated rock so much that you decided to fight back with edm i fought back with what is best for the city you call having constant blackouts best your crappy edm is barely keeping the city alive just let rock do its thing and here we go again with your noble rock versus edm agenda sing a different tune already will ya rock is dead forever was and forever will be how could you change so much you were my idol i worshipped you i did this all this in your name one i didn't ask for your admiration two take responsibility for your own stupid actions and three never have heroes honey believe me you'll have fear disappointments oh you think you're so cool with your bullet points i'm just you know what i'm done i'll let the results do the talking zook on it how much was your output again 47 gonna be easy to beat that derpy amount i'd like to see you try oh we're gonna and we'll make you eat your words i'll eat my whole dress if i have to fine you dress munching [ __ ] fine fine fine fine times infinity do you even know what you're saying it's been a long day okay sheesh well zook it's uh still 47 wait what oh bravo you sure showed me should i go get the champagne i don't get it zook what did we do wrong i have no idea but the numbers don't lie whoa you guys did it that was smashing look at you kids now the king and queen of vinyl city tatiana's got nothing on you guys my oh my such a great way to lighten up an otherwise dull night huh tatiana tatiana tatiana cliff great huh you guys know each other i told you before you were perfect your rock was unstoppable but you decided to go edm well take a good look around because edm ain't got a place in this city not anymore rock rules baby don't flutter yourself too much we saw the readings the energy output those two knuckleheads produced is the same as ours energy output energy output who cares about that hey i care yeah it's the reason we started this music revolution it matters no what truly matters is we get to see how wrong miss tatiana here really is eat dirt you piece of plank do you finally understand how bad you treated me phyra i used to be your biggest number one fan i supported you through thick and thin everyone turned their backs on you when the ghoulings disbanded but i stood with you that's how much rock matters to me that's how much you matter to me and after we went through all that hardship you simply gave up took the easy way out you abandoned rock it was an insult to everything i believed in you yanked my heart crushed it threw it away like a piece of rub did my loyalty mean nothing to you not even a little bit listen here cliff i don't give a damn about you understand i owe you nothing warning nsr satellite the orbiting sequence initiated 900 seconds what did you do cliff i was hoping to save this for a more meaningful day but uh why delay the inevitable huh cliff what did you do oh yes yes yes yes yes see that i've set nsr's own satellite to plunge right into this tower huh what cliff you better call this off right now or so help me too late the coordinates are locked in i can't do anything even if i wanted to warning nsr satellite is re-entering the atmosphere oh you should see the look on your face right now complete and utter hopelessness now you know how i felt when you ditched me oh i love poetic justice come on kids let's evacuate this filthy building nsr is done for good well this is wrong what do you mean this is exactly what we set off to do to end nsr's rule once and for all yeah but we never agreed to obliterate its freaking tower come on now have you forgotten your fans they all want you to destroy nsr remember if we completely remove nsr from this landscape you will gain total control over vinyl city total control we're just repeating history what did you say we've become the very thing we stood against we're doing exactly what nsr was doing were the new nsr wait we're the new nsr holy crap why didn't i see this sooner maydy you're overthinking this man eradicating nsr is the right thing to do shut up cliff i'm not listening to you anymore we need to stop this satellite right now zuke yeah this is probably gonna be super dangerous so i understand if you would rather save your breath i'm going with you all right now all we need is a plan of action the only way to stop the satellite is to get my artist to reclaim back their districts then we'll have enough power to repel it got it i need some time to ensure the safety of my personnel and evacuate them from this building can you two handle the district first you can count on us you guys won't succeed your fans will make sure of it you broke my nose [Music] once you're done with the districts head over to the grand crosser and rock your instruments okay i think i see where you're going with this good good luck then i can't believe i just got a pet talker [Music] okay the district is mine zuke go help the others [Music] [Applause] go [Music] thank you mommy [Music] you can do [Music] you this are not so bad after all now go power the grand quasar [Music] [Applause] i don't want to do this fellas but you forced my hand damn it we don't have time to deal with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you kids look like you could use a hand [Music] quick you two get on the grand go go go go go so this is it there's only one way to end this come on guys all together now [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] look at that mate the city is cheering for us again isn't that great me [Music] oh no your guitar did it break in the last battle we don't deserve any heroes welcome not after all the things we've done you guys did it you two saved the nsr tower how do you guys wait aren't you enemies with nsr what gives we've changed catch you guys later hey hold on now this opens up to so many questions are you guys retiring are you buddies with nsr now who was piloting that helicopter i'll get back to you on that thanks again you think i'm just going to let you take off like that oh hi tatiana take the new look you could have taken the city for yourself but instead you chose to save my enterprise you have my deepest gratitude no it was nothing couldn't have done it without your help anyway we'd better make a move first my day everyone is here to celebrate you and zuke don't you think it's a little rude for you to simply leave i've done these things a million times give the people a few words of encouragement [Music] sorry guys i've made a mistake i may not like edm and that's okay i'm glad you brought that up i too am not free from my own wrongdoings and i take full responsibility for my actions having said that i intend to fix this misstep right here right now i have discussed with my artists and we have agreed vinyl city deserves better than this no organization should be given absolute power hence we are going to rebuild nsr from the ground up a new system where all artists are welcome to perform in our city we shall celebrate equality for everyone equality and fairness for all and as a first step i am pleased to personally offer youtube a position in the new nsl party it would mean a great deal to us if you could join our course what say you well i um [Music] we can't you can't we're not ready yet not now i wanted fame so much that i lost sight of why i played music in the first place mm-hmm you're going to remain indy then i don't know but thanks so much for the offer i'm honored really despite what i did to you guys you all are being really nice you all are really nice but i need to lay low for a while this is a lot for me to process i i'm sorry hey mayday catch huh take good care of her understand i i can't accept this my love for rock may have returned but my performing days are behind me someone else needs to take that mentor no tatiana i can't i don't deserve mayday you are a performer where i feel i want you to go beyond carry on the journey from me long live rock [Music] [Music] thank you okay [Applause] it's a funny world we live in you often get caught up in your own beliefs that sometimes you need to take a step back and see that the stage doesn't just belong to you we're all in this together and the sooner we acknowledge that the quicker we can work towards a common goal everyone plays music for different reasons some do it for self-importance some do it to bond with their loved ones and some do it to understand their purpose in life the important thing to know is this there are no wrong answers if we give everyone the opportunity to play their own music we can build a world where creativity has no boundaries well i'm happy to say that vinyl city is steadily heading towards that direction never have i seen our lights shine so brightly and it is all thanks to not just nsr alone but to the performers the fans and everyone who resides in this magnificent city and to mayden zuk i thank you too you showed me that being an artist is a wonderful privilege you troublemakers wherever you guys are i hope you keep doing what you do best are you ready [Applause] you
Channel: GabeHype
Views: 30,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no straight roads, encore edition, nsr, encore, edition, nsr encore, no straight roads encore edition, no straight roads encore edition full game, GabeHype, no straight roads encore edition all cutscenes, no straight roads encore edition game movie, no straight roads encore edition movie, no straight roads all cutscenes, all, cutscenes, game, movie, all cutscenes, game movie, full movie, all cutscenes game movie, all cutscenes full movie, ending, full game, full, story, game movie 4k, 4k, pc
Id: sU96Hlg4Kks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 0sec (6780 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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