No Straight Roads: Encore Edition - All Bosses + Ending

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foreign [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] what are you nsr people doing we're not getting enough electricity and all you guys do is party who are these two have they purchased the privileged pass to confess with me huh you don't remember us bunk bed junction that's who we are and we're here to stop nsr from controlling everything the people of final city deserve to know what rock is about rock fascinating that is fascinating your limited aspirations your misplaced efforts you're a mind meal pluto once thought to be a planet of the solar system but no longer is what what he just said about us was bad right well being a dwarf planet is not necessarily a bath your intellect is strikingly shallow as everyone else's what i'm saying is that you plutonians are no longer relevant say what so you think your music is so relevant lies it don't you know who i am i am dj subatomic supernova my music will reach the furthest corners of the galaxy what have you done today simpletons [Music] up [Music] dominance over final city ends today and the song may be my music highly unlikely all my music will ripple to the rims of the universe and back [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] impossible impossible impossible impossible just surrender dj broken record silence you have barely barely scratched the surface of my brilliance i am done stooping to your level of idiocy hey come on man i understand perfectly what you're trying to do [Applause] [Music] or maybe not [Music] [Music] wow [Music] yes [Music] here [Music] [Music] weekly [Music] uh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] your endeavors mean nothing when a billion stars and a thousands upon thousands of climates [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] there's only one way to end this [Music] green life [Music] [Music] [Music] wow what a dreamy place oh my welcome friends are you here to receive the sweet honey bubbles of my angelic voice what sweet honey bubbles no way we're here to bring rock back to vinyl city and wait this is ridiculous i can't believe i'm talking to this thing she's not even real shh mei don't say the r word it's a very taboo subject in this district the r word you mean real look at her silk she's not real but i am real as real as your love for each other hold on i can see it in your eyes your hearts are pounding like the beating drowns of the ocean bubba i but there are many factors to consider so hey we're here to fight all right duke snap out of it and you you're still not real less stop more rocks oh you're so mean how could you not take me seriously look at me i have no choice but to defeat you with the power of love [Applause] [Music] i want to pinch her cheeks [Music] please hear my songs [Music] oh may what's happening to me [Music] [Music] please hear my songs [Music] wow [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] yes sir [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] python [Applause] [Music] leave this to me yes sir [Music] bullseye princess [Music] say what we should link our intangible feelings go away oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa what is this what happened to my cute mermaid idol [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] there's only one way to end this okay okay let's just get rid of this thing green light oh [Music] for you hey oh so this is your brother how come you don't share his accent well i don't know how come your hair is yellow what's that gonna do with west what are you doing here oh my gosh stop it west you're disrupting our music revolution man we've got tons of things to do and i don't have time to play around with you you understand relax bro relax fine then let's get this over with [Applause] [Music] when you see zuke in school he was constantly out of fuel all he does is follow me like a stinking fly he can't help it cause i'm the trailblazing guy zouk knows nothing like a baby everywhere he looks he thinks maybe i have to show him the ropes but all he does is move he thinks he's a top student but when in truth he's nothing but improved and feels like he's entitled to everything tells the birds for him they should sing walks around proud with a small push and you should drop live [Music] [Applause] hey well at least i had my friends you only had me pretend all the way to the end you're lucky were even related cause you're my brother if not separate be bothered and cause i'm the world's greatest you can pause go all in my shadows bask in the awesomeness the magnificence the one and only [Music] [Music] being popular don't mean a thing you think you're the center of everything but this greatness that you speak simply hides the fact that you're meek and these delusions are really your illusions and your rhymes are just behind the times you think that you are a king but if i said that i'd be lying the world doesn't revolve around you even in the multiverse you're not worth the verse paul west west west rest in peace oh he's does [Music] [Music] only knows how to trim me by or else i do high he does nothing but crying he thinks he's a real ace when he's a real bad case all he does is copy my moves and make this match tempos that don't do [Music] [Applause] western college is such a the top spot is no longer his to claim all respect he used to have has number drop drop drop in half he hates seeing me succeed so well he turns into a charlemagne's college bye bye the ones great west with all his charming ability has now learned a hot lesson in humility [Music] man you remember that girl you only had her cause i was in the you couldn't stop at stealing friends you stole a girl that maybe couldn't breathe rubber friends copycat zoo you ain't nothing without west you ain't nothing without west you ain't nothing without west [Music] desperado from a scale of 1 to 10 go below the bottom of the lame lame end you were never as good as you thought only your imagination never had a drought you think you're a marathon runner you never even ran right on pilot you were canceled the end i slept college with the most shame to hide left to lose the snooze of my brother oh my drop reality check please cash that abducting life you do okay [Music] [Applause] hey where are you going i want this battle fair and square you hear me hey hey right okay leave just leave okay i'm sensing a lot of anger here what happened to zuke the chillest music man in vinyl city yeah i know i know just that the sky is so so [Music] [Music] i knew it you guys thought big about music but the only thing talk big about what uh yeah you need to speak up the acoustics here isn't designed for speech clarity talk big about music but the only thing you guys seem to be good for is breaking stuff what's that we're good at music stuff why thank you no i'll show you why they call me the golden minister of vinyl city [Music] ugh you gotta be kidding me i've heard there's a crack [Music] i think we just got schooled by a kid whatever we're so going to stop this noise right now [Music] [Music] stay away from my piano [Music] hello [Music] mama you know my dear please stay calm these bullies are nothing compared to you now close your eyes listen to my voice and show them you're magnificent okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] coming your way [Music] [Music] this is so easy [Music] [Music] keep playing you know i should teach you brett some lesson in music but i have a master's degree in fine arts and music take it [Music] [Music] leave this to me [Music] take it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] mama how could you [Music] [Music] ah i won't allow you to do this [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] coming your way uh [Music] there's only one way to end this way ahead of you [Music] green light [Applause] [Music] [Music] i hate you all i so hate you all whoa triplets she's going all out massive damage massive damage [Music] [Music] [Music] your flying circus ends now 10-10 we're crashing your party hello 10-10 [Music] boys our one true love is finally here let's be the ideal boyfriend and give her our unmoose attention wait why are we saluting again we salute you for gracing us with your exotic beauty your lustrous hair your beautiful gaze even your lips which form that radiant smile our breaths are stifled cyborgs you think you can sway her heart that easily she's not going to fall for those cheap compliments you tell them eh hey [Music] you're just jelly that all these pretty boys are spawning over me hey did you hear what they said about my lips though what have you done to our sentence haters gonna hate when we show up we get that sexy mission done you better put on your tactical turtle goggles because [Music] sir you mess with my troops you mess with me 1010 never surrenders deploy maintain operation party all night [Music] electrifying [Music] okay that flying factory has got to go [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] targets [Music] [Music] ready [Applause] [Music] what oh [Applause] [Music] good [Music] [Music] one two three [Music] one two three [Music] ready all right good work i think we're done here or not as long as the flag of rhythm stands i will keep on fighting commencing all kills [Music] oh [Music] a little damaged [Music] the okay switch security [Music] stand down [Music] stand down there's only one way to end this i don't know if i can do this sorry [Music] why hello zuk hello eve where are you take a seat zuke take a seat oh right remember this chair or has it fled past the walls of your memories not that i would be surprised if it has a chair by design is never made to hold such sentimental values this chair was once yours zuke but you threw it away eve all is fine you are forgiven now lay yourself upon this vessel and accept my gift feel the sounds of time flow through your body as you once had yeah seems like the chair is pretty occupied with tatiana right now she embraces me for who i am i love her but a chair without a sitter is left with no purpose to exist you can see her where is she she's right there where [Music] just as i thought you shared none of zuk's perception girl do you not see tatiana holding the backrest to her bosoms hello do you not get what it is meant to represent uh no ah why must you pick such a pedestrian girl you [Music] zuke remember college remember when i was the tectonic plates and you were the sea the heat we channeled when your waves broke upon my earth was euphoric we were untouchable do you not miss those times do you not yearn for that feeling again instead you left me for this this girl have you dropped your standards hey that is sad so so sad but you are here now you are in front of me we can save each other as today we celebrate your redemption zook so open your mind sink into my gaze and let yourself be reborn [Music] pedestrian girl you chose is a mistake she is fire fire and sea do not mix hey her name is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] i feel an immense energy between you and pedestrian girl she does not deserve this she does not deserve any of this if i cannot have you zook then neither can she whoa what's going on here where are you i'm still here don't panic she's done this before we just need to keep playing as we were [Music] [Music] [Music] what no no no no how can your links be ever so strong unless unless the two of you formed your bond to mutual hate your hatred for me [Music] what [Music] you are one of them duke you fear me as you should but no one escapes the divas realm [Music] [Laughter] oh ah [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] met me i had picked you all did you sculpted you into the man you are today do you really think you can reach this level of brilliance all by and the yourself thing you ever accomplished in your life was to get me to notice you [Music] there's only one way to end this let's show her zeke [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i can't believe someone like you two are able to be my artist it's over tatiana step down from the throne never the way you kids influenced the votes was deplorable i don't give a freaking cupcake about what you think you have set a bad presidence for how the politics in the city will function from here on out through chaos yeah and what's so bad about that short-sighted as usual i see because of you any future opposing parties can just start a ride if things don't go their way how are we to build a progressive city if it's in constant disorder you started it you banned us rockers from performing i only restricted rock after you misbehaved at the audition the fault is on you that's that's not fair you tricked the people into voting for you by instigating their hatred towards us tell me if that's fair they voted for us because your energy output is crappy the people have had it with the blackouts there you go again so zealous about being able to supply more energy than us where in the world did you get that notion from your rear end hey we've beaten your artists surely that means something it means you have no clue how this city works you didn't compete with my artist on a level playing field you merely set up a circus act by hijacking their concerts it swayed public opinion all right but it was all flash in truth your music revolution agenda is nothing more than an act of impulse tell me how do you intend to run the city if you win what about the hundreds of nsr employees who will be thrown out of work have you considered the inevitable insurgents from the people who still genuinely love edm can you really run the city under those circumstances well i'm sure we'll figure something out after forget it this is going nowhere i'm just going to finish you off right now i brought order and progress to the city i had each district vote for their own charter the quality of democracy has improved no chance against all for i have time on my side there ain't no democracy if nsr only favors edm it's the people who favor edm until you ruin everything if chaos is what is needed to get things done here so be it you fail to see how much this city has improved since erisa took over [Music] [Music] let's give her a taste of her own medicine [Music] with the rapid expansion of the city comes higher demand for energy nsr has gathered the best edm artists in the world you two are getting on my nose it's been years and we still have blackouts because people like you distract us from fixing it rock and solving even if there are distractions never rock no longer belongs in any ambitious world [Music] let's show here ah i don't believe this my nsr artists are the best of the best their music is in a league of their own we have amassed countless adoring fans over the years there are no better candidates to perform to the grand warsaw no [Music] then why do we defeat them so easily dare you show disrespect to its msr's needs i show respect to talent something which many you guys have one shot yes sir rats [Applause] [Music] you're going down [Music] rock is no longer relevant the gooings once commanded the city with their music but we beat them with idiom so shut up and let this city prosper [Music] i'm enough [Music] i'm headed green life [Music] [Music] [Music] this is it there's only one way to end this come on guys all together now uh look at that mate the city is cheering for us again isn't that great hey oh know your guitar did it break in the last battle we don't deserve any heroes welcome not after all the things we've done [Music] you guys did it you two saved the nsr tower how do you guys wait aren't you enemies with nsr what gives we've changed catch you guys later hey hold on now this opens up to so many questions are you guys retiring are you buddies with nsr now who was piloting that helicopter i'll get back to you on that thanks again you think i'm just going to let you take off like that oh hi tatiana take the new look you could have taken the city for yourself but instead you chose to save my enterprise you have my deepest gratitude no it was nothing couldn't have done it without your help anyway we'd better make a move first mayday everyone is here to celebrate you and zuke don't you think it's a little rude for you to simply leave i've done these things a million times give the people a few words of encouragement [Music] sorry guys i've made a mistake i may not like edm and that's okay i too am not free from my own wrongdoings and i take full responsibility for my actions having said that i intend to fix this misstep right here right now i have discussed with my artists and we have agreed vinyl city deserves better than this no organization should be given absolute power hence we're going to rebuild nsr from the ground up a new system where all artists are welcome to perform in our city we shall celebrate equality for everyone equality and fairness for all [Music] and as a first step i am pleased to personally offer youtube a position in the new nsr party it would mean a great deal to us if you could join our course what say you [Music] well i [Music] we can't you can't we're not ready yet not now i wanted fame so much that i lost sight of why i played music in the first place you're going to remain indy then i don't know but thanks so much for the offer i'm honored really despite what i did to you guys you all are being really nice you all are really nice but i need to lay low for a while this is a lot for me to process i i'm sorry hey mayday catch huh take good care of her understand i i can't accept this my love for rock may have returned but my performing days are behind me someone else needs to take that manta no tatiana i can't i don't deserve mayday you are a performer where i feel i want you to go beyond carry on the journey from me long live rock thank you okay [Music] it's a funny world we live in you often get caught up in your own beliefs that sometimes you need to take a step back and see that the stage doesn't just belong to you we're all in this together and the sooner we acknowledge that the quicker we can work towards a common goal everyone plays music for different reasons some do it for self-importance some do it to bond with their loved ones and some do it to understand their purpose in life the important thing to know is this there are no wrong answers if we give everyone the opportunity to play their own music we can build a world where creativity has no boundaries well i'm happy to say that vinyl city is steadily heading towards that direction never have i seen our lights shine so brightly and it is all thanks to not just nsr alone but to the performers the fans and everyone who resides in this magnificent city [Music] and to mayden zuk i thank you too you showed me that being an artist is a wonderful privilege you troublemakers wherever you guys are i hope you keep doing what you do best are you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Jaba Play
Views: 859,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nsr, no straight Roads, straight, roads, boss, fight, all, bosses, boss fight, all bosses, final, final boss, prosafia, prosafiagaming, jaba, play, gmaing, lets play, playthrough, longplay, gaming, review, preview, music, music games, fnf, fnf mod, rythm, Rhythm games, Rhythm, e3, compilation, 2022, youtube, guide, ps4 2022, ps5 2022, xbox 2022, nintendo 2022, switch 2022, switch 4k, nintendo, xbox, ps5, gamepass, eshop, xbox live, psn, free, xbox gold, walkthrough, gameplay, arcade, hack and slash, marvel, best, pc
Id: QVnzZrKrvGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 31sec (4171 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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