No Panic! Is That Good or Bad ? | 06 | CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY - Update 2 | Admiral Difficulty

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welcome back to Captain of industry update 2 my name is NEOS and we are continuing on this glorious Journey here we're playing on Admiral difficulty on the new armagedon map there we go that's the armagon map at some point we'll need to break in here for to get access to the oil but right now our little oil ship will uh just do just fine for now uh in this episode uh we have a number of things we want to do we want to migrate the Farms here that are just randomly and they also means that H trucks they're quite truck intensive because they are sort of you have to go in here for each of them to pick it up and go over but uh we'd like to do a Consolidated farming area so that we can use it for future and we can expand it and um sort of build it into the the actual food production build so that's going to be one thing the other thing will be over here will be milking steel so we can progress up the tech tree and get access to the next where are you oh right the green one this one right this is a this is the one we have to work towards and we'll just addit to the queue and so that that'll be the steel production so that's what we should be focusing on today to get the next level of construction Parts unlocked and just uh contextually why do we want those unlocked well I mean it's higher up in the tract Tre but we can get better Vehicles eventually that's really nice recycling is super nice um fertilizer is actually really good we can start getting some soybean farming and water recovery also lowers our water recovery for our our water usage for our our power plants and cargo ships are nice bigger cargo Depot and also softare processing which gives us the lovely name here with a sour water stripper and a mixer so we can we can start processing instead of just pouring the uh sour water into the ocean which is absolutely atrocious look at how much pollution generates and that's bad for our health so we need to uh to have a more sustainable production so that's why we want to work towards the red science or red construction Parts uh first thing we want to do uh is going up here and then start making some new Farms up here I have cleaned up this part and just paved it so that I can actually place these here and there I think that's good now while I am uh setting this up then I uh I have a a thought about this game and probably other games as well sometimes it's it's fun to watch a let's play and just see the disaster unfold and you can see that something is wrong and then you see the disaster and then there's going to be of Crisis management and it's super fun to just uh see the poor streamer just just just being uh getting wrecked by the game because they don't know what the hell they're doing that's that has a certain kind of charm for sure but uh it it doesn't teach you very much I mean it teaches it it teaches you what not to do and it might give you the impression that the game is incredibly difficult because the streamer or the content creator doesn't know what they're doing does not just not particularly hitting on anyone um but it does kind of lend itself to to a lot of YouTube oh no moments which uh have a certain appeal you're not going to find too many of those when you do it's genuinely something that uh well mistakes uh mistakes happen but uh I was just I was just thinking like is it am I am I missing out by not by playing so so relatively well and I guess in in some respect than I am U but I guess also this is why you come here for generally good designs and good descriptions hopefully or explanations of what we do and then uh the occasional oh no moment but those uh should not be sort of what drives it I hope not too many oh no moments but I was kind of expecting more oh no moments when playing on oops on the highest difficulty in uh for Captain industry so I'm interested in uh in your perspective on the balance between oh no moments and uh and just good design moments right so what have we've done here is we've set up some Farms they are just going to make those two things here and for now we'll probably need to scale them down this will also need a lot more workers that we don't really have available oh right there's another thing we want to do we want to start working on this there we go let's uh start uh equipping our uh our ship to go out and fight some Pirates right right so the idea here for these Farms is that they will eventually have multiple different products and they will all come out on one belt and that belt will then have to be sorted and and I can't do that because I have to make sure that the majority moves on so it has to be like this and then I should get some boxes I have to be mindful that the boxes here and let's see that one and that one and I also have to make sure that I have boxes on that side because I will eventually want like a big box of everything like one of those bigger boxes that take this much space I'm not going to have it now but I need to make sure that I have room for it there and then I also need a U-shaped balancer they can't attach directly no so that needs to be right there and I need to have an extra an overflow so basically what I want is I want to have the primary storage here and then an overflow storage ship modification complete I'll just get distracted with this one so we can keep working on the next so we can get them out there there and so that the main flow goes in but there's an overflow that goes over to another one and this one will then have to be picked up and go into making do we even have that yet let's go here potatoes uh make it into fuel gas and compost for example or into animal feed so it'll have to be into something right and uh and that's the essence so that we can have an overflow we don't have that yet but that's the idea of this and that will be prioritized to go straight in that will sort of be the Baseline and as much as I'd want to build it I need to make sure that I have a little bit of space in between here and take that out so this would be po that would be like corn and then I do the same thing for the other ones and then they're prepared for what we get later on I'm going to do the same thing on the other side obviously um but that's that will be the flat sld which will be right there and I guess we need to take this one a little bit down there and nope I can't use those it's going to be the flat slda it's going to be exactly the same and then the flat storage and that will be obviously for ah look at that I can't make it directly in here between this not enough room uh I think I want to could I then just take this one out and if I take this one one out would that make enough room in here that's brilliant that's how we do that's how we do it then this gets done this gets done this one gets done and the Overflow out here and the priority straight through great now this one they don't have to build because it doesn't exist yet cool let's uh start building this uh oh here's a big issue we need water we need lots of water that's why we've built this one so let's uh get the water in uh let me see do we have the we have the better pipes now I think I actually need the better pipes for this and I need to get it all the way in right so we need to get pipes out here um I need to have it like one distance away and we just lead it past all of them and then we hook it up afterwards and this also just gets another little issue here and a good way of just pressing R then it doesn't go down like this and then pressing R again then it snaps in I think I actually want to disable these two and then have this line merge in because this line will eventually also be fed from this area this area will be um when it's clear andat flat then it will be used for more of these water water collections because water collection is absolutely Paramount it's so cheap it just takes space so if you have space put everything in there anyway let's build the rest of uh of uh this water line now we're ready to build it so let's uh un uh unpause this part I will pause this one again oops not you and then we basically just wait for it to come online uh it's going to take forever and as these come online gradually I would actually want to start working on all the most important stuff like the infrastructure here and this part here I don't even know if we can build all this oh no that's already run out uh we want to get like stuff like the pipes done so we can have the water flowing and the water is Flowing now yes it is Flowing let's just mark it as a little bit of priority just gradually make this uh higher priority oh not up that one that's uh there and as we get this built in higher priority then I will also be able to make uh this is a this needs to be a pipe too and then I'll simply build it like that that will also be done good and once that's done then I can take this out and I actually also want to take this out let's just take these out now and give a warning if this one uh actually runs out before we get the rest of it built ship modification complete all right we're doing a lot of stuff and we are going to be giving the Last Ship modification here the last armor plating once that's done we need 35 people to sail the ship and we don't have any so I built another uh location here we might just want to enable our uh uh our Beacon I will also be up here we're still running the food saver so right now we're increasing our population okay we do still have we have a lot of capacity so we're going to be increasing our population but we're running food fuel saver and our food is kind of running low or it is trending downwards let's say it like that and that's something we definitely need to uh to address this one will also be using quite a lot of water way more water than we can support and although I'd like to build a water collection over here then I think we also need to work on a desalination plant and that's going to be one of those things that we have to build here let's see um this is there enough room I don't think there's enough room yet for for this but uh we need them to fill this up and they need to fill it up with the stuff that comes here and we need to make sure that this gets built so Let's uh let's just fast forward a bit and wait until this gets built building all of this is a long and arduous process so in the meantime we have our ship ready so we can uh set it out there and start clearing out Pirates and we also have enough crew by now uh I have just disabled a little bit of our uh our science because that was just draining our unity and we want to make sure that we can run the beacon and also run construction Parts a little bit faster so we can get those construction Parts done we're going to go out and clear some parrots as well out here on oh there we go we got new refugees and they have a little bit brought a little bit of stuff with them we need to make sure that we have enough workers each of these take 12 workers and well there are a lot of course I'll be transitioning from these four into those eight but I need those eight up and running and do the first cycle before or at least I want to get those the old ones away but the new one need to be built first and they will need workers as well and we have our ship and then we'll we'll just clear out all the B bits on the on the world map in the meantime while waiting for this to complete there's just something about this new music that's super nice I don't know it's it's a little bit silly but it's got a good Rhythm I don't know oh look at that we just low uh low number of re workers and then it just fixed Itself by new uh refugees coming in excellent but we have a new warning low water now it replenished a little bit but uh let's start working on uh on getting some water in the only way we can get water is well there's kind of a lot here so let's get uh get going on some desalination because that is definitely something we want uh so let's look at it like this I want to drag my water pipe like maybe something like this and I think I'll just place it like a little bit in how many do we need I think I want to build it a little bit bigger than I technically need so let's build it like like this right so that's uh definitely bigger than we we wanted right now and uh let's oh let's also get the recipes right and V to paste the recipes that's nice and we got a location and that is that was just a random location we've cleared out we're going to clear it out this way counterclockwise right what do we need well Smoke Stacks are always good to have here and we'll design it and this is going to be some one of the things that I generally will try to do I'll try to design things a little twice oops twice as big as I wanted and then uh only enable half of it uh in the beginning because it just sucks to make to to design something and just not make it big enough we're going to be getting a water pump in here and then another water pump in here now actually they are not going to be quite efficient because they only produce 108 and this one actually needs 60 so you know I kind of need three of those if if I'm really being strict about it but I'm not uh then I need a transport oh let's get the boxes first and we can need a water box here I think I'll just place it maybe like this and like this and then I need a inbound let's try and see if we can make do with a smaller one for coal for now and that will go in here and just get all these done so that's the coal inbound then get the water in and that will be and I take it from here and then it goes up and these are yes they're level one oh they can't be level ones this one has to be a level two at least because otherwise it doesn't work oh that's actually really annoying that I kind of balance it with different belts I don't know can I no I can't uh that is fine and from here oh from here no from here come on click oh man these uh play ments here they they work really well and you can get everything you want done with it but sometimes there clicky click and then what I else do I want I want to uh get the brine out oh this is a little bit too close isn't it yeah I'm going to move this pot up there's no point in having it that close if there's no reason for it I'm going to get the brine out just get it out here and this is a double belt yes that's good and go out and I don't know where exactly it go out it'll just need to dump it into the ocean and I want to be building it over here because then I get in trouble with the landfill eventually so I'm just going to build it right next to it just jumping Bri right right next to where we bringing things in and that one and that one and this will be dumping Brine and more Brine and how much brine are we producing we are producing 24 so potten entally it needs to be a full build yes and then the rest of it is getting that one these are going to go in and I think we're good this will of course be coal and be inbound uh let's get up here and also eight and our ship is fully repaired again we'll just go out and send the next send to the next one just keep exploring everything this needs to be built now not enough workers and I think it's actually look at that we have five of these that means it's time for us to start deleting stuff so what how are we going to delete it we're simply going to delete it by removing them their ability to make anything so they will be finishing their Harvest and then they'll be uh stopping uh we have just not enough workers but that's uh I'm not going to say fine but these will stop working at some point there very soon and I'll just pause one of these then we have enough workers so these will stop uh producing and then we'll get a warning then we'll clean them out that'll help with some construction materials once we get those construction materials in we should have all eight of these uh operational I actually think that right now because we have so many I think we can afford to do the good recipe like the ones where we leave them fellow in the meantime oh not enough workers yeah I know I know I know I know but that was me being being greedy there you go no crop farm crop asign there we go that's the one then we can delete this one that's exactly and no farm crop assigned then we can delete that one great that gives us some much needed construction materials and also some freeing up a lot more workers so we can get things online again all the new Farms are now online and all of the Old Farms have just been removed I am then in the process of removing all the piping here and that actually means that from now on and that's not healthy this city the only water it gets is coming from this rainwater collector that's not good enough uh that's definitely something we have to work on so we're working on oh hold on didn't I say I didn't want to build all of it yes I did oh that's annoying I did not I was I was just being so careful about not doing it and then I panicked and decided to build everything anyway there all of that is not necessary yes and that's not necessary either good so we are focused on on this part and now that will be pushing it this way and then it'll be pushing the other way so now it'll be coming from here going that way of course our concrete production will suffer uh quite a bit but what we need to do is then take from here not enough workers really again not enough workers where did those where did those workers go oh right it's that one is that one enabled uh um are we okay we can get one more batch of workers coming in here and you're waiting for repairs that is still and anything else we can disable in the meantime well it's always just the science we just disable the science a little bit while we work work on more workers um yeah we need this operational to pump water and what was it I wanted to do oh yeah uh here I need to do something different I need to make sure that I will eventually one this one is plain I'll get some water in here that'll come in and that'll merge at this point I guess and either way this is is this one two or three this is only level two why is it only level two well it is what it is then I'm going to get this as the input now that is a weird loation but it will be when this pipe turns around which it will soon enough as soon as this this gets built we talked earlier about uh panic and lack thereof in this game well I mean self-induced panic because I forgot to set this one up is a also a thing uh and here as well we are having a little bit of an issue because this is not flowing uh so let's uh let's make sure that that gets flowing because I was like 19 months I mean I get so much why am I not getting anything oh because they are just not able to see I can't store all the potatoes after harvest because they were getting in there well that sucks uh oh we got a sulfam mine that might be something we'd want uh can I go there nope can I go there yes some more and water is still getting low potatoes can't leave up the Harvest and that one just needs to be done and that one then we are all good to go right yes and we just need a little bit more of the waste oh what is the problem here Vehicles can't reach it well don't reach it then there you go you don't want why would they want to reach it never mind they shouldn't be reaching that and we'll build that one and then we have uh this whole thing should be done now except ah right it was just the brine W water cool and that's the last of the ref refugees coming in and we'll pause this one and we'll start reclaiming some of our units was getting a little bit too close but it uh we'll just disable that one water is not good now we have water pumping on this line it's not going to be much but it'll be something it'll be 72 water and now I then want to switch all of this around so that we is this that's not the right pipe we don't want it to be constrained by uh that bottleneck and this is now pushing back and this is where we need this inbound inbound and I will then take this whole thing out because I don't need it uh this is not going to go out there we go location explored and more combat o soybean seeds nice and we go back great and you will now be building come on it's 27 there and so what we're seeing now is that we are getting water in here that means we now use sea water to supplement this water supply because you're running Dangerously low next thing is getting this one sorted so we can uh build some uh some more of this and actually I think I even want to make make more of them up here if at all possible there oh that's kind of sad Let's uh let's also just be sure to get this corner sorted as well looks like we are almost having a flat plane here and as soon as we get that one dig and there we go we have no longer anywhere to harvest here and what I'll do instead I'll go over here because we actually need a lot more Stone like rock because rock is not we're not getting enough Rock and therefore we'll set this over here we have a nice flat plane here that we can now start utilizing for well let's try and get this design up and just see how big that is and how much it fills in uh I think we need [Music] to I need some driving space between here as well so maybe let's see I will have this one this one here for driving not going to be exactly city blocks but still kind of like maybe like that and then I can build another one what if I do something like this will that snap perfectly H it snaps fine fine okay so this is going to be the the one we sort of mess around with we don't want to be too close to either side I think that's a good location here and and then I'll double it and yeah that's about the size we can we can make it right now then I will get it uh let's see we need some water outbound and that's going to come out from it can come out anywhere here and it's going to go underneath a bridge like this let's try to put it put in the middle and you're going to be here so that goes under and that means this corner here three out and three out as well this is the most important thing to get Oh Ship is fully repared like the ship is just needs to get going just always out there so we can get be done with the with all the exploration and free up the ship again and oh we are this is wrong kind of it's kind of important to use the right pipes for this because that will be high throughput that one and that one now what we do here is we now prioritize what's coming from this location and this will now be just level one pipes nope it's snaps in great that one is a must do first uh this is must do first because otherwise I've now broken the flow and let's get this and then let's start just making everything else built great that gets us more resources in and if with a bit of luck we should be able to harvest enough or collect enough water so that we don't replenish this so much and that means I also need to yeah okay set the priority here so it's trying to use this Priority First and these are hopefully not doing anything because we are using the desalination the priority is water collection desalination groundwater that's the that's the priority list the last of the water collection is just finishing just as the rain comes pouring in that's excellent so on average they get 2.3 over 60 seconds so this is about 60 I guess not so much but hey 24 of those I'm not using the space for anything else so let's just uh take 60 free water per per minute now it's time for us to start working on the design for steel it's going to be right over here and I want to make it a modular because of course I do uh we're going to start with the normal one a blast F and I'm going to just kind of replicate what we have here and can I make it yeah I'll make it here and then I'll I'll shovel it around we're going in planning mode anyway and there so this will be exactly the same and then what will it do it'll be making here okay ship and battle perfect we found a new location yay we finally found the corn seeds excellent and we only have three locations left to explore and once we have those we can then free up the 35 workers which will be going into the steel so it's all well planned here and then it needs to go into a metal caster no a hydrogen uh yeah this one so that is how do we do that most efficient way I think we'll do it like straight in yes and then the other one will also be flipped and that will be here so there's now three space in between that seems okay and then the last one is actually a metal caster no it's a cool Caster cool caster and I think I want that maybe sort of make it three distance yeah that seems good that and then flip it uh that oh that's perfect and then I can build here which will obviously be steel excellent that's a that's surprisingly good design I think just straight going in here and these are all so this is 24 24 this is taking 24 and becom 12 this is taking 12 and becoming well 12 and how much output 24 so 2 * 24 is actually surprisingly less than 60 so let's just for once actually uh get them in here oh let's make sure that we get the cheaper ones we're dirt cheap here so everything else here is going to be yellow belts or yellow construction parts so let's try to avoid that and if at all possible uh this is pretty good what I need to have here is oxygen so uh let's see do I want to build it on site no I I want to build the whole thing like the whole thing and nothing about the thing and that means I want to get let's say oxygen on level two so that comes exactly from here and goes all the way over to that location you're going to go in and that's the oxygen because oxygen is 18 I believe yeah 18 so that's 36 that means two of those and I can't support it then I want another line that's going to be for water which will be all the way up and it just goes above and you're going to go into the water uh that's actually not necessary to build it like this because that's like six water or something yeah yeah okay so I'm also going to take that out let's try to use the cheaper pipes when possible here we're going to be strained anyway and I don't think I'm going to lead this onwards to something other things but if I do then I just have to upgrade it and take that out take that out so that's now very modular I'll take these out as well that looks yeah let's let's try it like this all right so now this can this has to go on one level up uh that's a loose loose lift that one and that one so that goes stays up here and that one yes good then the next one is going to be inbound for iron I guess raw iron that comes in here and nope let's try to be even this one that's the raw iron and then we have the raw coal raw coal as opposed to cooked coal there and there and they will of course all be oh hold on technically I think I want to do this as well seems silly to do it that modula but screw it we are now in in motion on this modularity here that one that one and that should be Oh Ship fully repaired not no what oh we lost one worker ah well that's uh that that happens uh they'll come back soon enough and oh we got a location to explore ooh a new settlement what is that oh we can buy a ship okay and I'll send my ship out to explore this penultimate location so this is a design and I'm going to be stamping it down here not because I want it there but just to see that it actually works go it's too far apart right so I think I need to uh all right whatever I'll I'll take this and shovel it over there I mean the idea was good enough to do this and then look at that smashing straight in right so now it's all about just hooking things up uh we're going to be taking this and this one out this will be eventually before iron scraps if we ever get that these can will have to go in here like that so that we can get you out to that location and I'm going to design both but I'm only going to build one that means you take out and that's it good thing I did all the modularity it's going to be completely useless now these are consuming corewise nine so that's uh 1836 that means I can't really get another line here that would mean um let's see that means I'll do a loose lift here and I go one up then I will go in and I'll just do R so it doesn't snap and then I'm going to go over H here and the loose lift flip it rotate it place it lift it no uh lift it place it confirm it so now it goes up here go around and go down there that seems that seems rather silly doesn't it you could also just go like this yeah we could I can't do it in in the other one though and you're going to go you're going to go out but in here I have to do the more complicated way because there's no room for it so here I have to to do the weird thing um flip it no really oh yeah inbound lift it and go and from here one two press the R button to make it sure that it doesn't snap and get it to I guess that location oops ah man that's can just undo it there and I'll need a balance loose lift going why is it not connected they connected now woo that was Troublesome and ship in battle location explored we got nothing and H we can see more stuff but I think we can still explore maybe that one oh we got this but we can explore one more cool so that is it except oh mind control tower has no designation what have you done oh you've cleared this one out oh that's so nice so nice let's uh just get you to clear this area that would be nice then we have all of this completely flat no compatible cargo ah right there's one of them that picked up like one sand so let's get that one sand over here good it's useless now back to this part now we need uh this is no longer available or not relevant we're going to need water inbound I have water coming here so I'm going to just this is a good oh this is needs to be an upgraded pipe I think and like that three go here and go there sweet that means now we can't have our other things coming under they they have no business going there all right last thing is the water separator or the air separator here I need 36 so it's going to be that one and I'll take you and flip it there and I'll be just getting right now the nitrogen is not needed so I'm going to waste I'm just going to throw that out and here one uh hold on this is the wrong kind of pipe oh this is also the wrong kind of pipe actually is it I don't know it isn't it's it's going to be fine we'll we do need the tier two pipes here one two and then I need to get it into that location and in yes it's really complicated to figure out where things are connecting ship fully repaired and we'll send it out for the last mission see we can't get these too far away but we can get there all right so now we are done with this let's uh just flag all of it for creation um all of this as well and that one and by doing it this way there's absolutely guaranteed one little teeny tiny thing like that one for example that will not be uh be clicked properly and which will prevent the whole thing from working but we'll it'll we'll we'll try it we'll try it like this oh and that is definitely not going to be there and that is not going to be there yes cool let's uh get this uh built and happy and now the ship is returning for the last time we have no more stuff on the map that we can do with our current ship tech level so we can now free up the resources here or the the crew and the crew is now become available to everyone else so this is excellent we do now have enough crew to to build everything here uh we're still lacking a little bit in terms of getting this one online so we just wait for this to be online and maybe we should just do the last bit of design that we want to have in this episode and that's actually a blatant copy paste we'll just do that and then simply build build it like so that was excruciatingly easy there and there and you will just be that one so this one also needs to be built and once that is built then we get steel in on this belt well we don't right now because we don't have the steel on the bus but we will absolutely get that on the bus uh then we can start making some construction Parts too ship is fully repaired we will not worry about the ship anymore that is brilliant and you just need to be done time to enable our steel production here and let's see if it actually works if we've made sure that we've enabled all the right things and we've designed the whole thing correctly and we can see if uh if this is getting processed so the starts processing as usual uh do we have enough wood yeah we do have enough wood so let's actually go over here and get some of that just so that we also see that things are working here and let's see priority oh that's not what I want I want to have like one priority for one iron and one priority for one steel then I want to prioritize the uh scrap inbound if we have scrap we'll get that eventually I think might maybe that'll be something for the next uh next episode working on scrap and while this is working hopefully oh it's not going out why is not going out you are missing the gas why are we missing the gas yeah that go goes up here goes ah I see ah see I knew it there's always like one little thing that's missing there we go and that should pump it over here pump pump and we'd like to see things coming in nope there's another little one here okay so that's that that kind of sucked right that's why we babysit it to make sure that it actually works this one is getting something in this one's getting something in great and hopefully we'll also get that in the meantime we have our food is up to 36 that's pretty good and and I think I want to take half of it and switch it over to oh no I need the corn okay uh disable whatever we're working on right now and get the corn first there yeah okay so I want to switch it over to Corn farming we'll do that in a as fast as possible I will also be setting this one up uh so that we can start working on the red construction Parts the red construction Parts not really super useful right now but they'll be useful for all all the things we need to build afterwards so there'll definitely be something like the S waterer stripper the better belts not really right now uh better vehicle Depot is really nice and recycling so and water recovery yeah there's a lot of good stuff and so now this is getting built this is great H not enough workers ah they're not enough workers are killing me and okay it's kind of clear that we need to upgrade these as well and can we build it no we don't have those components yet but we got this one done and we are missing two workers okay I'm I'm just going to pause science in the favor of getting this one going so we're now working on this we'll get some steel we have the steel slowly accumulating we're getting the very first steel now the next thing we want to do and the last thing we want to do is just making the bus I have built the bus in two tiles High it needed to be three tiles High that's a mistake so that means I need to tear down the bus rebuild it at three tiles High connect the steel up here connect the steel from here into the bus and connect it that's just a lot of uh Hassle and it's just going to take a lot of time so this something we'll just show when it is done the base is now in a nice and steady situation well except for the extremely busy part but that's uh that's beside the point we have uh that's they're just busy with landfill uh we have our little city here I have boxed in the coal maybe a little bit too much but I got carried away it's always fun to work with these uh these retaining walls but um that was not really really necessary I think because as soon as I dig out all the coal I'm going to landfill it so I have some working space in a nice high quality area and we have our Farms that we buildt up here that's really nice uh we have uh our new water supply we have over here on the bus we now have our construction Parts all full and well and good good to go the bus has now been moved to lift it to level three it's working really nice and uh yeah it's just uh our steel production as well uh if you are thinking that's a cool steel production I wish I had that in my base well I'm not releasing blueprints because that's a pain in the ass for me to upload and manage and if there's a little mistake then I have to do that but I know it works in the game so if you are a patron supporter you always have access to the latest save games you can just grab the latest save game and then uh load it up grab this the blueprints for yourself whichever thing you find interesting whether that's the bus the steel the the amazing water collection or maybe this one as as you will see how it evolves as we get further further along thank you very much for watching I hope you have enjoyed this episode if you do be sure to hit the like button let me know if you want something different more uh changes all that stuff remember I'm also on Twitch twitch tv/ nous I'm streaming Captain industry a couple of times a week so come on over there so we we do design testing and have a lot more Panic going on thank you for watching until next time take care and stay effective [Music]
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 18,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UM2cgwEVuAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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