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yo what's going on guys Fox here today we are going to be testing out the blood packed skill so this basically just turns you into a giant demon and you go absolutely crazy um Additionally you consume all your Darkness shards and you gain one all attributes for each one so we're also running Soul collector as a perk that way we can gain 10 Darkness shards that way when we pop this we're going to get 10 all attributes on top of the fact that our bolted darkness in this mode has no movement speed penalty has no Health cost and is going to be powered by 100% bonus damage if we're fully stacked on our soul collector so I think this might actually be pretty strong and on top of that now that Soul collector Stacks up to 100% damage we're also going to be running Ray of Darkness because I feel like this ability might absolutely cook now as well so we're going to try to test out both a 10 stack transformation and a 10 stack Ray of darkness and see how it feels so yeah we're going to hop stra into some games and I'll see you guys there all right we are in got the transformation which we're going to hit straight away you already know pretty sure there dark B infinitely it actually does have a health cost what is this skill do does this affect my dark bolt looks like no um it heals me when I punch something though so that's good to know get some HP back I guess that seem like a really big heal actually do it when I'm like missing more Health it's to also my Hydra for Stacks probably not the best way to get Stacks but I really want to try out the um Ray of Darkness just absolutely melt someone you know with 100% bonus damage I think it's going to be pretty good we got three stacks it's a good start oh they did change the map a little bit like apparently the mobs are different like there's extra wisps and wolves in places where they weren't before for and then on top of that it's harder to like jump over some of the module walls there's a wolf two wolves a [ __ ] I guess it's good for like be trying to go for Wolf pets you know but it's like not bad it feels weird not having phantomas but maybe turning into a giant demon will be like just as good you know I don't know I tested it in the pregame like the training dummy and my both of darkness in demon form was only doing 52 damage head shot um and like in this gear right if I was using both of Darkness I'd be doing like over 60 damage head shot so I don't know if like maybe it's not counting me as having a spell book out I'm losing a lot of damage from that no I lost my stacks a someone was talking about that on Reddit Don't Go Near the Wisps okay we need a stack again going kill this guy all right nice I don't think there's I didn't see oh [ __ ] there is run I don't want to lose my stacks again even though it's only one I hear somebody breaking [ __ ] got his hands up a [ __ ] love rang juice you know they're extra scary when I don't have Phantom eyes I overextend I'm just dead and there's no way for me to close the gap either that's okay oh Rog just went stuff nice I wasn't sure if that was going to work but I had a feeling you'd be weak plus my dark reflection it's a little bit harder with those Stacks I'm actually going to take this so no one else gets it and I just instant heal there's another player around the corner another Rog SP on the bridge ah [ __ ] heal off this mob does it heal every hit wait that's crazy only last for a couple seconds though unfortunately now I don't know what to do cuz there's just players everywhere and they're all just acting friendly but I'm fighting a rogue okay don't know where this guy went there he is [ __ ] it we're going to try it oh it's insane for chasing I'm full move speed and I have infinite bolets I can get my health back it's actually insane for chasing people down you lose your Escape though like you're phantomizer I was so fast just trying to steal my loot I respect him for not like jumping me [ __ ] I don't have fiz so if fighter gets on me it is I'm cooked you can't run from the STM [ __ ] mob behind me and it has no cool down too like I can just uh Whip It out whenever I want and then transform back whenever I need to get my health back he's lucky that mob was behind me forc me to get off of him was going to hit me in the back where would I have gone if I was him oh [ __ ] he stepped in a ranger trap and died okay I need to be very careful against the r all right welcome to game number two we are officially in a meme Set uh just a bunch of random items that I put together just a bunch of junk um a couple gray items too but I want to run this back and I didn't want to wait so I I knew I had some trash gear on my second account is hella fun to use and unfortunately they were supposed to add the marketplace um [Music] to like this patch we were supposed to get a Marketplace and we didn't because I guess it got delayed but I am so so excited for that Marketplace I literally can't wait it's going to be so nice cuz then like it won't take an hour to build a warlock set you know what I mean um so looking forward to that but yeah this set um I think I'm doing I have like no Health but uh I have enough knowledge and I have enough healing that's the most important parts um and then also I can't use that yet it'll consume my stacks and then yeah so for my damage I think I'm doing 24 curs of Pane and just for like perspective I guess or comparison um the last set that that Ranger just uh got for free kind of was um I was doing 31 damage cursive bin quite a drop off but I think I don't think the damage changes when you're in demon form um pretty sure it's still just going to do 52 head shot so I think it does matter how many stacks you have when you transform though like cuz you're going to get 10 all attributes um rather than not getting anything so I do think Soul collector uh with this perk is pretty good we got somebody here we can tester out on I think also the stacks for I'm so slow in this gear too on for it I normally would build like another 10 move speed than what I have got one pen on him oh he's one shot he's dead there's a ranger again let me get my revenge all right I can't actually chase him so I'm going to have to CH him demon all right nice we got him see he was like just out of my range and I was getting kited but I was able to go demon for him and run him down it also gives you 50 Max Health 50 armor so this is pretty good like it might actually be the new way to deal with Rangers well definitely take that and I don't think he had much gear but honestly neither do I this is literally like leftover scraps you can get a 24 damage C a pin with literally just a magic staff um if you get like a purple magic stuff you'll be doing like 20 something um probably 24 by the same amount of damage as this all right um we'll just take all the loot for now thank you I think I'm going to un heal this sh and then there was a guy over here too I wonder if they were friends cuz they weren't like fighting but they might not have run into each other yet but this guy was one shot probably from mobs they didn't really have anything either let's go see if we can uh find some more people where is I want to get more Stacks to where the mobs at oh I want to use uh Ray of Darkness so bad but I don't know people are like hating on this uh demon form thing like it's not that good but actually it might be really good I don't know it is kind of like a win more ability though but if you're winning the fight then it'll help you oh I used my stacks damn it I forgot it consumes it uh when you transform every time but if you're winning the fight then it'll help you win more it'll help you win harder right but if you're losing the fight I don't think it's going to help you really at all but maybe that's not true though cuz you get a little faster you get a little tanky and then you can kite like insanely hard cuz no move speed penalty ah maybe it's actually really good I haven't decided yet oh my why' they put a whisp in that room my stacks are cooked oh my wait I can use Ray of Darkness because no Stacks all right how's he not dead there we go should I go my spell early cuz my cast speed is so slow I have 27 knowledge which actually is like the minimum I would use but like I don't know when you're used to like 30 and 32 and Etc when you go down it just feels slow oh no I got a big boy on me now you know what would be cool is if like when you transformed for some reason mobs lost Agra cuz then you could run around I was just thinking like what if me and that guy were on a team you know the rock Golem and then but I was like in my demon form but it's not really can't really make that work [Music] I think Bard has a song that makes mobs fight other people or each other the mobs will fight each other um I don't think anyone uses it really it's like chaotic Discord or something I don't know something like that this guy has no idea what is to come what is he's in store for not transform there's a giant worm okay oh he just walked on my flame Walker okay for a little bit too long plus I had him weak from some cursive Fs that's an upgrade actually we'll take those thank you sir um I'm curious did someone bring this up or does it just come up on its own now cuz it used to allo also the nightmare variant which I don't know much about extra mechanics or something probably fun though it just he going to chase me to the ends of the Earth cuz like oh great we got a [ __ ] too also apparently in solos they like lowered the number of X shocks or something to like nudge players to be more aggressive also they added more AP for kills so I didn't actually look at how many I had gotten last game but apparently it's double now I'm curious if I'm going to see any blue portals or if I'm going to be forced to take a red get another whisp oh these are so annoying wait okay SK collector on this map now is terrible cuz there's just whis everywhere that it just take your stocks same with the new spell but the reason I'm not using the new spell by the way is because I did a lot of testing with it and it's really good if you have a barred teammate cuz you can get all of your Stacks um you can just get 10 Stacks whenever you want by just sucking off of him uh that didn't mean that sound like that too it um yeah so you can just steal [ __ ] off him but using it on other teams it's only really good if here's my problem with it it doesn't work against ability Buffs so when a barbarian shouts and he gains a [ __ ] ton of move speed or when a fighter pop Sprint you can't use it on them to take it away so it's like useless in those scenarios it's only good against teams with a Bard you can take their Bard Buffs but like is that going to stop a barbarian who's shouted and screaming at me is it worth it for me to sit there and steal his bar Buffs I don't even get the Buffs it just like removes it from him or oh they changed these to only single Downs I like that actually that is going to make people more aggressive I don't think I haven't seen any blues I don't think there's very many Blues these days which I mean it's fine but yeah so like if it worked on those as well I think it'd be fine but if you're in a team fight right 3v3 is it worth to sit there and take you know two all attributes and 15 armor from somebody or would you rather have just landed a curse of pain with that shot you know like you're losing DPS to do that it's like the same thing as like casting cursive weakness like like it's so much better to deal damage um instead now it would be very different if it stole the Barbarian Roar Buffs or fighter Sprint stuff like that which it should I mean those are like blue Buffs on their screen right um blue magical Buffs it should be able to maybe it shouldn't cuz it' be op but like that that would make it very very good if it did that and I would hella use it but the way it is now I don't know how viable it is you know what I mean so that's kind of my stance on that but yeah that was a pretty fun couple of games I'm interested to see how the meta kind of shakes up a little bit if it does um what it looks like um there's a couple new things to like try and also the new map I'm going to be taking a look at that soon too but yeah as always guys I really do appreciate you guys for watching and I will see you guys in the next one [Applause] peace oh wait that's a lot of AP 98 AP for three kills all right I'll see you guys peace
Channel: Foxman Slays
Views: 38,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x4RDTs4I0QU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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