No More Heroes: All Bosses and True Ending (Dolphin 4K 60fps)

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[Applause] [Music] quite beautiful wouldn't you say paid for with the lives of many when you have the strength to take life for yourself that is true wealth I am free of Desire so long as I have this scenery to look upon I need nothing more please leave me be you're the one leaving in a body bag I'll only say this once more leave here now huh me Leaf you obviously don't know me you don't get it do you hey you know what Paradise is Right Paradise this is Paradise the place where dreams are fulfilled well you've had your dream old man time to wake up this is no Paradise all right then what is it a place to die huh I'm glad you and I are on the same page [Music] here so naive you have no idea do you what a pity you make an old man cry arrogant crude little shits like you come around from time to time listen well young one the wall is high higher than you will ever know ultimate sacrifice is Sublime now draw huh you can take that to your grave this my future world class chef and a team of hot yoga instructors to keep me sh nurses to ATT body made Loyal tan bades knocking on my door every two hours Tri everything in right it's the it's the life of w that'll be my life I for selflessness hippoc wasting for their own Desire by Young like me this is how it goes down olds they'll croak anyway realize really keep going maybe I should have been a little more careful before I jump but I can't see it can't see anything there's this C Doom running down my spine like it's like it's trying to suck the life out of me before I we get [Music] this than my instincts is taunting [Music] down you do we get h [Music] yeah [Music] watch [Music] [Music] [Music] go me [Music] we will be [Music] interesting two k still don't get it [Music] do down [Music] extraordinary the moment I've been waiting for the name holy sword is now yours you're joking right I don't care about titles or power I just want to be number one then Master the ways of the Assassin here's your ticket to Paradise Old Man Nice kill Travis I didn't think you had it in you it was rather exciting congratulations you are now ranked 10th 10th huh what do I get anything H how about some cash that should help you pay the bills I'm not feeling the sense of accomplishment that I should here so I just got to do this a few more times right if you so choose yes and you will keep your promise there is nothing the association cannot do and if I refuse as the 10th ranked assassin you are now a target for those who want to replace you anytime anywhere number 11 could be right around the corner ready to put a knife in your eye so what you're telling me is that I got to continue fighting there's no way out of this you set me up [ __ ] quit your bitching and get with the program there's only one road out of here no turning back okay how about this if I become number one will you do it with me H maybe maybe not come on just once mother's eyes see no more when the wind Lo of Virgin child call sing a song such a PR Mel never heard before no more all the Virgin just [Applause] from thank you mighty God Mighty kind of you nice set of pipes you got there old man it is always been my dream to perform in a stadium such as this a gentleman from the association told me I could have any stage I wanted today how can I refuse such a kind offer courtesy of me and my entry fee no doubt my ex-wife called me the other day and I met my daughter for the first time in 10 years we dined at a fancy restaurant one of those that are impossible to get a reservation for and then afterwards karaoke who got you the reservation the association took care of it of course [ __ ] my entry fee what's important is not the fact the reservations are hard to get in fact no one gets reservations the words reservations only apply only to those outside of the circle it's getting into that Circle that matters and the food good [Music] unfortunately the atmosphere was a facade not once did my own daughter look me in the eye oh the food tasted like blood you're a junkie for blood old man sadly I can't disagree there's only one way to live people like us were sharks attracted to blood you smelled blood too didn't you isn't that why you're here you got it old man and for some reason I feel this sense of euphoria don't die me too quickly I want to Gorge myself on this sense of fulfillment till I vomit man this is what I live for fighting your own kind nothing's more gratifying F see you on the other [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] side [Applause] [Applause] a what what oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tou h [Applause] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] h h ha [Applause] a h [Music] [Applause] oh h [Music] yeah [Applause] ah don't kid yourself play time is over [Music] next song I sing I know my daughter will love won't you darling better practice my rap rap with me Jennifer it's open mic night in Hell old man sing all you want down there congratulations you are now ranked number nine what' you expect wait a minute are you getting a little sentimental still green aren't you you know this is only the beginning call me when the next one's arranged game set a rankings fight yeah how about it all right will you give me a [Music] minute wait for me in the hallway r right mind if we do this somewhere else you're the boss stop checking me out like that you killed them such a gentleman are you asking out of tactic curiosity or are you just [ __ ] with me bet they didn't offer much resistance you got a problem with that you got no idea how hard it is to hide your true self around here hey I'm not accusing [Music] anybody a real gentleman I just turned my back but you didn't strike you are [ __ ] with me it's actually pretty hard to take cheap shots when your enemy is as bloodthirsty as yourself People Like Us think alike don't we shall we huh you will pay with your life at last I have my chance I will now avenge my father something tells me you watch too many Samurai movies little girl Sonic sword holy what the hell was that give me a [Music] breakday let [Music] my the die [Music] noise get [Music] talking get [Music] [Music] talking [Music] [Music] get cing let get [Music] C here I what in your hand a toy [Music] yes son that's [Music] [Music] [Music] Bo what are you waiting for finish me finish you don't look at me like that don't I think there's been some kind of misunderstanding I never fought your father liar you you killed him sliced him in two you sick F whoa whoa calm down a [Music] little Jacobs was my mentor I'd never kill him liar I watched Master Jacob's teachings on video over and over till the [ __ ] tape wore out we've never met in person kill me I admit it I lost just do it how about kill yourself after you kill me sounds like a bit straight out of a Samurai movie don't it shut up shut up and kill me already you've already Dishonored me enough do it yourself ah please I'll fight you anytime anywhere until then I'll be waiting another Victory Travis you are now ranked eth you going to kill her probably not she's still young but I still have to follow the association's rules of conduct then let her live are we suddenly in love Travis hell no then why take the risk of her coming back for revenge in this business there's no such thing as mercy kill when you can kill that's [ __ ] all I want to do is fight someone better than me she'll grow up why not kill her when she's stronger yeah yeah then I'll kill her you are sick so are [Music] you oh man I thought I wouldn't make it here on time had to take care of some customers that filed complaints my apologies so much to do with so little help yeah I can't stand these people with all their nonsense complaints they think they can just say anything it's crazy but anyway I'm here I made it on time that's the important thing right I take it you're Mr eight you you're ranked not me well actually it is me oh that makes sense never mind then you've got a job to do but first I need some time to get ready would you mind turning the the other way I need some privacy privacy yes I need to prepare whatever don't mind me pretend I'm not even here I just need you to look the other way for a second a second yes just a split second I don't think it's too much to ask deal then we can get on with our fight that is correct all right oh damn it whoa that was close for a second there I forgot that you were a killer sorry if I scared you I didn't mean to do that something's wrong with me today I let my guard down getting sloppy I got to stay on my toes you mind if I ask you something yeah what is it Mr cosplay we're both Assassins right why do we have to kill each other anyway if you ask me it's absolutely meaningless it's about determining who's best that's what it's about can't argue with that well then let's get started what you want to shake hands we're both Fighters aren't we not killers at least for now this is a sign of sportsmanship that we respect each other before and after the fight good luck likewise destroy spark this is great is this guy an idiot or what is this a joke you fell for the oldest trick in the book oh man you are something oh this is the best man you really cracked me up I think this laughter's going to kill me seriously I think I might really die from laughter it hurts someone help oh god oh [ __ ] I thought I was going to die there for [Laughter] real and look at you you look like you're dead I guess it's time for a wakeup call destroy to destroy team this is where it gets good good night destroy Buster that was quite a move I'll admit you've got potential if challenge had a taste you'd be quite delicious fight for the seventh yeah sure Bring it on I love a challenge you're as good as dead destroy destroy G [Applause] destroy SP destroy SP [Music] [Music] ah destroy can [Music] d destroy come and get some H destroy [Music] C [Music] destroy Canon bustard [ __ ] A don't cry like that you're a killer aren't you help what help I can't hear you help me please what is this I hear from a seventh ranked killer whatever it's over anyway please help me there you go [Music] Travis I'm starting to think that you may be for real you are now seventh in rank hey when I hit number one you better be looking your best no need to pretty up I want you to see me for who I really am serious damn do you like fighting eting yep do you like killing live for it do you like fear can't say never felt it do you accept death death never crossed my mind death is the only truth you are still a mere butt that's not a good thing you know seeking meaning and everything especially killing that's a bad habit among smart little girls these days come closer and you will understand everything I'm ready anywhere anytime just your ordinary assassin such a disappointment are you in the mood yet normal assassins don't shoot the [ __ ] like this they see their target and kill them let's see you get out of this predicament no problem you'll see uh-huh H that will never Blossom a sad truth good night my sweet seven oh crap nice trap I like your style maybe I can steal a kiss before I steal your life we'll see about that en h [Music] h [Music] [Applause] H you I am disappoint I thought you were strong get it come on I am sure [Music] youbye what is this this is not Mercy you can't kill a woman pathetic if you can't kill a woman you are less than a thug you'll never make it to the top that's okay I seem to have a thing for stupid pathetic men like you I can accept defeat if it comes from your hand I will let you in on a secret assassins must die when they lose open your eyes and never look back promise never forget me huh thank you the moment you hesitated I felt your Embrace hold up academics like to fantasize too you know wait number six no [Music] forgive me number six I never meant to shame you not a very smooth Victory Z Travis but a win is a win that's all that matters I hate to award you this but you are now sixth in rank what was her name that is not important anymore you're right but I owe her at least that Holly Summers Bor in no just her name forgive me holly I was late in saying this but I love your soul rest in peace at last doctor it's time wake up oh yeah I feel a good angulation your rumbling is excellent I think I'm going to lose the power control you the fifth ranked guy yeah I've been waiting for you you certainly sound like you're up for a fight I'm ready whenever you are all right then here I come disaster Blaster charging ignition ignition ready activating main engine activating solid engine check cycle ratio %. cluster generator AC calculating coordinates Thal protection cycle ratio 25% antishock balance are open calculation complete detection system noral Target acquisition 98% main panel open cycle ratio 55% activate sell distance maximize output ignite Vanishing STS cycle ratio 80% activate Trinity distance distance at scouting score open all systems tus 10 seconds cycle ratio 100% tus 7 Seconds cycle ratio 140% t - 5 Second maximum output critical point exceed tus 3 2 1 Travis Touchdown is it not son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] snatcher I had him dance with me Travis a katana this is getting interesting what do you go by Henry Henry your instincts serve you well I I don't know who you are or what you want Sir Henry where are your manners that was my kill you naughty boy shall we get this over with and don't hate me if I play a tad dirty find by me after you stop right there the fight is over Travis you are now ranked fifth but we haven't even we're just getting started perhaps you've forgotten these fights are an official game if your opponent dies for whatever reason according to the rules of conduct it is your win that's [ __ ] up that's the stupidest rule I've ever heard this guy's mine and you just want me to let him go [ __ ] rules are rules you can't have what you can't have whatever but this dude says he wants to fight and ain't nobody going to stop him this ass clown right here is who hey he's gone Miss to Sir Henry [ __ ] he just jetted what a [ __ ] sorry saves that aggression for your next [Music] match who the hell was that guy you are late anom hurry the show's about to start what's with all the excitement it is not not every day you get to watch a big fight from VIP seats of course I am excited but I am most excited being with you whoa you're serious I wouldn't do that if I were you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm packing heat baby wow ladies and gentlemen and all killers out there welcome to Harvey vad dar's magic freak Show of the century it'll be a killer night so let's get started it's showtime oh [Music] my quiet quiet please what do you know it's already time for the last program but you know today is a special day and you ladies and gentlemen are lucky so lucky that you might even get lucky now one of you lucky people will be chosen to be up here with me who's it going to be the lucky person is you wow Travis this is your lucky night me they want me serious you got to be kidding go get him tiger come on no need to be shy congratulations you nasty little boy tell the audience your name Travis Touchdown it's a good name don't you think it's a fine name indeed you have your parents to thank for that my parents are dead oops touchy subject a question that should not be touched upon that's okay really it is is there there don't let it bother you hold on to your hopes and don't give up my nasty little boy thanks I'll remember that so you came to enjoy the show damn right I did I was really looking forward to this it's the last show right last show did I hear you right oh you heard me right Harvey you're going to die tonight right here by my hand let's close the curtains I hope you aren't being serious that would be a Pity we still have the main event to unveil play time is over ladies and gentlemen it's show time on to the Grand Finale now this is [Applause] entertainment yeah it's killing [Applause] time watch this check it [Music] out sh get out what's this hungry boy it's m H yeah watch [Music] me that's check it out welcome to the [Music] night met welcome to the night welcome to the night welcome watch this now that is entertainment T music begin welcome to the nightmare assistance now look look carefully [Music] assistance it's [Music] [Music] showtime haa welcome to the [Music] [Applause] [Music] night check it out it's m [Music] H yes it's me welcome to the night H watch this welcome to the night welcome to the nightmare yeah night welcome for the night watch this it's magic what one 2 three voila it me to the [Music] night it's magic it's magic it's dark somebody turn on the lights I can't see [ __ ] oh how am I supposed to perform in total darkness Hit the Lights hurry up I can't see it's dark I'm surrounded by Darkness [Music] the name is Travis Touchdown thank you all for coming tonight I hope you enjoyed the show I would also like to thank you for coming this evening as a result Travis Touchdown is now ranked fourth place and the show will go on I hope to see you all again soon and have a good [Music] night [Music] Master stay back this one's mine so back off what a cat you frightened me for a second Kitty Master how could I have been so I'm coming Master not inter du don't do anything stupid but I have nothing left to teach you aim for the T remember Master your and the power will be yours why are all men so freaking ignorant they never learn no matter how old they get they never learned you are the third ranked assassin [ __ ] you were saying sunny I asked if you were ranked third what what did you say I said are you the third ranked assassin granny what say that again see I'm kind of hard of hearing I can't hear much these days are you ranked third ah this time I heard you yeah I am okay there it's complete that's right don't you see idiots all men are why should I even bother killing you even if you had nine lives it wouldn't be enough I just love losers who don't care for their own lives [Music] stop you're a [Music] joke [Music] k [Music] what a [Music] pain [Music] [Music] k [Music] [Music] how should [Music] I [Music] [ __ ] [Music] you didn't anyone keep you it was a bad idea go [Music] nice [Music] what pretty good boy damn right I'm an apprentice of the master Thunder Le he was a good man and I hope one day you'll be as good as he was count on it a little present for you farewell and good night congratulations you are officially ranked [Applause] third only two more to go it is really cool how they all [Music] die home [Music] run this is insane pH what a day I need a drink so [ __ ] thirsty hold on a sec damn that's smooth I feel alive again want to drink I'll pass Pop Quiz why am I such an angry [ __ ] seriously viously no matter how many I kill it's all the same they're all going to pay yeah with their [ __ ] lives you're a bad girl you have no right to look at me like that it's just a job The Daily Grind you're no assassin you're just a perverted killing Maniac in essence they're the same don't go on thinking you're better than me you think you're hot [ __ ] who the [ __ ] do you think think you are come [Music] on better better D [Music] you damn [Music] you [ __ ] don't run oh [Music] right right nice [Music] go [Music] [Music] home run home run die hold on help oh [Music] run [Music] oh you're ha [Music] [Music] home [Music] run oh all right [Music] [Music] go damn [Music] you [Music] four [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] go [Music] all right you're a what a [Music] p down you [ __ ] naughty girls need spankings maybe you forgot I'm a bad girl I W lose I will never lose I give up you win yes I've [Music] won on behalf of Sylvia Crystal I am here to tell you that you are now officially ranked second thanks that was a close one almost didn't make it it was a fine fight sir [ __ ] that was [Music] close [Music] welcome to my castle I heartily receive you my son all right enough with the jokes a joke you don't remember me Travis I am your true father blood does not make such mistakes jeez you are full of it aren't you it's a good story I'll give you that much you see if this is just another story even if you were my father it doesn't matter the only thing that matters here is who's best remember son engraved into your memory is the night when everything changed I fell to my feet right before my son's eyes do you not remember this in my deepest memories I hear someone calling I remember it was a hot summer day there was someone standing behind my father and mother that person killed my parents the face I can't make it out who are you remember who are you try harder I think I can see it almost do you recognize this now I remember everything well done son she was the girl you loved you're still as gullible as ever Travis think why would he be your father I guess you're right I don't have a father at least not anymore you killed him didn't you yes and that's why you became an assassin to kill me now I get it all those fights it was for this I lost everything that I ever cared about that [ __ ] took everything I I can help you to get even she's a good con artist that's for sure she set up some killer fights so you and I finally meet you should than Sylvia Jean there's just one thing I want to ask you who are you me you don't need to know all of your TR questions will be answered in the afterlife answer me it's impossible impossible what do you mean it's too terrible it alone would jack up the age rating of this game even further so what who cares what if the game gets delayed you don't want this to become No More Heroes forever do you all right I'll fast forward this so you can tell me okay I'll make it short and quick you are my half brother you know that Mom manga called miuki the Japanese one well it's like that your father abandoned my mother to run off with your mother it broke her heart beyond repair she killed herself knowing I had nowhere to go he took advantage of me ever since I can remember he molested me we lived in this rotten apartment and I was his slave every day I cursed his soul I swore that I would kill him one day but cursing didn't change anything that's when I decided to become a killer with no money to pay for training I paid with my body but to you I bet that son of a [ __ ] looked like a hardworking family man that was all an act he didn't give two shits about cleaning up my life so I decided to clean it up myself that's why I do what I do and I got what I wanted killing him in front of your very eyes that's my story imagine that you and I brother and sister now you see what I've been through maybe it had to be done but Vengeance begets Vengeance you're right go ahead draw brother all of your Sorrows end today Jean [Music] no can't [Music] [Music] h go ahead I'm the last [Music] one I killed your the last I killed your parents [Music] [Music] first how about if I did this no no go ahead I'm the last one I'm the last [Music] one St [ __ ] no don't [Music] ah what what what do it right brother please don't kill me sorry Jean this hurts me too we're both in the same business after all and I've had enough time for you to rest Jean good night Travis I hope your next dream is a more pleasant [Music] one it's over this is where it all ends right Silvia it's finally over D it guy get some privacy at least when he's taking a dump I'm afraid not these fights don't work like that it's time to die Mr first rank you got to be [ __ ] me well you hurry up with that I'll be outside that was close thanks what an idiot you're disgrace to yourself and all those you've killed [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] a you're [Music] a i yeah what [Music] like I your [Music] die [Music] do you even know what you're [Music] figh [Music] I [Music] this yeah watch you're [Music] go [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] ya [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] sh [Music] yes this fire leg [Music] this SP little [Music] for I this this for little [Music] bo you [Music] bastard damn it that all you got Travis don't make me laugh mind if I ask you something sure why the hell do you call me Travis Travis like you're my friend or something who the [ __ ] do you think you are you can't be serious all this time you didn't realize what are you talking about I'm your twin brother what the hell that's the craziest [ __ ] I've ever heard why would you bring up something like that at the very last minute of the game I would have thought you a player would have at least expected a twist of fate of some kind what and Hey where's Sylvia anyway she disappeared Without a Trace where the hell is she you mean my wife what wife yes you know spouse soulmate Henry's wife get the idea when did you two get married oh about 10 years ago yeah that's right cuz we were both in college at the time oh [ __ ] all news to me I'm going to need shock treatment to get over this one I'm sorry for all the trouble my wife has caused you forgive her she caused me some trouble all right but it helped me clear up a lot of things ah you know how women are especially my wife a really big spender yeah she knew my income wasn't enough so every now and then she'd just disappear she's a bad wife but a good woman what are you telling me that you and her come but Travis my brother we're similar in many ways you're right suddenly you being my brother doesn't sound so awkward let me ask you how do you plan to put an end to all of this wait a sec you want me to tie up all these loose ends I don't think so you're the protagonist I'm just a cool handsome Foy who happens to be your twin brother hate to say it but it's your job I want a bail but where the hell's the exit there's no way out is there no getting out right bro that's right all we can do is keep running then let's find that exit they call Paradise let's [Music] go [Music] ah [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] la [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] a you like this painting don't you let's go jeene I know too bad there won't be a sequel [Music] [Music]
Channel: Boss Fight Database
Views: 442,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no more heros, battle, nmh boss, all boss fights, all bosses, 4k 60fps, nmh ending, 60fps, no more heroes walkthrough, dolphin, gameplay, boss fight, no more heroes boss, no more heroes ending, no more heroes all bosses, emulator, no more heroes 4k, wii, boss, nmh boss fight, walkthrough, ending, true ending, how to beat, final boss, 4k, nmh final boss, nmh all bosses, boss battle, 1080, nmh, no more heroes boss battle, 60 fps, no more heroes final boss, hd, 1080p, no more heroes, fight
Id: c0dIyA0xSfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 37sec (6217 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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