No More Heroes 3 - All Bosses and Ending

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[Music] gene where are we in the core of the spacecraft so this is where the real hardcore bad guys are what's that egg you know like in that famous movie where a monster pops out of the egg and attacks hey the egg is cracked something not so good is gonna come out of that thing [ __ ] oh you're a cute little guy come here little buddy oh you're so good at walking are you yes you are [Music] let me pick you up little guys where am i this is my planet well now it's a hellscape with nothing but a graveyard and a galactic waste disposal this is where we grew up my boss foo he went bad [ __ ] crazy destroyed the whole planet ain't that a [ __ ] it is indeed so why not get revenge revenge against foo we wouldn't last three damn seconds against him are you okay with a life of submission well that's how i've lived it's my destiny rethink this you can still go back go on back to space nope no came down either way foo is gonna kill me i see yeah about that destiny i'll put an end to that for you sounds good okay you wanna get started strawberry right one god death kick right off hey brad strawberry uh strawberry right blueberry all right strawberry raspberry [Music] what's wrong [Applause] travis oh hey where is this inside him we're basically in his universe well that sucks i'll begin searching for hostiles so that [ __ ] is hiding somewhere among these billions of stars [Music] hey [Music] huh huh screw crusher dead king hey not there travis where is he where the hell are you black hole calm down travis go left left [Music] there here we go raspberry double kill blueberry [Music] there let's go [Music] don't underestimate earthlings thank you now i've got the travis touchdown data i needed what data statistics from your behavioral and strategic patterns fine do whatever you want with that i'm more badass than a black demon okay everyone i'm leaving the rest up to you prince fool seriously ever since way back when you really [Music] congratulations travis sylvia is it really you how are the kids you have managed to take downs in number 10 ranked black hole and you have been recognized as number 10 in the galactic rankings number 10 in what rankings rules are rules the battle has already begun you are in the eye of the storm so you cannot escape or just disappear you can only fight here so i need to win huh yes and what happens once i take everyone out for reals i'll do it please let me do it okay now go out and earn the entry fee for the next battle also what are these guys where'd they even come from sorry i'm sort of in a hurry i'll mail you later so be sure to check it out hey wait sylvia there's something i need to talk to you about one is gone did black hole get killed i see dead huh that's kind of funny it was that man hmm somebody you know looks like not all humans are weaklings after all ought to be fun sir it is time okay oh time for a meeting sweet let me watch foo wait this is a board meeting it's important this is a bitching room nice work damon you're really coming up huh and you even followed my orders like a good little boy too foo i told you this is a board meeting please keep quiet and sit down over there so these are like really capable dudes huh of course they're specialists in a wide range yeah bunch of losers well we're even more capable so it's cool if i go ahead and fire these guys right damon what have you done stop this don't worry you're a good secretary i'll allow you to live okay that's enough for the entertainment time for a strategy meeting damon whip out the blueprints for the fighting arena it's here [Music] what are these blueprints who made these so this city was just built without permission oh come on you've heard of lasik before right do you still remember you mean ah taking over this planet is too simple and boring so i decided to go with a game of conquest wouldn't it be hella fun if we got some humans to take on the galactic superhero rankings apparently some [ __ ] took out black hole hey you secretary get the president on the line the president did you not hear me so destroying the planet that was your plan ever since way back then cute little me from back then and the handsome ass me now we're the same nothing's changed come on damon trust me he is on the line sir mr president you're gonna hold an emergency press conference let's make a joint announcement i will not whatever you thought oh okay then i guess i've got no choice do it i am jess baptiste the sixth aka fool i'm prince of the baptist system and you can call me lord fool listen up earthling aliens i'm about to conquer this planet but simply conquering it is no fun and there's probably gonna be some resistance i understand you people so i'm gonna provide you with an opportunity we're gonna play a game a game of conquest i won't run or hide i'll be a damon tower in utopia land anyone is welcome looks like we've got a contestant already i don't know what army tossed that thing over this way but i admire the motivation and the quick thinking nice move looks like someone out there has really got some balls however make no mistake you think you can kill me with those primitive ass firecrackers you want to kill me come kill me you'll have 10 of the most elite dudes in the galaxy awaiting you or well one of them got killed so nine i guess take us all out and we'll go home otherwise can we take over the rules are simple enough right all right mr president the game of death begins this is totally different from the last spaceship so if their technology is different it means these guys have all come from different planets this sounds dangerous we gotta think of a way to strike back just remember that earth also counts as a planet in space bloodthirsty people are generally the same everywhere now come on let's go [Music] i hope you liked it my hyper modern artwork i project images relevant to one another onto physical matter making it seem as though there's a beautiful space existing right there it's cutting edge magic so projection mapping right i'm already sick of seeing that [ __ ] with this sort of thing from like the second time you see it your brain already understands what's going on you can't not see it as fake oh snap snap crackle and bippity bop you guys on earth are really something to think that you'd be ahead of us in this sort of artwork also that's way too much time wasted on something like simple projection mapping don't waste budget money on [ __ ] like this oh snap snap crackle and pippity criticized and by an earthling well judging by what i see i'm assuming you use magnets huh oh snap snap so you're going to use blue and red magnetic north south to bust out some just slightly puzzlish attacks right damn snapcraft that's what i thought bingo okay i'm just gonna put this out there for red throw up an n mark above your head and throw up an s for blue that'll make it simpler gamers like that kind of thing i don't know if i can do exactly as you say but i'll try my best nice now show me a good time [Music] transformed right super clear [Music] [Music] uh i'm [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] is this the [ __ ] you've been smuggling wow you're a real shitty guy huh um you probably shouldn't touch that stuff it's super dangerous it'll melt stuff like everything that's why it makes such good money [Music] all right then bon appetit no anything that's dangerous like seriously dude no it's the ones who don't look like bad guys who are the real bad guys [Music] congratulations you have been recognized as number nine in the galactic rankings what's that light is it flying william talbot you guys are up you know i never actually knew those dudes names till now the series is going to keep going right so we kind of had to give some names council style huh you like it don't you yeah not bad but whatever this is space right can we do the small talk later space you're still at the number nine spot you've got a ways to go okay yeah but before all that i want to ask you something also i need to talk to you do you want to ask me something why are you helping them is it because it's your job it is for you i mean being your wife and all i do what i can to help my husband out what does that even mean these guys are basically evil aliens we do not know when they might swarm earth so we need some kind of order here yeah that's true if we're using the same type of ranking system as usual then i've got a lot more experience that is why the uaa is running this thing damn sylvia are the kids doing okay we do not have time i will set up the match for the next ranking battle make sure you kill them dead sylvia i still need to talk to you your guest has arrived mr black knight direction huh let him in all right and just who do we have next the emperor of the night what do you doubt our power no no that's not what i meant i was hoping i could be of help you wanna help then sit there quietly [Music] lord phu i am honored to get to see you again any wish of yours is old black knight directions command travis must be dealt with i'm leaving him to you don't let me down i will not let you down [Music] what the hell is this place looks like something out of black ray so is this osaka yes gotta be everyone's wearing tigers on their clothes he's here another ranked assassin huh probably i don't sense anything some kind of zen thing maybe the [ __ ] culture huh didn't your mama teach you that it is not okay to steal [ __ ] this isn't your scene i'll be the one to punish them i got no idea who the hell you are but stay the [ __ ] out of this this town's problems are my problems you're just like they say i've also heard that you can't solve anything without brute force look outside her who the [ __ ] are you anyway i'm from the future it's a long story but don't bother once we do battle i'll know all i need to know [Music] i won't hold back hell yeah that's what i want to hear bring it activate night reaper mode strawberry on that sweet shortcake [Music] [Music] activate knife spin death uh all right activate nigeria mode anti-gravity movie night reaper mode dead smell death row [Music] so the rooms are true and just who'd you hear these rumors from you keep tossing out all this [ __ ] force out of it i'll explain it all once i take you down you really talk a lot of [ __ ] this is where i actually start trying good good get ready grandpa what's your damn mouth i'm not even close to being a grandpa yet now it's time for a little spanking [Music] oh [Music] you overstood a chat gravity death force sorry blueberry oh hmm [Music] activate nitrite taking you down [Applause] not done yet judgment that was quick over there not yet oh [ __ ] you gonna die on me without explaining all that [ __ ] whatever you can tell me in the next world what the hell my katana won't budge [Music] congratulations you have been recognized as number eight in the galactic rankings looks like you're doing okay hey who the hell was that guy there is your answer your body instinctively jumped into action trying to prevent this kid from getting hurt why is that what the hell do you mean someone starts to fall you help them out isn't that how it works you are an assassin what are you doing helping people have you ever helped out any of your other opponents i mean why would someone as bloodthirsty as you try to save another ranked assassin the reason is is what a secret a secret guy huh whatever go ahead and sleep here rest it off [Music] i see you've gotten comfy in the garden of slaughter now travis go off to swim the sea of blood what's going on some assassin shows up out of nowhere and kills him calm down this wasn't supposed to go like this what about conquering the planet huh calm down failure after failure seriously what kind of aliens are calm down foo can you really kill this guy shut up sorry i got a bit over excited listen damon this is a game unless someone shows up to challenge me the game doesn't work your guest has arrived mr vanishing point good let him in all right hey prince can you kill this guy help yeah who do you think you're talking to you seem confident enough just watch me i'm gonna kill the [ __ ] out of him show me a good time anything you say prince [Music] we nice awesome holiday in the sky [Applause] [Applause] hey hey hey hey are you ready are you in tip-top conditions today special guest is someone very special to me [Music] making me stronger [Music] [Music] [Music] i remember now all the attacks slashing the cracks always knocking me back some of the time stalking eat darkness this certainty hits the core starts a reform you're not the same as before excited in new ways for these fresh new days you changed my world girl with your gaze renewed a mysterious phrase friend and delirious little girl lost for days smarter grow up and get out of this maze [Music] couldn't hear me before but now you're listening something to think [Music] [Music] after i graduate i'll choke your neck don't hold your breath see you in hell travis i'll squash you to death can you remember me from the way back then i'll cook your brain noodles to make the rock man nice i'll drop you on your dome again and again this time we fight to the death yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] head [Music] [Music] [Music] all right raspberry double kill [Music] oh screw [Music] oh [Music] [ __ ] [Music] death huh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] dashboard [Music] claw [Music] double kills [Music] [Music] oh thunder fire travis travis i want to kill you see you again in my dreams this is goodbye [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] congratulations you've been recognized as number seven in the galactic rankings and just look at this kid i guess she just could not grow up after all this is the last time i kill a woman well how kind of you don't ever hit a girl my grandma used to tell me that what are you a good samaritan now how far do you think that kind of posing will get you kimmy wasn't supposed to be a ranked assassin was she i'm only after those [ __ ] alien [ __ ] i never signed up for this it's a strong survive is how the world of killing works you have not forgotten have you did you think you were going to become friends and team up to defeat the big mean aliens this is not a superhero movie it is not that simple why don't you ask your katana there just how much blood it has sucked so far it is still too early stay at the ready though failed to talk to her again wow what a beautiful place yeah yeah it's a bit too over the top looks like public fun spent badly it's a form of culture you know i don't think so i mean what even is i don't want to talk about this all night yeah well first let's take out this next [ __ ] then we'll talk to today's main event the galactic title match is about to begin please welcome the galactic champion velvet chair girl what the hell is this looks like las vegas you know i actually kind of like this stuff adrian ready [Music] are you ready [Music] again [Applause] ready [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign ready [Music] [Music] [Music] dance [Music] [Applause] ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no need to think about it [Music] [Applause] [Music] adriana uh [Music] adrian adrian what the hell she killed herself shock of losing was too much for her no way we hadn't even started going at it yet for her the most important battle was lost adrian [Applause] that monster thing it's getting super weird over here it's freaking out if you don't stop it quickly the world is in danger to think that i'd be saving the world isn't that hilarious well time to get to work get ready spin death bro [Music] oh mulberry [Music] sorry adrian adrian adrian hatred uh [Music] what a sad sound she's crying it really is just like tears [Music] congratulations you have been recognized as number six in the galactic rankings i still got a long way to go but this is getting kind of fun if i take down the baddest dude in the galaxy then i'll be the baddest dude in the galaxy right rise up travis higher and higher to the edge of the universe i'm going all the way to the edge meow [Music] where the hell are we at school a japanese school huh i've seen places like this in my case movies about delinquents and stuff this place is kind of scary yeah like one missed call scary something feels off here yeah super off my name is midori midorikawa i'm a cleaner my little sister's name is doremi midorikawa it's spelled like notes and pronounced doremi it's one of those weird names people give their kids these days my house is near midoriyama studio during my rebellious period i wore lots of kimidori green i was disappointed in myself for not wearing my favorite color red i've been cursed by green which is midori in japanese there are so many things i hate about it and i almost totally blamed my parents but i just couldn't hold them accountable because i love mommy and daddy there was someone else i loved even more he led me down this path to becoming a cleaner what sort of path you ask where do i even start time and space have been distorted so i can't really get things straight but for starters i'm gonna kill you so i'd appreciate your cooperation she disappeared where is she over here i'll keep this fire right for you okay it's kind of like a sign or a marker that's easy enough right okay are we all ready to go start the game [Music] [Music] so right [Applause] [Music] you're tough travis so i guess you've heard about me huh my boyfriend knows a lot about you he is always talking about you that you're free-spirited and stupid and intelligent and dumb but you're also a nice guy with a serious side too i feel like he's probably right there's a certain type of guy that reminds me of my old boyfriend something happened and we ended up breaking up but the reason for that was actually pretty funny want to hear about it um no i'm not really in the mood oh it's about time we finished settling this all right then let's go up to the roof jump with me okay yeah that seems quickest one two three huh i messed up this is this is that rock quarry in ibaragi that they use to film those tokusatsu shows isn't it awesome i can't believe i'm here this is where they film kamen rider zeo you know oh uh sorry i kinda can't deal with all this otaku talk so could you not fine whatever i can fight all day here all right i'm not gonna hold back okay wakey wakey it's morning morning already i'm thirsty i want some tea sleepy still so sleepy listen this mean scary old man is standing right there let's kill him together he's pretty tough i might even die no don't die oh no way but i'm so sleepy nice changing forms like that and all you must really love the tokusatsu stuff once these guys wake up it's all over travis whatever i'll kill all your asses i got to change up forms too otherwise it would be rude oh my god that's so lame hey mommy can we break that anyone who disturbs my sleep or is mean to mommy gets beaten down to the depths of hell sweet bring it punk ass puppets here we go zucchini ah strawberry all right oh right strawberry [Music] come on hell yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] hey travis you can kill me but please let my little guys go they're good kids are they twins probably okay i'll let you have this one thank you i'll make sure you don't feel a thing no who the hell are you you trav it's me kamui is that you not this one stay out of this that's my girlfriend seriously this is your girlfriend we've got no beef with you we just sort of took foo upon his offer and and thought of it kind of like going to a nice barbecue you know like that thing that's really trendy these days dampering or whatever that was basically what we envisioned coming here are you for real for real i've never actually met phu during the breakout i made eye contact with him for like a second and i could feel the dark world in those eyes oh yeah by the way i'm a dark world princess and that's right midori is an actual princess isn't that awesome okay so i kind of got no idea what's going on right now but whatever since you're these little guy's mommy i'll let my katana sleep for now thanks trav how could h how can i return the favor come on over and hang out sometime that's good enough for me trav you really are a good guy i've been too good of a guy really so then what do you all think about this this boss fight it had become quite the confusing mess but somewhere inside that confusing mess hid the truth what is real what is not what is not these are indeed questions for the ages there is only one thing that is real i am here in front of your very eyes after crossing the river of life and death find the place where the point and the line of everyday life intersect i will be waiting for you anytime kill the life destroy the life erase the life once it's all gone it's all over no it's not actually over yet the true end is killing the past i'll see you again in the past [Music] we'll be waiting for you [Music] what a peculiar guy kamui uihara congratulations travis you have been recognized as number five in the galactic rankings travis yeah we're being targeted it's the next ranked [Music] now assassins got 30 seconds left i'm counting something feels wrong what do you mean this feeling i've had it before now i get excited so beautiful headshots headshots all day every day what the hell what's going on when the countdown ends that's when he comes three it's not him who is that you know this guy nope that's the entrance of someone big and important are you travis yeah something wrong no just some memories coming back i'm notorious you're talking what's your story i'm a superhero from earth and also i'm the www heavyweight champion holy [ __ ] oh this guy's a famous pro wrestler are you really the notorious like for reals yeah i had a couple of overlapping road shows and was a little late arriving for the whole threat to the planet thing my apologies you don't have [ __ ] to apologize for man but listen i kind of feel like a hunter who's had his kill stolen from him it pains me to hear this after all eliminating external threats is a superhero's are you really an actual superhero yeah i'll be it part-time but i am indeed a superhero champion please let me take the fight from here you go wait in the back i can't do that my duty is protecting this town is the duty of the people living here and i accepted their challenge if and this is a big if but if i were to get killed please finish this for me i will travis touchdown three left i can see that asshole's head on a stick already i'm glad you understand champion the champion is you you're the real champion this one apparently got skipped next up is the number three ranked assassin but this is going against the rules it's no fun without any boss fights right whatever i guess he'll do now go travis burn back to the garden of insanity once again click bro what's up gene we decided to go with still images man something weird is coming who is it now [Music] i know that voice you again huh yuck of course you remember destroy man all right [ __ ] you [Music] come on third time's the chalk let's have a fair fight this time i don't trust you for [ __ ] travis we're old friends right friends yeah like good all right rivals huh that's hilarious shake my hand when the fight can't begin come on no drinks okay fine fine let's do this [Laughter] seriously this guy seriously fell oh my god that's hilarious this guy is seriously gone he totally believed me okay oh my god this guy is so stupid weak ass loser here he is again and there's more of it the wheels this [ __ ] is spawning that guy is so creepy [Music] i'll take you all on at once spit death showers crap gravity death force [Music] oh sorry right home spin down small berry [Music] what the [ __ ] there are millions of them this is pretty [ __ ] up travis all battles must end here we go drift get away from there what jam a custard travis i've located the enemy the real one is down below leave this to me and get to central magna i don't really get it but i need to go down into that hole i guess you gotta [ __ ] this is scary meow welcome travis touchdown now let's have a fair fight so this is the real one huh this place it's been turned into a destroy man factory what the [ __ ] are you even trying to do you weird-ass bastard i'm destroying him the superhero destroy the evils of this world evil assassin travis touchdown ah this dude is such an immature little [ __ ] even more than you this time i'm really going to mash up those brains of yours destroy destroy death row boise strawberry right one destroy cannons destroyer destroys it's over yes [Music] [Music] champ he was an unaffiliated terrorist he took money from militaries around the world tried to mass produce himself to take over the globe have you been watching him yeah i was observing him thanks to you i was able to stop him he was one tenacious dude yeah you got that right all right chad let's run let's [Music] [Music] [Music] this is taking way too long how long is this guy gonna walk just be patient oh it's so damn long he's probably tired for reals this is [ __ ] long he might be injured isn't this just a huge waste of time just chill okay we start getting antsy we lose what the [ __ ] is the point of this he's just [ __ ] with us now right he's getting closer gene it's time sorry for the wait i'm fine but the younger gamers don't like waiting for [ __ ] and that five minutes probably caused a lot of them to scrap this game really hey young gamers i'm terribly sorry for making you wait you don't have to go that far and you've probably gotten cold standing out here don't worry about it i've hated the sea since i was a kid that's all you look like a warrior so even earth has some good soldiers too i'm no [ __ ] soldier i'm a goddamn killer anyone getting in my way gets killed i'm a passing assassin you don't look like a bad soldier either way if you're going to take us down you must be pretty tough [ __ ] head this ain't the pub i didn't come here to shoot the ship with co-workers and have a few beers after work and go home we're gonna fight to the death then let me ask you this why do you want to kill me hmm if you're gonna [ __ ] up my town i don't give a [ __ ] who you are you're my enemy so i gotta kill you that's all i'll be honest with you i don't agree with fool but because this planet is evil it must be conquered and ruled over but for some reason i am unable to find the roots of evil in your people i wonder why i believe you may be a good species after all that's just because you've been lucky you've only seen those of us worth looking at even if that were indeed the case i cannot deny that i am unable to ascertain the point of fighting you what's he got to say about it whom do you mean by he ah you mean this i got no idea how this works it is an avatar a physical and a robot uh okay i think i get it but i also kind of don't know then let us negotiate peace no need for any of that you just get the [ __ ] out of this town you willing to back off that is going to be rather difficult foo is terrifying if i were to disobey him my entire species would be wiped out this planet too was destroyed by fool a place as beautiful as this this world was purged its civilizations decimated left with nothing but a legacy of death i guess that settles it then we're destined to fight in that case let's do it this way i am no good with action type stuff so let's do this rpg style why not fight in the genre of our liking right speak for yourself buddy i'm all action or gtfo well now you're trying to push your own preferences on me allow me to demonstrate my power encounter ah yes that's nice this is how we fight hey what the hell i can't move what the hell is going on oh come on you're a gamer aren't you i shouldn't need to explain this to you my beam katana won't [ __ ] move preemptive strike legendary water legendary water we got to attack with command input we take turns attacking it's an extremely fair way to do battle ah i don't like this so this is rpg style huh it's made me break my damn controller so what so you don't know you're certainly behind the times nope even if they i'm not going anywhere near [Music] why not what reason could you have to be so stubborn about it because the characters look [ __ ] the characters look [Music] characters like but but do the characters look the characters [Music] you know you're right they look so [Music] i had been totally blind to that i never noticed you know but what i think really hard about it i think it did sort of feel that way after all i mean all the revolutionary technology paired with the sheer branding power there is i couldn't face the reality that the characters look absolutely well don't beat yourself up over it it can be two things everyone and their mom seems to worship and at the same time the characters do look [ __ ] nobody's at fault here not even designs are at fault you are really something travis looks like you really are a crazed psycho killer after all you know what [ __ ] it i'll follow your lead off to the world of rpgs let's go sun juice has not yet noticed [Music] come on [Music] sonic 2 special attack legendary water [Music] [Music] um [Music] taking damage that's enough of this jrpg [ __ ] from here on out we're having a good old boss [Music] and then they have to keep scraping away at this massive energy bar to take him down huh that sultan boss fight you really know your [ __ ] come on don't let me down i see the expectations is exactly what a boss fight is meant to do now you're going to die right now let's go we're going to push it to the limit twice [Music] here we go lack of power strawberry blueberry uh strawberry right on legendary watermelon dead showers oh your lack of rest in peace spin death this death belt shower [Music] [ __ ] off wait what i submit i give up i cannot fight pointlessly any longer begging for quarter huh so even aliens have that sort of thing there are people waiting for me on my planet i cannot die yet fine you're an interesting guy you [ __ ] dick prince you're getting soft assassin you can't beat me like that you're too soft wasn't that your friend ah i've forgotten about all that old stuff we're in different positions now whatever let's settle this here yeah looks like we've got the stage all set bring it wow as this goes against ranking battle rules you will be stripped of the number one position do you still want to fight i'll hold on to this bloodlust till the actual fight [Music] you just wait prince [ __ ] congratulations you have been recognized as number two in the galactic rankings next up is the final battle against prince pooh all of a sudden i'm number two number two was paradox bandit but prince fool killed him deep down inside it looks like he's sick of this conquest game travis it means he's recognized you as a threat he is scared of you oh yeah i could feel it that was some balls out bloodlust i've never seen anything like it he is waiting for you at daemon tower what's that ship i borrowed it a certain benevolent third party said i could use it here's the copyright related stuff thanks a lot euro son with that kind of technology i could have come to this planet without full armor this play of slaughter enters the final act round and round travis go round and round this hell of battle go round and round and round again oh i almost forgot it's time for my beach yoga appointment sorry gotta go sylvia i need to talk to you [Music] [Music] little brother you came you cosplaying [ __ ] battle is all about rhythm if you can pick up on certain rules and signs you can leave your body to the rhythm and simply let yourself dance but even so you know having a brother like you it's [ __ ] embarrassing you retweet [ __ ] how many times must i say this i saw a movie about god and it just flowed through me like electricity i realized the anguish of having such a good for nothing little brother and came to the conclusion that i have to stop you yeah no thanks quit getting in my way with your personal [ __ ] hey do you remember nope listen little brother it was a snowy day we three siblings made our escape from our serial killer father we ran through the snow i was holding gene who was still small and you were crying as you ran we spent days and days in the woods we built an igloo out of the snow to escape the cold we had finally found our way to a major road those huge cars moved in and surrounded us we heard the sound of the locks the adults they took us and they tied us up after that i lost all my memories and had them overwritten with those of a child born to the cooldown family to the cooldown family so [ __ ] what this is something you got to bring up right here right now right here right now is exactly why i bring this up little brother you were always crying keep on crying as you live as you always have now keep on crying as you die you really turned out [ __ ] up you know that the [ __ ] is all this dark side [ __ ] before worrying about me first kill that ass wipe phil he's not my target he's yours in that case draw taste my cursed crucifix plate this sword cuts like no other let's go you [ __ ] free bert thrown brother shower deathboy here we go [Music] shower strawberry crap you never stood a chat all right [Music] not yet this isn't over yet don't cry travis don't cry don't you [ __ ] cry travis [Applause] [Music] congratulations travis it just has nothing to do with the rankings but how does fratricide feel refreshing that is great yeah just one left prince fool is waiting sylvia once all this fighting is over will you listen to me i need to talk to you you are right i will think about it [Music] ha so you actually made it all the way here i'm more pleased than surprised to think that there was a shining pebble in the rough of that trash planet after all you're that shining pebble but i'm a [ __ ] diamond and that's quite a huge disparity you just can't stop talking can you prince dumbass do you really fear me that much what the [ __ ] you say fear what the hell is fear anyway i can't even comprehend the emotion you call fear oh seriously tell me what is fear that's sad didn't your mommy and daddy teach you it's not nice to cause trouble for others no cause trouble and you'll get scolded but nobody's ever scolded you before have they my daddy scolded me once i was punished and was sent to rotten space prison black hole prison it's basically paradise that wasn't punishment you just went on a nice little vacation abroad and that's how we get prince dumbasses like you yeah just keep talking keep [ __ ] talking go on get angry you [ __ ] loser get all nice and salty for me [ __ ] you're not that bad there we go those eyes right there the dumb ass is turning into a beast i'll kill you i'll kill you oh nice scary eyes that's what i want to see come here kill me demons don't got [ __ ] on me that's kelly ow you're getting real [ __ ] crazy now that's what i'm talking about uh screw crusher dead oh spin death row up god disintegrate get the [ __ ] out gravity death [Applause] oh oh ah you're stronger right oh god [Music] anti-gravity death force ah um oh bro huh death [Music] uh kid destroy this thing raspberries [Music] [ __ ] sorry it looks like we're square now screw crusher dead king [Music] [Music] yes go champ grandpa master he's wide open now's your chance here we go [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] daddy i love you damon i love you damon i love you damon i loved you too foo damon demon goodbye foo now [ __ ] off [Music] ah so he's finally dead nice work travis so this is what it was all about looks like my hunch was right you you're a friend of his right his friend you kidding me that crazy alien bastard was just a pawn i'm the real king i see so the real scumbag is you then i totally missed that it's all you travis you you you hit me didn't you you hit me not even my dad has ever hit me oh okay so you're the [ __ ] who forced juvenile out i remember now now it's my turn to hit you travis thunderbrake [Music] no way nobody told me about this what the [ __ ] is happening hey that glastonbury thing call it that's been decommissioned too much dark matter it deteriorated okay then what the hell do we do now juvenile please do something about this i cannot do anything right away if i had around two years i could help that's not gonna work wait a moment the death cage is going off it is transferring something over from another dimension transferring to transform what some sort of unknown huge object starting countdown it's not a monster or something is it we get one more monster or demon or whatever and this town is screwed yeah we're like this planet three two one here it comes and this second the transfer is complete an arsenal rolex model has arrived what the mech from damon x makina from the japanese publish a marvelous and arsenal and it's the rollout model the model with the same coloring system as the glastonburg travis hurry up use it dad i got no idea what the hell i'm doing but here goes nothing in supernova i'm in the cockpit unlock all weapons and fight me here we go gene here we go deck trevor cosmo look at this [Music] shout switch smash where the hell are we the edge of space maybe even the promised land nice place for a final showdown we've come so far the train keeps going on and on forever it's over travis looks like this is the final stop we'll settle this with sumo sumo like japanese sumo wrestling yeah real men settle [ __ ] with sumo fine now for the final transformation start the game the final game foreign [Music] huh spin death showers [Applause] i don't want to die i don't want to die i don't want to die i don't want to die i don't want to die i've still got somewhere to go home to but you you don't be sure to apologize to juvenile and have fun hanging out with prince [ __ ] in hell [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so nice place for the home run king huh working whole buddy [ __ ] dying on me like that daddy i was never able to say this but you always looked so cool hitting home runs you always bought me marble fudge ice cream after your games i actually wanted coffee flavor but you always assumed that a little kid would want marble so i never said anything good night daddy my own no more hero [Music] i am king chess baptist v i've come to this world as a divine well someone kills your kid i guess you're gonna get mad hold up do not jump to conclusions i have traveled [Music] do i [ __ ] look like it in that case it would appear that peace negotiations have failed well what wait a second at first you got to talk with some actual representatives and then under baptist interplanetary law i hereby seize the planet sparkling do it god damn who the hell are you dad it's me have you forgotten what your own kids look like what a shitty dad hunter and gene is that you who masters children the twins wow you guys have gotten big they're from another world wait a second hunter and gene is it really you we came from the future there's no time to explain just look at the situation mommy i took out every single one of them good boy scott dad let me introduce you guys this is gene's son scott he's your grandson i didn't mean to hide it but getting to fight you i was so happy [Music] you're so tough grandpa hold up this is like the actual final for reals ending what the hell is going on somebody explain this to me travis the battle is not over yet your next opponent is up to the north you came from the future to kill uncle henry that cosplaying [ __ ] killed you and is counting down to this planet's destruction oh snap my great uncle teamed up with some super messed up aliens and was attempting to conquer the planet so we have to change the future come with us come with us otherwise you're gonna die oh snap welcome travis to the garden of insanity next up family war ah snippety snap thanks for playing
Channel: Boss Fight Database
Views: 240,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boss fight, boss battle, boss, boss fights, fight, battle, hd, bfd, bossfightdatabase, boss fight database, bosses, re8, re 8, re village, re 8 village, re 8 boss fight, resident evil 8, resident evil, resident evil village
Id: RiPsTGm6xac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 13sec (8353 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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