No More Heroes 2 is PURE HYPE!

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sometimes i go into a game looking to be surprised to be led through a series of twists and turns both in the story and in the gameplay where i never know what the game is going to throw at me but sometimes i know exactly what i'm signing up for and that can be part of the appeal i'm looking for a specific vibe and can go into a game knowing just what it's going to deliver on so when you play a game by pseudo51 you pretty much always know what you're going to get a lewd goofy sense of humor usually with some type of wrestling involved and fast-paced incredibly violent gameplay no more heroes to desperate struggle delivered on everything i wanted from a no more heroes sequel and if it didn't necessarily give me anything more than that well maybe that's okay hey everyone and welcome to another episode of the completionist new game plus where i am re-completing the original 120 games that i featured here on the channel today i am really excited to take another look at no more heroes 2 desperate struggle because as all of you know i'm a huge fan of these games in fact i've always been a huge fan of pseudo51 in general and it only got more true after i worked with him on my travis strikes back video last year and even got to hang out with him a little bit in japan more recently that guy rules and these games rule and while there's not a ton that sets the sequel apart from the first one i'm always always down for more of travis touchdown santa destroy and everything else about this ridiculous over-the-top franchise so let's all grab a hold of our beam swords and get to work and yes i'm aware how that sounded i'm not going to do an over heroes episode and not make some dick jokes let's go today's episode is sponsored by expressvpn now most of you guys know who and what expressvpn is but in case you don't know expressvpn is a great service to help protect your privacy and data while you are surfing on the web but for me what i use expressvpn for personally is for using 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[Music] the first no more heroes game was one of my favorite games on the nintendo wii in large part because there wasn't really anything else like it i love nintendo and their mass appeal gimmicks like the least motion controls but there was just something so delightful about seeing suda take those very same motion controls and pervert them into something so outrageous because grandmas love wii bowling but something tells me they wouldn't be so on board with using the wiimote to power up a beam sword by masturbating and honestly that's also part of the reason why i never really expected a sequel these games are a weird outlier and pseudo51 was really forthcoming about the fact that he never intended no more heroes to be a series but the first one did surprisingly well thankfully and it only took a few years for us to get a second dose of travis touchdown and his ultra violent antics and thank god because the much longer gap between this game and the upcoming no more heroes 3 is honestly kind of killing me we just got travis strikes again not too long ago and it was a good appetizer but now i am ready for the main course and there's really no better way to kill time until that happens than going back and playing the first two games which are exactly as profane violent and over the top as i remember them being i have probably revisited the first game more than the sequel because i have a little more nostalgia for it but the sequel is exactly as ridiculous and when i say exactly i mean exactly there aren't a ton of major gameplay differences between the two with regards to main gameplay you still use the remote to help travis slice your enemy at your enemy but now he can also dual wield at some point or switch between the new and fancy beam swords on the fly and there are still a series of mini games out there but they're now 8 bit mini games that you can use to earn money and in this no more heroes 2 does away with the open world setup of the original and it really streamlines things without having to make any huge changes from what worked so well in the first game but while the gameplay has been streamlined a bit the story is still exactly as ridiculous as i wanted it to be and remembered i'm honestly not sure there's any way to sum it up in just a few sentences and do it justice but i will try so here we go after becoming the world's top assassin in the very first game travis touchdown returns to the town of santa destroy three years later to discover that he's been dropped in the assassin rankings haunted by assassins who wanted revenge travis tries to rise in the rankings once more with the ultimate goal of facing jasper the world's top ranked assassin and ceo of pizza bat and if it sounds like i picked all those words at random out of a hat well yeah that's kind of the appeal here and it's the same reason that this game can get away with ignoring a lot of the story stuff from the first game because like kind of who cares no more heroes one is intrinsically tied to the dna of no more heroes 2 but instead of it being 10 assassins this time around it's a whopping 50. and while there are some important story beats that are tied between no more heroes 1 and 2 at the end of the day they're not that important what is important to know is that travis wants revenge for himself his relationship with sylvia his relationship with his twin brother and ultimately just being the best badass assassin in the world the story of travis touchdown isn't designed to pull out the heartstrings or make you think about high-minded concepts it's more of a delivery method for soonest potent mix of dick jokes and sword fights and wrestling and honestly i wouldn't have it any other way look i love it as much as anyone when a new installment of a series takes it in a bold and exciting new direction but sometimes all i want is more more of the things i loved the first time more fights more mini games more collectibles more oddball assassins more wrestling moves and for both better and worse no more heroes 2 is focused on providing a more streamlined version of that exact same experience and while i'm sure the third game will have some cool new switch specific features i'm revisiting this one because i want the same classic no more heroes experience that it delivered when i played it the first time which isn't to say that there aren't any new ideas at all here but the ones that are here slot perfectly into the established vibe from the first game like my favorite new feature this time around the ability to turn into a tiger and rip enemies to shreds of course travis can turn into a tiger this time around why wouldn't he it's a feature that feels so at home in this series that it's honestly wild to me that he couldn't turn to a tiger in the first game other than the tiger stuff though the combat essentially feels the same as the first game and i was able to jump right back into it without skipping a beat do i still wish they'd mixed it up a little bit more yeah because even dual wielding two being katanas at once doesn't really change the way travis fights at all and across the two games this sort of hack and slash repetition can definitely get a little bit monotonous even on bitter mode which is the hardest difficulty the combat still feels pretty easy for a series that's so wacky and creative it just feels a bit like a missed opportunity to use the new weaponry in a way that opens up new combo possibilities for at least i don't know more dick jokes or something which isn't to say that this game isn't still hilarious because it is the slot machine bonuses are still ridiculous and badass although the tiger one is definitely the best when i played normal heroes 2 for the first time i was delighted to see that mini games and side quests were way less annoying this time around and it was interesting going back to it after playing travis strikes again which basically took those 8-bit mini-games and folded them into a main game for a cool retro hodgepodge of nostalgia although one thing that this game did not learn from its predecessor is the fact that the mini games while they are fun are necessary to grind things out and when there's grind it means you have to play the same mini games over and over and over again to farm for money to upgrade travis with his weapons his outfits so on and so forth so for example there's a mini game when you're in outer space and you're flying around to clean up the debris that's out there this game is very very very easy to do and it's fun the problem is there's a lot of loading in between starting the thing up starting it over and it does give the most money available in the game within all of these mini games with that said you have to play this game well over 20 times if you want to have enough money to purchase everything there is in the game including the ultimate beam katana completely maxed out so while i am bummed out that the overworld stuff is kind of done away with i am happy that i did streamline it with the minigames being a lot more easy to access i just wish that you made more money in the long run of these games because otherwise it does get monotonous after a few hours so going back to no more heroes 2 and seeing how much attention suda 51 paid to these silly little side games makes me really excited to see what he has up his sleeves for no more heroes 3 because slicing through waves of enemies is great but there are a lot of games where you can do that but this is the only game i could think of with a series of mini games dedicated to helping your pet cat gene stay in shape and maybe if gene does enough exercises one day she can become a tiger and that would be okay you know what i'm sorry that's not how tigers work cats cannot become tigers not always those sort of odd little mini games are a major part of the no more heroes experience so it's nice they feel a lot less like a burden in this sequel i also thought it was pretty smart to get rid of the overworld because while i definitely miss cruising around on travis's badass motorcycle there's really no reason to do it when you can turn into a mother freaking tiger the story of the first normal heroes game was both extremely simple and extremely complicated at the same time and no more heroes 2 follow suit a lot of the twists and turns from the first game are totally ignored here but that's fine for a game where the hero's main motivation is to get laid which he finally does in this one by the way so you know spoilers for that but in spite of all these bonkers characters in these worlds the story stuff mostly boils down to two classic video game concepts trying to prove you're the best fighter who ever fighted and getting revenge for the death of someone you cared about and that's fine everything else is just fodder for pseudo51's insane sense of humor which is the main reason these games work so well though i will admit that when i first played this game i was excited about the prospect of fighting my way through a whopping 50 new assassins to make it back to the top of these rankings but it's here that the game probably streamlines things a little bit too much i remember being really bummed out when a whole bunch of those assassins would get wiped off the board at all at once in one fight and that's still true here now look obviously i'm not complaining about a sequence in which a bunch of cheerleaders turn into a giant robot that is awesome as hell but it does suddenly move travis way up the ranks without feeling like you've really earned it same goes for the sequences where you get to play as the other characters like travis protege shinobu jacobs or his brother henry they have some of their own moves and shinobu especially plays very differently from travis they are both confined to really short specific in-game sequences i remember wishing for more of that variety and i found myself wishing for that same thing all over again because i know this game is called no more heroes but i kind of wanted more heroes to play as but instead the game just throws a lot of collectibles and cosmetic items at you which are all pretty cool but none of which have a huge impact on the gameplay okay look i know i promised i'd stop talking about the tiger but i actually have a point this time around i remember how much i freaked out when i first discovered the addition to this game that i could turn into a tiger and i wanted more of that craziness not more tiger stuff specifically although like sure but i mean more of that sort of extrapolation of why i've always loved no more heroes bonkers ideas that also feel like a natural extension of the hyper-specific tone that pseudo51 is so good at cultivating because streamlining things is great but a good sequel also heightens the things that worked the first time around which this game definitely does to an extent but it's a testament to how good it is that i wanted even more of it it's the same way i felt when i first played this a whole decade ago but now that i know that there's finally somehow some way a third game on its way it amplified those conflicted feelings i hope the next game adds all kinds of ridiculous new ideas like i don't know two tigers two tigers and mechs but even if it doesn't i'm just hype for more no more heroes now look i love completion bonuses obviously i wouldn't be the completionist if i didn't but i also love the act of collecting things and watching them accumulate so while no more heroes 2 doesn't have much in the way of completion rewards it does let me look at my collection as items accumulated in travis's room now do i think it would be dope if finishing out those collections got me something anything at all yeah but i already knew not to expect that so the disappointment wasn't as palpable this time around and that's not to say that there are no rewards at all beating the game also unlocks death match mode where you can fight any of the bosses whenever you'd like and helping your cat get into shape unlocks a pretty useful new maneuver and then there are the revenge contracts where you can defeat 10 deadly assassins to unlock the ability to take off your jacket cool and that one is especially anticlimactic because there are already so many dope outfit options that when i finally got the ability to take off my jacket my reaction was wait why can't i already just do this anyways and something isn't really a reward if it's just a reminder of a thing you should be able to do from the very beginning and it's especially frustrating because it's one of the only actual rewards for completing something in this game being death match mode against all characters gets you nothing beating the game on bitter the harshest difficulty in the game also gets you nothing but oh well in the world of no more heroes violence is its own reward and even if the player doesn't really get much at least travis finally gets to sleep with sylvia so you know good for him i guess and i got to return to one of my favorite series of games and to the glorious messed up mind of suda51 this game is pretty easy and quick with a lot of random stuff to collect that really prolongs the completion experience without any kind of reward for the investment it kind of bums me out sometimes yet i never will pass up an excuse to indulge in this sort of over-the-top mayhem and playing with it now with the knowledge that a third game is coming just keeps that hype trainer rolling when i completed no more heroes 2 desperate struggle there were two full playthroughs one on normal and one on the hardest being bitter mode now the difficulty spike is pretty substantial here but it only feels worse because there's nothing at the end of that rainbow other than bragging rights five deaths most of which still happened during the last fight against jasper which i remembered as being one of the only part of the games that's especially difficult and that's still the case here 169 items of clothing unlocked which you know nice but also 109 of them are t-shirts and spending that much time collecting someone else's teacher collection is decidedly not nice look i don't need that many in the game where i'm only going to ever wear like maybe the same four or five 18 hours of total play time which seems a little bit quicker than last time around because i didn't have to worry as much about what to do but i still had to do two full playthroughs 50 assassins crossed off the list twice only some of which are actually killed by travis i knew better than to be disappointed about that this time around but i'd still love the opportunity to murder 50 dudes oh well and one awesome tiger because no i'm not letting this go please sign my petition insisting that suda51 makes an entire game where i play as a tiger no more heroes 2 desperate struggle has more assassins more mini games and more hope heroes no matter what the title says i've always loved both of these games and i stand by that i definitely wish this one felt a bit more like a step up from the very first game but it's still suited 5-1 and still comes packed with all the things that i expect from him i don't know if it's necessary to collect every single t-shirt but i definitely recommend plenty of the story if these games are your jam and honestly they're still as much my gem as they were a decade ago which is why this game still gets my completionist rating of finish it finish it travis is kill or be killed foreign
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 171,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no more heroes 2, no more heroes 2 review, no more heroes 2 gameplay, no more heroes 3, no more heroes, no more heroes review, travis, travis strikes again, travis strikes again no more heroies, nintendo, no more heroes gameplay, review, game review, game reviews, gameplay, funny, completionist, jirard khalil, nintendo switch, switch, ps3, ps4, lollipop chainsaw, no more heroes heroes paradise, new game plus, did you know gaming, didyouknowgaming, gaming, suda51, no more heroes 2 switch
Id: r-AWOELs_K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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