No more Canada PR? - Canada Immigration is Finished Over and Out ? Latest IRCC Updates and News

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Canada immigration is over Canada immigration is finished the number of people being invited to Canada are on and alltime low and finally people think that the Canadian immigration the era of Canadian immigration has come to an end guys I can't even tell you how many times I have to face this particular question and look at these comments videos everywhere across the internet on a daily basis um well I do agree that the Canadian imig ation is uh going through a rough patch at present uh the number of people being invited for Canadian PR and nowadays for temporary residents also are on an all-time low but having said that um the importance of Canadian immigration has never decreased um because I've been living here for a longer time and because I practice this profession uh you know on on an everyday basis I am uh you know comfortably uh in a spot where I can say that based on a couple of uh things that I'm about to tell you in this video um the Canadian immigration the era of Canadian immigration is not yet over in fact Canadian immigration is more than important for Canada uh you know more than ever uh there are a couple of important uh issues that are going inside the country which people you know forget when they're thinking of moving to a different country but as a country uh we need immigr migrants more than ever and if you look at the graphs of other countries as well like us UK while those countries have a massive population uh we are on an all-time low compared to the land mass so um in this video today we will be talking about anything and everything related to uh Canadian immigration and the fact that why is Canadian immigration important and why the era of Canadian immigration is still far from being over and even though it's going through a rough patch today uh people should not be disheartened and there are important facts that will back up this particular positioning that I have guys uh please be sure to watch the video till the end my name is [Music] sahil guys welcome back once again my name is sahil and I'm a regulated Canadian immigration consultant and my practice here in Ontario my office is here if you have to get in touch with me my number is on the screen and the details are there in the description box more than happy to connect with you before we proceed any further please make sure that you hit the Subscribe button and the bell icon because we talk a lot about Canadian immigration and if you are an aspirant moving to Canada then this is a channel that you must be subscribed to all the time so guys we are discussing the important factors around Canadian immigration and the fact why is Canadian immigration still far from being over the um the social media that is filled with comments people have sentiments that Canadian immigrant migration is coming to an end uh the number of being people invited because temporarily is going low people think that Canadian immigration is is almost over and you know they won't be P so people are now thinking that they should be thinking of other countries so as I like to put Canadian immigration so the pillars of Canadian immigration are obviously you know we need more people um and the pillar of Canadian immigration or the reason why Canadian immigration is exactly important just like any other country uh we do need people to fill the labor gaps and we do need people you know for trade and everything but far from that there are some fundamental issues in the country like demographic and the fundamental issues why for the country to sustain and the for the country to exist which you know uh stands below the main base of Canadian immigration now there are two important things for us to know here one is uh the uh underlying issue around baby boomers which I will just explain in this video and the second underlying issue is the size and the population of the country today now as we proceed further in this episode uh we will first look at what baby boomers is the underlying issue on baby wbas and then we'll proceed to a a directly connected issue of size and population now first who exactly are baby boomers that's the most important you know concept that we need to understand now baby boomers is a is a a term that is used to describe people who were born between 1946 and 1964 so technically uh post the World War II when the you know the world war ended uh fighters from across the world returned to their developed Nations and then uh they started Living with their Partners their wives their you know uh Partners their soulmates and they started obviously giving birth to children so people born during the uh post 1946 era or the post 1946 World till up until 1965 are known as the baby M so these this is the population that was born after the folks returned from World War II so this is baby boomer and why exactly is the 1964 important the reason is because in the um in the 1960s uh something known as the pill was um you know created or was invented where within 2 years about 1.2 million American women and which also includes you know the North American counterparts as well so this is the AMA Journal of Ethics which has published this article so in the 1960s the pill was created okay so when in 1946 after the world war people started coming home then there was a sudden increase in the the population if you look at the graph that is on the screen if you look at between 1946 the population is this is for the Canadian chart so the population suddenly increases and up until 1964 and the red spot here is when the pill was created okay so up until the pill was created there was a huge surge of population and uh after the pill the downfall of the population started happening because then the number of of people giving birth to children that started reducing because at the end of the day the women were tired and they didn't want to have maybe more children this could be one of the reasons although we don't have much facts into uh into this particular scenario from the historians but yes obviously when the pill started coming in people started consuming those pills and the birth rate or the you know the birth rate started declining now because a lot of people um were born between 1946 till 19 65 and then suddenly there was a gap of population obviously that Gap is going to flow for a lifetime right like in a particular country if you don't have people being born for a period of 20 years then obviously that 20 year Gap will continue up until today right so because of that fact uh Canada has started seeing people turning 85 as of uh you know 2021 over 861 th000 people are here in Canada who are older than 85 at the age of 85 so whenever people turn more than 65 that is the official age of retiring or the traditional age of retiring and once people retire a they can claim more pension and B uh because of the health uh you know issues underlying issues around covid and the other you know old age health issues people can expect that they would be making more trips to the hospital or the doctors or healthcare clinics so up until today in the next 25 years it is projected that up until 2046 or 20 end of 2049 there could be more than 2.5 million people alive more than 85 so that's a big number to cater okay so more than 65 people who are retiring and if you look at this graph this is this is very interesting this Center Line is where we are sitting at today uh well this chart was created a bit earlier than this but um if you look at the Gray Line on top um we have people who are flowing in uh up until this and then 2046 the people will start losing it so this is the baby so the gray line is the Baby Boomers and then the Gen Z which is being born in 1996 and onwards is still trying to climb up so we still have a lot of years to go so the gap between 2024 and 2020 you know 2036 this is a big gap to to cater because we will be having a lot of pressure on the healthcare and the pension so the Baby Boomers they will be retiring soon and they've already started retiring as of 2011 and by 2030 uh every person from the baby Boomer's age would have retired okay or at least would have reached the age of 65 by when they can claim um you know the old age pension scheme um the people over 85 will start climbing in or they have already started climbing in that means older people who require health related uh assistance they have also climbed up so and because people are retiring you take away that chunk of people from the workforce as well so lesser taxpayers right so there are three issues one because people are retiring so lesser taxpayers so lesser working population that means um lesser number of people Hands-On job and lesser taxpayers then people who are retiring will start claiming tax uh you know old age pensions and then the people who are going over 65 and 85 will start claiming more health so four issues four underlying problems with this particular baby boomer retiring issue hence over the next 45 years like I said people over 85 could triple to almost 2.5 million people and this is the uh director emirus at International Center for pension management he's saying that that's where immigration plays into it we need more immigrants for a lot of reasons but for one of them is to become future contributors so in terms of the issue we need more taxpayers and we need more working population hence Canadian immigration is very very important today we cannot afford to not have immigrants come to Canada okay so my simple answer to people who say Canadian immigration is over Canadian immigration is coming to an end guys this is the exact factual analysis why Canadian immigration is far from being over we cannot call it over because we still need more people now the second issue at hand is the size and population now Canada has a land mass of approximately 9.95 million square kilometers okay so that's three times the size of India to be put into perspective and why I'm putting up India here as an example is because we have uh you know a very big chunk of immigrants coming in from India and then uh followed by China we have Pakistan Bangladesh and the other countries as well but a major contributor to uh the kedan immigration is coming from India now if you look at the land mass of and the example is you know uh India compared to Canada in terms of the demographics now size of country um the red one is Canada it is three times out of India but if you reverse that in terms of population Canada is just sitting at over 40 million today today and India is sitting at 1.41 billion that is 35 times more so if you look at people per square kilometer uh in India that is way more than what Canada can even dream of today and the land mass here in Canada is huge so we still have a big scope of uh you know absorbing immigrants into the country if you look at Canadian demographics overall uh we have had a quarterly uh increase of just 6% and the proportion of people between 0 to 14 is just 15.4% so India on the other hand is a young country we have a lot of population that is Young and overall the proportion of people above 65 are 18.9% this is an alarming number uh as of 2023 and the median age in Canada is sitting at 40.6 years now this is not a good number to uh be at fortunately due to immigration the number has declined 3% you know in the year but still we need to work on this so average age uh in years is 41.6 so this is the demographics of Canada it is not a healthy demographics if you look at a developed country if you just look at our counterpart which is us uh you know the US population is way more than this and the land mass is lesser than Canada because Canada happens to be the second largest country by land mass in the world so for a healthy country these are not you know for a developed country these are not healthy demographics if you look at now this is an interesting map to focus on if you look at the uh the uh coverage of population by the Canadian map uh now the more density of people who are looking at by default is GTA which is the largest if you look at the map this is 2022 figure uh followed by Vancouver then you have people in Edmonton you know Calgary uh metropolitan area then you have people in rajina and then you have people in Halifax and some very few people in Mt now this particular number is clearly showing us that let's leave the northern part of Canada outside because people could say that okay even despite having a larger land mass uh most of the parts of Canada are inhabitable they you know it's covered by snow it's covered by Ice people can't live there okay agreed but if you just look at the spes below White Horse you know going up until charlot town this whole left to right or uh you know west to east stretch we still have a lot of population that can cover the entire region so the growth of um you know this particular region is very important but when we talk about a particular country a developed country in this matter we cannot say that okay uh because most of the people are living in Calgary we will leave out white White Horse and Yellow Knife um you know out of the essential coverages for example the essential coverages could be say communication could be Radio phone lines Towers electricity seers you know the cost to maintain those Towers seers the cost to maintain those water flowing you know the plants then you need to have the areas covered by police medical ambulances and then Fire Protection Services there is cost involved for them as well right so there are people people for them to exist we need to have you know essential Services groceries you need to have housing then people to support the community so if there is landmass in Canada Canada cannot leave it unprotected or nobody cannot live there because Canada has to maintain the integrity and the safety of the country if they leave a particular area out of their you know where people don't live then it'll be an issue somebody from you know anywhere around the world can come and settle people can start clawing into the country and then start claiming parts so Canada even though you know it could be the northest point of Canada or the southern most or the western or the eastern most point we need to maintain that we have people living those countries communities we need to have essential uh you know services in those countries including phone lines Communications electricity and then there is cost involved so the problem here is that because just to use phone we need to cover 9.9 million square kilometer and that whole cost is to be divided amongst the 40 million people only okay so for people to reduce the uh cost of so you know we are very popular in Canada that we have the highest paying phone plans or the data plans in the in the world the reason is this because just for covering the you know just for giving service to the whole population here in Canada now today I could I could plan on visiting yellow Yellow knife or White House I can't or the Canadian government or Rogers or Shaw communication cannot justify the because there are very few people we will not provide you know communication there they have to provide and for that they need to provide services install Towers install you know radio waves and whatever for that particular reason the cost of covering the whole country just just an example right now that would be cost of electricity as well water as well everything so the cost cost gets divided amongst the 40 million people that means cost of those essential Services also gets burdened upon the 40 million taxpayers if 40 million taxpayers are less if more and more people are retiring then the whole cost has to be born by the leftover population or the future immigrants hence the immigration is important now in uh the another issue at hand is the population now if you look at the fertility chart this is Again by statan which is the government of Canada back in 1960s the fertility was well over four was around four and today uh the fertility is just below 1.3 uh this is per women and um uh in 2022 the fertility total fertility rate has reached the lowest level on record at 1.33 children per woman in the country this is a very low number and this is like a time bomb that you sitting on one the population is uh growing old they're retiring and they require more services 85 years other hand the growth is growing low then who will fill you know the bell curve who is going to provide for taxes who is going to provide for labors then here is the importance of immigrants and uh this is why immigration is important in Canada and then there has to be somebody who has to bear the cost of covering the whole country as well right we need to take care so we need to have Army around the you know around the whole country we need to have you know say Air Force Navy whatsoever is required to protect the whole country we need to have all of that guys at the end or just a bit before the end all I have to say here is that don't be disheartened immigration is important and this is a snapshot from the Canadian immigration website uh the Canadian immigration department themselves acknowledge that immigration matters now the problem at hand is that people are thinking that why or I'm sure people really want to know that why are you still focusing on reducing the numbers of immigrants so guys there has to be a healthy balance between growing the population and also the requirements of Canadians as well and then there are certain political agendas as well what really happens is say for example we have a city and that city has been currently designed to accommodate you know say 200,000 people if you suddenly overload the city with a million people in a day or say in a year the city will not be ready by infrastructure by housing by water supply you know or say electricity phone you know groceries anything police the city will not be ready overnight to accommodate a million people so the influx of immigrants has to be staggered in a way that they call a few people the number of few people they merge in the economy they increase the GDP they increase is the you know they get merged with the uh the labor market and then they start working towards inviting more immigrants so this is how there has to be a slow phased in Immigration uh growth it cannot be a sudden increase of a million people overnight okay so always growth has to be faced in because that is the way to increase the infrastructure so today we have say for example 300,000 ukrainians coming in and then those 300,000 ukrainians will be merging into the economy for example construction say you know heavy duty jobs or anything and then they will work towards building a stronger infrastructure more houses and once or we are closer to you know having more houses we can start bringing in more people right so it's a phased in approach so overall um immigration is important uh why because we need to support the Aging population um there uh the number of people supporting paying pension and taxpayers I remember remember there was um you know when the previous immigration Minister was in he was holding a press conference he said that by the time he is about to retire there will be only 1.3 Canadians paying taxes for his pension and by the time you and I retire they'll be far more lesser people to pay taxes for our pension and our essential services so we need to support the Aging population we need to sustain the Canadian education system through International students uh international student the Market itself is more than $21 billion and it is an important part of our growth as a community for bringing in money for bringing in students uh inexpensive labor for you know uh growth of particular cities infrastructure and everything so International students are a huge huge contributor to the Canadian immigration to the Canadian economy and uh the Canadian immigration does uh you know acknowledge that uh we need to meet the labor market requirements as well um the government today cannot sustain uh people earning $30 $35 per hour on entry-level jobs hence we need people uh who are able to do entry-level jobs with the minimum wage requirements so that is also important and immigrants do play an important role whenever immigrants come in the trade does definitely go up uh you know cultures exchange uh people bring in more products people take away more products more export and import uh it is a good point to be export uh you know say import deficit we need to export more in order to grow our GDP so that is really important and last but not the least uh temporary labor needs who are qualified to you know merge with the economy that is also an extremely important part uh for example agre Healthcare you know people to work in the essential sectors so that the country keeps on functioning guys overall this is the important situation where the world needs to understand that uh you know cran immigration is far from being over it is definitely you know on the on the verge or on the losing end where uh people might think that Canadian immigration is on a decline but no they're not on a decline they're just recouping they're just trying to you know merge the existing immigrant population with the existing Canadian population they're trying to focus more on uh increasing the infrastructure developing the infrastructure and then uh you know being ready to accommodate more people another thing to note here is that there are political agendas the country is undergoing population say you know political voting very very soon which is 2025 for that they need to work in tandem with the Canadian population as well because if they keep on inviting more people then housing and all everything gets densed up in one area and then people are unhappy so they need to they need to spread out the population make sure that people are residing in different cities they don't get densely populated in one area only and uh then we should be looking at certain reforms and changes uh soon uh probably in a year or one and a half year from today and hopefully people will start coming in once again uh they're still coming in the quotas have not yet been released for the the immigration levels plan has not yet been released for the next 3 years so hopefully everything is good for now and everything remains uh you know uh in plan as per the last uh immigration levels plan guys I hope the video today and the communication was effective gave you much insights into what's happening in the world of Canadian immigration if you have anything to discuss with us uh you know if you have any personal situations please feel free to schedule a consultation with us we would be more than happy to speak with you and if you haven't subscribed to our Channel yet please do so like share and subscribe uh and share with your friends so that they also get to know more about K immigration guys we wish you all the best and we really hope to see you soon in Canada all the [Music] best
Channel: Sahil Sayal
Views: 13,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life in Canada, life in canada for immigrants, immigrate to Canada, Canada immigration, Canada pr, international students in Canada, Study in Canada, Work in Canada, Express entry canada, Latest Immigration updates, Jobs in Canada, Canada immigration news, canada visa updates, canada pr process, canada work permit, canada visa, canada vlog, canada couple vlogs, best way to immigrate to canada, latest ircc updates, latest news, canada future, canada pr options 2025
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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